Nieuwsoverzicht 15 oktober

Antwoorden op Kamervragen over het bericht over stoppen zorgcowboys
Belastingkorting cruciaal om Nederlands start-up-ecosysteem te laten floreren
Beleid BBB-minister kost honderden pluimveebedrijven de kop
De chaos van de cijfers
De schokkende waarheid achter de hypocrisie van het COVID-mandaat in New York
De spirituele betekenis van goudgeel – dit betekent het voor jou
De stijgende gasrekening – de politieke afrekening komt
De wereldwijde censuurindustrie
De Wuhan Trilogie. Corona, ontsnapt uit het lab!?
Deze 9 voedingstips voeden en aarden je in de herfst
Dierenwelzijn kost wat en daarvoor is iedereen aan zet
Door protocollen gecorrumpeerde samenleving
Energietransitie – opmaat tot een financieel Armageddon
Europese Commissie weigert publicatie Pfizer-contracten ondanks uitspraak EU-gerechtshof
Experiment met bevolkingsonderzoek longkanker krijgt hoop kritiek en blijkt dubieus
Eén op de vijf Nederlanders heeft last van een allergie
Facebook gaf de Amerikaanse GGD (CDC) toegang via achterdeurtje
Geluidoverlast door evenementen en festivals gaat het hele jaar door
Geo-engineering – de verontrustende realiteit onthuld
Het systeem is gecorrumpeerd
Hoe gevaarlijk zijn microplastics?
Hoge bloeddruk en obesitas verhogen kans op darmkanker fors
Huisarts Marije Berkelaar, de eerste farma-vrije arts van Nederland
Kind van bloemist overleden door pesticiden
Kinderen voelen de stress van ouders met geldzorgen
Klokkenluider doet onthullingen over weermachine op de Zuidpool
Kou verwoest groeiseizoen in Groot-Brittannië – op één na slechtste oogst ooit
Longpatholoog noemt harde feiten over vapes
MCC Brussel sprak met Vlaamse boeren over een schokkende recente ontmoeting met overheidsambtenaren
Mensen afsnauwen als we overprikkeld zijn
Mensen met arbeidsbeperking zitten niet op LinkedIn
Nederlandse filmpremière First Do No Pharm
Nieuwe leerstoel voor preventie ggz
Nu al vuurwerkoverlast in Utrecht Overvecht
Opwarming van de aarde door ons draadloos gebruik?
Overheid is vaak onderdeel van probleem digitale burgerrechten
Rechter dwingt provincie stikstofvergunning plasticfabrikant aan te passen
Strengere Europese normen voor luchtkwaliteit
Trekvogels moeten steeds vaker laveren tussen de maaiwieken van windmolens
Tweede brief naar Nivel om het rapport terug te trekken
Verbazingwekkend om te zien dat veel landen PRECIES doen wat het WEF hen opdraagt
Vier gemeenten sluiten pact en verbieden zwaar verkeer in het centrum
Vitamine U – voordelen, bijwerkingen en voedingsbronnen
Waarom de vriendschappen in je jeugd zo ontzettend belangrijk zijn voor later
We kunnen niet accepteren dat wij er ooit niet meer zullen zijn
Weer een ‘complottheorie’ over de COVID-prik die realiteit wordt
Wel of geen liefhebber van pittig eten?
Zijn koolhydraten goed voor je?

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 – algenolie
Omega 3 – visolie
Vitamine B12
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

Video – A Hike In Rondane & Knight’s Leap, Norway Part 2
Video – A Masterclass in Cholesterol and Statin Health Effects!
Video – Captain Alex’s Frontline Update on Defending Marine Life
Video – Clinically Dead For 20 Minutes; Woman Crosses Over And Is Shown The Truth About Earth
Video – Colonisation on the West Bank
Video – Compelling evidence that excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles
Video – Earth’s Animals – Scenic Wildlife Film with Inspiring Music
Video – How Can a Plant-Based Diet Help with Menopause?
