Nieuwsoverzicht 31 januari

Aardgasvrij in 2040 niet haalbaar na warmtenet-debacle
Als ‘facts checken’ censuur wordt
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over hormoonverstorende stoffen in kleding SHEIN
Artsen vrezen tuchtrecht en komen patiënten dan maar tegemoet
Bedrijven worden gestraft omdat ze van het gas af moeten maar niet kunnen
Burocratische beloftes uit Brussel
Casus covid – hoe kwam de zorg zo onder druk te staan?
Cees Vingerling in gesprek met professor Cor Molenaar over diverse onderwerpen
De energietransitie gaat niet meer over windmolens en zonnepanelen
De Jensen show nr 687
Door PFAS-vervuiling getroffen gemeenschappen eisen dat EU hen hoort
Echo kan mammografie vervangen bij beoordeling van knobbeltje in de borst [2023]
Econoom gooit steen in de vijver, red Tata Steel niet
Een metabolische reset met John Campbell en Dr. Malhotra
En dit noemen we tegenwoordig natuurherstel
Europa wil de digitale euro – CBDC – versnellen in antwoord op Trumps cryptoplannen
Expertisecentra voor long covid nu ook toegankelijk voor kinderen
Gemeenten willen weer praten over zorgakkoord
Greenpeace, de stikstoffuik en de rechter als politieke actor
Hoe AI onze samenleving op zijn kop zet
Hoe zit de vegalobby in elkaar? Wie zitten er achter? En wie profiteren?
HPA-as – zó kalmeer je dit interne stress-systeem
Journalisten gaan teveel mee in alarmverhalen
Landelijk meldpunt bomenkap
Nog meer destructieve plannen van de minister
NSC wil opheldering over Brusselse lobby-schandaal waar ook Timmermans aan meegedaan zou hebben
Onderzoekers herstellen voor het eerst een falend menselijk hart met een levende ‘hartpleister’
Onzekere toekomst orka’s na sluiting Marineland Antibes
Ook Kenia verlaat ook de WHO
Senaatscommissie legt Robert F. Kennedy Jr. op de rooster over uitspraken rond abortus en vaccins
Simon Rozendaal – we worden bang gemaakt, alleen omdat we zo goed kunnen meten
Voedsellessen leren kinderen hoe ze gezond kunnen leven
Waarom krimpflatie een logisch gevolg is van hogere kosten volgens deze deskundige
Wat is er aan de hand met de voedselprijzen?
Wetsvoorstel Wet integere bedrijfsvoering zorg- en jeugdhulpaanbieders naar de Tweede Kamer
Wietexperiment start binnenkort, maar is de hasj wel lekker genoeg?
Wil je langer leven? Gebruik meer dan 3 eetlepels olijfolie per dag.
Zo overtreden bedrijven massaal de Arbowet | Zembla
Zorgen Participatiewet na tien jaar debat nog steeds actueel
Zou u het zelf accepteren, als u niets gevraagd werd?

Wil je dagelijks deze nieuwtjes per email ontvangen?

Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel

Acerola – vitamine C
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma met zwarte peper
Levertraan met citroensmaak
Natuurlijke multivitamine
Omega 3 algenolie
Spirulina USA
Vitamine B12
Vitamine D
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

