50.000 huizen mogelijk toch niet aangesloten op warmtenet, te duur
7 verrassende gezondheidsvoordelen van aubergines
Aangifte tegen vijftien zzp’ers met vals zorgdiploma
Afweging van de risico’s rondom het vaccineren tegen Covid-19
Amerikaanse scholen herontdekken beroepsonderwijs
Antwoorden Kamervragen over recycling in de mode-industrie
Antwoorden Kamervragen over risico’s Chemours
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over puntensysteem dat gemeente Utrecht hanteert
Beeldbellen met een therapeut gebeurt steeds vaker
Bloeddrukmeters gebruikt om patiënten stiekem te tracken
Britse undercoveragenten gingen relaties aan om in privélevens activisten te infiltreren
CZ onder toezicht vanwege schenden zorgplicht, maar wat houdt dit in?
De band tussen baasjes en hun huisdieren
De kunst van het wegkijken
De positieve effecten van slow cinema
De positieve kracht van protest
De rol van de hersenen bij obesitas
De toekomst van energielabels en verduurzaming
De Vierde Golf, Corona en Oekraïne. Peter van der Vlis, Jona Walk met Ab Gietelink
Dwars Door De Politiek
Europese landen hebben zichzelf al uit de markt geprezen qua energie
Geboren rond 1960 – immuun voor corona
Gekochte journalisten
Gen Z ziet social media steeds meer als belangrijke nieuwsbron
Groot handboek aromatherapie door Greetje Van Den Eede
Het grote gevaar van de eenzijdige informatiestromen in een gevaarlijker wereld
Hoe werkt censuur (content moderation) op LinkedIn en X?
Hoogwatervluchtplaats voor bevers moet de dijk beschermen
Immuniteit opbouwen door censuur
In de wereld is momenteel veel gaande en het gaat steeds een versnelling hoger
Ingrid maakt machtige strandmandala’s bij Wijk aan Zee
Is de wolf goed voor onze natuur?
Is een koptelefoon met noise-cancelling verslavend?
Je doet het voor een ander
Je microbioom de sleutel tot gezondheid
Kan je gehoorschade oplopen door luide sirenes?
Kan ons DNA worden aangepast door traumatische ervaringen van onze oma’s?
Lockdown verpleeghuizen tijdens corona was ‘een onmenselijke situatie’
Meer dan 15.000 onnodige Coronadoden in 2020-2021
Mobiele zonnepanelen op landbouwgrond stuitten op weerstand
Muizen verlenen ‘eerste hulp’ aan bewusteloze soortgenoten
Na crowdfunding heeft Kean (9 jaar) een eigen rolstoelbus
NetZero in 2050 is onhaalbaar en onbetaalbaar
Nieuw rapport voorspelt flinke stijging stroomprijzen VK in 2030
Nieuwe gentherapie laat blinde kinderen weer zien
Politiek begraaft onafhankelijk onderzoek naar oversterfte | De Andere Tafel
Prikspijt bij veel Nederlanders wegens bijwerkingen
Steeds meer longcovidpatiënten arbeidsongeschikt, ’topje van de ijsberg’
Steven Spreekt met Greetje Van den Eede over vruchtbaarheid en aromatherapie
Subsidie aan milieuclubs in ruil voor lobby
Te lang gamen met koptelefoon veroorzaakt oorsuizen
Transportregels voor waterdieren hard nodig
Vaccincriticus Kennedy spreekt steun uit voor mazelenprik
Verplichte fietshelm?
Wolvenbeleid niet meer van deze tijd
Wordt ons immuunsysteem aangetast door alle draadloos gebruik?
