Hoewel het bewijs van de olievlek van de Deepwater Horizon uit
2010 niet zichtbaar is wordt nog steeds ruwe olie in de
kustmoerassen van Louisiana gevonden. Olie die initieel niet
gedegradeerd is zit begraven onder de jaarlijkse stapel dood
plantenmateriaal, dat na elk groeiseizoen wordt afgezet. De olie
heeft de mogelijkheid om stress te veroorzaken aan de planten daar
het begraven is en in de nabijheid van de wortels is opgeslagen.
BP olieramp veroorzaakte $ schade aan
natuurlijke hulpbronnen
Na zes jaar onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de grootste olieramp
in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis door de 2010 Deepwater Horizon,
stellen de wetenschappers dat de schade aan het milieu $ bedraagt. Dit is de eerste complete financiële
beoordeling van de schade aan natuurlijke hulpbronnen veroorzaakt
door de lek van 500 miljoen liter olie.
Protesten tegen oliepijpleiding die mede
door de ING bank mogelijk is
Greenpeace veroordeelt besluit over
olieleiding door Indianen reservaat
Zonlicht en olielozingen mogelijk dodelijke combinatie
voor dierenwereld
Schadelijke stoffen genaamd polycyclische aromatische
koolwaterstoffen (PAKs) van olielekkages of
olielozingen zijn giftig
voor dieren, vooral in combinatie met ultraviolette straling van de
zon. Nieuw onderzoek onder inheemse diersoorten uit de Golf van
Mexico wijst uit dat, vergeleken met olie alleen, een blootstelling
aan olie plus natuurlijk zonlicht de overlevingskansen kan verlagen
van vissen die in hun larvenstadium een tijdje dicht aan de
oppervlakte verblijven.
Studie vindt het bewijs van olie van Deepwater Horizon bij
De ecologische gevolgen van een ramp voor het milieu kunnen
verder reiken dan men zich kan voorstellen door met elkaar verbonden
voedselkringen. Meest recent hebben onderzoekers in de VS
aanwijzingen gevonden dat olie uit de Deepwater Horizon (DWH) ook
voorkomt bij levende landvogels. “Je kan je wellicht niet voorstellen dat een landvogel zou worden
beïnvloed door een olieramp in de oceaan, maar in de natuur zijn
grenzen vaak wazig", zegt teamlid Andrea Bonisoli Alquati - die was
verbonden aan de Louisiana State University in de tijd van de studie
en nu werkt aan de California State Polytechnic University Pomona.
"Als gevolg daarvan kunnen verontreinigingen uit het aquatisch
milieu ook het land bezoedelen.”
Klokkenluider over olieramp in Enbridge en Dakota
Robert F. Kennedy jr steunt mensen bij
protesten bij Standing Rock
Obama geeft weinig om de rechten van
Indianen bij oliepijpleiding
Disobedience - de gewone man VS de
Disobedienceis een korte film over een nieuwe fase van de
klimaatbeweging: overal ter wereld voeren gewone mensen, die
genoeg hebben van de macht en vervuiling van de fossiele
industrie, actie aan de frontlinie van de klimaatcrisis.
Juridische mijlpaal biedt Nigerianen nieuwe hoop in strijd
tegen vervuiling door Shell
Vier Nigeriaanse boeren en Milieudefensie zijn verheugd dat het
Gerechtshof in Den Haag vandaag heeft geconcludeerd dat zij Shell in
Nederland mogen aanklagen voor het veroorzaken van grootschalige
olievervuiling in Nigeria. De uitspraak is uniek en kan de weg banen
voor slachtoffers van milieuvervuiling en mensenrechtenschendingen
wereldwijd, om zich in Nederland tot de rechter te wenden als er een
Nederlandse bedrijf bij betrokken is.
Hoger beroep in rechtszaak Milieudefensie en Nigeriaanse
boeren vs. Shell opnieuw uitgesteld
De uitspraak in het hoger beroep in de rechtszaak van
Milieudefensie en vier Nigeriaanse boeren tegen Shell is opnieuw
uitgesteld. De rechtbank heeft de uitspraak verplaatst van dinsdag
27 oktober naar vrijdag 18 december.
Uit onderzoek blijkt dat olie van op het water drijvende
olievlekken naar de zeebodem kan zinken
Als eerste studie in zijn soort die met
laboratorium modellen de erosie van olie vlekken na verloop van tijd
in kaart heeft gebracht, levert deze het bewijs dat verdamping in
combinatie met zinken van de zwaardere bestanddelen van de
oppervlakte vervuiling de aanwezigheid van olie op de zeebodem kan
Deze belangrijke studie uitkomst pakt het probleem van de
voortdurende controverse aan met betrekking tot de grote
hoeveelheden olie die is aangetroffen op de bodem van de Golf van
Mexico en zal invloed hebben op toekomstige olie vervuiling
modelonderzoek en schoonmaak strategieën.
Deepwater Horizon olieramp leidt tot grote aantallen dode
dolfijnen in Golf van Mexico
Als onderdeel van een ongebruikelijk
sterfgevallenonderzoek, ontdekte een team van wetenschappers dat
dode, aangespoelde tuimelaars in de noordelijke Golf van Mexico
long- en bijnierschade hebben sinds het begin van de Deepwater
Horizon olielekkage, overeenkomend met blootstelling aan
olieprodukten, volgens een vandaag gepubliceerd stuk in de
intercollegiaal getoetste online uitgave van PLOS ONE.
Een professor van de UCSB (universiteit van
Californië - Santa Barbara) analyseert oliesporen afkomstig van de
gebeurtenis met het Deepwater Horizon platform in 2010, die nu op de
bodem van de Mexicaanse golf rust. Door de ongekende omvang van de veroorzaakte
schade is de beoordeling van de Deepwater Horizon lekkage in 2010 in
de golf van Mexico een uitdaging geweest. Een onopgelost raadsel is
de locatie van de 2 miljoen gezonken olievaten, waarvan gedacht
wordt dat ze gevangen zijn in de diepte van de oceaan.
Pump is een inspirerende bewustmakende
documentaire die het verhaal van Amerika's verslaving aan olie
vertelt. Van haar bedrijfsmatige samenzwering in het begin tot
het huidige monopolie van vandaag en legt duidelijk en eenvoudig
uit hoe wij het uiteindelijk kunnen winnen met meer keuzes aan
de pomp. Vandaag is olie onze enige keuze als brandstof aan de
pomp. Ons autogebruik zuigt onze portemonnees leeg, zorgt voor
verhoogde luchtverontreiniging en stuurt onze zonen en dochters
naar oorlogen in verre landen. PUMP laat ons zien hoe door het
gebruik van een verscheidenheid van vervangende brandstoffen,
wij in staat zullen zijn onze auto goedkoper en schoner te
kunnen vullen en hoe we meer banen kunnen scheppen voor een
sterkere, gezondere economie.
En er is toevallig een nieuwe pro
forma-vergunning in de maak voor boringen door Shell, ze proberen volgens diverse
bronnen met man en macht de berichtgeving tegen te houden. http://buitenland.nieuws.nl/634548
500 Fishermen Claim BP Didn't Pay
Hundreds of fishermen from Lake Charles to
Moss Point, Miss., were supposed to get checks from BP on Wednesday but didn't.
EPA's Hugh Kaufman criticizes
decision to use Corexit to clean BP Spill
Dahr Jamail on "BP's Scheme to
Swindle the "Small People"
Arctic Drilling Poses Risks,
Requires Planning
A new study by the Pew Environment Group
recommends reforms to close gaps in oversight, response planning and risk assessment
associated with proposed oil and gas development in Alaska's Arctic Ocean. The study,
"Oil Spill Response in the U.S. Arctic Ocean: Unexamined Risks, Unacceptable
Consequences," is the most comprehensive analysis yet on challenges to preventing and
containing spills along the nation's northernmost coast. A bill now before the U.S. Senate
would strengthen review and oversight not just in the Arctic but in all U.S. coastal
BP You and Me
Toch schade aan koraal door olielek
Het diepzeekoraal in de Golf van Mexico
blijkt na de recente olieramp flink beschadigd.
Het kon natuurlijk niet uitblijven.. Een
bericht als dit. Het zwaar giftige Corexit, waarmee de olievlekken werden
bestreden, een paar maanden geleden, bij de olieramp in de Mexicaanse Golf, eist nu zijn
slachtoffers. Het onderstaande artikel is slechts één van de vele berichten die op
internet circuleren over de catastrofale inwerking van het chemische oplosmiddel op flora
en fauna. Hier één van deze berichten. Mensen vallen dood door oplosmiddelen
van British Petroleum. De meest tegenstrijdige -en tevens de schadelijkste erfenis
die de olieramp van BP ons zal nalaten, zijn misschien niet de door olie verpeste kusten
rond de Golf, of de tragische dood van 11 arbeiders die op het bewust olieboorplatform aan
het werk waren. Mogelijk is die erfenis wel het tot nu toe zwaar onderbelichte gebruik van
chemische oplosmiddelen om de olieresten af te breken.