7 in 10 US adults favor school vaccination mandates, but support for opt-outs rising
A Prescription for Loneliness
AI Can Predict Breast Cancer Risk Years Before Diagnosis, Study Finds
An injectable hydrogel for local bone densification
An Unwashed, Greasy Hair Day Actually Keeps Polar Bears Ice-Free
Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms Linked to Life-Altering Consequences
Association between dietary inflammatory index and osteoporosis in the US population
Association between vitamin levels and geriatric hip fractures
Association of healthy sleep patterns with incident sepsis
Better nurse staffing linked to fewer C-sections
Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate
Brussels kicks off ‘too late’ meetings to boost flagging heat pump industry
Calorie labels on menus could make eating disorders worse
Can electronic cigarettes help people stop smoking, and do they have any unwanted effects when used for this purpose?
Can you actually die of a broken heart?
Cancer – Dr John Bergman
Cancer drugs linked to severe chronic peripheral nerve pain for 4 in every 10 patients
Chemical looping turns environmental waste into fuel
Chemicals in Pet Flea Treatments Are Leading to Songbird Deaths, Report Finds
Children first
Chiropractic associated with reduction in opioid-related adverse drug events
Climate-Obsessed Anesthesiologists Numb to Reality
Cold-stunned green sea turtles are recovering at a Florida marine life center
Could fecal microbiota transplantation help patients heal after stem cell transplantation?
Deadly disease that ‘makes EYES BLEED’ kills nine as worrying ‘outbreak’ confirmed
Dems Hit RFK On Policy Details, But MAHA Cares About His Vision
Did COVID Lockdowns Really Change the Temperature of the Moon?
Dose-response relationship between carotenoid intake and risk of depressive symptoms in postmenopausal women
Dr Rachel Brown // Psychiatric Medications & Metabolic Health
E-Cigarettes at the Supreme Court — Potential Implications for the FDA and Public Health
EMF Pollution and Eye Health
Empathy for other peoples’ pain peaks in young adulthood
Engineered muscle patch fixed failing hearts in an early study
Essential Oils That Help With IBS
Estradiol metabolism by gut microbiota in women’s depression pathogenesis
EU Updates “Hate Speech” Code Under Censorship Law, Big Tech Signs On
Exploring the role of oxidative stress in carotid atherosclerosis
Fat cells play a protective role in fibrosis development
Girl Scout Cookies Are FULL Of Toxic Ingredients
Heatstroke leads to chronic heart disease, obesity in mice
Hidden ‘highways’ connect Brazil’s rainforests
Imaging reveals how microplastics may harm the brain
Individual and combined effects of dietary vitamin intake on cognitive function in elderly adults
Korean scientists restore cancer cells back to normal
Lab Leak Revelations Prove Corrupt Suppression of COVID Dissent
Lack of essential vitamins and minerals common in people with type 2 diabetes
Lactic acid in the vaginal milieu modulates the Candida-host interaction
Life-Threatening Cold – Mini Ice Age Coming?
Long Before Suspicions Arose About A Lab Leak, Government Scientists Were Fiddling With Bugs to Make Them More Deadly
Low doses of oral ketamine can treat PTSD
Merck Charged With Hiding Crippling Side Effects of Highly Profitable Cancer Vax
Merck’s $8 billion cancer vaccine faces first U.S. jury trial
Metabolic reset – Dr John Campbell
Moderate exercise keeps appetite at bay
Monocytic reactive oxygen species-induced T cell apoptosis impairs cellular immune response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine – ScienceDirect
Nearly Half of Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Have Conflicts of Interest
Newly Discovered ‘Super Earth’ Could Reveal Existence Of Extraterrestrials
Nourishing T cells to fight cancer
Ohio State scientist unlocks natural food color alternatives to Red No. 3
Optimal dose of oxytocin to improve social impairments and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorders
Pancreas cells secrete neuroprotective factor
PFAS pollution-affected communities demand to be heard by Ursula von der Leyen
Plant-based substitute for fossil fuels developed for plastic foams
Projected Increase in Heat-Related Deaths in Europe – Misleading Models and Statistical Fearmongering
Researchers in Brazil discover a gene that may afford protection against COVID-19
RFK Jr. says he’s called a conspiracy theorist to stop him from asking questions
RFK Takes On Big Pharma For a Healthier Tomorrow
RFK, Jr. EXPOSES Senators who are in bed with Big Pharma during hearing
Risk of stroke associated with proton pump inhibitor use among individuals with and without pre-existing cardiovascular diseases
Robert Malone’s Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021
Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Pet
Scientists Discover an Organism That Feeds on Viruses! | wion Podcast
Scientists find a link between dementia and ‘bad’ cholesterol levels
Smith spars with RFK Jr. over school shootings, antidepressants
Stem cell patches may be able to fix a broken heart
Stephen Andrews – Cosmic rays and the winter gatekeeper
Study Finds Pesticide Exposure to Bees During Dormancy or Overwintering Disruptive of Reproductive Health
Study of dozens of identical twins reveals shocking effect bad diet and divorce has on your face
Study Reveals a Glass of Milk a Day Could Help Lower Women’s Risk of Colorectal Cancer
Surprising Link Between Menthol And Alzheimer’s Discovered in Mice
Temperature exposure and psychiatric symptoms in adolescents from 2 European birth cohorts
The Evidence Clearly Shows Sea Levels Were Meters Higher Than Today A Few Millennia Ago
The global plant trade is spreading invasive species to Europe
The gut microbiota regulates diabetic retinopathy in adult rats
The impact of dietary patterns on gut microbiota for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
The Mental Health Industry Is Incentivized to Keep Patients Medicated
The MHRA Papers – Part 16
The radical power of personal responsibility in an age of victimhood
The Root Causes of Physical Illnesses Explained
The silence of the storm – Electricity is a noisy force
Titanium Dioxide, banned in Europe, is one of the most common food additives in the U.S.
Unaddressed Issues after WHO Withdrawal
Watch a Democrat Senator lecture RFK Jr. and tell him what he must do
What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About Statins | Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Wikipedia Ruined My Life
Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name – EMR Syndrome
Women exercising in gyms often face barriers including body image and harassment
Young people support the idea of a smokefree generation, according to a new study