Nieuwsoverzicht 22 januari

Aantal stamceldonaties opnieuw gegroeid, wel zorgen over donorenbestand
Bange bewoners willen psychiatrische kliniek weg na dodelijke steekpartij!
Begrijpen wat eetstoornissen zo hardnekkig maakt
Bewustzijn is de sleutel tot verandering van de wereld
Bij deze ziekenhuizen zijn de roltrappen voor de deur maanden stuk
Bij Extinction Rebellion is echt niemand tot logisch nadenken in staat
De blinde en dove experts van het OMT
De informatie op Wikipedia is niet meer te vertrouwen
De plannen van wethouder Eva Oosters om de luchtkwaliteit te verbeteren zijn niet realistisch
De politie heeft de eigenaar gevonden van de hond die werd gedumpt in Zeist
De roep om censuur van sociale media neemt schrikbarende vormen aan bij onze intellectuele elite
Documentairemaker stuit op sluimerende, stille crisis in Nederland
Farmaceuten leveren te weinig informatie aan, kankermedicijnen niet in basispakket
Ga gewoon ouderwets plantjes tellen om de staat van de natuur te bepalen
Gaat de nieuwe pensioenwet dan toch nog wankelen?
Geen paniek om de Warme Golfstroom
Gezondheidszorg van de VOC, 2 eeuwen van uitdagingen en arrogantie
Helft van jongvolwassenen noemt mentale gezondheid niet goed
Het anti-vuurwerkkamp heeft er met het CDA bondgenoot bij
Het Emotionele DNA – Pierre Capel
Hoe lang is water uit de kraan of een flesje houdbaar?
Hoe snel het opwarmt heeft mogelijk invloed op het vertragen van de Golfstroom
Impact Europese Digitale Identiteit op gemeenten gaat enorm zijn
In De Bilt worden proefboringen gedaan naar aardwarmte
Jeugdbeschermingsorganisaties eisen meer hulp voor hele gezin
Meer plantaardig eiwit verlaagt hartziekterisico
Nederlands instrument maakt duidelijk hoeveel staalfabrieken echt uitstoten
Negatief imago blauwe bes raakt verkopers
Nieuwe therapie in AZ Turnhout beperkt haarverlies bij chemotherapie
Noordpool verandert van CO2-stofzuiger in uitstoter
Onderzoek toont positieve impact van anti-junkfoodreclames tijdens sportuitzendingen
Premier Schoof wordt aangepakt door journalisten mbt stikstofprobleem
Reiner Fuellmich nog steeds gevangen en als terrorist behandeld
Spruitenteler Jan Herbert in Zeewolde luidt de noodklok
Te veel jongeren kampen met stress
Tegenvaller voor werknemers met arbeidsbeperking
Tumoronderzoek wegens succes gestopt
Utrecht wil frauderende zorgaanbieders harder aanpakken
Vertel Ethiopian Airlines te stoppen met apen naar laboratoria te vliegen
Vier op de tien Amsterdamse jongeren voelt zich niet gezond
VVD wil demonstratierecht inperken
Wanneer is een e-auto écht beter voor het klimaat?
Werknemer neemt vaker ontslag om verstoorde balans werk en privé
Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols Weekoverzicht 3 2025
Woo – openbaar maken melding verplicht?


