1.200 mensen op wachtlijsten krijgen volledig persoonsvolgend budget uitbetaald
Bankiers trekken zich terug uit het monsterlijke bankenklimaatkartel
Belangrijkste gezondheidsadviseur VS pleit voor kankerwaarschuwing op alcohol
Boeren willen gewoon actie zien, het geduld raakt op
Chinezen kopen Covid-19 medicijnen tegen kattenziekte
CO2-normen verscherpt, grote opgave voor auto- en truckfabrikanten
De grootste verspreider van desinformatie?
De hele dag op smartphones is niet onschuldig voor het brein, daarom is regulatie nodig
De KNMI-streepjescode is een bloedsprookje van klimaatalarmisten
De kruidenheksen maken natuurlijke hand ontsmetter
De lucratieve handel in lucht
De oorlog tegen cash geld
De resultaten tonen het duidelijk aan, waarom zien mensen het niet?
Donald Trump roept op om Noordzee “te openen” voor gas- en olieproducenten
Eenzaamheid gaat vaak hand in hand met een slechtere gezondheid – en dit is waarom
Eieren zitten bommetjevol cholesterol, maar zijn niet slecht voor je hersenen
Er lijkt een andere opvoeding te komen voor onze kinderen en jongeren
Focus op zelfzorg en persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Goede voornemens 2025 – column Hans Zevenboom
Goedkeuring Europese Commissie voor mRNA RSV-vaccin van Moderna
Half jaar na faillissement Co-Med hebben meeste gedupeerden weer een huisarts
Hoe religie in Nederland terugkeerde, deel 2
Informed Consent en Compassionate Use
Kritiek op Woo-voorrangsregels in Utrecht
Liefdevol en ontluisterend verslag van een vader met dementie in een verpleeghuis
Met razendsnelle groei batterijen neemt ook risico op cyberaanval toe
Onderzoekers ontdekken hoe Salmonella kan leiden tot darmkanker
Onverwachte en grote wereldwijde toename van watergebruik en landbouwgrond zorgwekkend
Polder- of kanaalwater gebruiken tegen verdroging? Gevecht om Yerseke moet een keer afgelopen zijn
Rechtszaak tegen pandemieverdrag doorverwezen naar hogere rechtbank
Seniorisme kan ervoor zorgen dat ouderen sneller een stapje terugdoen dan nodig is
Sneller de juiste medicijnen voor patiënten met hartfalen dankzij nieuw protocol
Steeds meer mensen hebben en krijgen een hekel aan het NOS Journaal
Toch geen slimme verkeerslichten door privacybezwaren en angst voor hacks
Vakbonden kondigen nieuwe stakingen apotheekmedewerkers aan
Van welvaartsstaat naar veiligheidsstaat
Verkeerde ramingen CPB hebben grote gevolgen
Waarom belandden er veel jongeren op de spoedeisende hulp met een alcoholvergiftiging?
Waarom Nederlanders met vaccinatieschade zich moeten uitspreken
Wat opvalt aan het klimaatdebat
Wat veranderd er qua wetten en plichten in 2025?
Windturbines verspreiden gif in zeemilieu
Zwaarst getroffen UWV-gedupeerden worden door minister niet geholpen
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
7-Ton Orca BEGGED For Help! What These People Did In 12 Hours Will Send CHILLS Down Your Spine…
A new documentary series pulls back the curtain on the culture of negligence and failure to care for older adults
A speckle of hope for cancer patients
A ticking time bomb for liver cancer
A young child died of cardiac arrest after being jabbed during Moderna’s key Covid vaccine trial
A young woman has claimed her bright future as a sports physiotherapist was ruined by two Covid jabs
Africa – Better roads promote greater dietary diversity
Aging may change some brain cells more than others
Alcoholic Drink Labels Should Warn People Of Cancer Risk
American Parents Find Hitting Children More Acceptable Than Hitting Pets, Study Finds
An Expert Explains Why Some People’s Hair And Nails Grow Faster
Another Child Killed; 53 Days After COVID ‘Vaccine’
Antarctic sea ice extent is above average since 1978
Artificial Blood Vessels Help Scientists Study Deadly Snakebites
As Biolabs Multiply Globally, Some Experts Worry About Oversight
Biden Has Set a New Climate Goal for States to Achieve
Bill Gates’ Foundation Stripped of Immunity in Kenya
Bionic Hand Sparks Resilience in Patient After Electrocution Accident
Bird Flu Is Another US Made Virus
Bombshell findings from an FDA-supervised group of young American scientists
Brain-wide cell-type-specific transcriptomic signatures of healthy ageing in mice
Breathing polluted air increases the risk of osteoporosis, growing evidence shows
Calif. pesticide regulator stops short of linking paraquat and Parkinson’s
Cancer-preventing topical immunotherapy trains the immune system to fight pre-cancers
CBDC – The End of Money FILM TRAILER
Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm
China’s Efforts to Cut Aerosols Are Warming the Pacific
Colorado Legalizes Magic Mushrooms for Therapy
Could winter road salt be killing salmon eggs?
Detecting disease with only a single molecule
Discovery links cellular structures to kidney cancer treatment outcomes
Doctor reveals common medications taken by millions that can lead to a heart attack
Donald Trump lashes out at ‘windmills’ in the North Sea
Dr. Fauci Doubles Down. The gaslighting never ends.
