Leefbewust.com nieuwsoverzicht 20 maart

1 op de 6 volwassenen heeft last van tand- of kiespijn
200 miljard nodig om elektriciteitsnet te verzwaren
Afwijkende meningen worden te snel als onacceptabel bestempeld
Agema haalt geld uit wijkverpleging om bezuiniging op om- en bijscholing op te vangen
Agressieve ouders zorgen voor onveilige werksfeer in kinderopvang
Artsen zien dagelijks gevaar voor patiëntveiligheid door ICT-problemen
Basisschoolleerlingen eten het liefst pasta, gevolgd door rijst en aardappelen
Beantwoording Kamervragen over de hoge warmtetarieven
Buitenspelen goed voor afweersysteem én risicovol leren spelen
CBS persisteert in dubieuze berichtgeving oversterfte
De Commissie Von der Leyen lanceert het ene na het andere plan
De gevolgen van de activering van het immuunsysteem van de moeder
De onzichtbare kettingen van mentale onderwerping
Debat desinformatie en digitale immenging
Donatiecontainer Sint Maartensdijk blijkt succes
Een product gaat viral, en ineens staat iedereen in de rij
Eigen bijdrage Wmo stijgt voor mensen met hoger inkomen tot 328 euro per maand
Elk jaar duizenden mensen met kanker door werk in de zon of met gevaarlijke stoffen
Gar­na­len­vis­ser Johan neemt pijnlijk besluit
Geef eindelijk eens duidelijkheid over locatie kerncentrales
Geheime diensten gingen altijd uit van COVID lab-lek, maar verzwegen het
Geluidsgolven als medicijn voor het brein
Gember – zo houdt deze spicy wortel je lijf gezond
Helft omwonenden van chemiebedrijf bij Antwerpen heeft te veel pfas in bloed
Het vastleggen van klimaatneutraliteit in de grondwet is Duitse zelfmoord
Hooikoorts en histamine – wat is de relatie?
Horrorfokker Jan voor de rechter – 20 maanden cel!
In mijn studentenflat hangen sensoren en gaat de thermostaat automatisch omlaag
Is de Wet Open Overheid ondergeschikt aan afspraken met de WHO?
Lidewij de Vos verklaart waarom FVD tegen moties van lagere energiebelasting stemt
Merkel stopte onwelgevallig rapport in doofpot
Moe door hooikoortstabletten
Mogelijke nieuwe behandeling voor beroertes
Nergens in Europa meer cocaïneresten in rioolwater dan in ons land
Noodweer in Spanje gevolg van ‘ons’ hogedrukgebied
Onderzoeksrapport veehouderij en omwonenden
Ontmanteling USAID door Doge mogelijk ongrondwettelijk
Onze verre voorouders ervoeren een Zonsverduistering als veel angstaanjagender dan wij nu
Opnieuw poes gedumpt in omgeving Rotterdam
Plastictaks wordt de druppel die mensen doet besluiten niet meer te stemmen
Tegenwind voor windmolenbouwer EWT van oliemiljardair Van Poecke failliet
Verplaats veeteelt naar open zee
Vogelgriep op kalkoenbedrijf in Putten
Weet wat recht is, aflevering 4
Zorg of wapens – waar gaat ons belastinggeld heen?
Zorgwekkende bloedstudie bevestigt noodzaak PFAS-maatregelen

Natuurlijke supplementen

Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijk B complex
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Psyllium vezels
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