Despite repeated statements from the EPA
and NOAA assuring residents that thorough Gulf of Mexico seafood testing has revealed
levels safe for human consumption, public skepticism has continued to deter many locals
from their usual seafood medley. Independent scientists have expressed concern over the
published methods and protocols used by federal agencies to open sensitive fishing grounds
& determine seafood safety. Invertebrates, such as shrimp, crab, & oysters, are of
particular concern due to their feeding habits, relatively stationary lifestyle, and
inability to process highly toxic compounds found in crude oil called Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAH). Unfortunately, their concerns have proven valid.
One local activist, "Mac"
Mackenzie of NOLA Emergency Response, decided that it was time to take matters into her
own hands. After an incessant 7-week investigation, Mac was able to obtain crucial
information from our government regarding the specifics of Gulf shrimp testing.
Particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, it is common for shrimp to be prepared and even served
whole, with the shell and digestive tract intact. When Mac learned that the Gulf shrimp
testing performed to date had not included an analysis of whole shrimp with intact shells
or digestive tract, she decided to mobilize. She obtained two pounds of locally caught
shrimp from Venice, a small town located in the heart of Southern Louisiana. The samples
were promptly transported on ice to a laboratory in Mobile Alabama, where Chemist Dr.
Robert Namen tested the digestive tracts of the shrimp for components of crude oil. What
they found was an alarming 193 parts per million of "Oil & Grease."
NOAA Official Asks EINNEWS to Withdraw
Story Questioning Safety of Gulf Seafood
A U.S. government spokesperson reacted
sharply today to an EIN news story questioning the safety of gulf seafood, saying
"the veracity of the federal government seafood safety protocol or results are not in
question by any qualified scientist." EINNEWS said it stands by its story.
Last week one spot on the coast of
Mississippi showed up to 90% of the Oysters on a farm are dead. *Curiously, Matt Simmons,
the very harsh leading critic of the oil industries, the Government and BP specifically,
just happened to die last month. He was predicting this would become a long rage
catastrophe.* He had credentials. He was an ex oil man. Was only 67. 'Drowned' in his hot
tub, alone.
BP took part in a Rehearsed Oil
Spill in 2001 - 2002 in Norway dubbed "Operation Deep Spill"
This video which is not mine, exposes a
confidential report of an experiment done in Norway in 2000 but a consortium of oil
companies including BP and the US government showing how a deep water blowout would create
clouds of super toxic oil which could not be recovered. Was it a surprise that most of the
oil from the BP well stayed in the Gulf of Mexico, at depth, in clouds of small particles?
It may have been to us but it shouldn't have been to BP or MMS (the government agency
whose job it is to regulate deep water drilling). It also should have come as no surprise
to NOAA (the government agency that regulates anything in the sea around the U.S.) All of
those institutions did deny the first reports of the clouds when they were found by the
Pelican research vessel and the University of Missisippi's Dr. Ray Highsmith and his crew.
But they must have known because MMS and the oil companies paid for, and conducted an
experiment off the coast of Norway in 2000 to see what would happen in a deepwater oil
well blowout. Remember all that "this is a new problem" you heard on television?
Well the study showed that the oil would not all rise to the surface to be collected but
would tend to form cloud layers of neutrally buoyant particles that might be the most
toxic part of the oil.
Na de olieramp in de Golf van Mexico krijgt
de kwetsbare Waddenzee juist een rampenplan dat
volgens deskundigen minder efficiënt is. Overlegpunt één: wie is de baas?
Are the beaches of America's Gulf Coast
really 'open for business' after the BP oil spill? An intensive investigation uncovers a
series of cover-ups in place of a long-term fix. As the oil spillage on Florida beaches is
merely covered with sand, jellyfish stained in oil wash ashore and fishermen experience
numerous health problems. With Dr Riki Ott comparing these to "problems suffered by
workers on the Exxon Valdez disaster", it appears that Obama's assertion that the
disastrous BP oil spill fiasco has been resolved is far from the truth. Will the situation
ever be rectified and most importantly, what are BP and the US authorities going to do?
BP Oil Spill: Is The Seafood Really
Safe? NRDC'S Gina Solomon: Where's the Testing?
Doctors, researchers, scientists and
citizens, like Dr. Solomon, are waging a silent battle against government agencies that
are failing to fulfill their own organizational directives. As Project Gulf Impact gathers
more firsthand accounts of how the Gulf of Mexico is being dangerously neglected, the
situation in the Gulf grows worse. With new reports of oil washing onto shore and into the
bayou, the numbers of affected life are increasing, not dropping. Several of our
interviews have left us asking, why is organized, decisive action not being taken?
BP Carpet Bombed The Gulf With
Corexit Poisoning Marine Life, Workers
Corexit may affect genetic material. May
cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects based on animal test data. The
government states the dispersant Corexit 9500A is no more toxic than crude oil. Crude oil
is toxic to humans above 11 parts per million and there are locations in the gulf showing
15-221 parts per million. They say the combination of corexit and crude oil is more toxic
than the oil itself. Many reports show they have no way of testing the levels of corexit
and oil combined. What about the health and safety of the public? Where does this leave
the public?
6 Months Since BP Oil Spill, Writer
and Environmentalist Terry Tempest Wiliams
Endocrine disruptors, mutagens in
Gulf are "900 lb gorilla in room"
Dr. Michael Harbut is Professor of Internal
Medicine and Director of the Environmental Cancer Program at Karmanos Cancer Institute at
Wayne State University in Detroit. Dr. Harbut is one of the foremost experts in the
country on the health impact of petroleum products and dispersants. Unlike many of the
"medical experts" in the Gulf of Mexico, Dr. Harbut is not on BP's payroll, has
not accepted any of BP's "research" grants, and is willing to speak the truth.
Here is a partial transcript of his research findings: There is data that shows that some
of the animal life, some of the fish life, may eat some of these petroleum products and
there may be mutagens or carcinogens formed in the life form, in the fish, or the sea,
living creatures, which ultimately could become food, in terms of mutagens and what are
called endocrine disruptors. Many of the chemicals in the petroleum mixture have been
implicated as endocrine disruptors, meaning that they are recognized by the body as being
hormones, most often female hormones. There is discussion, and there is information in the
literature which says that the ingestion of agents which cause the creation of these
endocrine disruptors may contribute to the epidemic in the US of early onset of menses,
precocious puberty, and testicular abnormalities that we've seen in animal life. Nobody
knows for sure, but it's certainly the 900-lb gorilla in the room, along with the other
two 900 lb gorillas being the mutagens and the carcinogens.
Naar aanleiding van BP ramp -
Benzeen detox
Dit bedrijf noemt een Benzeen detox op haar
site mbt de olieramp in de Golf maar dit kan dus ook interessant zijn voor mensen hier.
Heb je ervaring met deze aanpak email ons dan even.
Corexit 9500 "dipropylene
glycol methyl ether" now in Gulf seafood and
EPA says it's safe?
Susan references the chemical
"dipropylene glycol methyl ether," which is found in the chemical composition of
Corexit 9500, below. Susan also references BP's recent launch of the grade-school
education program, which seeks to teach children how the cleanup process works, and that
the seafood is safe, among other things. "The primary purpose [of the demonstration]
is to inform and educate students on the methods used to clean up the oil in the Gulf and
the wetlands and marshes," Janella Newsome, BP media liaison said in a press release.
"It's also to dispel myths about dispersants, subsurface oil and seafood
safety." "This is the first session of many going on," Charles Gaiennie, a
BP representative said at Oaklawn's library last week. "We are starting here in
Terrebonne Parish with eighth grade because they are the first of school age kids that
have a defined science class. We wanted to reach out to schools that are near communities
that have been directly impacted by the oil spill, so Terrebonne was a good choice.
There's a lot of information that's out there isn't current or accurate." "The
plan is to conduct these science projects in affected parishes including Terrebonne,
Iberia, Vermillion, Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Mary and
St. Tammany," Newsome said. "The science project was very successful very well
received by students [at Oaklawn]."
Susan also references BP's "Dockside
Chats." Per bpcomplaints.com, the dockside chats allow "for a dialogue between
local fishermen and representatives from government agencies engaged in rigorous efforts
to ensure Gulf seafood safety following the oil spill." According to
restorethegulf.gov, dockside chats were launched "in order to promote accurate
information about the safety of Gulf seafood from waters open to fishing." The chats
are "designed to engage fishers, shrimpers, oystermen and crabbers, as well as local
officials in discussions about steps being taken to verify the safety of Gulf
Oil dispersant chemical Nalco -- COREXIT®
Patent 6261463 Issued on July 17, 2001.
Estimated Expiration Date: March 4, 2019.
Oil dispersant chemical COREXIT® 9500 --
The submitted sample (#12) has the following composition:
OSHA Health Guidelines on Dipropylene
glycol monomethyl ether
Report: BP Oil Spill Estimates
A new report by the National Oil Spill
Commission claims that the government under-estimated the amount of oil spilled during
BP's Deepwater Horizon spill. Bill Plante reports.
