Mammogrammen en borstkanker

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Noors onderzoek onderzoekt de ware voordelen van mammografieën

Gebaseerd op deze studie is geconcludeerd dat screeninings mammogrammen slechts 2 procent voordeel oplevert bij het terugdringen van borstkanker sterfgevallen.

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Eric van Staalduinen

De voordelen van mammografie zijn veel kleiner dan artsen denken

Bijna een jaar na de controversiële publicatie over richtlijnen voor borstkankerbehandeling stelt een commissie dat de voordelen van mammografie veel kleiner zijn dan oorspronkelijk gedacht.

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Pieter Tau

Effect van borstkankerscreening klein

De WHO stelde in 2002 dat borstkankerscreening bij vrouwen van 50 tot 69 jaar de mortaliteit met een kwart reduceert. Noorse onderzoekers concluderen dat het effect veel kleiner is.

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Lynne McTaggart speaking on Breast Cancer

Lynne McTaggart speaking on modern medicine's treatment of breast cancer.

Borstkankerscreening redt geen levens?

Britse experts beweren in The Journal of Medicine dat de borstkankerscreening geen levens redt en ieder jaar duizenden verkeerde diagnoses stelt.


Een gezonder alternatief voor deze methode is Thermography:

Mammogrammen veroorzaken juist borstkanker

Hello, my name is Doctor Calvin Ross and I am a certified X-ray technician and I am very concerned about women continuing to receive annual Mammograms for breast cancer screening. Mammograms are X-ray radiation and radiation causes breast cancer. I have carefully researched the history of mammograms and breast cancer and here are the documented facts from my professional literature research from around the world. Mammograms were introduced in 1965 and just four years later in 1969 the first report appeared stating X-ray radiation was causing breast cancer. For the last forty years the evidence has been nonstop and clearly documents the extreme threat in developing breast cancer after being exposed to dangerous X-ray radiation.

Mammogrammen verhogen kans op borstkanker met 250%

An International Agency for Research on Cancer study showed that chest X-rays may increase women's chances of developing breast cancer. The study involved 1,600 women with high-risk
BRCA1 and 2 gene mutations. "If confirmed in prospective studies, young women who are members of families known to have BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations may wish to consider alternatives to X-ray, such as MRI," Lead researcher Dr. David Goldgar said....


Mammografie bij veertigers (40-49) zinloos volgens Canadese studie

A Canadian study has found that mammograms don't give women in their 40s a better chance of surviving breast cancer.

Alternatief voor mammografie zonder de stralingsrisico's !

The world's first radar breast imaging system developed at Bristol University that could revolutionise the way women are scanned for breast cancer, is being trialled at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT). Professor Alan Preece and Dr Ian Craddock from the University of Bristol have been working for a number of years to develop a breast-imaging device which uses radio waves and therefore has no radiation risk unlike conventional mammograms. The team began developing and researching a prototype around five years ago and have received funding from organisations including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the trustees of the United Bristol Hospitals and the University of Bristol spin-out company, Micrima Ltd. Dr Ian Craddock from the University's Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, said: "This new imaging technique works by transmitting radio waves of a very low energy and detecting reflected signals, it then uses these signals to make a 3D image of the breast. This is basically the same as any radar system, such as the radars used for air traffic control at our airports."

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Mammogrammen verlagen aantal doden door borstkanker maar vergroten overdiagnoses

Een nieuw onderzoek naar studies mbt mammogrammen laat een voor-
en nadeel zien:

  • 15% minder dodelijke slachtoffers door borstkanker
  • 30% meer kans op diagnose en behandeling van kanker die normaal geen bedreiging was geweest

Mammografie niet altijd zonder risico's

Het preventief controlen op borstkanker is niet geheel zonder risico's doordat men juist door het gebruik van gamma stralen ook kanker kan gaan ontwikkelen. Dit verhaal is in het Engels maar toch zeer de moeite waard. Lijkt een beetje op de bijwerkingen van een chemotherapie waarbij het immuunsysteem (met name de voorraad anti-oxydanten) flink te leiden heeft met als gevolg een zeer verzwakt immuunsysteem met alle gevolgen van dien.

However, there is growing evidence that mammograms which, like any x-ray, involve zapping the patient with radiation can be positively harmful and even cause the disease they are intended to detect. A Canadian study, which has yet to be published in full, seems set to confirm the findings of earlier research which clearly suggests that you are more likely to die from cancer if you undergo screening than if you don't.

The Canadian study, using the National Breast Cancer Screening Trial, is examining the effect of mammography on women under 50. Data released so far suggests that women whose cancer was detected through mammograms have a shorter life expectancy than those who used self examination alone.

Such concerns are far from new. As long ago as the early 1980s, the late Dr Robert Mendelsohn, in Male Practice, How Doctors Manipulate Women (Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1982), wrote: "I have been warning for years that annual mammographic screening of women without symptoms may produce more cancer than it detects." Mendelsohn quoted Dr C Bailar III, editor in chief of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, as making the same point in a 1975 report. "His conclusion was supported by numerous studies, which suggested that accumulated x-ray doses in excess of 100 rads over 10 to 15 years may induce cancer of the breast," said Mendelsohn.

Klik hier voor het volledige artikel

Mammograms Offer No Health Benefits Whatsoever

An increasing number of doctors are contesting the claim that annual mammograms decrease women's risk of dying from breast cancer. Danish researcher Dr. Peter Gotzsche first made this claim in a study published in "The Lancet" in October 2006. Gotzsche had re-analyzed the studies originally done on the benefits of mammograms and found them unconvincing.

Breast cancer screening harms ten women for every one it helps

A new study by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark found that mammograms may harm ten times as many women as they help. The researchers examined the benefits and negative effects of seven breast cancer screening programs on 500,000 women in the United States, Canada, Scotland and Sweden. The study's authors found that for every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only one would have her life prolonged, but 10 would endure unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments.

Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen

In the first part of the in-depth article linked below, Beyond Mammography, Dr. Len Saputo explores the latest findings on the effectiveness and shortcomings of various detection methods used by the mainstream medical community, including mammography, clinical breast exams, ultrasound, and to a lesser extent, magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) and PET scans.

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American Researchers Question Effect of Scandinavian Mammography Debate

A public row is taking place among some European investigators over a 22-year-old study that helped lay the foundation for mammography screening worldwide. Some experts question if it could—or even should—affect current practice in the United States

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Mammograms May Boost Cancer Risk in High-Risk Women

Mammograms may actually boost the risk of breast cancer in some high-risk women, a new study suggests. Dutch researchers analyzed six previously published studies, four examining the effect of low-dose radiation exposure from mammography among women with the genetic mutation boosting breast cancer risk and two looking at the effect of radiation from screening in women with a family history of breast cancer. "Women who were exposed before the age of 20 had a 2.5 times increased risk of breast cancer," said Martine Jansen-van der Weide, an epidemiologist and researcher at the University Medical Center Groningen, in the Netherlands. So did women with five or more exposures.




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