Nieuwsoverzicht 17 oktober

3,5 miljoen Nederlanders kampen met chronische pijn, veelal dagelijks
5 pijlers voor een betere mentale gezondheid
Amsterdamse wethouder pleit voor nachtsluiting Schiphol, maar minister vaart andere koers
Beantwoording vragen Jaarverslag 2023 IOD NVWA
Bekende stikstofexperts slaan uitnodiging Tweede Kamer af
Belangrijke winst bij behandeling baarmoederhalskanker voor bepaalde groep patiënten
Boerenorganisatie LTO luidt noodklok om stijgende supermarktprijzen
Chemtrails & Geo-engineering – De feiten op een rij
De Italianen ontdekken spirulina
De Vrijheid Van Miljardairs Is Onze Slavernij
De wereld brandt en verzuipt
Debat over begroting Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur ( & EZK) – Tweede Kamer
Deskundigen uit de hele wereld kwamen afgelopen week bijeen in Sarajevo voor deze belangrijke conferentie
Een vijfde ambtenaren tegen burn-out aan
Europese Commissie is wachten op klimaatplannen van België beu
Gemeente Leusden wil landelijk wolvenbeleid op korte termijn
Grootste moderne massa-extinctie blijkt (gelukkig) een mythe
Hoe staat het met het strafproces tegen ‘coronatribunaal’ advocaat Reiner Fuellmich?
Hoe VWS ‘nepnieuws’ bestreed en slecht nieuws onderdrukte
Hulpverlener RISKEERT leven voor zwaan op de snelweg
Jeugdbeschermingsketen blijft problematisch door wacht- en doorstroomlijsten
Kwaliteit kleding zo laag dat zelfs kringwinkels er niks mee kunnen aanvangen
Last van vermoeidheid? Dit is waarom je melk en zuivelproducten beter kunt laten staan
Laura Bromet en Ines Kosti? krijgen strafregels van strenge BBB staatssecretaris
LUMC onderzoekt nieuwe behandeling na herhaalde miskramen
Maarsbergen wil jacht openen op de wolf
Meer aandacht voor stress bij diabetes type 2
Microplastics door autobanden verminderen langs snelwegen
Nederland moet nationaal verbod op lozen PFAS uitwerken
Neonicotinoïden doen ook vogels de das om
Nieuwe gentherapie zet omega 6 om in omega 3
Opnieuw meldingen over bijwerkingen DroomSap bij Lareb
Preventie en behandelen Metabool Syndroom verlengt het gezonde arbeidsleven
Stikstof zorgt voor onverwachte westwaartse verschuiving van Europese bosplanten
Suikerdrank, snacks en te weinig fruit – pubers eten het ongezondst
Voorspellen de eigenschappen die we in een partner waarderen wie we najagen?
Voorwaardelijke straf voor illegale handel in antibraakmiddelen
Waarom is ‘s ochtends opstaan zo moeilijk als het nog donker is?
Zo’n 150.000 mensen lopen risico op blijvende gehoorschade tijdens ADE

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 – algenolie
Omega 3 – visolie
Vitamine B12
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

Video – 100% your phone is hacked
Video – I visit a demonstration of electro-culture farming and find out why this old knowledge is suddenly making waves in this country
Video – Managing underground PFASs in the Netherlands
Video – Partial Mask Mandates Set to Return in California
Video – The Impact of Ketosis on Cortisol Levels and Adrenal Function
Video – The Truth About Tooth Decay, Root Canals
Video – The Unequal Pandemic Trailer
Video – Vaccine moratorium – Dr. John Campbell
Video – Voices of Veterans – The Hidden Dangers of Medication