Makers van film over olieramp Golf
van Mexico allemaal vergiftigd
Oceanografisch Instituut: Enorme oliepluim
doorgedrongen tot ondiepe wateren - Ook inwoners
andere staten beginnen ziek te worden- 'Sproeien met Corexit gaat gewoon door, nu ook
boven land'
Het dodelijke olie/Corexit monster begint steeds meer Amerikanen in de staten rond de
Golfkust doodziek te maken. Ieder lid van de ploeg die een onafhankelijke film (Project
Gulf Impact) probeert te maken over de olieramp in de Golf van Mexico en de werkelijke
situatie zoals die door de overheid en massamedia wordt doodgezwegen, is vergiftigd. Twee
medewerkers van het CHSL (Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana) radioprogramma moesten in
het ziekenhuis worden opgenomen en een andere researcher is eveneens ernstig ziek
Again BP-workers sprayed with
COREXIT at Night by Plane with No Lights -Skin lesions
Interview with anonymous BP cleanup worker,
GRC Radio (South Carolina), September 30, 2010:
Spraying with no light at night...
The people on board thought the boat was on fire...
We kept smelling burnt wire, we didn't realize it was the smell of arsenic...
It's the chemicals that were being sprayed that left that smell. ...
Our lungs fill up with fluid, cant breathe... terrible, terrible headaches, skin
I want to live to see my granddaughter...
People we really need help...
Denied copy of own incident report...
We just want medical help...
Hele gemeenschappen kotsen bloed
als gevolg van bij olieramp
gebruikt oplosmiddel
Mensenrechtenactivist noemt gebruik van Corexit daad van genocide. Waarom besteed bijna
niemand er aandacht aan dat zulke smerige zeeën en giftige dampen dramatische gevolgen
hebben voor de gezondheid van veel Amerikanen? Terwijl in de reguliere media nu pas
berichten verschijnen dat bij lange na niet alle olie uit de Golf van Mexico is verdwenen,
zoals BP en de Amerikaanse regering de wereld willen doen geloven, komen er ondertussen
hartverscheurende verhalen uit de Amerikaanse staat Louisiana (2), waar 'hele
gemeenschappen' dagelijks bloed kotsen als gevolg van het bij de olieramp gebruikte
uiterst giftige oplosmiddel Corexit.
Obama-Nation Have Been Sockpuppets
for BP Oil Disaster Cover-up
Matthew Simmons Discusses BP's Oil
Leak in Gulf of Mexico
Matthew Simmons, founder of the Ocean
Energy Institute, talks with Bloomberg's Mark Crumpton, Lizzie O'Leary and Julie Hyman
about BP Plc's oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Contaminated penguins wash up
Uruguay's shores
Around 200 Magellan penguins, most of them
dead and others badly contaminated by oil, washed up on the shores of Uruguay's coast this
Nigeria: 50 years of oils spills
Schoonmaken olieramp mogelijk
Gema Rodríguez-Trigo van het
universiteitsziekenhuis in A Coruña (Spanje) en collegas doen in Annals of Internal
Medicine verslag van hun onderzoek, waarin zij demonstreren dat Spaanse vissers die
meehielpen met de schoonmaak, 2 jaar na de olieramp meer klachten van de onderste
luchtwegen hadden.
Obama Oil Spill Commission-
threatening Scientists in Gulf of Mexico
This is a report from WWL 4, a local TV
station in New Orleans. Some of the scientists researching the toxic impact of the BP Oil
disaster have received threatening phone calls from the National Oil Spill Commission,
which was set up by Obama to determine the cause of the disaster. The calls came from
attorneys for the Commission, which were threatening in nature, and designed to cast doubt
on their findings. "We've found an alarming pattern of hydrocarbons in the water
column, at levels that are hazardous to the marine environment" Dr. William Sawyer,
Florida Toxicologist. "If we're finding so much more of the toxic part of the oil in
the water column, the obvious question is what is happening to the seafood?" Marco
Kaltofen, Environmental Scientist. In the seafood, they found the presence of potentially
toxic hydrocarbons, at levels above the norm. Even though they had yet to issue a report
drawing any conclusions, they began posting their data online. Then, they received the
phone calls. At first the scientists were supposedly contacted in response to a complaint
from a seafood distributor. Then the Commission said they needed to find out if the
scientists had the proper "permits" to test the water. The final
"official" reason for the contact is because the Commission was "impressed
with their work" Apparently like BP, the Oil Spill Commision has a hard time keeping
track of all their lies!
BP - Chamberless Gassing Corexit
Dark Mark: 100 Days of Oil
It has been 100 days since an explosion
tore apart the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform. That event unleashed a gush of oil
into the Gulf of Mexico, creating an environmental catastrophe and forever altering life
along these shores. (July 28)
Susan Shaw: The oil spill's toxic
Break down the oil slick, keep it off the
shores: that's grounds for pumping toxic dispersant into the Gulf, say clean-up overseers.
Susan Shaw shows evidence it's sparing some beaches only at devastating cost to the health
of the deep sea.
Thousands More Dead Fish Turn Up in
La. Waters
Thousands more dead fish have turned up in
Plaquemines Parish, the second large such kill in the area in the past few days.
FDA admits NOT testing for mercury,
arsenic, or other TOXIC HEAVY METALS in crude oil
BP Gulf oil spill has been
discovered on Gulf sea floor 70 miles long 2
Thousands of People Along the Gulf
Coast Suffer 'BP Crud'
This interview is with Robin Young, a
resident of Orange Beach, AL, which was published by the Locust Fork News-Journal on
9-7-10. It is telling to note that the Washington Post was orginally supposed to publish
the interview, but decided instead to comply with the MSM-BP media blackout and ignore her
story. She is not a BP clean up worker. She is a Guest Services Director, and one of
the thousands of residents of the Gulf that have been poisoned by exposure to the toxic
stew created by BP. She came down with severe flu like symptoms, starting coughing up
blood and chemicals, and was essentially bedridden for 2 weeks straight. She knew she was
terribly sick, and knew that it was a result of her exposure to the BP oil and
dispersants. She found an independent Doctor and lab willing to test her blood, and the
results that came back are off the charts. Her blood tests identified high levels of toxic
compounds, including hexane, xylene, ethylbenzene, methylpentane, and others, all directly
attributable to her exposure to the BP oil spill and the dispersants used. She will now
need a high resolution scan of her brain, lungs, liver and kidney to determine the extent
of the damage to her body and to help determine a treatment protocol. In this interview
she says "It comes into your body, goes into your bloodstream, settles into the fatty
tissue and organs, and doesn't go anywhere. In 5-10 years we will come down with some God
awful form of cancer"
Race for Riches: Will the Arctic
see battle over oil & gas?
A joint U.S.-Canadian expedition is set to
kick off to map the Arctic ocean bed. A Russian exploration ship is already on its way to
the polar waters. The three nations are gathering evidence in a bid to claim the immense
energy resources of the region. The Arctic is believed to hold much of the world's
untapped oil and gas reserves. RT talks to Edward Struzik, a Canadian researcher, to
discuss the future of the region.
Fishermen Visit Obama's Gulf
Vacation With Concerns About Seafood Safety w/ Kindra Arnesen
"On Sunday, August 15th, fishing
families from across the Gulf Cost will gather in Panama City Beach, Florida, with a
message for President Obama: The Gulf of Mexico is still infused with oil and dispersants
from the BP disaster, threatening marine life, livelihoods, and the health of the American
people." "Fishermen do not want to lose our credibility or deliver contaminated
seafood to market and make people sick." - Kathy Birren. "While President Obama
and state officials claim that the Gulf is 'open for business,' these fishermen say the
spraying of dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico is ongoing and they're concerned that
seafood pulled from impacted waters is unsafe for eating." "The tissue testing
of this seafood is inadequate and testing for the toxic dispersants is non-existent."
- Tracy Kuhns, Louisiana Bayoukeeper. "I think it is crucial for the public to be
made aware of the concerns of the commercial fishermen. And if a commercial fisherman who
makes his living off of those products doesn't want to deliver them to the public, the
public needs to know why." - Chris Bryant, Commercial Fisherman
Journalist Sprayed With Poisonous
Corexit 9500
Author and Journalist Summer Burkes talks
about her experience being sprayed with the toxic dispersant Corexit! An incredible Must
Watch that shows how irresponsibly poison is being sprayed in the Gulf!
Milieudefensie: rechter behandelt
verzoek om inzage Shell-documenten
De advocaat van Milieudefensie heeft
vandaag -mede namens drie Nigeriaanse boeren- bij de Haagse rechtbank een aanvullend
schriftelijk stuk ingediend om toegang te krijgen tot dertig interne Shell-documenten.
Blood tests on Gulf residents show
ethylbenzene and other hydrocarbons
Interview with Matt Smith and Heather Rally
of Project Gulf Impact, Intel Hub Radio. HEATHER RALLY: Residents living near gulf, not
workers. Orange Beach, Alabama/Florida area. Blood tests for positive for various
different hydrocarbons like ethylbenzene. MATT SMITH: Everyone is getting sick, people are
going to keep getting sick... from how the oil is getting aerosolized, becoming an
aerosol, especially with storms and rain. ... Help from Michelle Nix, Gulf Coast
Volunteers and Sassafras. ... We've had it analyzed from three different sources. RALLY:
Testing is the only thing that will prove concretely that they are being exposed...
