Nieuws amalgaam vullingen

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Verhoogde afgifte van kwik uit amalgaamvullingen, na blootstelling aan elektromagnetische velden WIFI en mobiele telefoons

In de afgelopen decennia is het gebruik van algemene bronnen van elektromagnetische velden zoals Wifi-routers en mobiele telefoons enorm toegenomen over de hele wereld. Er is voortdurende bezorgdheid dat blootstelling aan elektromagnetische velden nadelige effecten kan hebben op de gezondheid. Kort geleden is aangetoond dat kwik zelfs in lage doseringen vergiftiging kan veroorzaken.

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Amalgaam BE

Welkom bij de klokkenluiders van het miskende amalgaamgevaar. Als je onverklaarbare gezondheidsproblemen hebt + amalgaamvullingen in je tanden, dan moet je deze site absoluut bestuderen. Vooral de video's. Het kan je leven veranderen.


Relatie tussen kwik uit amalgaamvullingen en nierschade

Amalgaamvullingen zijn een veelgebruikt tandheelkundig herstellings materiaal. Amalgaam bestaat uit ongeveer 50% kwik (Hg) dat erom bekend staat dat het zich opstapelt in de nieren. Er werd verondersteld dat Hg zich stapelt in de proximale tubuli (PTs), glutathion-S-transferase (GST)-α (veronderstelt nierschade op het niveau van de PT) en het is aannemelijk dat het meer verband houdt met blootstelling aan Hg dan GST-π (suggestief van nierschade op het niveau van de distale tubuli). In een voltooide klinische proef bij kinderen van 8 tot 18 jaar oud, met en zonder dentale amalgaamvullingen, werden urine bio indicators van de gehele nier onderzocht.

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Mercury Free Dentistry Resolution in Costa Mesa

On July 29, 2010, Californians for Green Dentistry launched an initiative to ban dental mercury, creating mercury-free dental zones in California. The pilot project was the city of Costa Mesa, a forward-thinking city of 113,000+ residents in Orange County. On October 19th, 2010 Costa Mesa City Council passed the Monahan Resolution, appropriately named for Councilman Gary Monahan, who has an autistic son, and realizes first-hand the deleterious impact mercury has on health and the environment. It is the first of it's kind in the US. Californians for Green Dentistry gathered signatures from residents protesting the use of the toxic material in their pristine town and continued their mission by organizing a group of experts to share their knowledge about mercury with the Mayor and City Council members. Naturopaths, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Victims, Consumer Activists, an Attorney and a Microbiologist all gave their account of mercury; the hazardous material that is still being implanted into the mouths of children today. Some are calling Costa Mesa the most progressive city in the Nation as they recognized the value of "mercury free zones" in their own back yards.

Amalgaam vullingen

Professor Fritz Lorscheider nam een paar schapen, vulde hun kiezen met tandheelkundige amalgaam dat radioactief gelabeld was en vier maanden later werden de schapen gescand. Men ontdekte dat het kwik zich had gestort in hun botten, de nieren en in de hersenen. De volgende vraag was: wat doet dit kwik in de hersenen?

In Californië, Zweden en Duitsland is amalgaam verboden. Onlangs is het in Noorwegen verboden.

De vroege symptomen van een kwikvergiftiging zijn verlies van het korte termijn geheugen, een metaalsmaak in de mond (dit is moeilijk, aangezien de smaak relatief is en amalgaam constant aanwezig is) en fijne tremor. Kwik kan ook leiden tot veranderingen in de persoonlijkheid. Het is ook giftig voor de zenuwen van het hart en het kan een elektrische oorzaak van ritmestoornissen (hartkloppingen)geven.
Er zijn logische redenen aan kwik en andere zware metalen met link aan autisme. Alle kinderen krijgen nu een overvloed aan vaccinaties, waarvan er veel kwik bevatten of aluminium.

Mensen die de trage detoxifiers zijn en niet goed zijn in het wegwerken van chemische stoffen, mede door de genetica, een slecht dieet of door slechte micronutriënten status, die zijn vatbaar voor ziekte.