5 things to know about San Francisco’s Supreme Court fight against EPA
A new dawn for Net Zero policy?
A sickle cell drug that was hyped in headlines is now suspected of harming patients
A step-change is needed to reset our relationship with nature
A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional vitamin B12 status among adult vegans
ADHD and “Weak Muscle Disorder”
Aerobic Physical Activity Reduces Depression in Patients With Cancer
After a decade of failed industry commitments, it’s time for mandatory Health Star ratings
Alcohol industry-backed apps mislead users, could boost drinking, new study warns
All 537 Australian Councils to Receive DNA Contamination report
Almost 60 percent disease-related excess mortality among Norwegian children and young adults
Alzheimer’s disease may damage the brain in two phases
Around 40% of postmenopausal hormone positive breast cancers linked to excess body fat
Asian and older rheumatoid arthritis sufferers 50% less likely to receive targeted treatment
Brain Molecule Makes Neurons Less Selective Deepening Understanding of Human Cognition
Breakthrough eye scanner can detect diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s
Calls to ban ‘forever chemicals’ after worrying levels in sewage discharges
CAR-T is a type of immunotherapy turning T cells into a battalion of highly targeted killers
Careful ‘Deprescribing’ Combats Psychotropic Polypharmacy in Youth
Case Report of Possible Amyloid-Beta Immune-Reactivity After COVID-19 Vaccination
Cellulose glitter found to be environmentally safe and sustainable, outshining plastic alternatives
China builds typhoon-proof monster wind turbine to power 55,000 homes yearly
Chronically elevated blood glucose stiffens the heart
Chronicling the causes of cancer
Complete and Total Medical Mismanagement
Comprehensive analysis of retinal proteins identifies new drug targets for treating inherited retinal degenerations
Countries that choose to do so can reduce premature death by half
Covid Exposed the Fall of Education Like Nothing Else
Covid jab increased risk of asthma for kids
Deadly Poisonous Gas Leak Adds to List of Toxic Industrial Accidents
Deodorant Can Generate Air Pollution That Rivals Urban Smog
Dietary choline and betaine intake minimally impacts rate of annualized cognitive performance throughout the menopause transition
Do the traits we value in a partner predict who we pursue?
Does Gut Microbiome Affect Spine Health?
Electric Car Drivers “Being Plunged into Negative Equity” as Prices Collapse
English homes face decades of high bills and emissions without urgent action from ministers
Explosive increase in the use of heart medicine among young, 15-44 yrs., in Norway after covid vaccine rollout
Farmers in Sudan on verge of mass starvation
Fearful memories of others seen in mouse brain
Feeling lonely and dissatisfied – understanding social network functioning in stroke survivors
Feeling sleepy and worried about your mental alertness?
Florida bans sale of lab-grown “meat”
Gene therapy automatically converts omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the body
German Patholgists Finds Brain Cells Had Made Spike Protein in Autopsy Examination of “Vaxxed” Patients
GLP-1 Agonists (Like Ozempic)- How They Work and How To Lose Weight Without Them
High Disease Activity Linked to Increased Risk for Kidney Dysfunction in RA
Honey bees in demand
How can we reduce the probability of dying before age 70 by 50% globally by 2050?
In Beer Yeast, Scientists See Path to Starving Cancer
In Toronto, neighbourhoods separated by just a few TTC stops can be worlds apart in terms of how residents experience life, and death.
Indigenous groups in Brazil, we were not consulted on carbon credits
Lawyers for RFK Jr., CHD Present Oral Arguments in Landmark Censorship Case
Lipid and Corticosteroid Biomarkers Under the Influence of Bisphosphonates
Male mice use female mice to distract aggressors and avoid conflict
Menopause can impact a woman’s heart health
Misophonia Has Genetic Links to Anxiety And Depression, Study Shows
Monkeypox – Evidence of the Pandemic Preparedness Lie
Mounjaro is more effective for weight loss than Ozempic
Music Has a Profound Effect on People With Dementia
Need a good night’s sleep? Try changing how you think about it
Neurologist Tobias Weiss is researching a new method for detecting brain tumors that uses clues present in blood samples
New findings could help offer future treatments for unexplained infertility
New Health Risk from Sunscreens, Moisturizers and Deodorants
New study reveals how daily egg consumption could reduce risk of dementia
No bandage needed – electrical impulses to major nerve help stop bleeding
No more animal testing – FHAIVE uses data-driven methods
Novel sensors could help develop bee-friendly protection for plants
Outdated training leaves patients with dark skin tones at risk of severe bedsores
Overloading on protein powder can throw off your gut’s microbial balance
Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence Among Veterans
PFAS may impact immune response to vaccines, studies suggest
Plastics In Lungs, Hearts, And Brains Of Newborns
Prediabetes increases the risk of pancreatic cancer
Provision of blood vessel calcification imaging results may improve cardiovascular risk control
Psychologists believe we need a new approach to treating mental health problems
Research shows Asia — not Africa — played cradle to snake superfamily that includes cobras, mambas and many common pet species
Revealing the Effects of Air Pollution Across the Life Span
Scurvy hasn’t completely disappeared – and there’s a group of Canadians that is particularly at risk
Standing more may not reduce cardiovascular disease risk, could increase circulatory issues
Steve Gruber Says Everyone Should be a “Prepper”
Study Finds No Increased Risks for Pregnant Women Who Discontinue SSRIs/SNRIs
The AI sexbot industry is just getting started
The association of glyphosate exposure with kidney stones in American adults
The cells that protect your brain against infection could also be behind some chronic diseases
The centerpiece of the Pfizer documents is all about sex and pregnancy and menstruation and human reproduction
Trust in Physicians and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a 50-State Survey of US Adults
U.S. Must Complete Lead-Pipe Removal
Unique screw-like tidal wave power generator close to real-world deployment
Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated
UTSW study explores link between high school IQ and alcohol use
Wearable sensors monitor factory worker fatigue in real time
Weather Modification – An Overview And Concerns
What Germany needs is an Energiewende
Where did the myth of overpopulation come from?
Why are food chemicals not regulated?
Why are we spending so much time at home?
Why do diabetics show a spike in plasma creatine?
Why Geoengineering is a False Solution to the Climate Crisis
Why public health warnings could backfire
Wild birds’ health is affected by the gut microbiome