7 wetenschappelijke bevindingen over dingen die het risico op dementie zouden kunnen verlagen
Adaptieve gevel, alternatief voor isolatiemaatregelen?
Alternatieve media , een nieuwe stem in het publieke debat
CBS negeert vaccindoden
Cliënten zien digitale ggz als aanvulling, geen vervanging
De kringloop loopt nog steeds niet
De oversterfte blijft maar stijgen, ook met terugwerkende kracht en dat is nog wel het meest opvallend
De Vlaamse onderwijsinternaten vangen steeds meer kwetsbare jongeren op
Een mobieltje op je neus
Griep zorgt voor enorme piek in aantal zieken
Hervorm de verzorgingsstaat!
Het kabinet wil arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering voor zelfstandigen verplichten
Het mondkapjesgoud
Het “Greengate”-schandaal onthult de endogamie van het systeem
Hoe kan je hoop geven als je zelf bang bent?
Hoe schadelijk is geluidsvervuiling?
Minister Agema wil snel minder marktwerking in de acute zorg
NGO-netwerken die door de sluiting van USAID voor het faillissement staan, zoeken redding bij de EU
Over 1,5 jaar zekerheid of nieuwe ondergrens PAS-melders legaliseert
Oversterfte debat Tweede Kamer 20 feb 2025
Parket seponeert klimaatklacht tegen TotalEnergies in Frankrijk
Trek de stekker uit dit onzinnige klimaatcircus
Verband tussen roken en onverklaarbare beroertes bij jongere volwassenen
VVD-Kamerlid pleit voor nieuwe zzp-wet
Waarom de één zijn dromen wel onthoudt en de ander niet?
Witte waterstof uit de natuur, een doorbraak voor schone energie?
Zorg onder druk zonder zzp’ers
Leefbewust webwinkel
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
1 in 5 older adults get infections after heart surgery, and women have a 60% higher risk
62 million to investigate the health effects of vaping on young people
90 Dolphins Stranded in Australia Are Being Euthanised. Here’s Why They Can’t Be Saved.
A new treatment for post-amputation pain?
About 740,000 global deaths from suicide occur annually
Algae may speed up Greenland ice melt
Almost 90% of people would agree to genetic testing to tailor medication use, survey finds
Amish Farmer’s Raw Milk Win Signals Hope for Food Freedom
Apocalypse Covid – OFFICIAL TRAILER
Artificial sweetener found in Diet Coke and chewing gum could trigger heart attacks
Association between diabetes self-management education attendance, hospital admissions and mortality in type 2 diabetes
Association of Helicobacter pylori related chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer risk
Aviation Industry Abandons Hydrogen Planes With No Alternative on the Cards Leaving Net Zero on Life Support
Blood pressure drug could be a safer alternative for treating ADHD symptoms, finds study
Bonobos adjust their communication based on ignorance
Brain bleeds increase dementia risk
Britain and Germany are the patsies of Net Zero
Cancer cells cooperate to scavenge for nutrients
CDC layoffs strike deeply at its ability to respond to the current flu
Changes in management of owned cats in the countryside
Children’s Research Institute at UT Southwestern scientists identify feature of aggressive non-small cell lung cancer
Chlorine plus UV light can detoxify water affected by harmful algae blooms
Cloud cover decline may be driving Earth’s record temperatures
Co-infections exacerbate inflammatory responses in COVID-19 patients, promoting coagulopathy and myocardial injury, leading to increased disease severity
Coffee and Tea Consumption on the Risk of Osteoporosis
Coffee Grounds and Mushroom Spores Can Be 3D Printed Into a Compostable Plastic Alternative
Cosmic radiation from supernova altered virus evolution in Africa, study proposes
Daily Cannabis Use Linked to Public Health Burden
Deborah Birx admits Covid Vax was sold on a lie, Not Following the Science
Diabetes distress and associated psychosocial factors in type 2 diabetes
Ditch Soft Drinks for Good – And What to Drink Instead
Do Cannabis Vapes Contain More Chemicals Than Users Expect?
Does AI detect breast cancer better than doctors can?
Does Repeated SPIKE Exposure TRIGGER Autoimmune Diseases?
Does the brain produce estrogen to control appetite?
