Nieuwsoverzicht 18 februari

15 symptomen van kindertijd-ptss
7 microtrauma’s die je lichaam & geest niet zomaar vergeten
Aanpak Nederland van het slot, perspectief voor sectoren en herstel van natuur
Aantasting van de geest
AI kans of bedreiging?
Baltische staten los gekoppeld van Rusland, nu 400% hogere stroomprijs
Bindweefsel – 3 tips om de ‘lijm’ van je lijf gezond te houden
Burgerberaad klimaat krijgt zes miljoen voor hotels, tolken en psychische steun
Chronische klachten metafysisch uitgelegd
Cybercriminelen kennen geen genade voor zorginstellingen
Darmonderzoek zonder dat pijnlijke slangetje daarbinnen
De arbeidsomstandigheden van jonge artsen zijn de afgelopen tien jaar nauwelijks verbeterd
De huidige stikstofregels zijn gebaseerd op een modellenwerkelijkheid
De wet op de gentechnologie zal toestaan ??dat GMO organismen als natuurlijk worden geëtiketteerd
De wettelijke basis voor windmolenparken ontbreekt, zegt Elze van Hamelen
Dertig jaar na Rwanda begrijpen we nog steeds niet wat genocide betekent
Draag jij onbewust trauma met je mee?
Eind dit jaar alle psychiatrische instellingen rookvrij, is dat haalbaar?
Genetisch gemanipuleerde vissen en insecten gaan strijd aan met kwikvervuiling
GGD onderzoekt uitbraak tuberculose bij maaltijdbezorger Zuid-Holland
Greenpeace richt pijlen op Loyens & Loeff om bijstaan omstreden vleesverwerker JBS
Halsema botst met columniste Lale Gül over standpunt vrouwenbesnijdenis
Het volgende stadium van menselijk bewustzijn
Hoe oud is jouw slokje water?
Honderdduizenden Nederlanders met vervette levers
Ideologische overheid en media in de schijnwerpers
Jouw donatie maakt het derde deel van The Primordial Code mogelijk!
Leadiant krijgt miljoenenboete voor extreme prijsverhoging medicijn
Marcel van Silfhout onderzocht de EU-regels en miljardenindustrie achter insecten in ons voedsel
Minister Heinen en DPG Media verkozen tot grofste schenders van privacy
Minister Wiersma wil stikstofgrens omhooggooien
Mountainbikeroutes onder vuur, dit is waarom
Nadelen van smart cities op het gebied van vrijheid
Natrium en gezondheid, meer dan alleen bloeddruk
Nee CBS, Nederland zit niet in de middengroep bij oversterfte
Niemand vervolgd om misbruik Katholieke Kerk België
Niet in mijn naam of wel?
Pleidooi tegen de vrouwonvriendelijke gezondheidszorg
Privacyvragen over inzet Rotterdamse scanauto’s voor opsporen afval
Rookverbod in de GGZ – realistisch?
Saboterende ambtenaren en juristen met oogkleppen ondermijnen onze democratie
Samenwerking als sleutel tot voedselzekerheid
Stoppen met roken door te gaan vapen niet effectief
Strengere naleving zzp-regels knelt in uitvoering van de zorg
Uitvaartbranche begint zich uit te spreken
Waarom excuses niet voldoende zijn
Waarom stagneert de opmars van vleesvervangers ondanks de propaganda ?
Wajong – blinde vlek op blinde vlek
Was decentralisatie wel zo’n goed idee?
Wat werkt als het gaat om re-integratie?
Wonen onder een windmolen?
Workaholics kijken sneller weg bij misstanden op de werkvloer
Zeespiegelstijging stijgt explosief sinds wisseling directie Deltares
Zou jij vinden dat er een corona-enquête voor de media zou moeten komen?

Leefbewust webwinkel

Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma capsules
Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

