Nieuwsoverzicht 14 februari

2 verpleegkundigen en oud-directeur van woonzorgcentrum riskeren jaar cel
Aantal zelfdodingen onder jongeren verder gestegen
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over het bericht dat voor patiënten met gedragsproblemen en verstandelijke handicap geen geld is in de opvang
Begeleiding nieuwkomers naar BIG-registratie helpt
Belastingen en sociale zekerheid dempen inkomensverlies in grote mate
Bodembacteriën zijn onze verborgen apotheek
Boeren in de knel, melkveehouder Bram al 20 jaar in onzekerheid
Chinese geneeskunde & nierenergie
De peperdure energietransitie heeft geen mondiaal effect. Wanneer stoppen we er eindelijk mee?
Dit is de verrassende wetenschappelijke reden dat mensen blozen
Eet nooit kikkerbilletjes – Ongeziene gruwelen in de vleesindustrie part 2
Enzym ontdekt dat rol speelt bij ondersteuning immuuncellen tegen tumoren
EU betaalde €132 miljoen aan media voor pro-EU-verhalen
Gasprijs voor consument naar recordhoogte – boven oude prijsplafond
Gebreken stapelen zich op in ooit geliefde seniorenflat
Geen hogere VG7-tarieven voor gehandicaptenzorg
GGD Brabant heeft moeite met aanbieden reisvaccinatie
Google-functie moet afleiding op school met mobiele apparaten verminderen
Grootste persbureau kreeg miljoenen van overheid voor ‘grootschalige misleiding’
Heel lief, al die corona-puppy’s, maar dit is de minder fraaie kant van die
Het belang van erfgoed als middel voor sociale gerechtigheid
Het House of Animals Investigationsteam heeft een Illegale hondenhandel ontmaskerd in Zaandam
Het stijgende aantal thuiszitters, hoe jongeren vastlopen in het onderwijs
Iedere Europeaan moet kunnen zien waar het geld van het “covid fonds” aan wordt besteed
Internationale solidariteit is geen nice-to-have
Jonge zeearend omgekomen door aanvaring met windturbine
Jongeren in jeugdzorg vaak aan lot overgelaten
Kamerbrief bij onderzoeksrapport WODC over terugplaatsing na gedwongen uithuisplaatsing
Kinderen hebben slechte ogen door te veel schermtijd
Klimaatbeleid boven boeren
Kunnen we de koraalriffen redden?
Langdurige consumptie van yoghurt vermindert kans op bepaalde vormen van darmkanker
Lange wachttijden in de ggz
Mainstream (social) media gestuurd door de Europese Commissie?
Mensen hebben geen geld voor duurdere dierenarts
Microsoft schendt grondrecht eisers door illegaal plaatsen cookies
Nieuw ontdekte hersencel helpt bij objectherinnering
Nieuwe pictogrammen maken medicijninformatie in één oogopslag duidelijk
Nu ook PFAS aangetroffen in het water op Vlieland
NVWA waarschuwt voor poepbacterie in diverse soorten filet americain van Ladessa
Partij voor de Dieren heeft het nu op bloemen voorzien
Reactie op Sterftecijfers ’24 (CBS)
Totalitair Leuven laat burgers elkaar verklikken in DDR-stijl
Trumps terugtrekking uit Parijs bevrijdt de Derde Wereld en bespaart de VS miljarden
Vergeet Sywert – dit bedrijf graaide 43 miljoen met onbruikbare mondkapjes
Verkoop zonnepanelen volledig ingestort
Vijf wisentkalfjes zijn na twee weken al overleden
Waarom bezinning en reflectie in de winter essentieel zijn volgens de Chinese geneeskunde
Waarom je extra alert moet zijn op ‘energiedieven’
Waarom raken we onze spullen steeds kwijt?
Waterschap vreest slechte waterkwaliteit omdat grasland akkers worden
Weeralarmen zijn de pretmomentjes van het KNMI, dat ‘speler’ in het klimaatdebat probeert te zijn
Werkgevers mijden chronisch zieken ondanks personeelstekort
Wolven doodden vorig jaar 2445 landbouwdieren
Yoghurt zou wel eens een onverwachte beschermer kunnen zijn tegen bepaalde vormen van darmkanker
Zo ziek kun je worden van schimmel in je huis

