Leefbewust.com nieuwsoverzicht 11 maart

0 bescherming tegen Covid-19 door vaccins in Tsjechië
Agressieve verkoop van dure thuisbatterijen leidt tot zorgen
Alle Renault-rijders hebben met 5 jaar een Chinese elektrische auto
Altijd moe door overmatig analyseren
Analyse van meer dan 5.000 corona contracten in de VK
Beschermt ibuprofen tegen dementie?
Biologische voeding beschermt tegen hart- en vaatziekten
Chronische stress? Dit is het effect op je brein
Clintel over Burgerberaad Klimaat, vraagstelling veel te smal
CO2 is goed voor planten en stimuleert het proces van fotosynthese
De instituties faalden gedurende de COVID Crisis
De Jonge weigerde document over overlijdensgevallen te openbaren
De mens als sleutel tot de circulaire economie
De mens leeft al meer dan 5000 jaar op zonne-energie
De redenen voor Europese oorlogszucht
De strijd om de mensheid
Een miljoen Nederlanders ziek door straling | De Andere Tafel
Eerste kippen waarvan eieren worden verkocht gevaccineerd tegen vogelgriep
Eieren zitten bommetjevol cholesterol, maar zijn niet slecht voor je hersenen
Energie uit wind en zon hard gestegen, ruim helft elektriciteit nu hernieuwbaar
Flashforwards bij sociale angst
Gejaagd door de windlobby vernietigt Hermans (VVD) de natuur
Groene Wolf in Schaapskleren GLOBE dekte Climategate toe
Hogere cijfers door slim te stampen
Horecaondernemers ontlasten zorginstelling SVRZ met wekelijkse maaltijdbezorging
Hun energietransitie draait op Congolees bloed
Impact van daglicht op slaapkwaliteit bij 65-plussers in het Verenigd Koninkrijk
In het oude Egypte wiste men personen uit het geheugen door hun naam te verwijderen
Industriële voeding maakt je bang en verdrietig
Ingevroren blauwe bessen net zo gezond als verse
Jelle van Baardewijk in gesprek met boerenzoon en man van de praktijk
Jongeren onderschatten gevaren van vapen
Krampen van een oude wereldorde
Lidewij de Vos – gasprijzen die door het dak gaan
Met Maarten Oversier bespreken we de ‘ontzieling’ van de maatschappij
Metabole interventies kunnen cognitieve veroudering helpen voorkomen
Miljardenverspilling inzichtelijk
Nederlandse burgemeesters mogen sinds deze week wolven af laten schieten van de EU
Niet genoeg aandacht voor langdurige klachten na keizersnede
Overheid heeft verzuimd tweedehands markt voor EV’s te creëren
René ergert zich aan bangmakerij in Nederland om derde wereldoorlog
Stenen gereedschap helpt apen overleven in barre omstandigheden
Strijd van zorgverzekeraars tegen fraudeurs is vrijwel kansloos
Terwijl Nederlandse kassen volstromen met Bulgaarse arbeidsmigranten, kampen plattelandsgebieden in Bulgarije met de gevolgen
Tijdens coronapandemie veel vragen over gebruik coronavaccins in zwangerschap
Trump-Amerikanen zijn wel klaar met leslezende Europeanen
Van lappendeken naar aaneengesloten natuurgebied
Vapende jongeren weten vaak niet of en hoeveel nicotine er in hun vape zit
Vervanger Baudet zet Kamer volledig op zijn kop
VNG steunt Wet verbetering beschikbaarheid jeugdzorg, maar heeft kanttekeningen
Vrijheid is een uitdaging, niet voor bange mensen
Waarom laten we ons regenwater weglopen in het riool?
Waarom we nooit op tijd ingrijpen bij het ontstaan van een genocide
Wat onrustige benen jou vertellen
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar een mogelijk causaal verband tussen glyfosaat en neurodegeneratie
Wie was verantwoordelijk voor de goedkeuring van de coronavaccins?
Zijn vaccineieren herkenbaar in de winkel?