Hoe de vullingen te verwijderen? Dr Lorscheider is van mening dat als je relatief goed in orde bent, dan gewoon doorgaan en de vullingen vervangen door uw gebruikelijke tandarts. Echter, als u symptomen heeft die kunnen worden in verband met kwik, dan moeten uw vullingen veranderd worden door een tandarts die gespecialiseerd is in kwikvrije tandheelkunde. Dit is omdat bij het verwijderen van vullingen meer kwik vrijkomt die in het lichaam kunnen leiden tot acute klinische symptomen.

Het probleem met het verwijderen van kwik uit tandvullingen, is dat er onvermijdelijk een zekere hoeveelheid kwik gaat vrijgekomen. Goede tandheelkundige technieken door een ervaren tandarts en bedreven in het gebruik van technieken zoals een rubber dam zal deze release te verminderen. Men kan de absorptie in de darm minderen met behulp van houtskool. Het idee hierbij is dat houtskool kwik absorbeert op het oppervlak en voorkomt dat het in het lichaam komt. Houtskool koekjes kopen lijkt zeer gemakkelijk, maar het schijnt moeilijker geworden. Als je ze kunt krijgen, stel ik voor twee koekjes of 50g houtskool net vóór de extractie en dan 50g elke 4 uur gedurende 24 uur na de extractie. Er zijn vele manieren waarop kwik kan gestript worden van het lichaam.


Amber Kesseler

Veel gestelde vragen omtrent de amalgaamproblematiek:

1.Waarom worden niet alle mensen met amalgaamvullingen ziek, als kwik zo giftig is ?
2.Waarom knappen sommige mensen niet op na verwijdering ?
3.Waarom weten tandartsen over het algemeen maar zo weinig van de amalgaamproblematiek, terwijl het toch hun beroep en ook hun belang is ?
4.Wat zijn de psychische consequenties van een amalgaambelasting ?
5.Waarom is de volgorde van vervanging zo belangrijk ?
6. Je hoort vaak dat witte vullingen net zo slecht zouden zijn. Wat is hiervan waar ?

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Amber Kesseler

Amalgaam vullingen

Goede engelse documentaire van 3x8min. over amalgaam vullingen.
De directeur van het Britse tandartsen instituut staat letterlijk met zijn mond vol tanden in deel

Ron B

Amalgaam risico's

Hoi Ron, hier een link naar een site over amalgaam. Die man is biochemicus.


Mocht je je amalgaam vullingen nog kwijt willen...

Zie hier: Link

Hoezo chemisch afval? Wel in je mond?


Mercury Fillings Battle Heats Up in D.C.

Author Pratchett blames his Alzheimer's on mercury fillings

Terry Pratchett has reopened the controversy about the safety of mercury-based tooth fillings by blaming them for his Alzheimer's disease. The author of the Discworld series describes the fillings - which millions of Britons have - as "toxic waste".

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The Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol

This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury). Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places. This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent.

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How Mercury Affects The Nervous System

After elemental mercury from amalgam fillings is inhaled or ingested, it is converted to methyl mercury, the organic form of mercury. Methyl mercury, because it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, has been associated with neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It is important to mention that as toxic as elemental mercury is, methyl mercury is 100 times more toxic!

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Dental chair a possible source of neurotoxic mercury waste

Researchers have found evidence suggesting that bacteria that methylate mercury and make the metal a potent neurotoxin thrive in waste water downstream from dental clinics and offices. The researchers believe engineering solutions can be developed to quell public health concerns.

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Methylmercury and cognitive functions in the child

Maternal exposure to methylmercury has been associated with decrements in cognitive function in the child (Budtz-Jorgensen et al. 2007; Grandjean et al. 1997, 2005; Jedrychowski et al. 2006; Oken et al. 2005). The developmental effects of maternal inhalation of low levels of metallic mercury vapor during pregnancy have been explored primarily in animals [reviewed by Counter and Buchanan (2004)]; however, in a study of women in Tagum, the Philippines, a fish-eating community using metallic mercury in gold mining/processing, cord blood total mercury was associated with developmental and language deficits at 2 years of age (Ramirez et al. 2003). A few studies have shown a relationship between occupational mercury exposure and various adverse reproductive outcomes using work setting or hair levels to define exposure (Seidler et al. 1999; Sikorski et al. 1986). Less is known about the relation to birth outcomes of lower-level, nonoccupational, metallic mercury exposure. A study, using questionnaires to assess exposure, of pregnant women having mercury dental fillings replaced during pregnancy showed no reductions in newborn birth weight (Hujoel et al. 2005).