Zij leven met tinnitus
Zzp’ers met vals diploma mochten van uitzendbureau in de zorg werken
Waardeer je deze nieuwsoverzichten? Steun dan onze webwinkel
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
11 children who were blind can now see with gene therapy
2000 Km Of Antarctic Ice-Covered Coastline Has Grown Slightly Over Past 85 Years!
2020 – Maternal glyphosate exposure causes autism-like behaviors in offspring through increased expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase
2023 – Impact of pesticides exposure during neurodevelopmental period on autism spectrum disorders – A focus on gut microbiota
A former FDA vaccine regulator speaks out about the Covid jabs
According to Dr. Kevin Reese – Dementia is linked to statin drugs
Acupuncture enhances stem cell therapy of stroke
AI robots developed to help elderly in Japan
Alpha-Gal Syndrome, Allergies, and SAAT
American drug appetite needs to be reduced
An estimated 4,500 Substack pages are challenging covid and other “official” narratives
Ancient seafloor spreading 15 million years ago caused sea levels to plummet
Andrew Doyle RAILS AGAINST EU Chief’s censorship plans
Antidepressant Trial Duration versus Duration of Real-World Use
Antidepressants vs Heroin – was RFK Jr right?
Are Surgeons Being Forced to Perform Gender Mutilation Surgeries?
Australian whose blood saved 2.4 million babies dies
Australian-grown breakthrough to tackle ovarian cancer | 7NEWS
Authorities Confiscated a Beloved Deer That a Woman Raised as a Pet — and Now the Animal Might Be Euthanized
Ayahuasca – The Drug That Can Break Your Mind
Biohacker warns US is at a health ‘crisis point’
Breakthrough Infection Signal In VAERS Corroborates IgG4-Mediated Increased Susceptibility To SARS-CoV-2
Brits more than doubled ketamine intake in 2024 with 25 tonnes consumed
Bury St Edmunds woman died day after Covid-19 vaccination
Canadians make a compelling case for drinking tree sap
Cancer risk microplastics blight South American rivers
China could blackmail Germany via wind turbines, report warns
China’s thorium survey finds ‘endless energy source right under our feet’
CO2 Emissions have Delayed the Next Glacial Period
Common painkiller doubles ADHD cases when taken during pregnancy
Computer simulations show nightmare Atlantic current shutdown less likely this century
Covid vaccine syndrome has destroyed our lives
Decoding how to safely incinerate ‘forever chemicals’
Dementia risk in the U.S. after age 55 higher than previously thought, study finds
Diazepam exposure associated with an increased risk of acute kidney injury in children
Do I agree that milk protein-contaminated vaccines can cause autism?
Do Specialized Glycoproteins Prop Up Blood-Brain Barrier?
DOGE Cuts Fauci-Funded Animal Testing in China
Dr Esselstyn & flax
Earth’s strongest ocean current could slow down by 20% by 2050 in a high emissions future
Effect of fasting status on association between exposure to phthalate and phenolics, and thyroid hormones in adult women of reproductive age
Egg Freezing – What No One Tells You (trailer)
Electrohypersensitivity – No more access to health care | Dr Magali Koelman
Elevated Pesticide Hazards from Plastic Contamination Focus of International, State, and Local Action
Evidence the U.S. autism epidemic initiated by acetaminophen (Tylenol) is aggravated by oral antibiotic amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and now exponentially by herbicide glyphosate (Roundup)
Ex-head developer of Israeli COVID vaccine slams Genesis Prize for Pfizer CEO
Exposure to Environmental Pesticides and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Farmers in the United States are raising alarms about the poisoning of their land
FBI Probing Biden’s $20 Billion Green Fund for Potential Fraud
Fear spikes as mass chicken culling and a Texas measles ‘outbreak’ dominate headlines
Food insecurity and cardiovascular disease risk factors among U.S. adults
Food is a major trigger of gastrointestinal symptoms in IBS
Freedom is bad for you, covid study concludes
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America
Ghrelin promotes neurologic recovery and neurogenesis in the chronic phase after experimental stroke
Government Pays $2.5 Million to Person Injured by COVID Vaccine — But 98% of Claims Are Denied
How did South Korea start producing more babies after long decline?
How does toothpaste affect the good bacteria in your mouth?
How far do pesticides spread from the fields – Interview with Prof Dr Carsten Brühl
How Many Times Couples Should Have Sex Every Week—Experts Weigh In
How much is Bill Gates’ GAVI getting from UK’s foreign aid?
How Nursing Home Nurses Who Care for Residents With Dementia Experience the Moral Distress?
