Autisme-veilige opvoeding
Dagelijkse mondzorg voor ouderen
De rol van SK-kanalen bij Alzheimer
Dertien honden dood na kauwen op ‘mogelijk levensgevaarlijke’ botten
Gates financiert project om genetisch aangepaste muggen los te laten in Australië
Gemeenten kunnen zorgfraude maar moeilijk stoppen
Grondreiningsinstallatie Schiphol – om van PFAS af te komen
Het is schrikbarend hoever de klimaathysterie in Duitsland al gaat
Hoe moet het verder met de klinieken van Fivoor in Den Dolder?
Kabinet Schoof schuift aan bij WEF-conferentie in Davos
Laat de boeren rustig verder boeren en hef de Wetenschappelijke Klimaatraad op
Mening Nederlanders gevraagd over verkeers-veiligheidsmaatregelen
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Urenlang hulpeloos op de grond
We krijgen nu de rekening gepresenteerd voor de energietransitie
Zo maken we Rotterdam gezonder
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
A Country With No Wind Turbines?
A Cross-Border Indigenous Alliance Works To Save the Amazon
A new timeline for Neanderthal interbreeding with modern humans
Age-related brain changes in mice strike hypothalamus ‘hot spot’
Air pollution from heating and cooling
Alarming statistics show that early onset cancer cases have increased by a staggering 79% in the last 30 yea
Association of varicose veins with the risk of heart failure
At What Glucose Level do Neuropathy & Other Diabetic Complications Begin?
Atypical brain connectivity during pragmatic and semantic language processing in children with autism
Baby die Pfizer kreeg, niet normaal dit
Basking too long in a sauna without adequate hydration may risk heat stroke, doctors warn
Big Food, Big Tobacco, and ultra-processed foods
Big Win for Amish Farmer and Food Freedom in Raw Milk Case
Bioengineered Blood Vessels Show Promise in Trauma Care
Bird Flu ‘Fearmongering’ as CDC Finds ‘No Evidence’ of Human-to-Human Transmission
Boosting Anticancer Immunity with Forest Bathing
Brain Stimulation With Cognitive Remediation Might Slow Cognitive Decline in Depression
Bubonic plague fears as warning issued over antibiotic-resistant strains
Can you steam away prostate cancer?
Cell-based therapy improves outcomes in a pig model of heart attacks
Childhood smoking increases a person’s risk of developing COPD
Children are powering a lithium boom in Nigeria
Chinese gold mining threatens protected UN heritage site in DR Congo
Christmas trees are not destined to enter the food chain
Climate Crisis Investigations – Will Flying Ever be Ethical?
Cold violence – a hidden form of elder abuse in New Zealand’s Chinese community
Compound derived from Brazilian plant exhibits action against parasite that causes visceral leishmaniasis
Could the Sarco ‘Suicide Pod’ Be Coming to Britain?
COVID – updated summary of lab-origin hypothesis
Dementia warning as new study finds 6 in 10 adults think early signs are ‘just old age’
Direct Connection Between Gut Microbiome and Human Intelligence
Documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency from the fall to winter 2019
Does job strain compromise long-term sleep quality?
Dogs Can Catch Your ‘Stress’, Putting Their Own Health at Risk
Drinking coffee in the morning is better than all-day drinking for heart health
Drugs Like Prozac Contain PFAS Chemicals — And They’re Leaking Into Our Water
Early cancer screening could save Canadian healthcare system nearly half a billion dollars over patients’ lifetime
Efforts to reduce kids’ screen time weakened by unequal access to green space
Elderberry juice shows benefits for weight management, metabolic health
Elderly street cat’s heartwarming response to indoor life
Even sparren met een medische AI-assistent
Exposure to aircraft noise linked to worse heart function
Extracten van natuurlijke producten beschermen tegen acute en chronische leverziekten
Facebook Dumps ‘Fact-checkers’ One Day After CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Censorship Case Against Meta
Farms in developing world cut food loss with new cooling device
Forever Chemicals Affecting 23 Million Americans Linked to Single Source
Glaucoma Expert Sheds Light on Advancements in Detection, Treatments and Elvis Presley’s Struggle with the Disease
Global deforestation is declining, but forests are still under extreme pressure
Heavy Metals Linked to Higher Risk of Childhood Obesity
How blood sugar impacts your mood, hunger and energy | Prof. Sarah Berry and Prof. Tim Spector
How Games Might be the Key to Avoiding Digital Censorship
How our cells dispose of waste and ways to control it
How Pharma companies operate with the FDA—show us the money, honey
How to Lower ApoB With Omega-3s
How to Use Cold Exposure to Transform Your Health
How Trauma and Obesity are linked
Hunger Comes From Pain
Intravenous Lidocaine for Gut Function Recovery in Colonic Surgery
Is alcohol linked to cancer?