Problems may occur now or in 20 years... Cancer does take time to develop... Testing is a
huge priority for us because these people need proof.
De grote Amerikaanse leugen - de
nog altijd toxische golf van Mexico
De meerderheid van de Amerikanen gelooft de
leugentjes dat de zee en zeevoedsel schoon zijn. Zelfs Obama doet mee aan dit misleiden
van de lokale bevolking. Een kleine groep probeert de mensen wakker te schudden.... De
overheid die niets heeft geleerd van de geschiedenis. Leugen op leugen....
"Fracking" Fuels
Environmental Concerns
A drilling method called
"fracking" is contaminating people's drinking water and dividing rural
landowners. Armen Keteyian reports.
BP Oil Spill Disaster! Corexit in
Florida and Alabama waters
This is some raw video footage taken from a
Project Gulf Impact boat trip we took on August 24th, 2010. Within minutes of departing in
Perdido Bay, Florida, we came across massive amounts of oil that had been obviously
freshly sprayed with Corexit. The problem was, the dispersed oil wasn't just in one place,
but it was everywhere we went between there and Dauphin Island, AL. This is one of the
worst we have ever seen it, with the dispersant still in powder form in some cases. This
is happening in massive quantities across the Gulf of Mexico everyday. For those of you
who don't know, Corexit 9500 and 9527A (the oil dispersant) are some of the most poisonous
substances on Earth. They are greatly impacting our Gulf, and the animals and HUMANS who
reside in it. Help support Project Gulf Impact's continuing efforts to get the truth out
to the public, get aid to the people who need it most.
Obama Administration and BP of
Underestimating Amount of Oil Left in Gulf
Fishing Industry in Gulf Still
Worried About Levels of Toxins in the Water
The impact of the oil spill
After the Oil Spills: Deepwater
Horizon Case Study - Preview
New Data Contradicts BP, Government
A new Georgia Sea Grant study finds that up
to 79% of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill may not be gone, contradicting first
reports by NOAA. 4.9 million barrels were involved in the spill and about 4.1 million
actually reached the Gulf. Based on estimates, high loss and low loss rates, 70-79% of the
oil remains in the ecosystem.
Gulf Spill Still Threatens Millions
of Migrating Birds
Up to a billion migrating birds stop over
in the Gulf of Mexico region on their annual treks southward. Despite BP's capping of the
Deepwater Horizon leak, scientists say the birds may face ill effects from the Gulf oil
spill for years to come.
Oliewolk blijft onder water hangen
Waar zijn de honderden miljoenen liters
olie gebleven die de afgelopen maanden de Golf van Mexico in stroomden? Grotendeels onder
water. De giftige stoffen lijken daar nauwelijks afgebroken te worden.
BP, verdoezeling van de feiten,
bodemlek is niet dicht
Dankzij de alertheid en zoektocht van velen
die het nieuws achter het nieuws bloot leggen is er een stroom van informatie rond de BP
Golframp die de mainstream media niet behandelt of ronduit negeert.
Filmmakers Alison Fast and Chandler Griffin
will post videos periodically to this channel, in an effort to document the contributions
of "local heroes" and environmental watchdogs in coastal areas of Mississippi
that are deeply impacted by the consequences of the BP/Deep Water Horizon Spill. Our
mission is to present positive, uplifting stories that can help to heal the coast,
families and businesses, while raising awareness nationally through media channels, about
the day-to-day issues faced by communities on the gulf coast of Mississippi as the cleanup
unfolds. The unique aspect of these videos is that they are told from the community
perspective. They are not new pieces, but an example of community-based storytelling as a
form of advocacy and support.
Seafood Safety in the Gulf
Now ABC news reports that fisherman are
finding shrimp covered in oil in BP Gulf Oil Spill waters being opened for fishing.
Glowing Oil Illuminate Gulf Beaches
A ghost crab eats oil from the Gulf of
Mexico spill, shown glowing yellow-orange under ultraviolet light, as part of an effort to
detect oil by shining UV lightswidely used to spot blood at crime sceneson
Gulf beaches. The method, he hopes, will allow scientists and cleanup crews to tackle
hard-to-spot oil, such as crude mixed with mud or light stains on sand, that's washed
ashore from the sinking of the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig.
Toxicologist: Corexit Blobs in Crab
New findings back up the concern the
dispersant BP used so widely may do more harm than the oil itself. Researchers at Tulane
say it appears they've detected a Corexit sort of fingerprint in the orange blobs found
lodged in the bodies of tiny blue crab larvae collected from marshes that stretch from
Texas to Florida. Researcher Erin Grey said the results, while not conclusive, are likely.
She's waiting on two other independent tests. On May 20, 2010, EPA administrator Lisa
Jackson said, "this is unprecedented volumes of dispersants used so far" when
talking about the chemical dispersant known as Corexit being used to break down oil in the
Gulf of Mexico.
US spill sparks concerns in Canada
The fallout from the US oil disaster in the
Gulf of Mexico has rippled across the border to Canada. Exploration is under way close to
Canada's most eastern province to drill a well that would be more than a kilometre deeper
than BP's Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded in April. But concerns are mounting over
whether the Canadian oil exploration should continue.
Oil Spill Effects Spread to the
As the oil spill cleanup drags on, children
along the Gulf Coast are struggling to deal with all the bad news...especially those in
families who depend on the local seafood industry to survive.
Olie in de Golf van Mexico is
helemaal niet verdwenen
Nu het olielek in de Golf van Mexico
eindelijk is gedicht duiken in de media vreemde berichten op over hoe het grootste deel
van de meer dan 800 miljoen liter ruwe olie die in zee vloeide, verdwenen is.
Environmental activist Jerry Cope has spent
the last few weeks traveling along the Gulf Coast and experiencing first-hand the
contamination in the air and water. In an article being published on Huffington Post, Cope
argues that instead of celebrating the allegedly vanishing oil, we should be concerned
about the disappearance of marine life in the Gulf. He describes the Gulf as a "kill
zone" and looks into where the marine animals have gone given that BP has reported a
relatively low number of dead animals from the spill. "What BP and U.S. Government
Don't Want You to Know"
Zeestroom Golf van Mexico gestopt;
ernstige gevolgen wereldwijd klimaat
Volgens de Italiaanse natuurkundige en
klimaatwetenschapper Gianluigi Zangari laten satellietgegevens zien dat de zeestroom in de
Golf van Mexico als gevolg van de BP-olieramp is gestopt.
Ruson Graybill, a commercial fisherman from
Louisiana, says there is still plenty of oil in coastal marshlands. He would love to
return to fishing, but worries the seafood isn't safe to eat.
Chemical Used to Clean Gulf Toxic?
The effort to skim, burn and break down oil
in the Gulf with chemical dispersants is proving effective but there are concerns about
the possible toxic effects of BP's primary used dispersant. Don Teague reports.
Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, is een Italiaanse natuurkundige die zich specialiseerde op het
gebied van complexe en chaotische systemen en momenteel werkzaam is als systeem analist in
het Frascati Laboratorium in Italië.
Greenpeace Vancouver Protest
against Enbridge pipeline July 28th
Twenty-one years ago, the Exxon Valdez ran
aground, spilling 40 million litres of crude oil into Prince William Sound and causing
irreversible damage. Now, Enbridge wants to bring the same risk to B.C.'s pristine coastal
waters and rainforest. The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline would carry oil
from the tar sands to a port at Kitimat, B.C. Supertankers fed by the Enbridge pipeline
would travel the same waters where the Queen of the North ferry sank in 2006.
Honderd dagen na de olieramp is hun
leven verwoest
Honderd dagen geleden bereidde
winkeluitbater Cherie Pete zich voor op een drukke zomer als ijsjesverkoper. Lokaal
politicus Billy Nungesser stond op het punt te trouwen. En milieuactivist Enid Sisskin had
net zijn speech geschreven over het gevaar van olieboringen voor de kust. En toen
ontplofte het boorplatform Deepwater Horizon in de Golf van Mexico.
Na maandenlange berichten over de enorme
schade die de olie in de Golf van Mexico aanricht, is er eindelijk ook een beetje beter
nieuws. Natuurlijke bacteriën zorgen ervoor dat de olie op het wateroppervlak sneller
afbreekt dan was verwacht, zeggen Amerikaanse onderzoekers.
British Petroleum (BP) energy giant is set
to formally announce a new CEO to replace Tony Hayward due to his handling of the Gulf of
Mexico oil spill. Hayward is reportedly leaving with a payout worth about $17 million and
is to be appointed to the board of BP's joint venture in Russia. His successor is slated
to be Robert Dudley, a senior American executive who is currently in charge of oil spill
clean-up efforts in the Gulf. Dudley will have to try and clean up the company's
reputation as well as the oil spill, but for those who have to deal with the layers of
crude in the Gulf of Mexico, the leadership change means little for now. The 90-day
shrimping season that hauls in a whole year's income for so many Gulf Coast boatmen has
been delayed because of the oil spill.
