Nieuwsoverzicht 16 oktober

12 manieren om mensen uit je vorige levens te herkennen
BBB zit in de maag met boze kippen- en varkensboeren
Burn-out voorkomen? Waarom jezelf terug fluiten in de herfst cruciaal is
Chinese geneeskunde over lage rugpijn, de ‘spier van de ziel’ vraagt om aandacht
Cocktail van stoffen in oppervlaktewater blijkt giftiger dan elke stof apart
De enige echte oorlog in de eindfase, de mens tegen de machine
Dit verhoogt het risico op auto-ongelukken met maar liefst 84%
Duizenden meldingen van schimmel opgepakt, maar meer maatregelen blijven nodig
Eieren van hobbykippen gevaarlijk?
Elektriciteitsnet moet flexibeler worden om pieken in aanbod zonnestroom te kunnen opvangen
Gedragsverandering en klimaat is een taaie combinatie
Gezonder leven; een gebed zonder end?
Healthy aging – 3 manieren om veroudering te vertragen
Hoe veilig is koppen in het voetbal?
In tegenstelling tot alle beweringen is ons klimaatbeleid niet gebaseerd op wetenschap
Kaag en Rutte regeren via het Coronaherstelfonds over hun graf heen
Kamerbrief over toezegging glyfosaat
Meer kennis van kinderrechten helpt professionals in gesloten jeugdhulp
Meer volkoren in kant-en-klaarmaaltijden huismerken
Minder daglicht betekent meer risico’s
Minder kleding bij de kringloop door slechte kwaliteit fast fashion
Nog nooit zoveel fouten in EU-begroting, zo werd gesjoemeld met subsidies
Promovendus onderzoekt licht- en geluidsvervuiling
Publiek ziet dierenmishandeling uit onwetendheid
Rapport kinderen en ouders met recht goed beschermd
Schrap verplicht ontslag op AOW-leeftijd en meer mensen zullen blijven werken
Streven naar stillere IC en OK’s
Vragenuurtje tweede kamer 15.10.24
Ziekenhuizen wilden zoveel mogelijk binnenharken
Zilveren Kruis vergoedt geen afslankmiddel, leefstijlprogramma verplicht
Zoveel dragen Nederlanders per inkomen bij aan de basiszorg in Nederland

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 – algenolie
Omega 3 – visolie
Vitamine B12
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

Video – 7 Ways to Improve Gut Health Without Ever Eating a Single Vegetable
Video – Dystopian new dark age or a good age for all
Video – Explaining the Historic Ruling in the Fluoride Lawsuit
Video – How Estrogen Can Protect Against Breast Cancer
Video – I DIED In The Mountains and Saw Earth’s Future
Video – Key Cause Of Weight Gain & Inflammation
Video – Neil Oliver Interviews Dr Clare Craig
Video – New research finds radon gas linked to more childhood leukemia
Video – Post covid era – Dr John Campbell
Video – Reducing the Control of Supermarkets
Video – Strange Anomalies During Unprecedented Storm
Video – Testosterone “Replacement” in Post-Menopausal Women for Libido
Video – Weather Manipulation and Weaponization Are Here
Video – What is cloud seeding ? — How much can governments alter weather?
Video – Why should we consume plants—based on a fundamental science perspective?