How to Address the Autism Epidemic
Human Skin Can Taste Things, And Scientists Just Figured Out Why
I Spent 20 Years In Heaven; This Is What I Saw (NDE)
I took fat jabs and I ended up in a coma for seven WEEKS
Injected Allergies – How Injected Proteins Are Rewiring the Immune System
Intermittent fasting cuts heart attack risk by preventing dangerous blood clots
Intuitive eating is a big anti-diet trend online. What does TikTok get right and wrong about it?
Is Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency a Risk Factor for the Development of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Cancer Patients?
Is The Malaria Cure Being Suppressed?
Kansas will be the The first of 5 states to go after Pfizer
Medical reformation on Leaky gut & autoimmune disease
Melting Antarctic ice will slow the world’s strongest ocean current
Microplastics and chemicals from over 3,000 food packaging materials are found in human bodies
Modern Diets Don’t Have Enough Fiber. Here’s Why That Matters
Most dangerous job in the world – The last of the Indonesian miners
Muziek – Davit Barqaia – Precious | Music Video |
Neuroinflammation and pathways that contribute to tourette syndrome
Neurons gather together for vision
New 4D Brain Map reveals potential early warning signs of multiple sclerosis
New biosensor powers itself, detects and kills bacteria to make water safe
New RSV vaccine approved for over-60s – jab uses mRNA technology, just like the Covid shot
Nuclear reactors killing Americans at accelerating rate
Obesity starts in the brain
On climate, common sense is in. Alarmism and spending are out
Ozempic Linked to 19 Adverse Health Events
Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Shows Potential in Early Trial
Peter’s takeaways on aerobic exercise and VO2 max, insulin resistance, and more
Professor Lockdown Ferguson returns. This time to “predict” the spread of bird flu in US cattle
Promising target in brain cancer
Remembering Arthur Firstenberg — Scientist, Writer, Advocate
Research indicates effects of PTSD on body vary by culture
Scientists describe new type of fat in human bellies
Scientists match Earth’s ice age cycles with orbital shifts – suggest next one in 10,000 years
Scientists track pneumonia-causing bacteria as they infect the blood stream
Signs of Alien Weather Manipulation | Ancient Aliens
So Much For RFK, Jr.’s Promise of ‘Radical Transparency’ at HHS
Stanford doctor says you can beat arthritis inflammation in 8 weeks with one diet
Starmer’s regime declares war on nature
The “anticancer” super-fruit that suddenly has a lot of new fans
The brainwashing goes deep – even now there are many folk doing important work who have their heads in the sands.
The Environmental Cost of Fast Fashion
The Hidden Dangers of Takeout Containers
The impact of metformin on kidney disease progression and mortality in diabetic patients using SGLT2 inhibitors
The Renewable Energy Transition has Failed
The Role of the Urea Cycle in the Alzheimer’s Disease Brain
The true cost of Net Zero
The U.S. Is Planting Too Much GMO Corn — And Farmers Are Losing Billions of Dollars
The UK’s food system is broken
This French company made life-saving food cheaper and boosted global nutrition
Turkey said it would become a ‘zero waste’ nation. Instead, it became a dumping ground for Europe’s rubbish
Two beers a day shrinks your brain as much as a decade of aging
U.S. beekeepers report ‘catastrophic’ winter losses; cause is a mystery
Uganda – Hounds of Hope | ARTE.tv Documentary
Unblinding, reversing the blinding risk of diabetes naturally
Unusual craving is a red flag sign you have iron deficiency
USDA’s $1 Billion Plan to Combat Bird Flu Calls for Vaccines and Killing More Birds — Will It Work?
We are going to have a mass awakening on Net Zero
Where does tattoo ink go in your body?
Why does everything feel the same today? Why can’t I feel any emotions anymore?
Why downsizing may increase sickness absence
Why Isn’t the Mainstream Media Reporting that Ocean Circulation Is Doing Well?
Why Self-Rejection Makes You Easy To Manipulate | Charles Eisenstein
Why Your Brain Craves Sugar – And How to Fight It
Why your Gen Z employees are unhappy—and what you can do about it
Will Net Zero Reduce Electricity Costs in 2030?