1 op de 10 Belgen heeft nierschade
300.000 langdurig zieken met uitkering tot hun pensioen
Angst voor dumpen katten door chipplicht
Ayurveda & de overgang
Beoordeling aanvullende claim Nationaal Burgerberaad Klimaat
Bloed geven heeft verrassende voordelen voor je eigen gezondheid
Boskalis gaat lekkende tanker op Noordzee bergen
Chinese geneeskunde & je maag
CO2 goed voor plantengroei. Lidewij de Vos (FVD) tegen BBB-minister over uitstootredcutie
D66 jongeren gaan dus als eerste naar het front
Dat er een machtselite op de achtergrond zit, is wel duidelijk
De appelmoes wordt duur betaald, als Den Haag met geld blijft smijten
De comeback van Robert Jensen
De Green Deal kan gewoon niet, lang verhaal kort
De reden waarom we zo weinig doen aan het klimaatprobleem?
Een virus is geen levend wezen en toch kan het overleven
Energiekosten verdubbelen door nieuw Europees CO2-systeem
Fritz Vahrenholt over het groene beleid in Duitsland
GroenLinks-PvdA en CDA – maak beelden delen van gewonden strafbaar
Henny werd doodziek door vocht en schimmel in verzakte woning
Herstel van post-covid vaak binnen een jaar, maar soms jarenlang klachten
Hoe onzekerheid ons gedrag bepaalt
Hoe paarden worden ingezet om bosbranden te bestrijden
Hoger salaris zorgmedewerkers is winst voor iedereen
Huiseigenaar wil geen bemoeienis overheid bij verduurzamen woning
Inspectie wilde strengere regels voor omstreden staalslak
Is EU-klimaatbeleid geen economische zelfmoord?
Is oorlog goed voor de economie? Nee, maar oorlogsangst wél
Kind met meer dan twee ouders blijft voor de wet voorlopig onmogelijk
Kleine sociale ontmoetingen zijn belangrijker dan je denkt en dat komt hierdoor
Medicijn voor jonge kinderen met taaislijmziekte wordt vergoed
Meer dan 10.000 kinderen met beperking zitten thuis
Minder mensen in armoede, maar overblijvende groep komt gemiddeld meer tekort
Nadere toelichting op motie over statiegeld
Nederland moet van het stikstofslot
Neurale processen in de hersenstam bepalen of iemand bij uitdagingen of moeilijkheden doorzet
Nieuwe Europese waterwetgeving ‘bedreigt toegang tot medicijnen’
Nieuwe inzichten in virussen
Post-covid – meeste patiënten herstellen binnen een jaar, maar niet iedereen
Prikspijt? Dit kun je doen
Raad van State fileert stikstofaanpak Wiersma, boeren in onzekerheid
Reusachtige converterstations gaan Nederlands landschap ontsieren
Steeds drukker op de Noordzee, weinig zicht op veiligheidsrisico’s
Toch geen lobbyregister, ambtenaren zien niets in extra transparantieregels
Vapen is gevaarlijk en verslavend – Uit gloeidraad kan chroom en lood lekken
Verlaging van de CO2-uitstoot is prima, maar kunstmatige verwijdering is peperdure onzin
Vooral slechte luchtkwaliteit in West-Vlaanderen
Weer meer meldingen over onbegrepen gedrag
Wensouders vaker naar Denemarken vanwege tekort aan spermadonoren in Nederland
Werk je in de buitenlucht? Zoveel meer risico loop je op huidkanker
Werkenden met weinig geld blijven armer doordat ze geen toeslag aanvragen
Wetenschappelijk Congres. Overzicht tijdslijn BD Landbouw door Ellen Winke.
Woo-verzoek inzake uitstootgegevens ammoniak veehouderijen
Yale, spike-eiwit bijna twee jaar na coronaprik nog gevonden bij patiënten met klachten
Zonnestroom is na 2027 geen cent meer waard, dus paneelbezitters zijn de dupe
Zorgverzekeraars falen bij inkoopbeleid geneesmiddelen
Natuurlijke supplementen
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijk B complex
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Psyllium vezels
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
A new blood test to detect diabetic kidney disease outperforms standard of care tests
Alcohol induces long-lasting sleep deficits in Drosophila via subsets of cholinergic neurons
Amish Children in New York Face Forced Vaccinations After Court Ruling
Antarctica Ice Growing Across Large Areas for at Least 85 Years, Aerial Photos Show
Are microplastics bad for your health? More rigorous science is needed
Association between heavy metal exposure and asthma in adults
Association of short-term exposure to PM2.5 and its components with hospital admission for asthma in Shanghai
At Least a Dozen States Pushing Weighing Laws to Ban Food Dyes
Avoid or ignore? How the Brain Copes with a Potential Threat
Banks and public money are financing Amazon collapse
Biosafety Expert Blasts New York Times for Claiming USAID Cuts Are ‘Setting the Stage for Disease Outbreaks’
Brain implants don’t change a person’s sense of self
Cancer cells can cooperate to grow
Chinese Drugs Are Flooding the World
Chronic stress and obesity work together to accelerate pancreatic cancer development and growth, study finds
Compound found in common herbs inspires potential anti-inflammatory drug for Alzheimer’s disease
Coronary Artery Calcium Trial Fails to Impress
Could the key to a sustainable food system already be growing in the world’s farms?
Dennis G Rancourt Studies of All Cause Mortality
Developing new gene therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders
Do cats have ‘friends’, or do they always vie for territory?
Do Face Masks Work?
