Nieuwsoverzicht 3 februari

Agema parkeert besluit over honderden miljoenen euro’s aan zorggeld
Angst is onze grootste vijand!
Angst wordt versterkt door social media
Big Brother + Big Tech = Big Issue?
Bijna 40 procent meer ambtenaren in Utrecht
Bijna 50.000 mensen komen niet opdagen voor afspraak, ziekenhuis deelt boetes uit
Boven het Maaiveld 73 – De stikstofwaanzin
Caeden is 10 jaar en heeft post-covid, net als 40.000 andere kinderen in Nederland
Canadese multinational zette ministerie onder druk om gaswinning Waddenzee
China bestrijdt obesitas, gym wordt kernvak op school
De gevolgen van het verdwijnen van de restitutiepolis
De groene droom verandert in een nachtmerrie
De Nederlandse kou veroorzaakt psychische problemen bij jongeren
De Vos (FVD) in debat met linkse klimaatpolitici over energietransitie en meer
De Wilde Noordzee trailer
DeepSeek AI – Wat zijn gevolgen van de Chinese ChatGPT voor het Westen?
Deze Tweede Kamerleden zijn uitvoerders van de SDG’s
Documentaire oversterfte | Einde boerderijwinkels? | De Spiegel van Conflicten
Er bestaan zorgen over het privacybeleid van DeepSeek
Eén jaar telefoonverbod op middelbare scholen
Fastfood leidt tot meer fastfood
Gehandicaptenzorgorganisatie Inversa zet tiny houses op eigen terrein neer
Grondstoffenbedrijf Trafigura schuldig aan omkoping in Angola
Hersenen van mediterende mensen werken anders, ook tijdens rust
Het draait allemaal om Geld
Het geheime ingrediënt dat ervoor zorgt dat de vacht van ijsberen niet bevriest
Het internationale Phonegate schandaal en elektrogevoeligheid
Het voorbehoedsmiddel dat meer pijn doet dan bevallen
Huisartsen slepen de zorgautoriteit opnieuw voor de rechter
In 2008 maakte Kris Newby een documentaire over de ziekte van Lyme
Is noise-cancelling slecht voor je?
Italië schendt mensenrechten in regio Napels door vergiftigde grond
Jan-Joost beschermt zijn schapen tegen de wolf en straks krijgen meer veehouders die kans
Jeugdzorginstellingen onder verscherpt toezicht
Jongeren in de stad worstelen met stress, prestatiedruk en depressieve gevoelens
Kikkers levend gevild voor de vleesindustrie
Klimaatverandering bestaat niet meer, op Amerikaanse overheidssites
Maak gebruik van je bekkenbodemspieren om makkelijker tot een orgasme te komen
Maatregelen eigen risico bieden onvoldoende verlichting
Marianne Zwagerman hekelt (kwalijke) rol media in coronacrisis
Meer slachtoffers met ernstig oogletsel door vuurwerk ook in Radboudumc
Minister steunt QR-plan van supermarkten, Nederlands etiket niet heilig
Moeten We DRUGS Decriminaliseren? Met Prof. Jan Tytgat
Omgevingswet vreet kostbare tijd
Orthomoleculair docent Yvonne van Stigt bespreekt de impact van vroege trauma’s op het lichaam
Overwerk uitbetalen voor parttimers in zorg kost honderden miljoenen extra
Pleegmeisje is aan haar lot en 2 monsters overgelaten
Rijkdom is het probleem
Robert Kennedy afgewezen!?
Saffraanextract effectief bij ADHD?
Schapenmishandeling onthuld in Nieuw-Zeelandse ‘ethische’ wolzwendel
Schimmel in huis, mogelijke trigger voor de ziekte van Alzheimer
Tekenen van een overactief immuunsysteem
Tijdgeest Megazien 1 februari 2025
Tijdsdruk in pensioentransitie loopt op
Uit huis geplaatste Alissa moest 10 keer verhuizen binnen de jeugdzorg
Verontrustend hoge concentraties micro- en nanoplastics in de placenta
Weet jij waar Thaise kokosproducten echt vandaan komen?
Zorgmedewerkers zonder ervaring – sector controleert halsoverkop diploma’s

Wil je dagelijks deze nieuwtjes per email ontvangen?


Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel

Aanbieding: Levertraan met citroensmaak

Acerola – vitamine C
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma met zwarte peper
Natuurlijke multivitamine
Omega 3 algenolie
Spirulina USA
Vitamine B12
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

5 years after COVID began, outstanding fines mean marginalised Australians are still paying the highest price
5 Years of Covid in Germany
A common mouth and gut bacteria may be linked with increased stroke risk
A new therapeutic target for a lethal form of heart failure
A review of traditional Chinese medicine intervention methods for depression among college students
ADHD Causes & Treatment A Holistic Approach
Air pollution may protect against skin cancer, finds new study
Altered association between cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in the early stage of type 2 diabetic ketoacidosis
Andy Kim To RFK Jr. Would You Support Investments In ‘mRNA’ To Develop An Avian Flu Vaccine?
Anti-melanoma activity found in green-produced nanosilver-chlorhexidine complex
Antibody treatment prevents severe bird flu in monkeys
Antidepressant use before, during, and after pregnancy
Antidepressants highly effective for treating common problem that’s NOT depression
Artificial intelligence improves personalized cancer treatment
As EPA considers cancer links to nitrates in drinking water, industry downplays the risks
Association between a body shape index and colorectal cancer in US population
Associations between ultra-processed foods intake and preserved ratio impaired spirometry in U.S. adults
Backlash to Alberta’s COVID-19 review report proves public health needs independent scrutiny
Being social may delay dementia onset by five years
Beyond depression – surprising health conditions antidepressants can treat
Big Pharma Has Raised the Prices on Over 800 Drugs So Far This Year
Biomarker tied to premature cell aging may signal stroke, dementia, late-life depression
Blood test may detect stroke type before hospital arrival, allowing faster treatment
Bobby Kennedy Just Lit Up Bernie Sanders
Caffeine in Your Blood Could Affect Body Fat And Diabetes Risk
Canada’s electric vehicle industry is facing existential threats
Canadian preschoolers get nearly half of daily calories from ultra-processed foods
Caregiving hours increase menopause burden, researchers find
Childhood Trauma Followed by Adult Breakup Could Affect Brain Size
Childhood Vaccination ‘Associated’ with Autism, Learning Disorders
City of Hope scientists identify mechanism for self-repair of the thymus, a crucial component of the immune system
Cold waves in the rainforest – what they mean for wild animals
Correlation between liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance indicators
Corticosteroids cut risk of pneumonia death by 28%, researchers estimate
COVID-19 pandemic drove significant rise in patients choosing to leave ERs before medically recommended
Cutting back on alcohol may be more effective than immediately abstaining for preventing misuse among college students
Deep Focus Study Music for Concentration, ADHD Relief Music
Delayed REM Sleep May Be an Early Signal of Alzheimer’s, Study Finds
Despite early human intelligence about the virus in Wuhan, the president was slow to act
Discontinuation and Reinitiation of Dual-Labeled GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Among US Adults With Overweight or Obesity
Discover the Extraordinary Lives of Whales and Dolphins | Ocean Souls (2020) | Full Film
Do Shocking NDE Stories Confirm Simulation Theory?
Do Viruses Exist? Texans for Vaccine Choice Interview Dr. Mark Bailey
Dr. Rand Paul Speaks on Medical Freedom at RFK Jr.’s HELP Hearing
Ear muscle we thought humans didn’t use — except for wiggling our ears — actually activates when people listen hard
Earliest Evidence of Lead Pollution Found From 5,200 Years Ago
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet improved brain health in study of Hispanic/Latino adults
ECG tests may someday be used by AI model to detect premature aging and cognitive decline
Effect of dietary glycemic index on insulin resistance in adults without diabetes mellitus
Effect of Social Restriction Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Activity of Daily Living and Disease Severity of Patients With Alzheimer Disease
Electric cars can ‘explode’ and the public must be warned say worried UK fire chiefs
Ending the epidemic – Dr. John Campbell
Fans ineffective in heat waves
Farmland To Be Used For Net Zero Goals Under Labour
FDA approves new class of painkiller – the first in more than 20 years
Feeding sharks ‘junk food’ takes a toll on their health
Findings may lead to blood test to predict risk of postpartum depression
Fine-tuned Brain-Computer Interface Makes Prosthetic Limbs Feel More Real
Fluoridation on Trial
Gene prediction of immune cells association between gut microbiota and colorectal cancer
Genomic evidence confirms white shark liver is on Australian killer sharks’ menu
Gut bugs may help explain why sugary drinks can lead to diabetes
Gut microbes may mediate the link between drinking sugary beverages and diabetes risk
Harnessing generative AI to treat undruggable diseases
Having difficulty getting pregnant? Study shows air pollution may play a role
