Leefbewust.com nieuwsoverzicht 6 maart

Aflevering 16 – Marcel Crok
Albert Heijn gaat Nutri-Score overal vermelden, maar is een hogere score eigenlijk wel een betere keuze?
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over het Nationaal Klimaat Platform
Clintel hekelt klimaatalarmisme KNMI (deel 1)
Daling zzp’ers in de zorg zet door
Data-analist doet Woo-verzoek bij Erasmus MC
De koeien van André zijn ziek door zwerfstroom
De rechtszaak van $300 miljoen tegen Greenpeace
De schadelijke rol van Dipeptide Repeat Proteins in ALS
De tarieven voor de dierenarts zijn in vijf jaar met 40 procent gestegen
De zon heeft mogelijk impact op seismische activiteit op aarde
Een gifvrij milieu, hoe komen we daar?
Forse overschrijdingen geluid leiden wederom niet tot handhaving Schiphol
Frustratie en verontwaardiging in Kamer over falende pleegzorgorganisaties
Gezondheidscongres 23 maart – de mens weer centraal
Het leven met chronische gezondheidsproblemen is voor velen een dagelijkse strijd
Hormonen en hun therapeutische potentieel tegen huidveroudering
Iedereen moet zich straks identificeren voor toegang sociale medi
Kamerbrief over stand van zaken gaswinning op Noordzee
Langer borstvoeding geven heeft bloeddrukverlagende effecten bij zuigelingen
Ministerie VWS heeft 29 geheime OMT-tapes niet ingeleverd bij rechtbank
Mishandeld meisje in Vlaardingen – het falen van de jeugdbescherming
Miss Universe Groningen-finalist strijdt voor meer aandacht autisme
Nederland heeft zichzelf door oliedomme keuzes op slot gezet
Nederlandse ziekenhuizen stoppen met weeënremmers na 30 weken zwangerschap
Nog steeds lood in drinkwater
Omgaan met uitdagend gedrag van volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking
Onderzoekers creëren ‘wolharige’ muizen – en brengen zo de wederopstanding van de mammoet een stap dichterbij
Ongelijke wegen naar de gezondheidszorg
Ook elektrische rijders betalen nu wegenbelasting
Paternotte zaait weer eens paniek
Pesticiden en vlees- en zuivelindustrie spelen grote rol in Chinese ecologische voetafdruk
Pleegkinderen moeten altijd extern vertrouwenspersoon hebben
Rechter doet uitspraak over mondkapjesmiljoenen van Sywert van Lienden
Staatssecretaris betreurt dat Vlaardings pleegmeisje vastzat in systeem
Strengere toegang tot verpleeghuis lijkt stap dichterbij
Togadragers slaan alarm, staat de rechtsstaat écht onder druk?
Tweede Kamer eist verbetering pleegzorg
Van natuurliefhebber tot toerist – iedereen kent Marks visdeurbel
Veel fijnstof in de lucht
Wat is ultrabewerkt voedsel precies en hoe kun je het herkennen in de supermarkt?
Wind Wiki – Hier maken artsen het medisch onderzoek naar windturbines voor iedereen toegankelijk
Zwemmen – dit doet 30 minuten in het water liggen met je brein
Zwerfstroom – hoe windmolens koeien vermoorden

Natuurlijke supplementen

Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijk B complex
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Psyllium vezels
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