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Natural Approaches for the Prevention of Oral Cancer and Periodontal Disease

This article is a chapter excerpt from the new book Winning The War On Cancer by Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD. It offers some very clear and personal experiences we can have with many of the basic substances in the IMVA cancer protocol. Meaning salt water, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, iodine and bentonite clay can all be used to great effect to cleanse and strengthen oral and dental environments.

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Norway Becomes First Country to Ban Amalgam Fillings

Effective January 1st of this year, Norway has become the first nation to legislate a sweeping ban on the use of amalgam fillings in dental work. Previous laws forbid the use of mercury-containing fillings in more vulnerable segments of the population, such as pregnant women and children, but the new law is the first to forbid the use of the toxic metal without exemption. Mercury has also been banned from all other products produced, imported, exported, sold, and used in the country.

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Books on amalgam

Amalgam Illness, The Roots of Disease, Let the Tooth be Known

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Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings

The truth is, you will be exposed to mercury even before you're born—through your mother's placenta—and will continually be exposed to it through the air you breathe, the food you eat and beauty products such as hair dye, mascara and tattoo ink. Few people know, however, that dental amalgam fillings constitute the largest single source of inorganic mercury exposure—larger than all other environmental sources including air, water and food!

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Amalgaamtoxiciteit neutraliseren en elimineren

Hoe kan het lichaam zich op een natuurlijke wijze ontdoen van het kwik of amalgaam en hoe kan de orthomoleculaire geneeskunde dit proces activeren ?

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Old fillings have increased chance of mercury leeching out

Dr. Shane S. Que Hee, a professor of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health, said the risk "depends on how eroded [the filling] is." As amalgam fillings get old, they deteriorate, increasing the chance of mercury leeching out.

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Hair Mercury Negatively Correlates with Calcium Pump Activity in Human Term Newborns and Their Mothers at Delivery

Maternal hair Hg negatively correlates with Ca pump activity in maternal and cord blood erythrocytes. Pb and Hg both independently correlate negatively with Ca pump activity without any statistically significant interaction. After adjustment for potential confounders, Pb and Hg explain about 30% and 7% of total variance of Ca pump activity in newborns and mothers, respectively. Conclusion - Our findings confirm results reported in previous experimental studies and support the use of biomarkers in newborns from general population.

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Vapors from hell

It is very difficult to accept the devastating reality about what dentists have done to humanity, and what they intend to continue to do. Even though the evaporation of mercury from dental amalgam was known as early as 1882 by Talbot[i] and by Stock in 1926[ii] dentists have, decade by decade, continued to expand the use of mercury amalgam cavity fillings. It is well known that the American Dental Association[iii] (ADA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) were founded to defend their respective professions use of mercury, which was under attack in the 1800s. What is very clearly evident about these organizations is the fact that they have resisted, to their utmost ability, any suggestion that mercury in medical and dental products is dangerous. In the case of dentistry there is no doubt who won the “amalgam wars,” though the losers are each and every person who ended up with a mouth full of materials that wreck havoc with ones health.

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Amalgam Illness

A wide variety of debilitating and supposedly incurable conditions may actually be due to chronic mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning can be easily cured if it is recognized. These conditions are seldom cured because mercury poisoning is believed to be rare. It is not. It is quite common. Thus, many people suffer needlessly. Many of today's "mystery syndromes" that physicians don't know how to treat at all - fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, anorexia, recurrent depression - aren't mystery syndromes. They are just mercury poisoning. Treating them as mercury poisoning cures them, while the usual treatments are seldom effective in the long term. This book gives practical guidance on how to tell if you really have chronic mercury poisoning or some other problem. If mercury poisoning is your problem, the book tells you how to get the mercury out of your body, and how to feel good while you do that.

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Dental Amalgam Exposure and Urinary Mercury Levels in Children

One single measure of amalgam exposure is insufficient. Studies of cumulative effects of mercury from amalgam exposure in children are likely to have improved validity and precision if time-sensitive amalgam exposure measures are used. In contrast, simple counts of current amalgam fillings are adequate to capture amalgam-related current U-Hg.

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