300 beagles per week are being force-fed and injected with drugs in wasteful tests in China
330,000 people were killed as a result of Anthony Fauci forcing people to take his AIDS drug
A case of a mother experiencing PPD while on low-dose SSRI
A new method uses CRISPR genome editing to record how molecules interact inside cells over time
A new switch for the cell therapies of the future
A new view on 300 million years of brain evolution
Agricultural pesticide exposure linked to childhood cancers, study says
Air inside your home may be more polluted than outside due to everyday chemical products
Air pollution exposure late in pregnancy increases NICU admission risk
Association between advanced lung cancer inflammation index and acute gouty arthritis in Dalian, China
Athletes may be cheating with new ‘undetectable’ method, experts warn
Aussie filmmaker uncovers the desperate fight to save endangered rhinos
Autism spectrum disorders – developmental trajectories, neurobiological basis
Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals
Black Sea Monster Spotted By A Human For The First Time Ever
Blocking Blue Light – A Game-Changer for Sleep
Can An App Detect Skin Cancer? | WION Tech It Out
Can Thoughts & Emotions Create Disease?
Can You Inherit Trauma? (Inter-generational Trauma Transmission)
Childhood lifestyle behaviors and mental health symptoms in adolescence
Chris Seeks Justice For Vaccine Victims
Consuming dark chocolate is linked to a 21% reduction in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
Covid’s Biggest Villain Gets His Pardon
Dangerous bacteria lurk in hospital sink drains, despite rigorous cleaning
Defense Department, NIH collaborating on ‘cruel’ dog experiments with ‘problematic’ Chinese labs, GOP lawmakers and watchdog say
Dental disease is a common problem in the cat world
Depression linked with higher risk of long-term physical health conditions
Did Fauci orchestrate the pandemic?
Do This To Lower High Morning Sugar! (Diabetes & Prediabetes)
Doctors are begging people to eat chia seeds at night
DOD Prepares Invitation to Bring Back Troops Separated for Refusing COVID Vaccine
Does mTOR Shorten Lifespan?
Dyes made by microbes could reduce the environmental impact of clothes
Effect of prenatal alcohol consumption on dental enamel formation in offspring
Factory Farm Pollution Spotted From Space
Food Today has 90% LESS Nutrients Than 50 Years Ago! – Chris Kresser
Fructose debate with Lustig, Perlmutter, Knobbe, Durian Rider, Johnson
Gain of Function Research in the China Virus w/ Heather Heying
Gates Foundation ignored questions about it’s involvement in HCQ clinical trials
Geomagnetic Activity INCREASES as Global Underground Volcanism SURGES
Geothermal Power – Untapped Energy Beneath Our Feet
Gut bacteria may hold the key to breakthrough vitiligo treatment
Health expert warns of big mistake gym-goers make that causes painful gout
Hidden Role in Cellular Health Unveiled for Mitochondrial Protein
How ancient survival instincts shape modern power struggles?
How statins might affect brain cholesterol synthesis and cognitive function | Tom Dayspring
Immunotherapy against melanoma
Inside the People’s Vaccine Inquiry – Part 6
Intermittent fasting could be unsafe for teenagers
Intermittent fasting could trigger type 2 diabetes, study suggests
It will push farmers over the edge – MEP Lynn Boylan- speech from 13 Feb 2025
Ketamine – From club drug to antidepressant?
Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards occupational burnout among doctors and nurses in intensive care unit
MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) February 13, 2025, Press Conference
Major trial to determine if ketamine can stop deadly epilepsy seizures
Men and Boys Matter – Psychology Professor Reveals Hidden Issues we Need to Talk About
MHRA gets 75% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry
Michael Shellenberger Exposes the U.S. Government Role in Funding COVID-19 Creation
New approach identifies reproducible VOCs for lung cancer diagnosis
New lipid nanoparticle platform delivers mRNA to the brain through the blood-brain barrier
New pesticide formulation developed for safer and more effective pest control
New study finds brake pad emissions can be more toxic than diesel exhaust
Parents can soon use QR codes to reveal heavy metal content in baby food
PFAS Contaminated Sewage Sludge Fertilizers Can Cause Cancer and Other Diseases – US EPA
President Donald J. Trump Prohibits Federal Funding for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Schools
Prof Dolores Carhill – Open Mic
Pure Human – Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden
Report on adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines in Iran
Research shows blood test may provide personalized dietary therapy for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Research trends of inflammation in autism spectrum disorders
RFK Says U.S. Will START Testing Vaccines For Safety
Rising pollen levels pose deadly risk for older adults
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Swearing In Ceremony At The White House As HHS Secretary
Scientists Discovered Strange ‘Entities’ Called ‘Obelisks’ In Our Bodies. Their Purpose Is a Mystery.
Scientists find new biomarker that predicts cancer aggressiveness
Stanford researchers identify key variants linked to inherited cancer risk
Statins – A Band-Aid Solution with Serious Side Effects
Stressful childhood experiences accelerate brain aging
The boss of the US’ biggest bank has gone on a rant against work-from-home culture
The Fraudulent Basis of RF Safety Standards
The GLOBAL WAR ON FARMERS | Is this really happening?
The Hidden Health Benefits of Potato Chips
The impact of depression and anxiety on the correlation between somatic symptom disorder and subjective cognitive decline in the Chinese elderly population
The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Calcium Channels and Health
The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines
The Number One Goal Of RFK Jr. Right Now As Head Of HHS Is To Keep Big Pharma Out
The Science Of Rewiring Your Brain To Be Less Miserable – Dr Rick Hanson
The Shocking Truth About What’s Hiding In Your Coffee
The Use of Midazolam and Morphine during 2020 “Covid Wave”
This Vertical Farm Uses 95% Less Water & No Soil to Grow Microgreens
Tufts researchers discover how experiences influence future behavior
Unlocking the potential of extracellular vesicles in oral health
US scientists shrink flow battery to card-size for faster energy storage
Vax vs. Unvax. Study done by pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas. His license was taken away after releasing this study.
What is Stargate MRNA Vaccine?
Why Japanese ‘micro-forests’ are transforming our cities
Wildfires in the Andes cause severe soil degradation and hinder ecosystem recovery
You failed to ask whether lockdown was effective, thousands of people have died
Your Risk of Cancer Could Fluctuate Even Before You’re Born