Nieuwsoverzicht 15 januari

20.000 handtekeningen voor behoud Tegenlicht aan VPRO-directie overhandigd
Aangifte tegen Chemours na leidingbreuk waarbij 45 kilo aan zorgwekkende stof is ontsnapt
Achmea wil met fonds van 1 miljard euro huurwoningen opkopen om te verduurzamen
Beantwoording Kamervragen over verhogen statiegeld
Behandeling met zelfgestuurde elektroden biedt hoop bij ziekte van Parkinson
Bewoners boos over kap 140 bomen in Diemen
Boris van der Ham doet oproep voor switchen van en naar beschutte werkplek
ChatGPT over energietransitiebeleid
Dankzij hennep spectaculair minder PFAS van blusschuim in bodem bij brandweerschool in Ranst
De jeugdzorg boekt vooral voortgang op papier
Discriminatie in Nederland? Een handicap als gevolg van elektromagnetische velden of straling!
Douane onderschept 800 ton gevaarlijk afval in haven Rotterdam
Gebrek aan vezels leidt tot veranderingen in DNA (en mogelijk tot darmkanker bij jonge mensen)
Gebruik doxyPEP niet om soa’s te voorkomen
Geen onderscheid tussen lichaam en geest
Gen Z vooral de vliegers als we op vakantie gaan
Hoe Russische hackers mijn non-profitbedrijf bijna om zeep hielpen
Huisartsen krijgen meer te maken met agressie
Informed Consent en Compassionate Use
Inspecties beëindigen intensief toezicht Raad voor de Kinderbescherming
Jongeren met gesloten jeugdhulp die verdacht zijn van misdrijf
Lab theorie van COVID en de betrokkenheid van NAVO – Forum inside
Landelijke aanpak om drinkwater veilig te stellen in Nederland
Milieuvignet verplicht voor wie grens oversteekt in Halluin of Wervicq-Sud
Nieuwe potentiële behandeling voor erfelijke blindheid
Nieuwe schietbanen Defensie illegaal door stikstofwet
Ondanks PFAS-schandaal buigt de Vlaamse Regering zich over versoepeling nieuwe regels
Onderzoekers zetten nieuwe stap richting veelbelovende therapie tegen spierziekten
Opruimen PFAS-vervuiling kost nu al bijna 70 miljoen euro
Ouders met ernstig zieke kinderen in actie voor zorgverlof
Overheid moet meer investeren om warmtenetten betaalbaar te maken
Pfizer en Moderna ‘masseerden’ sterfgevallen weg, zelfs van kind jonger dan 5
Politici willen regeldruk afbouwen, maar produceren voortdurend nieuwe regels
Rust na het sporten overslaan?
Slaap speelt sleutelrol in voorspelling van suïcidegedachten
Tijdgeest Megazien 15 januari 2025
Veel Britse artsen te uitgeput om zich nog in te kunnen leven in patiënt
Veroudering kan sommige hersencellen meer veranderen dan andere
Warmtealliantie doet opvallende voorstellen aan minister