Easy Air Fryer Potato Wedges
Effect of Diabetes and Obesity on Influenza Outcomes
Elites caught red-handed faking their vaccination status
Exposing The Net Zero Agenda – A Documentary by Paul Burgess
Face mask mandates return in US as NHS faces mounting ‘quad-demic’ at home
Fat Oxidation — The Hidden Accelerator of Aging and Disease
FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines
Firefighters are 9% more likely to develop cancer. In Maine, the use of aqueous film-forming foam exposed many to PFAS.
Formaldehyde is a danger to human health
Good cholesterol may protect against brain atrophy, dementia
H5N1 ‘Bird Flu’ is the Result of Gain-of-Function ‘Research’
Healthy breast cells can look like invasive cancer, complicating early diagnosis
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy Humans
Herpes virus might drive Alzheimer’s pathology, study suggests
How a traumatic birth experience can affect breastfeeding
How to free the energy and build a pyramid
Imaging Diagnosis of and Treatment for Spike ProteinInduced Thrombosis after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
In the Arctic, planting more trees actually makes the world warmer
India begins clearing toxic waste 40 years after US-linked gas disaster
Intense ribbons of rain also bring the heat, Yale scientists say
Labour’s Winter Fuel Raid Costs Taxpayers £400m as Benefits Claims Surge
Loneliness linked to higher risk of heart disease and stroke and susceptibility to infection
Mindfulness is about ‘remembering’ ? a practice of coming back to the now
Mitochondrial DNA plays an underappreciated role in leukemia development
More and more city dwellers are getting a taste for foraging for food in the concrete jungle
Motivations to Share Eating Disorders Experiences from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective
mRNA children’s trial suspended
Muziek – Davit Barqaia – Falling Down (Original mix)
Muziek – Teddy Swims – Hammer To The Hear
Muziek – Teddy Swims | Some Things I’ll Never Know Full Performance
Nano Particulates | Bio Warfare | Fog
NASA Is Watching a Vast, Growing Anomaly in Earth’s Magnetic Field
Net Zero is dead in the water
Net Zero Nudge Unit That Deployed Scare Tactics in Covid Will Push Heat Pumps on Public
New device’s radio waves reveal lead contamination in soil
New Study Confirms that Cancer Cells Ferment Glutamine
New vaccine strategy against dementia
New Virus Outbreak In China – What Is HMPV?
Norovirus is spreading via clothes and soft-furnishings, experts warn as infections surge – winter vomiting bug can linger in fabric for a month
Our Third Eye Was Real, Here’s Why It’s Gone
Paxlovid tied to lower risk of hospital stay, heart problems, death in adults with kidney disease and COVID
Peter Attia – I Changed my Mind on Sauna
Pfizer Caught Hiding Sudden Deaths During COVID ‘Vaccine’ Trials
Polar vortex could bring deadly winter storms and coldest weather in more than a decade to US
Poor quality housing is harming our health
Psychedelic drug therapy may address mental health concerns in people with cancer and addiction
Psychoactive drug ibogaine effectively treats traumatic brain injury in special ops military vets
Recent Warming From Increased Absorbed Solar Radiation, Not CO2
Science increasingly fell victim to two cancers of the 20th century – Big state and big business
Scientists Have Grown a Human Spine In a Lab
She EXPOSING the truth of the Covid vaccines. Did they “SAVE” lives? w Regina Wateel
She exposing the truth of the Covid vaccines. Did they “SAVE” lives?
Should I Vaccinate My Pet? Ask the Holistic Vet
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Study Sheds Light on Social Drivers That Increase Risk of Suicide
Surges in estrogen promote binge drinking in females
TGA Defends COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Amid Spike Protein Concerns
Thanks to Bill Gates, ‘OPT’ Is What’s REALLY Killing American Jobs
The Collapse of Green Finance Shows Net Zero is Dying
The controversy surrounding Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his 1998 Lancet study
The data make clear – The notion that solar and wind power save money is an environmentalist lie.
The effect of analemma water on human ATP levels
The MHRA Papers – Part 2
The MHRA Papers – Part 2a
The Problem of Microplastics in the Water Supply
The Red Meat-Cancer Debate – What the Science Really Says
The surprising link between your pupils and how your brain stores memories at night
The Unexpected Link Between Salt Regulating Hormones and Metabolic Health with Dr. Ben Bikman
The “Miracle Drug” for PTSD That You’ve Never Heard of
The “Mystery Fog” Phenomenon That Is Causing Panic All Over America
These bacteria perform a trick that could keep plants healthy
This Radar System Can Detect Hidden Moisture in Your Walls
Tinnitus Risk Increased for Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Turbo Cancer in Four Months Old Canadian Baby?
Unlocking Spirulina secrets to supercharge vaccines
UVA Study Uncovers Key Heart Responses to Viral Infection
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Shows Lasting Effects in People With Severe Depression
What is locked-in syndrome? The extraordinary stories that help us understand this rare condition
Why does not everyone respond the same way to diet
Why Elevated Cortisol Doesn’t Always Raise Insulin
Why We’ll Have to Wait a Long Time for Lockdown Mea Culpas
You can eviscerate the pharmaceutical industry but not mRNA. Too big to fail.
You should NEVER skip breakfast if you’re trying to lose weight