Leefbewust webwinkel

Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

A dentist’s perspective on fluoride and tooth decay risks
Acute Toxicity Following Prostate Radiotherapy Linked to Late Toxicity
Africans Are Regaining Control Over Their Mineral Wealth
After sexual intercourse, both partners leave behind more than just DNA
AI unlocks genetic clues to personalize cancer treatment
America’s War On Coal Power-Plants Is Over
Anti-glycaemic effect of the Chinese modified DASH diet combined with 23% low-sodium salt in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes
Aquaculture in the Amazon – lessons for food security and sustainability
Are Nightshade Vegetables Harmful?
Association of pre-diabetes with the risks of adverse health outcomes and complex multimorbidity
BBC’s Mouldy Homes Scandal — The Vital Piece They Skipped on Panorama
Big Pharma tries to negate the power of homeopathic remedies by citing the “placebo effect,” but do plants experience a placebo effect?
Blood test identifies hard-to-detect pancreatic cancer with 85% accuracy
Brain aging linked to neuronal hyperactivation, not decline
Britain’s Green ‘Chernobyl’
Can CO2 Even Drive Global Temperature?
Can group texting therapy help new moms with depression?
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?
Canned Tuna Recalled in Dozens of States Over Risk of Food Poisoning
Could peripheral neuropathy be stopped before it starts?
Could Wi-Fi, Cell Towers Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent?
Cracking the Alzheimer’s Code – How Brain Trauma Triggers Disease
Deadly infection with 50/50 survival rate spreads in African country as one person dies
Deep links revealed between Canada’s pesticide regulator and industry lobby groups
Deluge of corruption revealed – Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein expose Big Pharma’s influence
Diabetes can drive antibiotic resistance to staph, study finds
Dietary intake of tomato and lycopene, blood levels of lycopene, and risk of total and specific cancers in adults
Doctor’s 30-day junk food experiment reveals SHOCKING effect of McDonald’s on his body
Doctors by Nature – How Ants, Apes, and Other Animals Heal Themselves
Dr. Heather Heying PhD explains why vaccines have adjuvants
Eating From Plastic Takeout Containers Can Increase Heart Failure Risk
Effects of Food and Nutrition Insecurity on Global Health
Extensive study on telemedicine for diabetes and coronary heart disease
Fauci’s Pardon Can’t Save Him From Prosecution?
German Startup With Ties to Gates Foundation Awarded $5 Million to Develop Nasal mRNA Vaccine
Glymphatic system – a self-purification circulation in brain
GMO Corn & Glyphosate – New evidence for precaution from Mexican scientists
Gunung Padang A 27,000 Year Old Pyramid? Controversy Hits An Extraordinary Archaeological Claim
His genes forecast Alzheimer’s. His brain had other plans.
How ‘outsourcing’ deforestation affects the world’s biodiversity
How SARS-CoV-2 evolved through the pandemic
Identifying Chemicals in Our Environment Could Help Medicines Work Better
Inability of cells to recycle fats can spell disease
Inflammatory bowel disease rates increasing in Australia, costing the economy billions
Inside the People’s Vaccine Inquiry – Part 4
Is alcohol worse than cocaine?
Is the Domestic Market the Real ‘Pot of Gold’ for Farmers After All?
It’s All About Food – Michelle Perro, MD & Stephanie Seneff, PhD; Danger in the Dough
Jonathan Haidt on the Effects of the New Phone-Based Life
Judge orders restoration of federal health websites
Largest Study of Its Kind Finds How Long-Term Cannabis Use Affects Memory
Legislative Efforts To Ban COVID-19 mRNA Injections Underway In Eight U.S. States!
Little Ice Age associated with Grand Solar Minimum (2020-2053) is here
Loneliness and social isolation linked to increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, study finds
Long-term yogurt consumption tied to decreased incidence of certain types of colorectal cancer
Lung cancer cells can go ‘off grid’
Mapping Lesions That Cause Psychosis to a Human Brain Circuit and Proposed Stimulation Target
Massive Study Ties Leaded Gasoline to 150 Million Mental Health Diagnoses in U.S.
Meet the newly discovered brain cell that allows you to remember objects
Menopause hormone patches are in short supply. What are they?
Micro-nano plastics Make Other Pollutants More Dangerous to Plants and Intestinal Cells
Missing Clouds Are Contributing To Record Global Warming.
More evidence that some hormonal contraceptives increase risk of stroke and heart attack
More sunshine as a baby linked to less disease activity for children with MS
Net Zero Cure Worse Than Climate Change Disease
New Study Fails to Show that Youth Vaping Causes Future Smoking
New study identifies brain region that can prevent aggressive social behavior and induce pro social behavior
Nicotine dependence is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic, non-communicable inflammatory disease
One of the largest class actions in New Zealand’s history has been filed against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson
Ovarian cancer discovery could turn failed treatment into lifesaver
Ozempic Causes Serious Health Issues, Class Action Claims
PFAS blood results cause concern as Blue Mountains residents push for testing
Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Trial in Pregnancy Finally Published Its Results
Protein shuttling mechanism helps bacteria pump out antibiotics
Pulse Oximetry and Skin Tone in Children
Rates of ADHD Remain High into Adulthood Among Patients with Autism
Sabine Hazan, MD, What’s in Your Magnificent Microbiome
Second-hand smoke exposure during childhood leaves its mark on children’s DNA
Stop Eating For Hibernation | Dr. Benjamin Bikman
Study of female genital tract reveals key findings
Study reveals direct gut-brain communication via vagus nerve
Teachers Face Off Against Monsanto in High-stakes PCB Case
Teens Who Eat Ultraprocessed Foods Have Lower Muscle Mass
The ’toxic town’ and the mothers seeking justice for their poisoned babies
The Collapse of Net Zero – profiting from the Implosion of the Green Bubble
The Decline of Science In the Pandemic
The Environmental Crisis of Fast Fashion + Why We Need a Regenerative Movement
The Mental Effect of Testosterone No One Talks About | Dave Lee
The Stone Age diet – What did our human ancestors eat? | DW Documentary
Trump EPA may threaten state and local bans of toxic weedkiller glyphosate
Tulsi Gabbard as US intelligence chief would undermine efforts against the spread of chemical and biological weapons
Twitter Files journalists testify on ‘censorship-industrial complex’
USAID closure to devastate famine relief and disease prevention across Africa
Using common painkiller in pregnancy might raise ADHD risk in children
Valentina Zharkova – Grand solar minimum is underway | Tom Nelson Pod #278
Waste heat from aircraft, car exhaust turned into electricity with new US tech
West Africans have a high risk of kidney disease – new study confirms genetic cause
What MAHA’s Crusade Against Seed Oils Reveals About Flaws in America’s Food System
What older adults think of ‘super-ageing’
What we know about how ‘forever chemicals’ affect health
Why do we let them push us around when they have no true authority, unless we give it to them
Why Solar Power Does Not Work In Britain