Natuurlijke supplementen

Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijk B complex
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Psyllium vezels
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

28,000-year-old Neanderthal-and-human ‘Lapedo child’ lived tens of thousands of years after our closest relatives went extinct
3 Signs Keto is Ruining Your Hormones
82 deaths linked to adverse reactions, UK data show
A decade of dissent – smears and revelations
A New Robotic Hand Is Helping Pianists Play Faster and Better With No Extra Practice
Addiction to prescription drugs affects around 1.8 million people in Germany, a more widespread problem than alcoholism
AI finds natural peptide that matches Ozempic’s weight loss power without side effects
Alzheimer’s treatment may lie in the brain’s own cleanup crew
America’s Food Industry NEEDS REGULATION To Protect People From Harmful Chemicals
Are neonics critical to all crops? Research says no
Artificial muscles for tremor suppression
As Tamara Ugolini explains while vaccine profiteers obsess over misinformation, real health challenges remain largely ignored.
Bayer to run glyphosate as a ‘separate business’
Behind the Masks – Corruption red flags in COVID-19 public procurement
Bill Gates was a major investor in mRNA injection and was flowing millions of dollars in news outlets to overcome ‘vaccine hesitancy
Biohacker Gary Brecka REVEALS The REAL Fix for Anxiety Disorders
Biological impacts of time change
Brain mapping unlocks key Alzheimer’s insights
Can Fasting Supercharge Your Mitochondria? Dr. A Explains
Can LED face masks transform your skin – here’s what the experts say
Cardiac Multiple Micro-Scars – An Autopsy Study
CDC to study link between vaccines and autism in bombshell move
Cellular changes as lung damage worsens in COVID-19 revealed
Cerluten – The Brain and Nervous System Peptide Bioregulator
China Loses Multi-Billion Dollar COVID Court Case It Didn’t Even Bother Showing Up To
Climate activists are turning to sabotage instead of protest
Climate alarmism? It’s a fabricated scare story, says Dr William Happer
Climate, Carbon, Geo-engineering & Global Agendas – On Tom Nelson’s Podcast
Clinical trial opens to study groundbreaking 3D printed device for babies with rare respiratory disease
Close Encounters with Great Whites
Cognitive Impairment Starts Early, Ups Death Risk in Patients With CKD
Complete chaos at Heathrow Airport as car ‘explodes in tunnel outside terminal’
Confirmed MMR Strain Measles – A Real Phenomenon with Unanswered Questions
Daylight Saving Disrupts Millions of Americans. There’s a Better Way.
Daylight Saving Time May Impact Your Heart Health
Defeating lethal cancer – Interrupting the ecologic and evolutionary basis of death from malignancy
Do You Have Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)?
Dr. Deborah Birx Makes Two Shocking COVID Admissions
Dr. Peter McCullough Says the New Bird Flu Strain Has Lab Origins
Drinking water may run out after Israel cuts energy to Gaza
Early Intervention Strategies for Better Blood Sugar Control
Early Rhythm Control for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With End-Stage or Chronic Kidney Disease
Executive Functioning May Be Connected to Child Health Behaviors
Exhausted by the news?
Exploding Myths About Schizophrenia: An Interview with Courtenay Harding
Exposure to More Than One Pesticide Increases Risk of Childhood Cancer
First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control
Flu shot makes You more susceptible to coronavirus!– HHS Director RFK Jr.
Fruit drink supplement that may help relieve bowel disease symptoms
Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Democrat Rep Sylvester Turner Dies Suddenly
Glioblastoma in 15-39 year-olds – 230% increase in 20 years!
Green Energy Push Ignores Global Poor, Energy Poverty
Having Kids Linked to Younger Looking Brains Later in Life, Study Finds
Hawaii Kills Bill to End Vaccine Exemptions After Massive Pushback From Public
HealthRFK Jr.’s Ultimatum to big food – reform or be crushed in the MAHA Revolution
High temperatures could affect brain function in preadolescents
Hope for frozen shoulder treatment
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Drivers Revealed in Human Organ Chips
Inside the Wuhan lab-leak scandal – bioweapons, cover-ups & the Covid ‘smoking gun’
Is Our Five-Year Nightmare Finally Over?
Is the Current Bird Flu Made in America?
Is the UN’s digital ID plan the end of privacy?
Is year-round daylight saving time a good idea? Maybe not
Italy’s New Farmers | ARTE.tv Documentary
I’ve spent years uncovering Covid’s biggest secrets – Trump must release ALL intelligence now
Links between metabolism and aggressive breast cancer
Luteolin – The Little Yellow Wonder with Health-Boosting Power!
Making heart scar tissue a nonissue
Mandates for cattle and chicken vaccines are off the table
Maternal cannabis use triples risk of disruptive behaviour in children
Measles Madness – Will you fall for their Propaganda this time?