Mix van olie en afval heel normaal
op Venezolaans meer
Op het Meer van Maracaibo in Venezuela, het
grootste meer van Zuid-Amerika, drijven regelmatig olievlekken. Ze zijn afkomstig van
lekken bij de oliewinning in het meer.
In het volgende youtube-filmpje wordt uit
de doeken gedaan wie de eigenaren zijn van BP. Grote verrassing is dat naast Bank of
America ook de Bill Gates Foundation tot eersten behoren die grote aandelenpakketen
Chinese authorities struggling to contain
the environmental and economic damage of a major oil spill in the Yellow sea which began
last Friday. The pipeline has now been repaired, but the cause of the explosion that
ruptured it is unknown.
New fishoil by BP
This text will be replaced by the player
Williams testifies about Lack of
Safety at Oil Rig Hearing
Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers
exposed to Corexit "bleeding from the rectum"
Rush Transcript Excerpt Susan Shaw, Marine
Toxicologist: If I can tell you what happens -- because i was in the oil -- to people...
Shrimpers throwing their nets into water... [then] water from the nets splashed on his
skin. ... [He experienced a] headache that lasted 3 weeks... heart palpitations... muscle
spasms... bleeding from the rectum... And that's what that Corexit does, it ruptures red
blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. ... This stuff is so
toxic combined... not the oil or dispersants alone. ... Very, very toxic and goes right
through skin.
BP Using Oil Dispersant to Cover
Tracks? - Julia Whitty
Environmentalist and author Julia Whitty
accuses BP of using oil dispersant and methanol to distort the data on how many barrels of
oil have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. She's convinced BP is simply "working the
angles" for their inevitable day in court.Julia Whitty talks about Deep Blue Home.
Whitty presents a penetrating exploration of the three-dimensional ocean river, far more
powerful than the Nile or the Amazon, encircling the globe. It's a watery force connected
to the earth's climate control and so to the eventual fate of the human race. Whitty is
the author of The Fragile Edge. - Book Passage
Julia Whitty is a writer and former documentary filmmaker. She is the author of Deep Blue
Home: An Intimate Ecology of Our Wild Ocean, due out July 2010, and of The Fragile Edge, a
book on coral reefs, winner of a PEN USA Literary Award, the John Burroughs Medal, the
Kiriyama Prize, and finalist for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Her short story
collection A Tortoise for the Queen of Tonga won an O. Henry and was a finalist for the
PEN Hemingway Award.
Het Britse olieconcern BP probeert de beste
wetenschappers te 'kopen' om het bedrijf te helpen bij alle rechtszaken na de olieramp in
de Golf van Mexico.
Complaints over BP's handling of
oil spill compensation
The cap on the oil leak in the Gulf of
Mexico off the US coast seems to be holding for now but the region's economy could be
suffering for years to come, and efforts to recoup lost earnings could be difficult.
Thousands of people who have been affected by the disaster are learning that compensation
cheques from British energy giant BP's settlement fund may not be as large as they
Overheid vernielde oesters zelf in
strijd tegen olie
De oesters in de Golf van Mexico zijn niet
vernield door de olie, maar door een actie van de Amerikaanse overheid zelf. Die opende
eind april ventielen op de Mississippi in de hoop de olie terug te drijven. En dat zoete
water betekende het einde van de oesters.
Zal recente olieverontreiniging
gevolgen hebben voor hen met een leveraandoening?
We zijn op weg naar het zomerseizoen en de
British Petroleum olie geiser in de Golf van Mexico is nog steeds stromende. Daarom moeten
ook vakantiegangers in de omgeving met een leverziekte zich bewust zijn van potentiële
olie-gerelateerde risico's voor hun gezondheid.
Natuur en Milieu heeft begin juli bij de Raad van State beroep aangetekend tegen de
onlangs aan Shell verleende vergunning en heeft Shell gevraagd gebruik te maken van de
best beschikbare technieken. Shell stoot jaarlijks duizenden tonnen schadelijke stoffen
uit, waarvan ongeveer een derde vrijkomt bij het affakkelen. Bij andere Nederlandse
olieraffinaderijen is dat maximaal 5 procent.
Olie heeft hele voedselketen in
Golf van Mexico besmet
Schaaldieren in de Golf van Mexico groeien
met druppels olie in hun lichaam. Coyotes eten met olie besmeurde vogels. En haaien
stikken wanneer de olie hun kieuwen bedekt.
In the wake of the oil spill, O'Neil and
Samantha Sevin struggle to preserve their Cajun livelihood and culture.
DFO (Department of Fishery and
Oceans - nvdv) vreest dat BP-olielek gevolgen heeft voor tonijnvangst
Officiële federale vertegenwoordigers gingen vrijdag in gesprek met P.E.I.-vissers
(Prince Edward Island = het enige DFO- gebied dat aan een Canadese provincie grenst -
nvdv). Ze bespraken de mogelijke gevolgen van de olielek in de Golf van Mexico voor de
tonijnvangst in het Canadese deel van de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan.
Experts: BP Spill Worker
Protections is Inadequate
BP's plan to protect workers fighting the
massive oil spill in the Gulf, which the Coast Guard approved on May 25, exposes them to
higher levels of toxic chemicals than generally accepted practices permit.
Carl Safina: The oil spill's unseen
culprits, victims
Mogelijk boorverbod op zee voor BP
in VS
De Britse oliemaatschappij BP dreigt voor
zeven jaar te worden uitgesloten van oliewinning in Amerikaanse wateren.
Kustbewoners in Golf geloven niet
dat olielek dicht is
Na bijna drie maanden is het olielek in de
Golf van Mexico eindelijk dicht, maar de kustbewoners kunnen het niet geloven. Hier en
daar beschuldigen ze BP er zelfs van dat ze het nieuws verzonnen hebben. En wie wel
gelooft dat de operatie geslaagd is, beseft dat de nachtmerrie lang nog niet voorbij is.
Overtuigende indicaties dat de ramp
in de Golf van Mexico kunstmatig
is veroorzaakt
Zelfs als je niet gelooft in samenzweringen
is het op zijn zachts gezegd verdacht dat de US regering en de publieke media het grote
publiek geen totaalbeeld beeld geven van wat er aan de hand is.
BP beperkt 40.000 vorderingen van
individuele personen getroffen door olieramp, geeft schuld aan administratieve problemen
Terwijl olie de Golf in blijft spuiten,
heeft BP gezegd dat zij betalingen op claims van mensen die getroffen zijn door de ramp
fors zal terugschroeven administratieve problemen.
Garnalenvissers die blootgesteld waren aan
een mengsel van olie en Corexit in de Golf van Mexico leden aan ernstige verschijnselen
zoals spierspasme, hartkloppingen, hoofdpijn dat weken duurde en bloedingen uit de anus,
volgens een marine toxicoloog , die de waarschuwing vrijdag bekendmaakte op het nieuws.
Contamination doing serious damage to
Venezuela's fishing industry. CNN's Michael Holmes reports.
Van Jones on the BP Oil Spill:
Drill, Baby -- Still?
Environmental advocate Van Jones reflects
on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and what society must learn from the
catastrophe. "I've never heard of a wind slick; I've never heard of a sun
spill," says Jones. "There's a better way."
In Nederlandse kranten weinig aandacht voor
deze ramp die te voorkomen was. Het groene BP logo zou eigenlijk gitzwart moeten zijn voor
de schade die dit bedrijf heefgt aangericht. De zwarte dood voor veel dolfijnen en andere
diersoorten. De mensen die de dampen inademen en zwarte regen binnenkrijgen zullen de
volgende slachtoffers zijn.
Radio - Provincies bezorgd over
olieboringen op zee
De provincies Noord- en Zuid-Holland,
Groningen, Friesland en Zeeland maken zich zorgen over de risico's van olieboringen op
zee. Ze vragen premier Balkenende om extra onderzoek te doen naar aanleiding van de
olieramp in de Golf van Mexico. De kustprovincies wijzen erop dat ook Nederland ondanks de
strenge veiligheidsvoorschriften getroffen kan worden door zo'n ramp.
De olieraffinaderij van BP Texas
had een grote uitstoot van gifstoffen net voor het mis ging in de Golf.
Twee weken voor het lek in de Golf van
Mexico heeft de door problemen geplaagde raffinaderij van BP tienduizenden kilos giftige
chemicaliën de lucht in gestoten.
Florida Gov. Urges Vacationers to
Swim in Toxic Sludge
Florida Governor Charlie Crist is
apparently more worried about the state's economy than the health of vacationers and
residents. Crist told CBS on Saturday the water is safe and people shouldn't worry.