5G? – The Cancer Shadow of RF Radiation
AI food scanner turns phone photos into nutritional analysis
AI has Untapped Potential to Advance Biodiversity Conservation, Study Finds
Air pollution linked to higher Parkinson’s risk
Antidepressants in Dementia Patients Increase Risk of Death and Fractures
Association of 15 common dietary factors with tinnitus
Associations between anxious-depression and cognitive change and mild cognitive impairment
Australia Shuts Down Solar Farms Due to Bushfire Concerns
Bacteria invade brain after implanting medical devices
Ban smartphones for UK under-16s, urges Adolescence writer
Blueprint for COVID Lockdowns Written in 2007 Under President George W. Bush
BMI may no longer be enough for assessing obesity in older adults
Boost your nightly sleep with just one square of this food
Bottle feeding toddlers to sleep linked to higher weight and dental decay, study finds
Breast cancer treatments linked to accelerated aging in survivors
Cambridge Scientists Develop Urine Test for Early Lung Cancer Detection
Can a daily nap do more harm than good?
Can connecting with nature save your life?
Can Mold Cause IBD (Crohn’s and Colitis)?
Cannabis raises risk of deadly condition that’s on the rise in young people, major analysis finds
Causal association between medication use and sepsis
Continuous glucose monitors can optimize diabetic ketoacidosis management
Daylight Savings Time likely the best compromise for early and late risers
Dental teams could soon detect early signs of undiagnosed Type-2 diabetes
Do eggs really make you constipated?
Doctors are now being told (and paid) to let patients die rather than to keep them alive
Documentary on America’s Stillbirth Crisis
Does ‘Vabbing’ Actually Make You Irresistible To Men? I Asked A Sexologist
Drugs as Weapons of War – The US CIA and the Heroin Trade
Effect of 12-week fitness walking programme on sex hormone levels and risk factors for metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women
EveryDoctor exposes MPs took £2.7 MILLION in donations from private healthcare-linked companies
Ex-Pharma Rep Reveals How Big Pharma & Insurance Keep You Sick | Brigham Buhler
Exploring the link between school exclusion and crime
Extreme heat impacts dairy production, and small farms are most vulnerable
Genetic study reveals hidden chapter in human evolution
Healthy plant-based foods could help people with cardiometabolic disorders live longer
How childhood adversity shapes brain and behavior
Increased intake of fruit, fiber, dairy and caffeine linked to lower tinnitus risk
Inflammatory messenger fuels Alzheimer’s
Inherited retinal degeneration in Malay and Indian populations of Singapore and Malaysia
Kenya Court Rules Against GMO Corn Imports, Major Win for Food Sovereignty
Lifestyle risks weigh heavier on women’s hearts
Major study into chronic back pain reveals methods that actually give you relief
Maternal depression can lead to children’s emotional overeating
Maternal infection disrupts newborn brain development: Study
Mental health crisis among young people living in countries worst affected by climate change
MEPs push for more money for health from EU bugdet
Musk is Wrong. Empathy is Not a Weakness
Muziek – AI is “Alone” By Ray Wilson – Live
Muziek – Kane Brown – The High Road
Muziek – Natalie Imbruglia – Torn
Muziek – Sparks of Light (999 Hz) | 1 hour handpan music | Malte Marten & Hangala
Nearly one in ten unsure if they have Long Covid
Next generation of COVID antiviral hits final human trials
Pharmaceutical companies violated the UK code of practice on 53 occasions
Pollen season has started – how it affects you and what you can do
Popular drink ‘shows promise’ in warding off Alzheimer’s disease
Pro-life people partly motivated to prevent casual sex, study finds
Republicans want to officially classify ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a mental illness
Researchers find missing link in autoimmune disorder
Researchers find possible link between medication and unexpected blood clots
Sacked for science – Dr John Campbell
Shorter waiting times for young children with autism
Silent killer high cholesterol warning sign that can appear in lower leg
Stratospheric balloons offer space travel without rockets
Study Shows How Autism-Linked Picky Eating Causes Serious Vitamin Deficiencies
Study shows that cannabidiol may be a promising agent for promoting dental biomineralization
Study suggests cats could fill an assistive niche
The amount of selenium in the environment also has an impact on health
The Earth Is Getting Dryer
The Hidden Dangers of Benzodiazepines
The IntelliPig, developed by the University of the West of England Bristol can feed images to an AI algorithm
These chemicals may lurk in your personal care products
Toxic artificial sweetener made from genetically modified E. coli bacteria
Uncertainty about long COVID lingers years after the pandemic began
USC study shows persistent organic pollutants are associated with higher blood pressure in teenagers after weight loss surgery
Vaccinated Are GMO – New Reveal From Slovakia & Call To Ban Covid vaccines
Virginia Tech study finds unique brain changes linked to witnessing trauma
What are the virus figures telling us?
What if the Covidiots Will be Right in the End?
Why Ice Might Be the Future of Heating
Why Vagus Nerve Stimulation is Crucial – Hacks for Instant Results
You could soon grow your own Ozempic-like medication