Nieuwsoverzicht 8 januari

Als de nieuwe pensioenwet een fiasco wordt, staan de bonden in hun hemd
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over het intrekken van vergunningen bij onderbezetting van stallen
Belgisch-Nederlands bedrijf dat plastic afval recycleert
Bezuinigingen op VWS kunnen eindelijk tot veranderingen leiden
Brabant matst befaamde springstal met stikstofruimte
Btw-tarief hindert inperken zzp’ers zorg en onderwijs
De hel in Gaza van honger, amputaties zonder verdoving en stervende baby’s
De toekomst van het internet (DEEL 2) | VPRO Tegenlicht
Denk aan misbruik bij mannen met lagere-urinewegsymptomen
Eenzaamheid blijkt écht slecht voor je gezondheid, volgens onderzoekers
Elf genen ontdekt die veranderen door PFAS – wat doet dat met onze hersenen?
Friesland wil graag stop op gaswinning in grensgebied met Groningen
Geef uw mening over een veldproef met GGO-maïs
Goede bedoelingen zitten gebiedsontwikkeling dwars
Het gelijkheidsstreven van de koning en OxfamNovib is gevaarlijk
Ik moest mijn ziekte steeds opnieuw rechtvaardigen
Janny van der Heijden boos op voedselindustrie vanwege focus op winst
Loodvervuiling verlaagde IQ van de hele Europese bevolking in het Romeinse Rijk
Minder mannelijk of vrouwelijk door vapen?
Nieuwe borstimplantaten kunnen snel lekken
Ondanks afsteekverbod aantal vuurwerkslachtoffers verdubbeld
Op het bord van de toekomst hebben granen een glansrol
Recyclingpercentages van verpakkingsafval
Schiphol ontloopt sancties voor geluidsoverlast
Uitspraken Marion Koopmans over nieuwe pandemie wekken irritatie
Willem (18) aan beide ogen blind na vuurwerkongeluk
Zeer zorgwekkende stof ontsnapt in Chemours-fabriek Dordrecht
Ziekenhuizen kunnen niet genoeg opschalen bij nieuwe pandemie
Zo ga je nachtelijk gepieker tegen
Zuckerberg schrapt factcheckers op Instagram en Facebook, hekelt ‘politieke censuur’

Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

32 dolphins have died since an oil spill near southern Russia, experts say
5 graphs that show how the world suddenly changed when covid-19 hit
7 Foods to REVERSE Kidney Damage
A healthy diet is key to a healthy gut microbiome
A new frontier in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s
A Rancher Cloned a Giant Sheep. The Feds Jailed Him for Allegedly Risking Ecological Disaster.
Adverse childhood experiences and suicidal ideation in patients with major depressive disorder
AI system helps identify patients at risk for suicide
Antarctica ice melt could cause 100 hidden volcanoes to erupt
Archaeological study challenges ‘paleo’ diet narrative of ancient hunter–gatherers
Are nanoplastics dangerous to your health?
Association between exposure to urinary metal and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in US adults
Associations between dietary patterns and intestinal inflammation among HIV-infected and uninfected adults
Autism, ADHD, and anxiety – the rise in autism & an approach to diagnosing & treating children
Big leap forward for environmentally friendly ‘e-textiles’ technology
Brain study challenges long-held views about Parkinson’s movement disorders
Cancer-preventing topical immunotherapy trains the immune system to fight precancers
Childhood smoking increases a person’s risk of developing COPD
Chinese Medical Journal study reveals potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) in finding new glaucoma drugs
Chlorogenic acid inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation through Nrf2 activation in diabetic nephropathy
Concerns Raised Over Smart Meter Practices
COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Linked to Devastating Neurological and Mental Health Damage
Depressive symptoms in older adults are associated with changes in stress-related markers, functional connectivity and brain volume
Did FDA know a child had died in Moderna’s Covid jab clinical trial?
Divisive study finds link between fluoride and childhood IQ loss
Djokovic – The Trauma of Being Deported for COVID
Do Weighted Blankets Have Health Benefits?
Doctors say they may have finally found a cure for long Covid
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Thomas Seyfried on how to manage cancer with a ketogenic diet
Early life stress shifts critical periods and causes precocious visual cortex development
Efforts to reduce kids’ screen time weakened by unequal access to green space
Electric fields could mine rare earth metals with less harm
Epigenetic Clocks Reveal Biological Age at Cell-Type Resolution
Evaluating retinal thickness classification in children
Experts issue warning over oat milk – dairy alternative linked to health harm while semi-skimmed cow’s milk boasts surprising benefit
Extended Paxlovid May Help Some People with Long COVID
FBI Had Evidence That COVID Leaked From a Lab — But Wasn’t Allowed to Present It
FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines
FDA Limits Toxic Lead in Some Baby Foods
Fighting Cancer by Targeting Its Sweet Tooth
Fluoride Debate Heats Up as Court Orders EPA Action Over IQ Concerns
Formaldehyde Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Human Health
Gain of Function and FIu A Virus have been intertwined for decades
GMO Tomato Project Funded by Gates Foundation and U.S. Taxpayers Hits Roadblock
Groundbreaking study led by Bar-Ilan University uncovers the central role of starch-rich plants in the diet of ancient hunter-gatherers
Growing pandemic preparedness industry like arsonists running the fire department
Health reforms in Denmark | Documentary
Heavy Metals Linked to Higher Risk of Childhood Obesity
How China’s appetite for salmon could reshape global seafood markets
How the brain interprets social cues
How to Reduce Formaldehyde Exposure in Your Home
How US oil giant Chevron is bankrolling Venezuela’s dictator
How Woman Turns Sandy Desert Into Fertile Farmland – Water-Saving-Method Everyone Needs To Learn!
I ate pasta in America and Italy while wearing a blood-sugar monitor – the different effects it had on my body scared me
I built a wildlife pond and so many animals came | Wildlife Habitats | Robert E Fuller
Innovative wheelchair tyre design promises to revolutionise mobility and accessibility
Investigating the link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Infection
It’s High Time to Toughen Firecracker Laws to Prevent Senseless Injuries and Deaths
It’s Time For Net Zero In Forever Chemicals, Not A Toxic Green Transition
Just Too Dangerous – Herbicide Linked to Birth Defects, Thyroid Disease
Lead pollution likely caused widespread IQ declines in ancient Rome
Lighting up cancer cells with biolasers
Loneliness and social isolation are linked to specific proteins – new research
Loneliness linked to higher risk of heart disease and stroke and susceptibility to infection
Meat-eaters’ gut bugs are ‘just as healthy’ as a vegans’ – providing they follow a simple diet rule
Mental Disorders Among Offspring Prenatally Exposed to Systemic Glucocorticoids
Microplastics are widespread in seafood that people eat, study suggests
MMRI scientist publishes breakthrough study detailing how ketones improves blood flow to the heart
Model proposed for treating loneliness in borderline personality disorder
More Children Are Getting Kidney Stones. Experts Think It’s Their Diet.
Nasal swab detects asthma type in kids
New imaging technique offers insight into Achilles tendon injury recovery
New insights on long COVID
New mechanism discovered that triggers immune response in cells with damaged DNA
New method to measure 5G radiation from mobile phones and base stations
New method turns e-waste to gold
New study links millions of diabetes and heart disease cases globally to sugary drinks
New study reveals that sleep prevents unwanted memories from intruding
New University of Oregon study unravels the effects of bad gut bacteria
NUS researchers boost chemotherapy uptake in breast cancer treatment with localised magnetic fields
Nutrient enrichment – Study finds emerging threat to tropical forests
Patients with heart disease may be at increased risk for advanced breast cancer
Pesticide Banned in Europe But Widely Used in U.S. Makes Brain Cells Age Faster
Pfizer Failed to Disclose Deaths of Two Women in COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials
Psychedelic Drug Therapy May Address Mental Health Concerns in People with Cancer & Addiction
Research reveals unique features of brain cells linked to neurodevelopmental conditions
Researchers reveal how psychological stress may aggravate skin allergies
Risk of domestic abuse increases over time for those exposed to childhood maltreatment
SARS-CoV-2 risk factors among symptomatic vaccinated adults attending community testing locations in the Netherlands
Scientists are increasingly finding that behaviours once seen as depraved often have a direct physical cause
Scientists document the secret language of sperm whales
Scientists make cancer discovery that could make immunotherapy more effective
Sedentary Lifestyle Linked To Higher Risk Of 19 Health Conditions
Sex differences in brain structure present at birth
Shocking images show woman, 19, whose breasts quadrupled after taking Pfizer Covid vaccine
Shocking Way To Reprogram Your Mind To Heal The Body For Longevity | Dr. Alok Trivedi
Shrimp allergen extract immunotherapy induces prolonged immune tolerance in a gastro-food allergy mouse model
Some Bacteria Evolve Like Clockwork With the Seasons
STI prevention method shows promise in curbing infections in groups at high risk
Strange Fog, Bird Flu & Masks – How To Stay Healthy And Calm | Tim James
Study Finds 25% of Youth Experienced Homelessness in Denver in 2021, Significantly Higher Than Known Counts
Study looks at association between school segregation and late-life dementia
Study of 9 Million Exposes DEVASTATING Neurological Damage Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated
Telomerase enzyme research may help delay ageing and age-related diseases
That Arctic blast can feel brutally cold, but how much colder than ‘normal’ is it really?
The Ageless Effect of Stem Cells on Muscle
The Climate Agenda’s March Through the Institutions
The Clostridium Difficile Eruption
The Epicenter of the COVID Outbreak Five Years Later
The Loneliness Epidemic: Worse Than Smoking 15 Cigarettes a Day???
The Rise of Metabolic Psychiatry | Dr. Georgia Ede
The Strongest Neurotransmitter for Motivation & Fat Loss is NOT Dopamine – Neuroscientist Reveals
The Surprising Truth About Estrogen Nobody Tells You
These 10 Foods Have the Most Microplastics
These 11 genes may help us better understand forever chemicals’ effects on the brain
Titanium Dioxide, banned in Europe, is one of the most common food additives in the U.S.
Tobacco 21 policies could avert more than half a million premature deaths
Traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth in individuals who have had Covid-19
Unveiling the DNA Dilemma in COVID-19 Vaccines
Visual cues for dry skin
What Covid tried to teach us — and why it will matter in the next pandemic