Video – Ketogenic Diet in the Management of People with Heart Failure’
Video – Lesser-Known Information about Oxalate/Oxalic Acid
Video – Muziek – Matteo Bocelli, Sofia Carson – If I Knew
Video – Summit Of The Future – A Call For Global Governance & Mass Surveillance
Video – The SHOCKING Truth about Oats
Video – The Whale Got Caught In An Illegal Net, Divers Came To Rescue It, Then Something Incredible Happened
Video – Try these Simple Biohacks to BOOST Heart Health
Video – Uniting to End Whaling in Europe
Video – Weather Modification, Control And Wars | History Channel And Other Tidbits | Sean Parnell
Video – What Really Fuels Cancer Growth?
Video – Your Blood Type Affects Post COVID Heart Risks [SHOCKING Evidence]
2 Million Fisher-Price Infant Swings Recalled After 5 Deaths
A novel approach to combat fatty liver disease
A Review of Predictions of Epidemic and Pandemic Mortality
Americans ‘left paralyzed by mandated Covid vaccine’ now abandoned and branded anti-vaxxers
An everyday medical cabinet staple might simplify joint replacement surgery
Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Proven True
Arctic Sea Ice Extent in September
Are Crocs bad for kids’ feet?
Artificial sweeteners and sugars cause the blood vessels of zebrafish to undergo similar changes which may contribute to heart disease and diabetes
Association between use of heated tobacco products and long-term respiratory effects considering smoking history
Bayer must pay US$78 million in latest Roundup cancer trial
Big Pharma’s Dirty Medical Journal Secret
Bill Gates-backed wind power tech promises 75% cheaper energy
Breakdancers at increased risk of bizarre injury medics now call ‘headspin hole’
Can bacteria help tackle plastic pollution?
Can listening to music make you more productive at work?
Circadian Disruption, Gut Microbiome Changes Linked to Colorectal Cancer Progression
Climate Change Indicators – Cold-Related Deaths
Combination Therapy May Improve Treatment Response in Pancreatic Cancer
Common heart conditions raise the risk of dementia, experts say
COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Biodistribution – Maternal and Fetal Exposure Risks
Deadly refinery leak adds to US toxic accident toll
Does reducing smartphone use impact physical activity?
Does Stress Really Turn Your Hair Gray?
Dr Zoë Harcombe PhD and Dr Malcolm Kendrick – Apology
Dumbing them down – Toxic heavy metals and pesticides found in children’s school lunches
Early signs of inflammatory bowel disease detected in newborns
Elevated uric acid levels as a risk factor for new-onset hypertension in newly enrolled Japanese university students
EU Fingerprint Checks for Tourists Delayed Indefinitely
Every Year 200,000 People Die Because of Pesticide: Vandana Shiva | Farm Talks with Indra Shekhar
For people with lung cancer, exercise can be gruelling. It’s also among the most important things
For the scientists who claim beef causes obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases, how do you rationalize this?
Fructose, the sweet(er) side of the Warburg effect
Full moon hazard – 50% rise in wildlife vehicle collisions during moonlit nights
Gas Power Prevented Blackout on Tuesday
Government Can Fix neither Food nor Farm
Greenpeace is now being ‘SLAPPed’ AGAIN – by yet another fossil fuel giant
Greens Declare War on Growing Your Own Greens
Has the Green Elite Got You Fully Panicked Yet?
Heavy Metal Contaminants in the Ocean Can Become More Toxic Over Time
Hidden health condition that affects MILLIONS also dramatically increases risk of dementia, experts warn
Hidden Pfizer report shows far more heart conditions in the vaccinated
How diabetes alters the prognosis of patients with heart failure and the impact of therapies
How healthcare professionals can change the systems damaging our climate
How immune cells communicate with our gut microbiome
How psilocybin in mushrooms may rewire the brain to ease depression, anxiety and more
How Technology is Boosting Food Security in Drought-Affected Africa
How the Brain Cleans Itself
How to build a sperm cell
Imitation Ozempic Is Flooding The Market
Incidence and risk factors of antidepressant withdrawal symptoms
Incredibly common household medicine could be ‘hidden’ cause of erectile dysfunction, doctors warn
Is remanufacturing a way to deal with our tons of electronic waste?
It could take over 40 years for PFAS to leave groundwater
It’s High Time to Turn the “Right to Foods” for a Healthy, Nutritious & Affordable Diet into Reality
IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE – Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Testimonial – how quickly can we see results?