10-million-pound meat recall affects hundreds of products at Walmart, Target, Publix and more
5G in the city – how much radiation can we expect?
A new study shows ultra-processed food makes up 59% of children’s food
A new target for anxiety disorders
Acupuncture really works for sciatica pain, study finds
Africa’s electric promise
Airborne DNA tech transforms endangered wildlife monitoring
Anonymous genetic databases vulnerable to privacy leaks
Anthony Fauci – The Man Who Thought He Was Science
Are Nicotine Pouches Safer Than Smoking?
Association between changes in depressive symptoms and risk of anemia
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder presents differently in girls than in boys
Australian local government calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines
Babies feel pain during brutal ‘dismemberment’ abortions
Blood clots are leading cause of death during pregnancy, report shows
Building Resilience Against Climate Risks
Can Your Phone and AI Track Parkinson’s Progression?
Carbon Capture Means More Pollution for Black Communities in Cancer Alley
China’s Silent Depression – An Unseen Economic Crisis
Chronic stress speeds colorectal cancer’s spread dramatically, study indicates
Climate change reveals secrets of our ancestors hidden in the ice
Closing the Loopholes of Current HIV Therapy
Despite Alarmist Claims, 1780 Hurricane Remains the Worst
Diabetes drug could cut debilitating side-effects of prostate cancer medicines
Dietary inflammation linked to higher mortality risk in coronary heart disease patients
Do Overloaded Microglia Smother Stressed Neurons?
Doctor says menopause is often misdiagnosed as one of four common conditions
Eating a handful of nuts a day could lower risk of developing dementia
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone fractures
Europeans’ distaste for gene-edited food
Even a Single Bacterial Cell Can Sense the Seasons Changing
Examining soil health as a key to successful farming and environmental well-being
Extreme weather is disrupting lives in southern Africa
Fishing waste chokes marine wildlife, threatens human health in Argentina’s Patagonia
Football is more than just a game — it can change lives
Geoengineering can be used as a weapon
George Watts Jr v US Department of Defense regarding the death of Mr. Watts from a COVID vaccine
Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released
Good physical fitness from childhood protects mental health
Half of sepsis patients face death within two years
Hazardous and potential cancer-causing pesticides are being sprayed over farms supplying Nestlé and Coca-Cola
High levels of serum hypersensitive C-reactive protein are associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in non-obese people
How Animals Understand Death
How Brine Mining Could Provide Drought-Stricken Tenerife With Clean, Healthy Drinking Water
Humans can distinguish odors with millisecond precision, study shows
Hurricane Milton exposed the fragility of Ireland’s medicine supply chain
I Got Addicted to Vaping at 14. Your Kid May Be Too.
I’m 31 and single – am I leaving having kids too late?
Industry Funding Biases Antidepressant Efficacy Findings
Is giving birth to twins genetic? Well, that depends
Is nitrogen dfixation good for the gut?
Is the Anabolic Diet really anabolic?
Is the Myth of Plastic Recycling Finally Being Exposed?
Less support for mental health when workplace is against
Liver cancer stem cells shown to use immune system as shield to spark disease recurrence
Microplastics Absorbed by Fetus Persist After Birth
Migration during adolescence linked to increased psychosis risk, study finds
Modern mass extinction in an Ecuadorean cloud forest found to be a mirage
Monster pickup trucks accelerate into Europe as sales rise despite safety fears
More intense physical activity will help you live longer
Nanoparticle therapy cuts plaque buildup in arteries
Natural killer cells determine RSV severity
Negative effects of childhood spanking may be overstated
Neurodivergent workers would rather quit jobs than speak up about barriers
New Antarctic Greening Study Wilfully Blind to CO2 Fertilization
New study links autism genes with schizophrenia
New Study Reveals Dolphins Smile to Avoid Misunderstanding
New type 2 diabetes treatment could mean an end to insulin shots
Noninvasive, microbiome-based diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease
Novel App Tracks Travel-Related Illnesses
Protecting nature requires more than ‘feel-good’ projects from businesses
Psilocybin shows yet another anti-depressive benefit, boosting optimism
Radiation Exposure Damages Our Bodies
Risk of new type 2 diabetes in kids higher after COVID than other respiratory infections
Risk of suicidal ideation or attempts in adolescents with obesity treated with GLP1 receptor agonists
SARS-CoV-2 infection and new-onset type 2 diabetes among pediatric patients
Scientists discover the truth about teens on Ozempic and suicide risk
Scientists discover unexpected link between genes involved in human brain evolution and developmental disorders
Shaping policy to reduce the environmental cost of aviation
Side effects and Immunogenicity following administration of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine in health care workers in Iran
Simple saliva test could save the NHS millions of pounds by speeding up prostate cancer diagnoses
Sperm Whales Vanish from Gulf of California as Ecosystem Shifts
Study Shows Use of a Gene Could Halt Diabetic Kidney Disease
Sustainable wastewater treatment research at Oxford Brookes targets toxic “forever chemicals”
SV40 origin of replication in mammalian cells in absence of SV40 Large T-Antigen
Teenage social media use strongly linked to anxiety and depression
The Attack On Food And Farmers and How to Fight Back (2024)
The Case Against Net Zero – A Seventh Update
The Covid Lockdown and the Economic Crisis
The Dark Reality of mRNA Vaccinology
The economic burden of type 2 diabetes on the public healthcare system in Kenya
The Great Acid Reflux Scam
The People’s Vaccine Inquiry Dublin
Too many kids face bullying rooted in social power imbalances, and educators can help prevent this
Utilizing shellfish in combating gum disease
UTSW study explores link between high school IQ and alcohol use
Vagus nerve stimulation enhances perceptual learning in mice
Wave of colon cancers in young people may be fueled by surprising factor linked to mental health
What it means when your knees creak
Why it’s OK not to love your job
Will Politicians Toxify Freedom Forever?
World’s most powerful anti-fungal drugs make fungi commit suicide
Your brain can perceive subtle odor changes in a single sniff