Nieuwsoverzicht 3 maart

104 jaar aan woke-drugsbeleid
4 saneringsplannen voor PFAS-vervuiling 3M in Zwijndrecht afgekeurd
5 dagen fastfood eten kan al de stofwisseling van je hersenen veranderen
Afluisteren door OM van journalisten in mondkapjeszaak was gerechtvaardigd ?
Agema buigt voor de macht
Arno Wellens over de ‘Green Deal’
Bloedsuiker en triglyceriden dalen onmiddellijk
Bollentelers krijgen boete voor gebruik verboden gif
Brandweer waarschuwt voor koolmonoxidevergiftiging
Chinese geneeskunde & voorjaarsmoeheid
Cocaïnekoningin ook verdacht van illegale puppyhandel
COVID-19 ziekenhuisopname kan jaren later grote gevolgen hebben
De overgang, prik en virus
De voortreffelijke griepprik | ‘Dom als je ‘m niet neemt’
Dit eiwit in je hersenen kan depressie stoppen
Een rechterlijk vonnis is ook maar een mening
Ernstige schimmel en vocht is voor veel huurders een enorm probleem
Europa heeft niet de luxe om moreel verontwaardigd te zijn
Geitenhouders niet blij met onduidelijkheid na gezondheidsonderzoek
Gemeente Zeist en natuurliefhebbers tegenover elkaar in rechtbank
Gorilla die kan praten zegt iets schokkends over mensen
Hersenspoeling; het doven van het verlangen
Het Nederlandse klimaatbeleid is verwaarloosbaar
Hoe grijs wordt de opvolger van de Europese Green Deal?
Hondsdraf thee vermindert slijm en hoest, met uitgebreide werking
JA21-politicus Beukering over de 100 klimaatmiljarden van Wopke Hoekstra
Klimaatgekte – 200 miljard euro nodig voor investeringen in stroomnet
Levende hartpleister bij hartfalen
Mantelzorger wil gezien worden
Mentale problemen bij jongeren niet toegenomen door corona
Niet-reanimerenpenning zorgt soms voor veel onduidelijkheid
Noord-Brabant steekt miljoenen in ontwikkeling kleine kernreactor
Ondertussen profiteert Nederland mee van oorlog
Onze Europese moraal is minder superieur dan we zelf graag denken
Op 6 feb oordeelde de rechter dat VWS alle 29 geheime OMT-tapes moest inleveren
Reablement ouderen kan heel effectief zijn, mits het niet wordt opgelegd
Saneren terrein met PFAS in Doetinchem kost miljoenen
Sinds 2021 in deze gemeente veel vruchtbaarheidsproblemen
Stichting AAP zoekt dekens
Storm bij Ongehoord Nederland neemt in kracht toe
Van opbouwende kritiek kunnen rechters alleen maar beter worden
Waarom populaire medische tests op sociale media vaak onzin zijn
Wanneer stopt deze waanzin?
Wat als je voelt dat de huisarts je niet serieus neemt?
Wetenschappers zien belangenverstrengeling bij medische tijdschriften en big pharma