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Internationaal nieuws

A Giant Object May Have Warped Our Solar System, Study Says
A key to protecting apples from climate change might be hiding in Michigan’s forests
A New Smartphone-Based Cognitive Screening Battery for Multiple Sclerosis (icognition)
Activists slam ‘destructive’ Indonesia forest conversion plan
Advancing prostate cancer care – insights from Chinese experts
Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease – investigating drug effects
AI Combed Millions of Images of The Arctic. It Found an Alarming Pattern.
Air Pollution is Driving Health Inequalities in the South, Says New Report
Anti-junk food ads have positive impact during sports broadcasts
Arctic Blast Reminds Us That Warming Is Good
Are We Heading for a Bird Flu Pandemic? Experts Weigh In
Association of waist circumference with all-cause and cardiovascular mortalities in diabetes
Australian Plantago could replace psyllium husk in gluten-free breads
Biden’s Legacy – Covid Persecution, Censorship, and Across-the-Board Oppression
Biokineticist Nikia Blumenthal offers combat soldiers a cold plunge that she says promotes physical and emotional healing.
Body fat stored in surprising spot linked to heart disease
Calorie labels cut intake slightly, but alcohol impact unclear
Castor Oil for your Eyes – The Truth Exposed
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Has Surged Since The Pandemic, Study Reveals
Contagious peeing may have deep evolutionary roots, chimp study suggests
Despite Biden Pardon, Fauci Still Faces Legal Perils. Here They Are.
Diet guru Tim Spector reveals what he eats to ward off dementia
Discover the superfood that could extend your life and boost ageing gracefully
Do intravenous antibiotics improve pulmonary exacerbations (flare-ups) in people with cystic fibrosis?
Doctor Reveals How She Got CANCELED for Saving Lives | Dr. Mary Bowden
Doctors Were Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries in Private Facebook Group Early in Pandemic
Dr Emma Sullivan – Sleep and health
Dystopian nightmare where elitist ruling class can literally SHUT OFF power, vehicles, food, internet and money anytime for any reason
E-liquid flavors and nicotine concentration choices over 6 months after a smoking cessation attempt with ENDS
Early Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer, Now Conveniently at Home
Effects of Infant Formula Supplemented With Prebiotics on the Gut Microbiome, Gut Environment, Growth Parameters, and Safety and Tolerance
Effects of seven days’ fasting on physical performance and metabolic adaptation during exercise in humans
EPP leaders want to freeze CO2 duty, abolish renewable targets
Europe’s farming crisis – who will grow our food?
Excessive Use Of Fertilisers Killing Bees And Flowers, 169-Year-Old Experiment Finds
Fasting – 5 lbs of Muscle Loss in 7 Days
Fermenting seaweed could boost consumption
Food and medicine that can change your skin colour – sometimes permanently
Forever chemicals in pesticides
Has Trump up-ended the Davos dominion?
Higher Fertilizer Use Reduces Pollinators by Half and Plants Suffer in Response
Hot or Cold? How the Brain Deciphers Thermal Sensations
How Blackrock And The Climate Cartel Forced Exxon’s Board To Adopt Anti-Energy Policies
How childhood trauma impacts our brains, bodies – and even our genes
How parasites evade our immune system
How PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, increase your cancer risk
How The 1970s Ice Age Scare Was A Blueprint For Today’s Climate Hysteria
If you get cold hands it might warning sign of ‘silent killer’ health condition
Indian start-ups mine e-waste for battery minerals but growing industry has a dark side
Inflammation may explain stomach problems in psoriasis sufferers
Inside Iceland’s futuristic farm growing algae for food
Is Kennedy echt een gevaar voor de gezondheid of spreekt hij de waarheid en is een nieuwe koers nodig ?
Is Mold Toxicity Wrecking Your Health?
Little-known headache triggers that don’t include not drinking or sleeping enough
Memo to Trump. Create a new biosafety and biosecurity agency to oversee research
New insights into aging microglia and their link to neurological disorders
New study paves way for immunotherapies tailored for childhood cancers
New water purification technology helps turn seawater into drinking water without tons of chemicals
Nurse home visits for first-time mothers target intimate partner violence to boost child health outcomes
Obesity theories Explains why people get fat How to avoid
Ook Europa ontdekt na vele jaren spirulina, er is nu een grote fabriek in IJsland gebouwd
Ozempic Weight-Loss Drug’s Benefits And Risks Revealed in New Study
People eating a mixed diet with animal foods share gut bacteria with vegans and vegetarians
Pfizer CEO Cozies Up To Trump And Has Built ‘Good Relation’ With RFK Jr.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction in Women With HIV
Rebel News returns to Davos – Exposing the WEF agenda
Risky Vaccines and Antibiotics Made Obsolete by 528 Electroceuticals’ “Plasmonics”
Sam Bland – Understanding indoor air quality in UK schools
Scientists Discover RNA, Not DNA, Is Behind the Pain and Redness of Sunburn
Small Molecules to Treat Pediatric Cancers
Sole Fibroblasts Injected into Thighs Help Develop a Thicker Skin
Study identifies benefits, risks linked to popular weight-loss drugs
The American Climate Corps fades away
The Avian Influenza Trilogy
The Deplorable Ethics of a Preemptive Pardon for Fauci
The truth about private health scans – There’s a risk of over-diagnosis
The US withdrawal from the WHO
The Vaccine Safety Questions No One is Asking at the Covid Inquiry
Treating Alzheimer’s with Light and Sound | Christian Howell
Trump pulls U.S. out of world’s biggest climate deal on day one
Trump will ditch all net-zero strategy for fossil fuels
UK Covid 19 Inquiry – Module 4 Hearings – 20 January 2025 AM
Understanding & Resisting the Rising Technocracy
Unhealthy Skies over Los Angeles County
United States Withdraws from the World Health Organization
Violence on TV – What happens to children who watch?
We Will End The Green New Deal
Weight-loss jabs linked to reduced risk of 42 conditions including dementia
What drives acne relapse? New study explores isotretinoin outcomes
Why I Won’t Use High-fructose Corn Syrup
Why is Fauci’s pardon from 2014?