Medical Regulatory Agencies Are Corrupted by Big Pharma
Men Have Higher Risk of Parkinson’s, And We May Finally Know Why
Millions died—but why? Five years later, COVID’s origins remain in dispute
MIT chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Nasal spray to treat traumatic brain injury
Net Zero is a complete and utter disaster
Net Zero is Robbing Your Wallet
Neuroinflammation causes mitral cell dysfunction and olfactory impairment in a multiple sclerosis model
Neuroscientist Lore Thaler explains why she thinks people with visual impairments should be taught echolocation
New insights into ageing revealed
No Power for the People
Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Novel enzyme found in gut bacteria could revolutionize prebiotic research
Nutritionist claims APPLES do exactly the same thing to your body as Ozempic
Optimal brain processing requires balance between excitatory and inhibitory neurons, study suggests
Ozempic is increasingly being linked to vision loss. What’s the truth?
Patrick Bet-David and Gary Brecka discuss the impact of blood sugar on cognitive function
Patrick Bet-David and Gary Brecka discuss Dr. Mike, Fauci, and the loss of credibility in health authorities
Patrick Bet-David and Gary Brecka explore the impact of sex, oxytocin, and human connection on health and longevity
Pesticide deltamethrin causes brain damage in offspring at ‘safe’ dose
Pet cats arrived in China via the Silk Road 1,400 years ago, ancient DNA study finds
Phage therapy provides new hope for refractory and resistant bacterial infections
Phone bans sweep US schools despite skepticism
Possible biomarker identified for Crohn’s disease with arthritis type
Prevent eczema flare-ups by teaching immune system to tolerate allergenic foods
Professor says NOAA is ‘reaping the whirlwind’ for ‘cutting the corners on science’
Psilocybin Shows Promise in Repairing Brain Damage from Mild Head Trauma
Puppy support for youth trauma
RFK Jr. Asks CDC to Investigate Link Between Vaccines and Autism as Childhood Diagnoses Skyrocket
Scientists shock claim that lab leak in Wuhan was behind Covid-19 and US helped cover up outbreak
Second-hand smoke doubles deadly pregnancy complication risk
Sex Differences in Blood of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Patients
Shining new light on retinal repair
Sleep apnea linked to increased risk of Parkinson’s, but CPAP may reduce risk
Social media posts can reduce suicidal thoughts
Some cell phones contain toxic flame retardants, study warns
Stem cell therapy trial reverses “irreversible” damage to cornea
Still think mRNA is safe?
Sugary drinks are a killer – 20% tax increase would save lives
Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature – The Case of O.N.E. Amazon
Swan Rescued From Busy Street With An Ikea Bag | The Dodo
The (Lack of) Health in Young Women
The Age-Old War Between Kids and Broccoli Is Finally Over
The cost of Net Zero is always fudged to make it look cheaper than nuclear or anything else
The end of PFAS pesticides?
The Lasting Impact of a Lynching
The Macro Impacts of Microplastics
The Profit Interests of Big Pharma are Fundamentally at Odds with the Health Interests of the Public
The Real Reason the FDA Greenlit COVID Vaccines
The role of animal meat in brain tumor development
The Science of Exercise for Cancer | Kerry Courneya, PhD
The Spike Protein Parallels Asbestos
The U.S. Is Planting Too Much GMO Corn
They Are Testing DEAD Patients for Measles and Putting Kids on Ventilators
This simple dietary swap could help you live longer
Two New Studies Strengthen The Link Between Fluoridation And Lowered IQ
Vitamin B12 Levels Association with Functional and Structural Biomarkers of Central Nervous System Injury in Older Adults
Walking, moving more may lower risk of cardiovascular death for women with cancer history
Was Trump Tricked Into Lockdowns or Not?
We found that chronic inflammation increases the risk of adverse events induced by mRNA vaccines, particularly in the heart
Weaknesses in Aussie tobacco laws leave children exposed
What happened to those gene edited babies from China ?
What we should and shouldn’t expect from Ireland’s Covid-19 review
Wholemeal or Wholegrain? An Expert Explains How to Choose Your Bread.
Why American Healthcare Is So Broken – Brigham Buhler
Why Did More Than 1 Million Bee Colonies Collapse?
Yale chemists discover a new method for reducing carbon dioxide