Waardeer je onze nieuwsoverzichten? Steun dan svp onze webwinkel

Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten


Internationaal nieuws

2021 – What do Pfizer’s 1996 drug trials in Nigeria teach us about vaccine hesitancy?
3 Reasons I do NOT do Intermittent Fasting
Alternatives to Plywood, Which Are Less Toxic?
BBC Undercover Filming Exposes Indian Pharma Firm Fueling Opioid Crisis
Biden cancer charity scandal
Birds breathe in dangerous plastics—and so do we
Blood test could lead to better diagnosis and management of ALS
Brain age mediates gut microbiome dysbiosis-related cognition in older adults
CEO Albert Bourla says HHS Secretary R. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) is para
Children Exposed to Pesticides Experience “Cellular Distress” and Chronic and Acute Diseases, Study Finds
China Targets Severe Air Pollution Elimination by End of 2025
Common Fungal Compound May Be the Key to Fighting Deadly Flu Infections
Congressional bill could expose millions of Americans to toxic waste
Could This 400-Year-Old Shark Hold the Key to Human Longevity?
Covering up risks of covid vaccine induced myocarditis
COVID inquiry criticised after saying it won’t hear from PPE suppliers
Critical illness more common than expected in African hospitals
Discovery of a common ‘weapon’ used by disease-causing fungi could help engineer more resilient food crops
Electricity is more dangerous than you think
Emerging treatments for social disconnection in psychiatric illness
Employee burnout can cost employers millions each year
Environmental chemicals and women’s health – addressing early-onset breast cancer
Epidemic of Fraud – Exposing Hydroxychloroquine Censorship
Extreme heat may speed up aging in older adults
Failure to Consult Indigenous Peoples on Future Pandemics Will Further Harm Children’s Education
Farmers Sue USDA Over Deleted Climate Data
Fat transport deficiency explains rare childhood metabolic crises
Happiness, Sex, and The Spiritual Life (Christopher West)
Have an ACL or Achilles Injury? Your Turf Field Might be to Blame
Heavy metals in EV batteries are known carcinogens, pose greater cancer risk for firefighters
How air pollution and wildfire smoke may contribute to memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease
How Basel put nature on top
How chlamydia forms protective bubbles to survive inside human cells
How Could AI Change Neuroendocrine Cancer?
How Modern Diets and Toxins Starve Your Body’s Cells — And Drain Your Energy
How our lungs back up the bone marrow to make our blood
How rebranded toxins still lurk in your pantry
How the nervous system modulates pain signals
How to Control Hunger, Eating & Satiety | Huberman Lab Essentials
How To Shift Your Fear of Not Being Enough | Tony Robbins FULL Intervention
Innate immune training aggravates inflammatory bone loss
Interview with Prof. William Happer – Climate Scare Is Based on Lies
Ireland’s first seaweed association launched
Is It A Burnout Or Depression? Here’s How You Can Differentiate
John Barrasso Slams Biden’s EV Mandate ‘Failure’
Just Five Days of Junk Food Can Throw Off Your Brain’s Metabolism
Kellogg’s, “Germs” & Food Pyramids
Kennedy Hits Pause on COVID Vaccine Project Worth Hundreds of Millions
Let’s Talk About Cancer and Covid Vaccines Once Again
Mammals’ body clocks change when humans impact their environment
McMaster researchers uncover blood metabolites that may influence early childhood development
Meet Sekuru Peter Maganaiza, Aged 104, The Oldest Participant in our Movement of Life Zimbabwe Project
Megyn Kelly reveals she’s battling Covid vaccine injury… leaving doctor horrified
Monkeys Infected With Transmissible Diseases are Trucked Across U.S
More Than 17,000 British People Claim They Were Injured or a Relative Was Killed by COVID-19 Vaccines
Most Infant Formula Brands Are Full of Added Sugars
Multiple roles of circular RNAs in prostate cancer
Muziek – Van Morrison – Down To Joy (Official Video)
Navigating the Heartache of Losing a Beloved Pet
New 4D Brain Map reveals potential early warning signs of multiple sclerosis
New Study Reveals How Earth’s Orbit Controls Ice Ages
Next ice age would hit Earth in 11,000 years if it weren’t for climate change
Noise-canceling headphones may be linked to brain condition
Parental Alcohol Use Linked To Increased Cancer Risk In Children
Physical activity linked to lower risk of dementia, sleep disorders, other diseases
Possible links between PFAS exposure and childhood cancers
Pre-Emptive Programming in TV Shows
PREFUL MRI Reveals Distinct Lung Phenotype in Children With Long COVID
Researchers tether proteins together, causing tumors to self-destruct
Scientists Develop Open Database With 500+ Potential PFAS Alternatives
Scientists track pneumonia-causing bacteria as they infect the blood stream
Sometimes we speak up and sometimes we stay silent
Stroke study provides new evidence on clot-removal surgery
Study Finds Patterns of Brain Atrophy in Schizophrenia Converge on a Common Functional Brain Network
Study Identifies Potential Therapeutic Target for Colon Cancer
Study reveals how air pollution contributes to Alzheimer’s disease
Texas Reports Death of Child Who Tested Positive for Measles, But Releases Few Details
The Dark Side of Net Zero & Congo’s Mining Crisis
The Depressing State of Antidepressants
The Hidden Link Between Long COVID & Mitochondrial Damage
The Link Between Flossing And Preventing Heart Disease Might Surprise You!
The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%)
The WHO Cares More About Pushing Experimental Vaccines Than Basic Sanitation and That’s a Problem
Toxic chemical pollutants detected in lichens and mosses in the Irati forest
Tucker Carlson says the quiet part out loud! The murder of Epstein
Type 3c diabetes: Dr Amir Khan raises awareness of ‘little known’ condition and symptoms
Unhealthy eating during the COVID-19 lockdown
Vance confronts Starmer over free speech
Why brain cancer is often resistant to immunotherapy
Why did Myocarditis UK charity recommend Covid vax to children?
Why don’t pandas eat more meat?
Why Fear Controls Our Responses
Why vaping is bad for your heart
Why We Still Need Gas – EU’s Energy Dilemma
Workplace aggression causes real harm — leaders must take action against it
Wuhan lab conducts ‘ominous’ experiments, new COVID emerges