Judge boosts California climate lawsuits
Key Brain Protein Tied to Motivation and Mood Identified
Land Rich, Cash Poor – My Family’s Hope and the Untold History of the Disappearing American Farmer
Landscape effects of hunter-gatherer practices reshape idea of agriculture
Latest Studies Are Proving ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Right on COVID19
Lead Poisoning is Still a Risk
Man says he has been ‘left to rot’ after Covid vaccine
Massimo Modular’s E9 is see-through tiny home that can last 70 years
Microbiome-derived metabolites in early to mid-pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes
Migrating seabirds are bringing forever chemicals into the Arctic
Neuroscientists spark shelter-seeking response by reactivating memory circuit
New Analyses Suggests Early Covid Treatment Benefits Were Valid
New bluetongue virus serotype, BTV-12, identified in the Netherlands
New findings on stem cells and development of cancer
New study shows diet, exercise reverses liver damage
New technologies could help destroy persistent ‘forever chemicals’
New virus uncovered in China – is this a sign tick-borne diseases are on the rise?
NI beef farmers reminded of Beef Carbon Reduction requirements
Noisy knees not necessarily bad, but osteoarthritis link raises concerns
Open AI Wants to Build Data Centres That Would Consume More Electricity Per Year Than the Whole of the U.K.
Orange Tide
Perrier Well Contamination Sparks Scrutiny for Luxe Water Brand
Plastic Surgeon leads trip to pass on vital skills to help victims of sexual violence
Polar Bears Contaminated With Toxic PFAS Chemicals, Too
Popular breakfast staple cuts heart disease risk by almost a fifth
Pregnant women experiencing homelessness struggle to access healthcare
Redefining medical ethics for the planet
Report examines impact of alcohol, drug, and firearm deaths on life expectancy in the U.S.
Research on calcium transport can fight bacteria and provide safer food
Researchers publish results of largest ever study on postnatal depression in British South Asian mothers
Researchers show accelerating carbon dioxide release from rocks in Arctic Canada with global warming
Researchers uncover role of plasma waves in mysterious heating of sun’s corona
RF and Brain Tumors Korean Meta-Anlalysis
Risks of Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs to Veterans
Rooftop solar panels impact temperatures during the day and night in cities, simulation study shows
San Francisco is suing the EPA over how specific water pollution permits should be
Scientists cut harmful pollution from hydrogen engines
Scientists Discover That Special Immune Cells Stop Metastatic Cancer
So quick to jab, so slow to say sorry
Solar, EV, and grid power in one – GM’s PowerBank home battery does it all
Stem cell therapy reverses type 1 diabetes in world first
Studies find more targeted approach to treating childhood brain cancer
Study links children’s bedtimes to gut health, finds early sleepers have greater microbial diversity in gut flora
Study shows routes for recycling carbon dioxide and coal waste into useful products
Sun has a multi-rhythmic heartbeat and 3 planets could be behind it
Superhot rocks in Earth’s crust could be game-changer for renewable energy
Targeting hippocampal neurons to unlock existing Alzheimer’s drugs
The antidepressant controversy
The Arctic ice rebound Alarmists Don’t Want You To See
The cult of Covid censorship is finally being broken
The Drug-based Approach to Mental Illness Has Failed
The Economics of Prepping | Mark Thornton
The Hidden Link Between Paper Products and Portugal’s Wildfires
The Hidden Pfizer Report That Shows Up to 40% More Heart Conditions in the Vaccinated
The Wuhan whitewash
These Pesticides the EPA Knows Affect Brain Development
Titanium exposure and gestational diabetes mellitus
Toxic protein may contribute to ALS development
US Military Remdesivir Drug Trial Killed over 600
Walz’s Covid-19 Legacy
Water fluoridation less effective now than in past
Weather Forecasting Is Deadly for Marine Wildlife
What do The Great Reset and The Great Taking have in common?
Why Canada needs an ‘urgent’ public inquiry into its COVID response
Why don’t your psychiatric drugs work better?
Why the Next Carrington Event Will Be Deadlier than Climate Change
Women elite sport physios paid less, harassed more
Worth a Shot? Secrets of the Clinical Trial Participant Who Inspired a Global Movement