Leefbewust.com nieuwsoverzicht 5 maart

473 miljoen kinderen groeien op in oorlog
5 jaar na corona zegt epidemioloog Jos Frantzen – Nationale ingrepen hadden geen enkele zin
Amerikaans gezondheidsministerie roept medewerkers op toch te reageren op Musk
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over EU-subsidie aan milieuclubs voor lobby
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over dure importcontroles bij groente en fruit
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over subsidies milieuorganisaties voor lobby-activiteiten
Belasting op gas explodeert in tien jaar
Betablokkers zinvol bij hartfalen?
Bijna 9.000 wilde paarden afgeschoten in Australisch nationaal park voor milieubescherming
Bloeddrukmeter-fabrikant Omron verzamelt locatiegegevens van miljoenen gebruikers
De besmettingstheorie
De stelling luidt, antidepressiva zijn soms levensgevaarlijk. Maar hoe vaak, en waarom?
Deel verpleegkundigen niet hersteld van coronacrisis
Deze tomatensaus is een superfood
Deze vervuilde moestuin is nu ‘verlost’ van PFAS
Dit zijn ‘hartverscheurende’ gemeentelijke uitvaarten
Duurzaam schoonmaken met ozonwater
Geweld op scholen is een groeiend probleem in Zweden
Grok pelt de gewraakte Wakefield antivax-studie af
Het debacle van de COVID-19-prikken
Het IMF luidt de noodklok over de CBDC
Hoe wordt een mening opgedrongen?
Kamer wil leeftijdsgrens voor gebruik van verslavende sociale media
Kamerbrief reactie op e-mail over eigen bijdrage Wlz
Kamerbrief uitkomsten wettelijke evaluatie Skal Biocontrole
Kinderrechten en de toetsende taak van de Kinderbescherming
Klimaatbetogers slaan burelen van bedrijf in Gentse haven kort en klein
Klimaatdoelen voor 2035 blijven hetzelfde, maar industrie moet meer ‘ademruimte’ krijgen
Man (35) verdacht van in brand steken kat, vriendin neemt hem toch terug
Melders beter beschermd met klokkenluiderswet
Met een digitaal paspoort wordt je telefoon in 2026 een iDictator
Microplastics behalve in hersenen ook in hart en bloedvaten
Minder kans op langdurige vermoeidheidsklachten na infectie met omikronvariant
Moestuinen krijgen nieuwe grond, maar blijft het PFAS-vrij?
Nieuw groen industrieplan EU jaagt bedrijven juist weg
Nieuwe schuilplaats voor bevers helpt de dijk beschermen
Om ons plantaardiger te laten eten, tuigt het Rijk een miljoenen euro’s verslindende Nationale Eiwitstrategie op
Oorlog in Oekraïne veroorzaakt de ene milieuramp na de andere
Schittering zonnepanelen hindert piloten op Schiphol
Schoonmaken moestuinen rond Chemours kost miljoenen
Supermarkten weigeren Tweede Kamer uitleg over hoge prijzen
Toezichthouder en ministerie van landbouw negeren EU-regels die kalfjes moeten beschermen
Vattenfall overweegt warmtenet te verkopen wegens ‘grote investeringen’
Vertrouwen hbo- en wo-opgeleiden in regering is gedaald naar 52%
Vragenuurtje tweede kamer 4 maart 2025
Welke kruiden komen nu in bloei?
Zware mishandeling Vlaardings pleegmeisje is geen incident