Healthcare Driven by AI Technology Will Lead to More Mass Surveillance of Americans
Healthy Aging and Living in Place
Healthy gut bacteria that feed on sugar analyzed for the first time
How Much Are You Willing to Pay to Avoid Harm From Pesticides?
Illegal Fraud is the Norm for Psychiatric Commitment
Impact of online health education on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder screening results and parenting stress among school-aged children
Indonesia deforestation rises for third year running
Infant gut bacteria and food allergies – the good, the bad, and the ugly
Injectable Hydrogel Adhesive for Improved Muscle Regeneration
Insomnia therapy with no sleeping pills
Is a ketogenic diet enough to treat cancer?
Is cold-water immersion good for our health?
Kennedy Calls for ‘Radical Transparency’ at Government Health Agencies, as Sanders Demands CHD Stop Selling Onesies
Ketogenic Diet and MicroRNAs
Low-level traffic air pollution linked to liver damage and fatty liver disease
Maternal inflammation during pregnancy may affect a child’s brain development
Maynooth University study reveals how poor sleep impacts Parkinson’s patients
Microplastics can cause brain clots in mice. Could they do the same in humans?
Moderate regular physical exercise can help in alleviating the systemic impact of schistosomiasis infection on brain cognitive function
Muziek – Alan Walker, Joe Jonas, Julia Michaels – Thick Of It All (Live Performance)
Muziek – Both Sides Now -Joni Mitchell (Cover by VONCKEN)
Muziek – Bruno Mars – Jesus Knows (Ft. Evan Tunes)
Muziek – Dasha – Austin (Official Music Video)
Muziek – Just How Strong You Are – father daughter – Mat & Savanna Shaw
Muziek – Noah B. Shore – This Is It
Muziek – Samantha Ebert – Overthinking
Muziek – Ólafur Arnalds, Talos – We Didn’t Know We Were Ready (feat. Niamh Regan & Ye Vagabonds)
Nanoparticles damage coronavirus in an unexpected way, paving the way for new disinfection technology
Neuroscientist warns a popular drink could increase your risk of dementia
New Case Western Reserve University study identifies key protein’s role in psoriasis
New study finds high concentrations of plastics in the placentae of infants born prematurely
Nigeria’s plastic bottle collectors turn waste into wealth
No evidence that maternal sickness during pregnancy causes autism
Optimize Muscle Growth with these Scientifically Proven Tips ft. Dr. Allan Bacon
Organosulfur Compounds in Garlic for Gastric Cancer Treatment
Our Autistic Sons and Daughters Carry a Message for Us
Plastics in Babies Bodies Linked to the Leading Cause of Infant Death
Polar bear population decline the direct result of extended ‘energy deficit’ due to lack of food
Professor Dalgleish discussed his concerns regarding the mRNA gene therapy, particularly the COVID vaccines
Professor Kelly – netzero will cost billions and is moonshine
Propranolol may reduce ischemic stroke risk in women with migraines
Questions Raised with APVMA on mRNA Vaccine Approvals
Rapid Response – Stopping an Active Poaching Net
Red Light Linked to Lowered Risk of Blood Clots
Regular dental flossing may lower risk of stroke from blood clots, irregular heartbeats
Researchers identify new genes predisposing to inflammation of the iris
Risk of diabetic ketoacidosis caused by sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in patients with type 1 diabetes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. full Senate confirmation hearing for HHS Secretary (Day 2)
Robot Monkey Goes Fishing!
Scientists Sound Alarm as Unvaccinated Develop Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects
Scientists uncover mechanism behind the need to scratch an itch
Scratching an itch promotes antibacterial inflammation
Short-term and long-term effect of non-pharmacotherapy for adults with ADHD
Short-term effects of air pollution on the infectious disease spectrum in Shanghai, China
Stroke may increase risk of anxiety, depression and more in children
Suboptimal dietary patterns may accelerate biological aging already in young adulthood
Sugar-sweetened beverage research does not sugar coat the concerning health impacts
Targeting gut microbiota to regulate the adaptive immune response in atherosclerosis
The Alarming Increase in Female Healthcare Worker Suicide
The Potential Impacts of Single-use Plastic During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Road to and from Wuhan
Treating Addiction by Stimulating the Brain With Powerful Magnets
UK on Alert Over Rise in Drug-Resistant Bacterial Infections in Ukraine
UK’s last fracking wells to be filled with cement despite dwindling gas stocks
Understanding Glyphosate’s Growing Presence in Agriculture and Its Effects on Human Health
Unlocking the potential of receptor-based approaches in diabetes treatment
Uranium trucks on Arizona’s ‘Killer 89’ spark alarm in tribal communities
US Government Agencies File Objection to J&J’s $9B Talc Bankruptcy Settlement
Vaccine brain injury – Dr. John Campbell
Ventilation in hospitals could cause viruses to spread further
WEF – You Wash Your Clothes Too Much
Why Dr. Peter Attia Changed his Mind on Sauna and Cold Plunge for Longevity
Wildfire smoke can carry toxins hundreds of kilometers, depositing grime on urban structures, surfaces: research
Your fridge uses tech from the 50’s, but scientists have an update