"It is safe," Crist declared, "there isn't a toxic nature to it that is
detrimental to anybody. It is much more of a nuisance than anything else at this
point." Crist is asking ill-informed beachgoers to endanger their health so the
state's tourism industry can be saved. "The Escambia County Health Department lifted
a health advisory on Pensacola Beach on Friday on the advice of a beach official and
against the advice of a federal environmental official," reports PNJ.com. Officials
want to leave the decision to swim in the Gulf of Mexico up to the discretion of
individual beachgoers. Signs would be posted from the Florida-Alabama line to just west of
Portofino Beach warning people about the toxic danger. The Environmental Protection Agency
plans to put decontamination stations along the beach.
Tar Balls Wash Up on Texas Beach
Tar balls from the Gulf oil spill have been
found on a Texas beach, and are the first evidence that gushing crude from the Deepwater
Horizon well has now reached all the Mexican Gulf states of the southern United States.
BP blijft dispergeermiddelen
gebruiken in de Golf, ondanks EPA richtlijn
BP PLC heeft 272.000 liter
dispergeermiddelen gebruikt in de Golf van Mexico. Dit gebeurde in de vier weken sinds de
verenigde staten het bedrijf had verzocht om te stoppen met het gebruik van de
chemicaliën (met uitzondering van "in zeldzame gevallen" wanneer andere
benaderingen onhanteerbaar waren gebleken).
In India heeft de reactie van BP
over Bhopal verontwaardiging gewekt
Het maakt niet uit hoe de Amerikaanse
regering reageert op de weglekkende olie in de Golf van Mexico, De Indiërs kunnen het
niet helpen, zij benijden en verwonderen zich over de voortvarendheid waarmee de
Verenigde Staten heeft gehandeld.
Use of Toxic Dispersant must stop
immediately in BP Oil Spill cleanup
At a Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee markup of HR 5629, The "Oil Spill Accountability and Environmental
Protection Act of 2010" Congressman Jerrold Nadler offered an amendment to
discontinue the use of all toxic dispersants in the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill, as
well as any other current or future oil spills, until appropriate research is done to
study the effects on humans and the environment.
Republicans Block Investigative
Power for Oil Spill Commission
Senate Democrats today asked unanimous
consent to pass legislation that would give the BP Oil Spill Commission the subpoena power
it needs to do its job. "Frankly, it's time we have a vote after so many Republican
objections to this commonsense legislation," said Sen. Robert Menendez. "[This
bill] asserts that we want to protect those families, taxpayers, not oil company
State Trooper Greg Everson speaks with
KNOWLEDGE of what people in the gulf states MUST do. Please do not go back into a sleep
hoping this wont happen! IT WILL! Get out now before its too late!
BP aangeklaagd voor
Dierenactivisten hebben oliegigant BP
aangeklaagd voor het verbranden van bedreigde zeeschildpadden. Zij vragen de Amerikaanse
rechter het 'gecontroleerd' verbanden van de gelekte olie stop te zetten totdat alle
schildpadden zijn gered.
Nigeria's Niger Delta has suffered from 50
years of oil spills. CNN's Christian Purefoy reports.
Poison Spreads: Gulf air turns
toxic after oil spill 'relief effort'
As Hurricane Alex is sweeping towards the
American coastline, it has already disrupted the oil spill containment efforts in the Gulf
of Mexico ...and drawn the crude to environmentally sensitive regions. Meanwhile further
inland, people are starting to complain about strange symptoms and illnesses that could be
related to the clean-up work.
Shell in Nigeria
CNN's Christian Purefoy speaks with the
managing director of Shell Nigeria about the oil company's record there.
New Oil Threatens Gulf Coast
On day 70 of the Gulf oil spill, new
streaks of oil are threatening Grand Isle's coastline. As Mark Strassmann reports,
residents are preparing for more damage to property.
BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales
This was the most emotionally disturbing
video I have ever done! A flight over the BP Slick Source where I saw at least 100
Dolphins in the oil, some dying. I also photographed a Sperm Whale covered in oil all
around it's blow hole. Please spread this around the world. Send me any links to places it
gets posted so I can follow. I want to piss off the world. Who will answer for these
gentle creatures?
Olieramp in Europe
De Duitse media laten zien wat de impact
was geweest als de olieramp hier was gebeurt. Er is intussen een gebied van 225.000
vierkante kilometer vervuild door olie van BP. Dit had kunnen voorkomen worden als BP niet
had bezuinigd om een alarmeringssysteem dat in Europa wel verplicht was. Met dank aan Dick
Cheney die dit soort voorschriften destijds van tafel heeft geveegd om de industrie
sneller en goedkoper te kunnen laten werken. Namens alle slachtoffers bedankt.....Al Gore
had zich misschien beter kunnen richten op de oliesector en haar vervuiling.
De BP ramp is een grote cover-up aan het
worden qua omvang van de ramp. Maar weinige journalisten durfen dit thema aan te
"boren". Arbeiders mogen niet praten met journalisten, stranden zijn afgezet.
Deze Engelse journalist dus wel:
Het Bredase bedrijf Dockwise is volop
actief met het opruimen van Olie in de Maxicaanse Golf in opdracht van BP.
Europa niet goed voorbereid op
Noord Amerika kan jaren giftige
olieregen verwachten van de BP olieramp
Als je meer dan een miljoen gallon van
giftige vluchtige chemische stoffen on top toevoegt aan de oliestortvloed, verdwijnt deze
niet zomaar, maar komt in dit geval in de atmosfeer, waar het honderden kilometers aflegt,
zo niet duizenden tov de plaats van de BP ramp, om dan als giftige regen neer te dalen.
Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could
Destroy North America, Gulf of Mexico
A dire report prepared for President
Medvedev by Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources is warning today that the British
Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico is about to become the worst
environmental catastrophe in all of human history threatening the entire eastern half of
the North American continent with "total destruction". Russian scientists are
basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP's use of millions of gallons of
the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the
leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this
report says, to keep hidden from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this
leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day. Scientists Warn Gulf Of
Mexico Sea Floor Fractured "Beyond Repair" Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea
Floor Fractured "Beyond Repair" By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western
Subscribers A dire report circulating in the Kremlin today that was prepared for Prime
Minister Putin by Anatoly Sagalevich of Russia's Shirshov Institute of Oceanology warns
that the Gulf of Mexico sea floor has been fractured "beyond all repair" and our
World should begin preparing for an ecological disaster "beyond comprehension"
unless "extraordinary measures" are undertaken to stop the massive flow of oil
into our Planet's eleventh largest body of water.
Gulf Oil Disaster: BP Cover Up of
Sick Humans and Dead Animals
Marine Biologist Riki Ott exposes BP's
cover up of human illness, and how animals are being removed by the dark of night to hide
the scale of disaster.
Dolphin Swimming in Oil Dies
Gulf coast rescuers attempted to save a
dolphin swimming in oil but it did not survive. Betty Nguyen reports.
Black Beach: BP's oil turns white
sands ugly
A cap is back in place on BP's broken oil
well after a deep-sea blunder forced crews to temporarily remove what has been the most
effective method so far of containing some of the massive Mexican Gulf oil spill.
Engineers used remote-controlled submarines to reposition the cap after it was off for
much of the day. It had captured 700,000 gallons (2.7 million liters) of oil in 24 hours
before one of the robots bumped into it. Meanwhile white Florida beaches are now turning
black. Video by Michael McLean.
Olieramp in Nigeria
Olierampen zoals in Golf bijna dagelijkse
kost in Nigeria We kunnen daar niet onverschillig voor blijven
Door toedoen van oliereuzen zoals Shell,
een Nederlands bedrijf. Olie moest landen als Nigeria een enorme rijkdom bezorgen, maar in
realiteit is de milieuschade ook hier niet te overzien. ... Mensen teken de petitie Het is
wat ingewikkeld u komt op een lijst met vereniging u klikt op defensie milieu en dan ziet
u het verhaal kunnen kunt u de petitie tekenen.
Experts in the Gulf are concerned that oil
may kill off a certain type of algae that fish rely on for shelter and food. One biologist
says sargassum, or sea holly, has been sinking and washing up on beaches, making it
unavailable to marine life.
Greenpeace activists heckle BP
speech at London oil conference
Greenpeace gate-crashed the World National
Oil Companies Congress in London, just as the BP company's speaker was making his address.
BP executive Steve Westwell was heckled during his speech at the conference, where he was
standing in for embattled chief executive Tony Hayward. "Because BP is incapable of
telling you the truth, I'm going to tell you what you need to know," Greenpeace's
Emma Gibson told the audience at the Grange St Paul's hotel in The City. Another
Greenpeace campaigner, Katie Swan, got on stage with a banner reading "Go beyond
petroleum," a take on BP's slogan.
Kevin Costner helps clean up the BP
oil spill
The actor and environmental campaigner has
sold the oil giant 32 of his company's machines which separate oil from water. .
Radio - Vijftien jaar na de Brent
Nu ligt BP onder vuur vanwege de olieramp
in de golf van Mexico maar 20 Juni is het precies vijftien jaar geleden dat Shell ook veel
kritiek kreeg en toen besloot af te zien van het dumpen van de Brent Spar.
De Britse oliemaatschappij BP zegt zich
niet af te laten leiden door onenigheid met partner Anadarko Petroleum Corp bij het
aanpakken van het lek in de Golf van Mexico.