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Internationaal nieuws

AI speech analysis predicted progression of cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s with over 78% accuracy
Alginate coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles as oral delivery carrier of curcumin and quercetin to colon cancer
Americans Are Not Eating ‘Real Food’—Here’s What You Need to Know
And weather was seen as a weapon of war
Another Study on Flavored Vaping Products the FDA Can Ignore
Are Net Zero’s Days Numbered?
Are ultra-processed foods changing the shape of our jaws?
Being COVID “Vaccinated” Doubles Your Risk of COVID Infection
Births in Norway in 2024 are Back at Pre-Pandemic™ Levels
California man dies after catching CANCER from someone else in extraordinarily rare case
Can you use banana peels to fertilise your plants?
Cancer is soaring, and still they deny the vaccine connection
Cancer mystery solved – why radiotherapy kills cancer cells
Car Use Habits Foster Negative Views on Carbon Taxes – even among environmentalists
Chances of quitting smoking improve with integrated care, including medication and counseling
Chimpanzees are genetically adapted to local habitats and infections such as malaria
Circulation problems in the brain’s seat of memory linked to mild cognitive impairment in older adults
Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults
Collapse Of The Gulf Stream
Commonly prescribed medications increase fall risk and related injuries in people with COPD
Covid ‘Vaccines’ Destroyed Male Fertility, Study Shows
Debunking Cholesterol Myths
Doctors Concerned about Return of Iodine Deficiency
Dopamine and Serotonin Drive Emotional Word Processing
Eating pork linked with better handgrip strength, vegetable intake in Korean older adults
Effectiveness of oral health promotion in children and adolescents through behaviour change interventions
Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children
Experts pinpoint shocking dementia trigger in some TAP WATER
Fall Risk and Medication Use Near End of Life Among Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
From gastro to allergies, climate change is a ’threat to human health’
From microplastics to macro-impact
GM corn and glyphosate science
Health and Liver Diagnostic Markers Influencing Glycemia in Subjects with Prediabetes
Hidden Dangers of Mold Infections from Breast Implants
How bladder cancer patients are more likely to survive with a ‘game-changer’ immunotherapy drug
How Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Health?
How does the brain encode pain?
How overweight children who do not do enough exercise could have a higher dementia risk
How to protect and soothe skin from smoke exposure
How to Survive a Heart Attack When You’re Alone
How your acne flare up could be a sign of deadly cancer, expert warns
Injured animals take cover at LA animal rescue in heartbreaking video
Insights into the metabolism of the gut microbiota
Is a Ketogenic Diet Effective For Adolescent Mental Health?
Is older adult loss of independence influenced by air pollution?
Joe Rogan Shuts Down Mark Zuckerberg’s Bogus Claim About COVID
Marine-derived bioactive compounds for neuropathic pain
Medical staff shortages cost 50 lives per day in England
Medicine Is Not A Science
Mel Gibson Reveals He “Couldn’t Walk For Three Months” After Taking Fauci’s Pet Drug for COVID
Men more than three times as likely to die from a brain injury
Modern cars are surveillance and privacy nightmares
New study identifies how blood vessel dysfunction can worsen chronic disease
New study links home temperature to cognitive function in older adults
New Study Shows ‘Climate Change’ Is NOT Causing Extinctions
NIH-funded study finds cases of ME/CFS increase following SARS-CoV-2
NOAA’s “no evidence” that wind kills whales violates the Information Quality Act
Occupational exposure and sarcoidosis
Researchers develop breakthrough one-step flame retardant for cotton textiles
Researchers harness AI to predict cardiovascular risk from CT scans
Scientists issue “call to arms” to protect children’s health from chemicals causing disease
Scientists uncover rapid-acting, low-side-effect antidepressant target
Shocking Toxins Lurking In Your Food Causing Brain Disease & A Decreased Lifespan | Dr. William Li
Shockingly Common Injury Linked With Increased Risk of Dementia
Sign a person is vaccine injured
Strength connected to sexual behavior of women as well as men
Study finds opioid pain medications very infrequently prescribed to NFL players
Study Reveals Kidney Disease Compromises Survival of Infection-Fighting Cells
Study suggests how the brain, with sleep, learns meaningful maps of spaces
Study uses design features of the ICU to evaluate delirium
Temperature Spike Due To Reduced Sulfate Emissions
The Oiling of America Sally Fallon Morell
Tobacco advertising + sponsorship bans linked to 20% lower odds of smoking
Uncovering Autoimmunity – The MYSTERIOUS Health Epidemic of 2025
Vascular ‘fingerprint’ at the back of the eye can accurately predict stroke risk
WEF Elites Unveil Plan To Use Carbon Controls As A Trojan Horse For Global DEI
Which drink stains your teeth more – Coke, coffee or red wine?
Why is thyroid cancer more common in women?
Wind turbines impair the access of bats to water bodies in agricultural landscapes
Wireless radiation from baby monitors significantly disrupts sleep
Your gut bacteria are in a chemical tug-of-war with your body