Nieuwsoverzicht 5 november

22 veelvoorkomende pesticiden gelinkt aan prostaatkanker
Aanrader qua vogelhuisje, veel sterker dan die houten varianten
Albert Hein wil grip op CO2-uitstoot klanten
BBB pleit voor moratorium voor wind op land na Clintel-rapport
Belangenorganisaties zien macht zorgkantoor groeien met ‘pgb op maat’
Bestaat de mannelijke overgang?
Bewoners seniorencomplex aan huis gebonden door diefstal scootmobielen
Bodemenergie – de ideale duurzame energiebron voor ziekenhuizen
China wil hulp Frankrijk bij geschil over elektrische voertuigen
Dit is de ECHTE bijsluiter van het Pfizer-vaccin
Er zit juist te weinig CO2 in onze atmosfeer
Frauderen met doktersrecepten kost hele samenleving geld
Gemeente mocht urgentieverklaring van man met MS niet intrekken
Hoe maak je Surinaamse Pindasoep?
Hoe schadelijk zijn pesticiden en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen voor onze gezondheid?
Hoger opgeleide vrouwen kiezen voor alternatieve geneeswijzen
In Schoonebeek wordt massaal afvalwater geloosd
Je levensmissie vervullen – Hans Zevenboom
Laten we het over boosheid hebben
Minister Agema (VWS) bevestigt – NCTV en Navo bepalen gezondheidsbeleid
Minister Agema laat rechtszaken tegen opgejaagde artsen gewoon doorgaan
Onderzoekster Smart Cities slaat alarm
Open brief aan minister Agema
Over aerosolen, belangen en biowapens
Over journalisten, wraakzuchtige tweede vrouwen en geel-groene hersenvretertjes
Overgevoeligheid voor gluten sneller opsporen voorkomt veel leed bij kinderen
Pesticiden gevonden op vogelvoer, ook op dat van de Vogelbescherming
School in Zeist stopt met school-app Magister vanwege prestatiedruk
Sepsis kost jaarlijks 10.000 levens
Sinds corona gaan we bijna een uur minder per dag naar buiten
Vrije zorgkeuze in gevaar door verdwijnen restitutiepolis
Vuurwerk maakt hond en kat vaak langdurig bang en dat begint al vanaf september
Waarom greep de Nederlandse medicijnwaakhond niet in bij coronavaccins?
Waren neanderthalers echt zo dom?
Wat maakt roesmiddel ‘snus’ zo aantrekkelijk bij jongeren?
Ziekenhuizen verdienen steeds meer met beleggen


Steun ons werk – Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 algenolie
Vitamine C
Overige produkten