A 14-year-old Japanese girl died of multiple organ failure after COVID-19 vaccination
A quarter of the adult population worldwide experiences knee pain each year
Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 hospitalization
Adolescents who are connected to their smartphones for more than 5 hours a day are 66% more likely to suffer suicidal symptoms
Agriculture is main cause of seasonal carbon ups and downs, study finds
AI-based method for age prediction, mortality risk, and geroprotective validation
All-cause mortality according to COVID-19 vaccination status
An Alarming Decline in Male Fertility | Gregg Braden
An Injection of Truth, Healing Humanity
Anti-depressants – The trials last 8 weeks; People take them for 8+ years
Are Plant-Based Meats Good for Us?
Are We Killing Our Kids With Chemicals?
Asbestos – a corporate coverup, a public health catastrophe
Better sperm, longer life? 50-year study of 80,000 men reveals longevity secrets
Brain Autopsies Reveal a Potential Culprit Behind Alzheimer’s
Brain waves measured during sleep predict cognitive impairment years before symptoms appear, study finds
Butyrate’s Impact on Your Immune System
Can long-term use of anti-inflammatory medications prevent dementia?
Canada can do more to address the fentanyl crisis
Cancer-causing chemicals are detected in 100% of hair products tested in new study
CDC Relied on Cherry-picked Data to Claim No Link Between Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine and POTS
Childhood adversity and adult depression – Psychoanalysis vs CBT
Chimps and bonobos relieve social tension by rubbing their genitals
Climate shifts fueled famine, war, and the rise of empires
Covid inquiry rejects last-minute bid from Michelle Mone
Diesel exhaust exposure led to disarray in liver function in mice
Earth’s ‘Great Dying’ killed 80-90% of life
Eating mangos daily shown to improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control
Effects of GM corn on human health, the environment and biodiversity
Ex-Bush Insider Reveals Central Banks’ Secret Digital Money Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts
Expert issues supplements warning to coffee drinkers
Fearing toxic waste, Greenland ended uranium mining. Now, they could be forced to restart
Follow The Silenced – World Premiere
For some, childhood adversity can promote resilience to anxiety disorders
From the river to the (climate) idiocy
Georgia Tech Researchers Discover a New Way to Treat Glaucoma
Global 130%+ rise in postmenopausal osteoarthritis and associated disability over past 3 decades
Glucosafe 2—A new tool for nutritional management and insulin-therapy in the intensive care unit
Gut bacteria imbalance linked to multiple sclerosis
Heat from the Sun Affects Seismic Activity on Earth
Higher folic acid doses in early pregnancy improve verbal and behavioral skills in children
How Chewing Hard Foods) Might Protect Your Brain from Aging
How the Brain Distinguishes Between Pain and Itch
How the WHO leaves poor countries exposed to dangerous Indian drugs
How ‘self-silencing’ your opinion may change behavior
If MAHA Succeeds in the U.S., ‘The Rest of the World Will Follow’
Immunotherapy shows promise in prostate cancer treatment
Investigating the Impact of Açai (Euterpe oleracea) on Lipid Profile
Is there life after death? This question has haunted humanity for centuries.
Keto diet improves bipolar disorder symptoms in new study
Largest ever DNA resource for over 37,000 UK children and parents to unlock insights into child health and development
Longer breastfeeding linked to blood-pressure lowering effects of certain infant gut bacteria
Mapping the genetic landscape of Alzheimer’s brain regions
Mimicking women’s endocrine milieu in mice for women’s health-related studies
Modern Life is Making You Sic
More Calls For The End Of Covid ‘Vaccination’
Mushroom compound linked to better health and longer life
My conclusion is that methylene blue is a poison and should be avoided
Nearly 4 of 10 Americans report sports-related mistreatment
Net Zero to Blame for UK’s Productivity Crisis and Making Families Poorer, Say Economists
Netflix’s Toxic Town offers a stark warning on environmental rollbacks
New four-dimensional brain map could help detect multiple sclerosis earlier
New stem cell therapy could repair ‘irreversible’ and blinding eye damage, trial finds
New Study Finds Female Physicians are at Higher Risk of Suicide Than Female General Population
New Study Links Antidepressants to Increased Risk of Diabetes
New Technologies Expand Microbe-Based Therapies Beyond the Gut
New York’s ‘Net Zero’ Utopia Is Unravelling Fast
No “Virus” has ever been isolated
Novel stem cell therapy repairs ‘irreversible’ corneal damage in clinical trial
Omg, did PubMed go dark?
Our Gut Microbiome Turns Sugar into Compounds Vital for Our Health
Pericarditis Recurrence Occurs in About 20 Percent of Patients With Lupus
Persistent opioid use after surgery in Austria investigated
Prenatal maternal stressors linked to higher blood pressure during first year after birth, study shows
Reporting South Africa’s Renewables Revolution
Research indicates for many people, gluten is being blamed for problems caused by fructans
Researchers discover a cause of leptin resistance — and how to reverse it
Resistance exercise may be best type for tackling insomnia in older age
Resistance in Chile against Coexca and its factory pig farms
RFK Jr Fracking Is Making Pennsylvanians Sick…Again
Safeguarding Africa’s future – 100,000 seeds deposited in Svalbard Vault
Scientist Destroys Green Energy Narrative w/ Facts in Minutes | Bjørn Lomborg
Scientists Discover How Engineered Bacteria Supercharge the Immune System to Kill Cancer
Scientists unveil genetically engineered ‘woolly mice’
Screening for Helicobacter pylori to Prevent Gastric Cancer
Sen. Rand Paul’s Goal For New Chairmanship Is To Expose Government Censorship
Since 2000, Measles Vaccines May Have Caused 16x More Deaths Than Measles
Smoking and antibiotic resistance
Smoking While Pregnant Rips the Placenta Away – Second-Hand Smoke Doubles the Risk
Social Media as a Force Multiplier
Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields
Special type of fat tissue could promote healthful longevity and help maintain exercise capacity in aging
Strong link between Western diet during pregnancy and ADHD
Study finds consumer devices can be used to assess brain health
Study reveals how anxiety and apathy affect decision-making
Surgeons implant teeth in patients’ eyes to restore vision
The Age of Deception
The Better Way for Mental Wellbeing
The COVID-Era Smearing – and Resurrection – of Trump NIH Appointee Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
The dirty little secret about Europe’s energy taxes
The Great Decoupling – Not more, but better part 3
The greenhouse effect should already be cooking the world – but something keeps it tame
The impact of social determinants of health on chronic kidney disease risk
The Problem With Carbon Capture Schemes
The social cost of (leaving out the) carbon
These Foods Crush Appetite like Ozempic by Targeting the Brain’s Hunger Receptors
Trump will come out angry Americans are still being killed by fentanyl, Howard Lutnick says
Trump’s EPA Moves to Block State Pesticide Labels That Warn of Cancer Risks
U of T environmental scientists highlight role of paint in microplastic pollution
Unraveling the brain’s hidden motor modules
Vaccinated Children Are Counted as ‘Unvaccinated’ in Texas Measles Outbreak
Vaping may pose more risks to health than traditional cigarettes
What’s the one CRAZY trick you must try to increase your metabolism?
Wind Farms Producing Too Much Electricity Costs UK £250m