Doctors ‘Baffled’ as UK Breast Cancer Deaths Set to Soar Over 40%
Dr. Jason Dean – Dr. Stephanie Seneff on Vaccines, Autism and Glyphosate
Eating Citrus May Lower Depression Risk By 20%
Experiments aboard the International Space Station may offer promising advancements in fighting cancer
Exploring the Greenland shark’s secret to extreme longevity
FAA, NASA, NOAA Admit Jets Spray Chemicals That Linger in the Sky, Alter Weather
Farmers closer to shooting more wolves under proposed EU law
Female sex hormone protects against opioid misuse, rat study finds
Fresh warning over £60K ‘miracle’ Alzheimer’s drug as study finds it could trigger brain bleeds in up to a third
Gut bacteria heal the colon
Healthy Aging – Collaborations Between Japan and the United States
HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To Meet With Food Industry Leaders
Higher ozone levels tied to heart attack risk for young adults
How lab-grown food could be on UK shelves within two years
How the US Government removed the requirement for informed consent for EUA Countermeasures
How to survive mundane tasks without feeling drained
I create buildings from mushroom components
Immune response may be harnessed to control HIV
Important health warning issued to women who ‘don’t have sex often’
Industry-friendly Laws Could Mean More Chemicals in Food Production — and Trouble for the MAHA Agenda
Intranasal herpes infection may produce neurobehavioral symptoms
Is soursop the “anticancer” super-fruit or just a tropical treat?
Katie Hopkins – Three examples of the madness we face VERSUS common sense
Law Requiring Warning Labels Prompts Some Manufacturers to Remove Toxic Chemicals
Limiting screen time protects children’s mental health
Living with autism means seeing the world differently — sometimes more clearly, sometimes more intensely, but always uniquely
Long-term effects of a responsive parenting intervention on child weight outcomes through age 9
Magnetic Pole Shift – 2 Facts vs 2 Rumors
Major Dutch Research Consortium Reaffirms Links Between Gut Microbiome Imbalances and Long COVID
Majority of the world’s population breathing dirty air says report
Melanoma progression driven in part by fatty acid uptake
Meta-analysis Suggests Physical Activity Improves Attention in Schoolchildren with ADHD
Microplastics hinder plant photosynthesis, study finds, threatening millions with starvation
Net Zero is Robbing Your Wallet
New CAR-T Cell Therapy Shows Promise for Hard-to-Treat Cancers
New CAR-T cell therapy shows promise for hard-to-treat cancers
New COVID report finds Australian governments did not adequately consider human rights
New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
New Internal Docs Expose Biden EPA’s Push for DEI Policies Across Agency, Entire Govt
New Protein Discovery Could Rival Ozempic With Fewer Side Effects
New Study Finds Gap in Tools Assessing Emotional Well-Being in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
New study links sleep debt and night shifts to increased infection risk among nurses
New vote could take new GMOs one step closer to EU fields and plates
NIH gave 10 universities over $12.5 million to study transgender and transitioning mice
OHSU study confirms link between breast density, higher breast cancer risk
Only seven countries worldwide meet WHO dirty air guidelines, study shows
Opposite causal effects of type 2 diabetes and metformin on Alzheimer’s disease
Optimism About Psychedelics and Psychiatry
Our brainwaves look the same, whether we imagine navigation or navigate in real life
Parkinson’s symptom that can come on years before hand tremors
Pet Flea Treatments Are Poisoning Wild Bird, New Study Finds
Petroleum jelly, endocrine disruption, and neurological dysfunction ? a hidden risk in wound care
Plastic pollution ‘poses hidden and persistent threat’ to food supply — study
Propaganda Wars – Corporate Media’s Pro-Seed Oil Blitz
Public shunned plant-based food in Veganuary, new research shows
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes how Colonel Matthew Hepburn coordinated the COVID-injection campaign in the U.S.
RFK Jr. and Influencers Bash Seed Oils, Baffling Nutrition Scientists
Scientists create a type of catalog, the ‘colocatome,’ of non-cancerous cells’ influence on cancer
Scientists Reveal Battery That Can Be Powered by Nuclear Waste
Self-Perceived Stress Linked to Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke
Stem Cell Therapy Repairs Cornea Damage Thought Irreversible
Structural Adversity and Suicide – The Mental Health Field is Asking the Wrong Questions
Studying chemical exposure and brain cancer risk in firefighters
Studying Chemical Exposure and Brain Cancer Risk in Firefighters
The Blue Brain Effect – Methylene Blue’s Dark Side & What You Should Be Using Instead
The EU ban on combustion car engines is in trouble
The Influence of 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi Exposure Duration on Sperm Quality and Testicular Histopathology
The Right to Die – Laura final journey to Switzerland
The Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Food Fermentation
The Root Cause and How To Fix It On Your Own (2021)
The Swedish “System” of Control
The World Has Romanticised Autism — the Reality Can Be Very Different
Toyota’s bet on hybrids was mocked, then vindicated
Trump Administration Sued for Freezing Funds That Help Protect Vulnerable Species Like Rhinos and Elephants
Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Universities are ruining free speech | Baroness Deech | Battle of Ideas 2024
US researchers develop next-gen CAR-T therapy to kill hard-to-treat cancers
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine To Heal The Gut
Vaping is linked with breathing issues in young people
Walnut oil as a dietary intervention for atherosclerosis
We explore the fascinating connection between what’s on your plate and what’s happening in your brain
Why doesn’t hand sanitiser work against norovirus?
Why is it harder for women to quit smoking?
Wireless ingestible capsule detects ‘Leaky Gut’ in real-time
Worldwide study finds high rates of depression and anxiety in people with chronic pain
Your Skin Can “Taste” Bitter Compounds to Protect Against Toxins
Zwijndrecht, a Belgian town contaminated by PFAS