De ogen van de wereld zijn al wekenlang
gericht op de golf van Mexico, waar BP een olielek probeert te stoppen, diep onder het
zeeoppervlak. Ondertussen voltrekt zich in de Niger Delta, het zuidelijke deel van
Nigeria, al 50 jaar een olieramp. Sinds de oliemaatschappijen daar hun jacht op olie
begonnen, is er naar schatting 1,5 miljoen ton olie over de landbouwgronden en in de
moerassen gestroomd. Die vervuiling gaat onverminderd door. De bevolking wil dat het
eindelijk stopt en richt zijn woede op Shell. De leidende Nederlands/Britse oliegigant
maakt miljarden winst, maar wordt ervan beschuldigd milieu en mensenrechten op te offeren.
De olieramp in de golf van Mexico snijdt
oliemaatschappij Shell in de vingers. President Obama kondigde onlangs een verbod af op
exploratieboringen voor de kust van Alaska voor ten minste een half jaar. Shell zou
komende maand met de eerste Noordpool-proefboringen starten. Die zijn nu dus uitgesteld.
BP Atlantis Whistleblower Ken
Abbott - Interior Dept Aware of Safety Problems
The Deepwater Horizon leak is now leading
to safety concerns on another BP rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Atlantis is located in
more than 7000 feet of water, 150 miles south of New Orleans. According to a lawsuit filed
Monday in Houston, the rig is plagued by some of the same possible safety problems as the
Horizon. It claims the Department of the Interior allowed Atlantis to operate without
completed engineering blueprints needed to operate the rig safely. "This is not a
mere paperwork. Without these as-built drawings, the people that are working on these
rigs, are flying blind from the standpoint of how to safely operate BP rigs in the Gulf of
Mexico," said plaintiffs' attorney Mikal Watts. Watts represents the
environmental group Food and Water Watch and former BP sub-contractor Ken Abbott. BP fired
Abbott, a project control supervisor, last year after he voiced concerns about a lack of
documentation on Atlantis. "At BP, I beat my head against the wall, they didn't care,
the government agencies didn't care," said Abbott. Abbott said a congressional
investigation into the Deepwater Horizon spill indicated that BP could not locate detailed
drawings for the rig's blowout preventer and that workers wasted half a day trying to shut
off a valve that had already been disconnected. "BP and Transocean should have had
final drawings on that site," said Abbott. "Not having it could have given the
guys wrong readings and it could have caused them to make mistakes in a critical moment
that could have caused the accident."
Wildlife Apocalypse: Video of Gulf
birds, fish caught in BP oil spill
Wildlife apocalypse along the Gulf of
Mexico coast is fast becoming a reality. Pelicans are becoming trapped by the oil and dead
birds and dolphins have been washing ashore, coated in the sludge. Government officials
estimate that roughly 83 to 182 million litres of oil have leaked into the Gulf since the
April 20 explosion.
De echte oorzaak van de BP ramp
Hierin wordt uitgelegd dat Bush/Cheney
bepaalde veiligheidssystemen niet verplicht stelden terwijl deze buiten de US wel overal
verplicht zijn bij het boren op zee. Zo'n systeem kost 500.000 dollar en zorgt ervoor dat
als er iets mis gaat het lekken van olie wordt voorkomen.
Don't touch the oil
Cousteau: Disappointed in Media
Coverage of Spill
As part of Washington Unplugged's weeklong
series, "Disaster in the Gulf," Philippe Cousteau, grandson of oceanographer
Jacques Cousteau, is leading the charge on deep water cleanup efforts, but says the
media's coverage of the spill's early stages was "disappointing".
BP koopt zoektermen omtrent
olieramp om imago op te poetsen
BP heeft op Google en Yahoo zoektermen over
de olieramp gekocht, zodat de eerste link die de zoekmachines geven steeds naar een
nieuwssite van de oliemaatschappij zelf verwijst. BP probeert met de site zijn imago op te
Waves of tar balls crashed onto the beaches
of the Florida Panhandle on Friday as BP engineers adjusted a cap over the Gulf oil
gusher. Local residents say BP should find resources to clean the beaches too. (June 4)
Scientists with the University of
South Florida say they've found a second oil plume
As if the pictures of birds, fish and
animals killed by floating oil in the Gulf of Mexico is not disturbing enough, scientists
now say they have found evidence of another danger lurking underwater. The University of
South Florida recently discovered a second oil plume in the northeastern gulf. The first
plume was found by Mississippi universities in early May. USF has concluded microscopic
oil droplets are forming deep water oil plumes. After a weeklong analysis of water
samples, USF scientists found more oil in deeper water. "These hydrocarbons are from
depth and not associated with sinking degraded oil but associated with the source of the
Deep Horizon well head," said USF Chemical Oceanographer David Hollander. Through
isotopic or microscopic fingerprinting, Hollander and his USF crew were able to show the
oil in the plume came from BP's blown out oil well. The surface oil's so-called
fingerprint matched the tiny underwater droplet's fingerprint. "We've taken molecular
isotopic approaches which is like a fingerprint on a smoking gun," Hollander said.
Oil washes ashore on Alabama
Mats of thick, tarry oil and seaweed coated
parts of Alabama's Gulf Shores beach but beach-goers are undeterred....
Is het olielek in de Golf van
Mexico wel te dichten?
Er rijzen alweer twijfels over de ware
grootte en toedracht van het olielek in de Golf van Mexico. Op The Oil Drum, een site die
gebruikt wordt door geologen maar ook door specialisten die werkzaam zijn in de
oliesector, verscheen een opmerkelijke omschrijving van wat er werkelijk aan de hand zou
zijn 1.500 meter onder de zeespiegel.
President-directeur Hayward van BP heeft
stevige kritiek gekregen van het Amerikaanse Congres. De topman werd door een speciale
commissie gehoord over de oorzaak en de aanpak van het olielek in de Golf van Mexico. Het
Congres vindt dat BP uit winstbejag enorme risico's heeft genomen bij het boren.Ook zou BP
waarschuwingen van werknemers in de wind hebben geslagen. Hayward zei dat hij nog geen
conclusies wil trekken over het ongeluk totdat het onderzoek is afgerond. De emoties
liepen tijdens de hoorzitting hoog op.Een vrouw met zwart geverfde handen riep dat Hayward
naar de gevangenis moet.
Hopeloos - amateur video laat zien
dat BP de echte omvang verzweeg
Video is from Alabama resident John Wathen
as a volunteer pilot flew him over the area where the oil rig sank. Officials have stopped
guessing at the amount of oil leaking although some speculate it may be closer to 1
million gallons per day. Don't let BP spin this into something trivial. "It's not a
leak, it's a volcano spewing oil"
The REAL REASON Behind the BP Oil
Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Deregulation is the real (underlying)
reason / cause behind the US oil spill by British Petroleum (BP) in 2010 off the coast of
Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. Deregulation coupled with lax government oversight
(lackies appointed by Dick Cheney at the helm) lead to the omission of key safety features
and protocols, a free pass for drilling licenses, emphasis on profit over safety, and
absolutely NO PLAN for containment of blowouts.
For example, George W Bush and Dick Cheney
helped block a 2002/03 Bill that would have required the use of acoustic switches to
activate the blowout preventer (BOP). When the rig blew up, they had to MANUALLY activate
the switch by sending robotic submersibles. This was all but impossible since the rig was
in flames and the priority was putting it out and saving lives; this was easily foreseen.
In addition, BP did not want to lose an oil
well (by activating the BOP); this would have cost them future profit in addition to the
costs for exploration and preparation of the well. Eventually the rig collapsed and sank
to the ocean floor. Because the rig was STILL ATTACHED to the well head / BOP, it bent or
damaged the BOP making it unusable. Again, this is something that could have been
foreseen; i.e. the need to activate the BOP immediately in the case of catastrophic rig
failure, to avoid potential damage to the BOP. Profit wins over safety; BP must avoid
activating the BOP at all costs.
An acoustic switch would have allowed them
to IMMEDIATELY stop the well head (activate the BOP) as soon as the explosion happened.
The BOP would not have been at risk for failure (due to rig collapsing); but, the lack of
a remote switch and need to save the well (for profit and avoidance of loss) meant that
they delayed trying to activate it. By that time the damage to the BOP had been done.
Lastly, all of the post-blowout efforts
have been focused on SAVING the well; i.e. it was only after more than a month before BP
attempted the TOPKILL method, which would have sealed the well. Attempts before that were
about slowing the flow of oil or collecting it. Why did BP not try the TOPKILL method
right away?
Oil slick heads towards Florida
Oliepluimen in Golf doden ook
massaal leven onder water
De olievlek in de Golf van Mexico is niet
alleen dramatisch voor de vissen en dieren die in de buurt van het wateroppervlak leven.
Twee grote oliepluimen doden ook een dieper liggende wereld die bewoond wordt door enorme
potvissen en minuscuul plankton.