Internationaal nieuws

1,000 km of Pylons Needed to Hit Net Zero Targets
A new Scientific Statement highlights research gaps associated with the negative effects of opioid use on the endocrine system
A radical theory of consciousness
A recent Pitt study sheds light on the correlation between cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease in women
A second US exit could ‘cripple’ the Paris climate agreement, warns UN chief
Activists Push for Investigation into Alleged Animal Cruelty at Major Research Dog Breeder
Acupuncture shows promise in alleviating symptoms of chronic irritable bowel syndrome
AI tackles huge problem of antimicrobial resistance in intensive care
Airfares have spiked but who in government cares?
Alarm grows over ‘disturbing’ lack of progress to save nature at Cop16
Algal polysaccharides – new perspectives for the treatment of basal ganglia neurodegenerative diseases
Almost two dozen countries at high risk of acute hunger, UN report reveals
Autism has nearly tripled in kids and young adults in the last decade – as researchers explain why
Avoid 1 popular lunchtime food to stop 3pm slump and ‘sugar levels’ from spiking
Baby powder potentially laced with asbestos now under recall in 35 states
Belgian MEP calls for an EU women’s health strategy, says EU pharma reform can go further
Bitter Taste Receptor Agonists Induce Apoptosis in Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Blue Foods May Not Save the World
Brain Scans Reveal that Mindfulness Meditation to Reduce Pain Is Not a Placebo Effect
Cancer warning over tins of tuna sold in UK that pose ‘colossal risk to public health’
Carbon tax on fertiliser due to hit farms and food prices
Cell GPS – How our bodies’ tiniest navigators find their way
Cell Phone Radiation Rendered 30 Calves Blind in Switzerland
Changing between standard time and daylight saving time twice a year disrupts more than just sleep
Chemical imbalance theory of depression – clearing up some misconceptions
CO2 and Food Abundance
Decontamination of landfill waste leads to increase in toxic chemicals, says study
Deep learning can help protect chimpanzees
Destructive weed, found in NYS, resists common herbicides
Detoxing the body from enviromental poisons
Diabetes risk soars for adults who had a sweet tooth as kids
Diet guru reveals the nut that could trigger life-threating health problems if you eat more than SEVEN
Digital avatar may improve wellbeing for those hearing voices
Discovery of a protein’s key role in RNA processes could improve disease treatment in humans and plants
Doctor warns of subtle sign your spuds could be poisonous
Does Drinking Water Affect Our Adrenal Hormones?
Does the US allow 10,000 additives into food?
Don’t Let Diabetes Dim Your Vision
Early childhood BMI patterns play a crucial role in shaping adult lung health
Eat Butter & Fat – Fix Low Thyroid Naturally
Economic Burden of Late-Stage Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Bulgaria, Germany, and the US
Efficacy of acupuncture in refractory irritable bowel syndrome patients
End of fluoridation of US water could be in sight after federal court ruling
Environmentalists insist they love “little guys.” At least in the abstract, until those folks get in the way
Euthanasia for the side-effects of Seroquel. Why not?
Experts shred Australia’s Covid-19 Inquiry
Finding cues in the blood
Firstborn’s empathy and the sibling relationship quality
Food prices could rise due to Rachel Reeves’s farm inheritance tax change in budget, farmers warn
Gene therapy has potential to replace regular eye injections
Government Whistleblowers Expose Underground Pyramids
Hairdresser warns not washing your hairbrush could cause ‘hair loss and infections’
Heavy smokers’ heart health can take more than 25 years to return to normal
Hot flash frequency linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes
How a father’s eating patterns may affect future generations
How Medicine Makes Patients Unwilling Test Subjects
How Saudi Arabia’s Neom Giga Project Became a Global Showroom of False Climate Solutions
How your Listerine mouthwash could be putting you at risk of colon cancer according to lawsuit
Iron supplements may boost brain development in children with HIV
J.D. Vance Drops Vaccine Bombshell
Just 3 Neurons Could Be Driving You to Eat, Study in Mice Suggests
Korean Study Identifies Most Dangerous Covid Vaxxes
Labor’s COVID-19 Independent Inquiry, Ignoring Real Concerns
Limiting sugar in infancy reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension
Making agriculture more resilient to climate change
Merck, BMS Rake in Billions as Big Pharma Continues Price-Gouging Campaign
More People in Their 40s Being Screened for Colorectal Cancer Under New Recommendation
Ozempic, Similar Weight Loss Drugs Linked to 162 Deaths in U.S.
Possible link between autism and exposure to common plastic chemicals in the womb
Repeated head trauma on the field caused crippling anxiety and memory loss for this ex-footballer
Report reveals how the state of our oceans is intrinsically linked to human health
Research uncovers potential role of polyphosphate in neurodegenerative diseases
Researchers identified a mechanism that eliminates tumors—even those resistant to immunotherapy
Researchers identify key mechanism in human lung development
Scientists create a world-first 3D cell model to help develop treatments for devastating lip injuries
Scientists describe how mycobacteria evade the effects of antibiotics
Scientists discover gut microbiome differences in children with autism
Screening Can Do Silent Harm
Site of breast cancer metastasis is independent of single nutrient levels
Study links ketogenic diet to improved menstrual health
Subclassification of obesity for precision prediction of cardiometabolic diseases
Sweden abolishes tax on plastic bags despite warnings usage could rise
The association between health literacy and quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
The climate scaremongers, a million more green jobs?
The COVID-19 pandemic may be over, but its effects linger in ways that reshape daily life.
The crucial role of sleep in heart healing
The Illusory ‘Cleanness’ of Electric Vehicles Will Soon Hit Home Here
The mysterious disease that inspired Awakenings is finally starting to give up some clues
This Moderna /NIH vaccine is literally the one that President Trump partnered with Moderna to create on January 13, 2020.
To frack or not to frack has been a hot topic in the United States for several years
Tracing childhood leukaemia back to birth offers hope for patients
Turbine blade snaps at controversial Shetland wind farm
Untangling pancreatic cancer inflammation
US Congress members call on EPA to ban paraquat, citing risk of Parkinson’s and other diseases
Vascularized tissue for breast reconstruction and augmentation
Vegan guru who starved baby to death on ‘sunlight diet’ appeals 8-year sentence
Wearable zaps infections by targeting antibiotic-resistant bacteria
What Should Be Done for Student Victims of the Shots?
Why do we lock up rape victims instead of rapists?
Why Firefighters Can’t Extinguish Wind Turbine Fires