Nieuwsoverzicht 21 januari

Britse groep artsen die COVID-vaccins voor tieners promootten, verborg betalingen van Pfizer
CO2-groei China in 1 jaar vier maal totale emissie NL
Daling stikstofemissie landbouw enorm met innovaties
Digitale meter verplicht
Een beslissend jaar?
Grote studie naar afslankmiddelen toont nieuwe bijwerkingen aan
Het jaar van de waarheid voor Amelisweerd?
Het sprookje van de wolf in Nederland | De Andere Tafel
Hoe één familie met drie generaties volledig zelfvoorzienend leeft
In deze podcast deelt therapeut Marcel Urgert zijn inspirerende zoektocht naar welzijn en geluk
Jan Geurtz over gezond ego, spirituele klik en relaties, opvoeding en advaita
Laat verdriet los en heel de energie van je longen
Massaspermadonor opnieuw voor de rechter vanwege berichten aan kinderen
Nederlanders zoeken steeds vaker alternatieve behandelaars op
Parkeertarief Erasmus MC veel te hoog voor minima
Reversed T3 – het vergeten schildklierhormoon
Schiphol mishandelt omwonenden met nachtvluchten en kerosinegeur
Steven Spreekt met Philippe Gits over yoga
Vliegen zonder uitstoot; is dit de oplossing?
Voedselcirkel wil armoede en voedselverspilling tegengaan in Noord
VWS kan 72 miljoen bezuinigen op ambtenaren
Woonwijken slopen vanwege stikstof?! Waarom regeert de rechter in dit land?
Wybren van Haga haalt uit naar WEF
Zo bevrijd je je smartphone van Big Tech volgens Marleen Stikker
Zo goed was het factchecken van Facebook tijdens de Coronaperiode
Zo ridicuul was het (1,5 meter op het strand)
Zoveel bacteriën leven er in jouw herbruikbare drinkfles
Zwerfstroom, hoe windmolens koeien vermoorden.

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Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
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Internationaal nieuws

2 Things that BOOST Nitric Oxide NATURALLY
6 Lawsuits Filed Today Accuse Makers of Children’s Fluoride Toothpaste of Violating Federal Law
A Study Finds Specific Neurons With an Immune Doorbell
Alcohol labels should carry ‘Alcohol Facts’ box listing nutrition and allergens, regulator says
Association of salivary proteins with dental caries in children with mixed dentition
Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Blood test for endometriosis brings hope for millions
Blue light-emitting diode therapy for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
Brain implant that could boost mood by using ultrasound to go under NHS trial
Bret Weinstein speaks with Dr. Toby Rogers on the subject of the economics of autism
Can Massage Improve Scoliosis? Scoliosis Massage for Tension & Pain: Expert Techniques
Can Your Smartphone Diagnose Depression? The Hidden Risks of Mental Health Apps
Cancelled Chef Pete Evans Exposes The One Change That Could End Big Food and Pharma
Christ Took Me To Hell, The Abyss, & This Is What I Saw
Climate Bill threatens us all with starvation
Cloud seeding revisited – Can the government control the weather?
Covid censorship and the shame of supine doctors
Do GLP-1 Drugs Like Ozempic (Semaglutide) Cause Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer?
EMFs and Ageing
EPA delays paraquat decision
ESG Whistleblower Challenges Climate Narrative
Exercise – the key to improving all aspects of health | Rhonda Patrick and Peter Attia
Fatty muscles bad for our hearts regardless of BMI
Feeding the Future – Rethinking Farming
Fly-eyed glasses may help the visually impaired see well again
Guinea Pig Kids – BBC Documentary
Gut Health Impacts The Thymus And Immune System During Aging: Niharika Duggal, PhD
Heart attack damage could be reversed by reactivating dormant gene
Hidden fat in muscles leads to a higher risk of dying from heart attacks
I Died And Was Shown Eternity; Here’s What I Saw (NDE)
I was prescribed a common antibiotic and wasn’t told of the risks
Is there plastic in my tea?
Jason Fyk’s War for Free Speech and His Battle Against Meta
Kidney and gallbladder stones and the risk of prostate cancer
Labour don’t understand (farming) & how it works
Low-Level Red Light for the Progression Myopia in Children
Manuka vs. Ohia Lehua honey – Study reveals key antioxidant differences and health benefits
Measurement of Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents Outside the Office for the Diagnosis of Hypertension
Medics remove tumour using keyhole surgery through eye socket in UK first
Meet the mother-of-three whose brain tumour was removed through her eye socket in a UK first
Microplastics, PFAS, and phthalates
Microvascular over-dilation may lead to muscle hypoxia
Millions in US Exposed to Unregulated Industrial Chemicals in Drinking Water
Mining in a Forest Conservation Site Clouds Republic of Congo’s Carbon Credit Scheme
Modulation of Intestinal Inflammation and Protection of Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson
Mouth Bacteria May Hold Key to Beating Cancer
Multiple Sclerosis and Insulin Resistance
Muziek – It Must Have Been Love – Music Travel Love (Seven Sisters, England)
Natural ways to reduce harmful fat around the heart
New Research Paper Contains Evidence That the mRNA Covid Vaccines Damages Human Heart Cells
Oxfam Warns Of Aristocratic Oligarchy As Elites Descend On Davos Forum
Ozempic is in the next round of Medicare drug price negotiations
Paleo Diet Debunked – Ancient Humans Ate Plants, Study Shows
Pandemic Led to Rapid Adoption of Telemental Health for Those With Schizophrenia
Peter Gøtzsche’s Video Interviews on Psychiatry
PFAS Found in Sludge Used as Fertilizer Can Contaminate Milk, Eggs and Meat
Psychedelic drug being tested as treatment for heavy drinking
Risk of death more than doubles with long emergency waits, analysis shows
Rub This Ear Area for Life-Changing Results! Dr. Mandell
Scientists discover exactly how vaping can DESTROY the lungs
Several hundred people join anti-WEF protests in Switzerland
Shocking New Study Reveals Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and SUDDEN PSYCHOSIS
Stem cell therapy shows promise in restoring brain activity after stroke
The earliest unknown symptoms of prostate cancer! Who should be extra careful.
The Forever Pollution Project
The Hippocratic Oath
The link between cardiorespiratory fitness and brain health | Rhonda Patrick and Peter Attia
The Proof That Lockdown Critics Were ‘Debanked’ Because of Their Views
The Side Effects of Ozempic (Semaglutide) vs. the Risks of Obesity
This Nut has Effects Like Ozempic on Appetite Suppression & Insulin Resistance (GLP-1 Effects)
Top EMF Expert Reveals the Health Risks of Electromagnetic Fields
Types of dietary sugars and carbohydrates, cardiometabolic risk factors, and risk of diabetes
US Suspends EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak After COVID-19 Evidence Uncovered By House Committee
Vaping’s EXTREME dangers as Paul Danan dies at 46 following lung emergency linked to e-cigs
We’re going back to Davos to confront World Economic Forum elites!
Which Cancer Drugs Work? Does Ivermectin and Febendazole cure cancer?
Why doctors are hopeless for Trump’s 2025 Health Policies
Why is it so hard for the TGA to tell me how they monitor the safety of the covid vax?
Why would Anthony Fauci need to be pardoned?
Winning back the Net Zero billions
Winter Kidney Care Secrets
You can’t outrun a bad diet for coronary artery atherosclerosis
You Won’t Believe Why the Green Agenda Really Failed | Alex Epstein