BP is wettelijk verplicht meer in
de Golf te doen dan de strikte regelgeving vereist
In de nasleep van de Horizon explosie,
bleven overlevenden gevangen in effectieve eenzame opsluiting, terwijl BP ze in slaap
suste, om te voorkomen dat ze een aanklacht zouden indienen. Vervolgens kondigt de
onderneming zonder zich te bekommeren om haar verantwoordelijkheid 75 miljoen euro opzij
te willen
zetten. (plus de werkelijke schoonmaakkosten)
The "small people" of the Gulf
Coast have a message for BP: They're tired of big-time execs making insensitive comments.
Residents were already angry at BP's CEO for "wanting his life back" when the
company's chairman made another blunder.
Fault Lines - In Deep Water
In the two months since the Deepwater
Horizon explosion, millions of litres of oil have gushed out of BP's well into the water
each day, slowly encroaching on the coastline. Fault Lines' Avi Lewis travels to the drill
zone, and learns about the erosion in the wetlands from industry canals and pipelines, the
health problems blamed on contaminated air and water from petrochemical refineries.
Getuigen van olieramp in Golf van
Mexico: "Alles is dood"
Het ecologische drama dat het dagelijks
weglekken van miljoenen liters olie in de Golf van Mexico veroorzaakt is al niet in
woorden te vatten, maar daar blijkt het niet mee op te houden.
Onthuld: hoe BP al drie weken lang
de oceaan met gevaarlijk gif
beproeit uit puur winstbejag
Het ecologisch drama dat het dagelijks weglekken van miljoenen liters olie in de Golf van
Mexico veroorzaakt is al niet in woorden te vatten, maar daar blijkt het niet mee op te
Als de olie van het wateroppervlak is
opgeruimd, lijkt de milieuramp in de Golf van Mexico voorbij. Maar experts waarschuwen
voor de gevolgen ónder water. Polycyclische aromaten zijn kankerverwekkend.
Olie uit de lekkende bron in de Golf van
Mexico heeft een sterke zeestroming bereikt, de Loop Current. De stroming kan de olie
meenemen naar Florida. Volgens de ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA kan de olie over zes dagen
bij de Florida Keys zijn, een kwetsbaar natuurgebied. Intussen heeft een dikke oliedrab de
Mississippidelta in Louisiana bereikt. Het moerasgebied is een kraamkamer van garnalen,
oesters, krabben en vissen.
The Gulf Disaster Video That BP
Doesn't Want You To See
The chemical dispersants that BP is
usingtrying to fix the gigantic mess caused by their reckless actionsare not
making the oil go away. Instead, it's turning the thick black tide into titanic clouds
floating underneath the surface.
Het moeras kan wel een stootje hebben.
Zolang er ook sprieten zijn die niet onder de olie zitten, kan het gras nog ademen. Je
ziet vaak snel nieuwe scheuten opkomen.
Terwijl sommige mensen zich zorgen maken
over het alsmaar voortdurende olielek in de Golf van Mexico, blijkt nu dat er elders op de
wereld soortgelijke lekken bestaan die al veel langer hun schadelijke inhoudt de wereld in
Shell Nigeria is one of the largest oil
producers in the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. 80% of the oil extraction in Nigeria is in the
Niger Delta, the southeast region of the country. The Delta is home to many small minority
ethnic groups, including the Ogoni, all of which suffer egregious exploitation by
multinational oil companies, like Shell. Shell provides over 50% of the income keeping the
Nigerian dictatorship in power. Although oil from Ogoniland has provided approximately $30
billion to the economy of Nigeria, the people of Ogoni see little to nothing from their
contribution to Shell's pocketbook. Shell has done next to nothing to help Ogoni. By 1996,
Shell employed only 88 Ogoni (0.0002% of the Ogoni population, and only 2% of Shell's
employees in Nigeria). Ogoni villages have no clean water, electricity, abysmal health
care, no jobs for displaced farmers and fisher persons and face the effects of
unrestrained environmental molestation by Shell everyday.
Since Shell began drilling oil in Ogoniland
in 1958, the people of Ogoniland have had pipelines built across their farmlands and in
front of their homes, suffered endemic oil leaks from these very pipelines, been forced to
live with the constant flaring of gas. This environmental assault has smothered land with
oil, killed masses of fish and other aquatic life, and introduced devastating acid rain to
the land of the Ogoni. For the Ogoni, a people dependent upon farming and fishing, the
poisoning of the land and water has had devastating economic and health consequences.
Shell claims to clean up its oil spills, but such "clean-ups" consist of
techniques like burning the crude which results in a permanent layer of crusted oil metres
thick and scooping oil into holes dug in surrounding earth.
Both Shell and the government admit that
Shell contributes to the funding of the military in the Delta region. Under the auspices
of "protecting" Shell from peaceful demonstrators in the village of Umeuchem (10
miles from Ogoni), the police killed 80 people, destroyed houses and vital crops. Shell
conceded it twice paid the military for going to specific villages. Although it disputes
that the purpose of these excursions was to quiet dissent, each of the military missions
paid for by Shell resulted in Ogoni fatalities. Shell has also admitted purchasing weapons
for the police force who guard its facilities, and there is growing suspicion that Shell
funds a much greater portion of the military than previously admitted.
Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni 8 were leaders
of MOSOP, the Movement for Survival of the Ogoni People. As outspoken environmental and
human rights activists, they declared that Shell was not welcome in Ogoniland. On November
10, 1995, they were hanged after a trial by a special military tribunal (whose decisions
cannot be appealed) in the murder of four other Ogoni activists. The defendants' lawyers
were harassed and denied access to their clients. Although none of them were near the town
where the murders occurred, they were convicted and sentenced to death in a trial that
many heads of state strongly condemned for a stunning lack of evidence, unmasked
partiality towards the prosecution and the haste of the trial. The executions were carried
out a mere eight days after the decision. Two witnesses against the MOSOP leaders admitted
that Shell and the military bribed them to testify against Ken Saro-Wiwa with promises of
money and jobs at Shell. Ken's final words before his execution were:
"The struggle continues!"
The People of Nigeria versus Shell
Milieudefensie, haar Nigeriaanse
zusterorganisatie ERA en vier Nigeriaanse boeren en vissers stellen het hoofdkantoor van
Shell aansprakelijk voor schade die olielekkages in hun dorp hebben aangericht. Want een
Nederlandse bedrijf, met een jaarwinst van 27 miljard dollar, mag zijn
verantwoordelijkheid voor de gevolgen van zijn activiteiten niet ontlopen.
Crude - Official Trailer
Three years in the making, this
cinéma-vérité feature from acclaimed filmmaker Joe Berlinger is the epic story of one
of the largest and most controversial legal cases on the planet. An inside look at the
infamous $27 billion Amazon Chernobyl case, CRUDE is a real-life high stakes legal drama
set against a backdrop of the environmental movement, global politics, celebrity activism,
human rights advocacy, the media, multinational corporate power, and rapidly-disappearing
indigenous cultures. Presenting a complex situation from multiple viewpoints, the film
subverts the conventions of advocacy filmmaking as it examines a complicated situation
from all angles while bringing an important story of environmental peril and human
suffering into focus.
BP Gulf Oil Spill - (Proof of Media
Blackout) of a New Orleans News Crew
BP Blocks Attempt to Save
Endangered Sea Turtles from Oil Spill
James Fox on the BP Oil Spill
The Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas is a
weekly show exploring exopolitics, UFO and paranormal phenomenon, conspiracies and current
world events. Here, he speaks with James Fox, a seasoned journalist and documentary film
maker, on the ground at the Gulf Oil Spill who tells of his experience since he arrived
there, 8 June 2010. ["A few minutes ago, I conducted a short interview with
documentary filmmaker, James Fox. He is presently in Grand Isle, Louisiana . The closest
location to the Gulf oil spill. Before I spoke to James I received a few unsubstantiated
reports that I put on the side. What I'm about to share with you is extremely important.
There is an absolute MEDIA BLACKOUT in the area. People are being arrested everywhere.
Hotels in a 70-mile radius are completely sold out, yet, you don't see any vans or
reporters filming. It's as if the entire area was under siege. James Fox has witnessed
this and he basically just arrived. He says he saw multiple Chevron helicopters flying. He
has not seen any military activity. It's as if the oil companies had taken over. James
expected to rent a plane to fly over it and that is not possible. The area above the oil
spill is now a NO-FLY-ZONE. He will be there for two weeks.
BP's deals with Iran
Cheney's Halliburton involved in
Gulf oil spill
Oil Spill Is "Cultural
Genocide" for Gulf Indians?
The town of Grand Bayou, Louisiana, has no
streets and no cars, just water and boats. And now the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico threatens the very existence of the Atakapa-Ishak Indians who live there.
"We're facing the potential for cultural genocide," says one tribe member.
Oilpocalypse: Divers' underwater
video of BP oil spill disaster
BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles
continues to insist no massive underwater oil plumes in 'large concentrations' have been
detected from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But deep underwater - the oil is so thick
that it blocks out almost all of the light below. As seen on AP video images filmed by
divers 64 kilometers off the coast of Venice, Louisiana.