Is Red Light Therapy Beneficial Because Of Sunlight Deficiency?
Ketamine use on the rise in U.S. adults; new trends emerge
Kidney disorder indicator gains precision
Lack of association between air pollutants and telomere length
Leverfibrose en MASH beter begrijpen
Liver Protein SerpinA1 Enhances Fat Browning and Glucose Control
Louisiana Man Who Had Bird Flu Dies — But Cause of Death Is Unclear
Many children and young people with diagnosable mental health disorders are not receiving timely help, says new research
Mapping the pre-vaccination immune landscape in the aging population to identify biomarkers of vaccine responsiveness
Millions of households in Great Britain face higher energy bills as price cap rises
More than half of college students report alcohol-related harms from others
Morning coffee may protect the heart better than all-day coffee drinking
New findings may help researchers develop a grapefruit devoid of compounds that affect medication levels
New Study Shows Stress-Induced DNA Damage Can Speed Up Aging
New study warns common injury could trigger Alzheimer’s by awakening virus
New treatment option for severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children shows promise
Only by using fossil fuels can 8 billion people have the energy they need to survive and flourish
Op ?-glucaan gebaseerde nanosystemen voor gerichte toediening van RNAi-therapieën voor harttherapie
Over 120 Sick After Gastrointestinal Outbreaks on 2 Cruise Ships
Pace of German emissions cuts slows in 2024
Patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell organoids for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drug discovery
PFAS from sewage taints water supplies for 20M Americans — study
Pfizer’s secret documents reveal that their COVID vaccine actually made you 8.7% more likely to get COVID
Podiatrists share tips on preventing, treating toenail fungal infections
Poor air quality had a negative effect on marathon times
Predicting the progression of autoimmune disease with AI
Presenting a path forward for future genetically-modified pig heart transplants
Pulse oximeters may misread oxygen levels in people of color. The FDA wants to change that
Ready to quit vaping in the new year? A new study uncovers the best ways
Research reveals unique features of brain cells linked to neurodevelopmental conditions
Researchers have a better understanding of how our cells dispose of waste while developing ways to control it
Researchers Identify Public Policies that Work to Prevent Suicide
RF Radiation Hazard on Sea-Going Ships
RFK Jr. wants to wean America off corn syrup, but production is already on the decline
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has only good intentions
Scientists discover new target for treating aggressive brain cancer
Sex differences in brain structure present at birth
Stanford Medicine researchers are using artificial intelligence to help identify the underlying biology behind Type 2 diabetes
Study advances possible blood test for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease
Study shows head trauma may activate latent viruses, leading to neurodegeneration
Suicidal behavior more common among construction workers
Tamara Ugolini discusses Health Canada’s unwavering trust in Pfizer’s assurances
Technology is supposed to decrease teacher burnout – but we found it can sometimes make it worse
Thailand Bans Plastic Waste Imports in Effort to Curb Toxic Pollution
The hidden dangers of Red No. 3
The Key to Enhancing Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment for Psychiatric Conditions
The People Behind Moderna and Pfizer are EVIL
The Trump Administration Must Bring Moderna to Heel
This Sugar Reduces Insulin Resistance & Visceral Belly Fat (NOT HONEY)
Toxic Waste Removed From Gas Leak Site in Bhopal. But Are Survivors Happy?
Tumor-secreted protein may hold the key to better treatments for deadly brain tumor
UC Irvine-led study challenges traditional risk factors for brain health in the oldest-old
USC study finds new evidence linking dementia to problems with the brain’s waste clearance system
Using AI to predict the outcome of aggressive skin cancers
Virginia Tech student explores promising treatment avenue for lupus
Vitamin deficiency may be why you’re so tired
We Already Have Clean Energy
Why Greenland? Remote but resource-rich island occupies a key position in a warming world
Why Paris Is Leaving Cars Behind for Bikes
Why put fluoride in the water? Scientists weigh in
Your work habits may be threatening your sleep