Electronic muscle stimulators are supposed to boost blood flow to your legs
Environment more crucial than genes in risk of early death
EU farm vision lacks vision
Europe greenwashing with north Africa’s renewable energy
European heat pump sales drop 23%
Expanding seaweed farms pose a risk to vital marine life
Exploring ketamine’s potential in the fight against treatment-resistant depression
Exposure to Glyphosate Herbicide Adversely Affects Neonatal Health
Familiar autism-linked genes emerge from first analysis of Latin American cohort
Fitness apps fuelling disordered eating
Fluoride Is Harmful to Pregnant Moms, Kids
Fog harvesting could pull water from thin air in the world’s driest regions
Frequencies & Terahertz for Healing, Positive Energy, Sleep
Ginger compound has potential to treat inflammatory bowel disease
Glacial fracking – A hidden source of Arctic greenhouse gas emissions
Governments lack effective policies on fungal disease, experts find
Greenland’s rapidly melting ice and landslide-prone fjords make the oil and minerals Trump covets dangerous to extract
Groundbreaking study reveals how topology drives complexity in brain, climate, and AI
Gut Microbiome Changes Linked to Multiple Sclerosis (MS), New Study Finds
Gut microbiota regulates optic nerve fiber myelination
Has Climate Science Drifted into Pseudoscience?
How EMFs Amplify Environmental Stressors and Undermine Health
How PFAS in Farmland Could Be Reaching Your Table
How the brain balances risk and reward in making decisions
How U.S. regulators failed to act on wireless radiation linked to 23 chronic diseases
Human flu and avian flu are running rampant through the US
Infant gut bacteria and food allergies: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Inflammation and metabolic syndrome linked to benign prostatic hyperplasia
Intestinal mucus – the unsung hero in the battle against viral gastroenteritis
Is Environmental Lobbying a Waste of Time?
Is forest bathing a panacea for mental health problems?
Is smoking tied to unexplained stroke in younger adults?
It still isn’t easy being ‘green’
Konstantin Kisin’s MANIFESTO for the Future of our Civilisation!
Latest research finds people with certain heart conditions may play competitive sports
Leg muscle may serve as an early warning system for heart failure, study finds
Lifestyle and environmental factors affect health and ageing more than genes, study suggests
Like human brains, large language models reason about diverse data in a general way
Lytenava (bevacizumab gamma), is the first licensed version of Avastin for wet age-related macular degeneration
Men die younger than women. Is it time for a focus on men’s health?
Montana seeks to ban mRNA shots as vaccine hesitancy soars
Mutation increases enzyme in mouse brains linked to schizophrenia behaviors
Nerves electrify stomach cancer, sparking growth and spread
New ACS study shows cancer mortality rates among Black people declining, but remain higher than other racial and ethnic groups
New molecular mechanisms linked to insulin resistance
New therapeutic cocktails show promise for long-lasting asthma relief
Novel inhalable gene therapy trialled for people with cystic fibrosis
People on antidepressants could be given ‘comedy on prescription’ instead
Pfizer and Science ‘Don’t Agree’ with RFK Jr. or U.S. Government Data
Polar vortex makes much of US colder than Greenland, but warmth is coming
Rare uterine condition mimics cancer in postmenopausal woman
Regular tea consumption linked to significantly reduced risk of heart problems
Relationship between sleep and nutrition with app data
Research and public funding boost revolutionary personal exoskeletons for children
RFK Jr’s drastic antidote for cancer-linked products lurking near every American as he reveals seven health crises he’ll tackle
SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with higher chance of diabetes remission among Veterans with incident diabetes
Spinal interventions for chronic back pain
Stopping asthma in its tracks
Surprising finding for acid reducing drugs
Taking vitamin E during pregnancy may decrease peanut allergy in children
The geomagnetic and geoelectric response to the May 2024 geomagnetic storm in the United Kingdom
The Grand Wireless Conspiracy – How 1996 Changed America’s Health Forever
The impact of allergic contact dermatitis on the inflammatory response and repair in wound healing process
The impact of diabetes on chronic pain in different body regions among adults aged 50 and older
The impact of high-intensity interval training on anxiety
The possible application of virtual reality for managing anxiety in athletes
The protective role of vitamin D in BNT162b2 vaccine-related acute myocarditis
The red flag symptom of cancer that can appear when you speak – how to spot it
The role of blood–brain barrier dysfunction in cognitive impairments in bipolar disorder—a narrative review
The role of ketamine in treatment-resistant depression
The Stigma on Cannabis in Psychiatry
The treatment of multiple sclerosis has transformed in Finland
The type of breast implant you have doesn’t change your chances of needing it replaced
The West’s dirty secret
Trump officials want to ban junk food from SNAP
Unveiling the intricate mechanisms behind oxysterol-induced cell death
Unveiling the role of carbohydrates in cardiometabolic health
Viral study of microplastics in human brains shows worrisome trend, but has flaws
Warning signs you could be diabetic that show on your feet
We can farm more seafood while minimizing its impact on biodiversity
What are the benefits and harms of aggressive blood pressure lowering in older adults
Wireless deep brain stimulation reverses Parkinson’s disease in mice
Would the prohibition of menthol cigarettes cause more harm than good?
Yale scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome causing ‘distinct biological changes’ to body
Young adults may be more vulnerable to nicotine addiction than the middle aged