Waardeer je deze nieuwsoverzichten? Steun dan onze webwinkel

Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

1900 Scientists Say ‘Climate Change Not Caused by CO2’
60% Of Adults Will Be Overweight Or Obese By 2050
A Balance of Gut Bacteria Could Play a Crucial Role in How MS Develops
A Population Collapse 110,000 Years Ago May Have Doomed The Neanderthals
A surprising link between Crohn’s disease and the Epstein-Barr virus
Alarming levels of microplastics discovered in human brain tissue, linked to dementia
Alzheimer’s brain changes may be more aggressive in women
Ambient Toxic Air Contaminants in the Maternal Residential Area during Pregnancy and Cerebral Palsy in the Offspring
An Early Sign of Dementia Risk May Be Keeping You Up at Night
Autistic woman wrongly locked up in mental health hospital for 45 years
Babies fed a diverse diet had fewer food allergies
Britain Paying £180,000 an Hour to Switch Off Wind Farms
British children are now as fat as American kids
Can weaning oneself off pharmaceuticals ease the cycle of perpetual suffering?
Cancer Cells ‘Cooperate’ To Survive, Study Finds
Cancer-causing chemicals are detected in 100% of hair products tested in new study
Cannabis Exposure Among Children on the Rise, North Carolina Poison Control Says
ChatGPT on the Couch? How to Calm a Stressed-Out AI
Common malaria drug repurposed to fight cancer
Could You Be at Risk? The Hidden Parasites That Can Invade Your Brain
Covid vaccine injured – Silent no More
Dicamba drift – New use of an old herbicide disrupts pollinators
Dill – The ancient herb with modern healing powers
Disgusting reason you should never wear socks in bed
Doctors discover ‘hidden consciousness’ in comatose patients in medical breakthrough
Documentary tracks the plight of homeless pets in Ukraine
Does E-Cigarette Use Increase the Risk of Cancer?
Dutch slam Commission over ‘harmful’ tobacco delays
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has been taken to court over 11 threatened species
Evidence expanding that 40Hz gamma stimulation promotes brain health
Flashback to 2022 when Victoria Nuland stated Ukraine had biolabs
Food additive emulsifiers and cancer risk
Foods and Drinks That Could Be Sabotaging Your Sleep
Foreign Proteins and the Induction of Chronic Disease
France Mandates Composting to Combat Food Waste
Genetic overlap between schizophrenia and constipation
Growing Impact discusses environmental contaminants, human health
Hallucinogen use linked to 2.6-fold increase in risk of death for people needing emergency care
Healthier food environments for obesity prevention and management
Heart disease risk drops in walkable areas—but only when residents agree they’re walkable
Hidden signs of cataracts no-one can afford to ignore as cases of sight-robbing disease rise in under 50s
How a low-carb diet can drive colorectal cancer development
How Breathing Hacks the Vagus Nerve to Lower Blood Pressure & Inflammation
How Complex Trauma Affects Your Relationship with Your Body
How Genes Determine Our Quality of Sleep
How to trick the body’s metabolism
Immune ‘fingerprints’ aid diagnosis of complex diseases in Stanford Medicine study
Impact of high iodine and fluoride intake on children’s IQ in rural China
Insights gained from a genetic diagnosis of autism can be transformative for children and their families
Iraq War veteran in his late 30s claims COVID vaccine gave him condition that causes full body paralysis
Is Bret allergic to European wheat? Part III
Japan reveals the world’s first solar super-panel
Lack of medical oxygen affects millions
Large psychotherapy trial has implications for transforming mental health care during pregnancy and after birth
Long-term cocaine use may increase impulsivity
Merck Didn’t Tell Public Gardasil Contained Unapproved Ingredient
Mercury Cycling in Warming Oceans
Metabolic shift in liver cancer
Microplastics Found in Birds’ Lungs in New Study
Mizzou scientists develop a method that could lower medicine costs and contribute to cleaner energy and sustainability
mRNA Injured Soldier with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Net Zero to add £900 to cost of living by 2030
New bans target PFAS in clothing. Here’s how to avoid exposure
New biosensor can detect airborne bird flu in under 5 minutes
New pill for type 2 diabetes on the horizon
New research shows how fibre affects the immune system
New study suggests a shift in diabetes testing after pregnancy to improve women’s health
Novel research shows brain connections can predict future substance use in adolescents
Novel stem cell therapy repairs irreversible corneal damage in clinical trial
On CNN this morning, they claimed that hurricanes are becoming more frequent
One-third of older Canadians at nutritional risk, study finds
Online calculator reveals if your work life is causing ‘premature ageing’
Out-of-balance bacteria is linked to multiple sclerosis
Post coronavirus-disease-vaccination immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in tuberculosis treatment
Real-life stories behind Toxic Town Netflix series
Reducing the Wait for Autism Diagnoses
Researchers debunk common belief that women get better muscles by timing their workouts to their menstrual cycles
Researchers develop first laser 3D-printed total knee implant
Researchers reveal key mechanism behind bacterial cancer therapy
Researchers uncover genetic basis of aggressive prostate cancer
Rise in ADHD Cases Raises Questions
Scientists Develop ‘E-Tongue’ That Lets You Taste Cake In Virtual Reality
Scientists discover potential for serious harm from chemical loophole
Sea otters help kelp forests recover—but how fast depends on where they are
Silent Inflammation – The Biological Pathway to Autism
Simple technique may allow for almost complete recycling of Plexiglass
Study links intense energy bursts to ventilator-induced lung injury
Study uncovers genetic drivers of aggressive prostate cancer
Stunned families reveal how their children’s autism symptoms were REVERSED by cheap ‘life-changer’ drug
Swab test could help UK women avoid invasive checks for womb cancer
Synthetic microbiome therapy suppresses bacterial infection without antibiotics
Tattoos may be linked to an increased risk of cancer
The Contagion Question – If Germs Don’t Cause Illness, What Does?
The Hidden Cost of Palm Oil – Protecting Sumatran Elephants and Our Planet
The systemic capillary leak syndrome following COVID-19 vaccine
The Use of Antidepressants in Patients With Depression Is Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Disease Severity
Treatments like MDMA and psilocybin to be funded for veterans
Trump Strikes at the Heart of the Climate Change Agenda by Attacking CO2 ‘Pollution’ Claim
UC Irvine-led study finds possible links between PFAS exposure and childhood cancers
Ultra-processed foods and risk of all-cause mortality
Unleashing bamboo – A nature-based solution to plastics
Utah set to become first state to ban water fluoridation over health risks
Water lentils – the sustainable superfood making its way to European tables
We feed gut microbes sugar, they make a compound we need
Weight loss jabs like Ozempic ’trigger panic attacks’ and worsen anxiety, experts discover
We’re Going After Big Pharma and Big Food To Restore American Wellness
What’s the deal with red light therapy?
Why Not Regulate Water Vapor Emissions While You are At It?
Workers injured on the job may experience a greater mental health decline than those injured elsewhere
Your Gut Bacteria Are Eating More Than We Thought and That’s a Good Thing