1,5 minuut over PTSS
61 gemeenten halen nu al de afvalnorm voor 2030
Afvalbrandstof – landenrapporten (2024)
Bijstand met terugwerkende kracht voor afgewezen Wajongers
Burgemeester en raad Zeist verrast door sluiten afdeling Fivoor
Cruciaal planteneiwit ontstond vóór eerste plant
De Grootvaderparadox – Is tijdreizen echt mogelijk?
De plaag van wetenschappelijke censuur
De Waarheid Achter de Stikstofnormen in Nederland
Doorbraak in stamcelonderzoek
Doorplaatsen in de jeugdzorg is schadelijk
Energietransitie in gevaar bij landelijke windmolennorm
Gemeenten in gesprek over opschaling binnen de energietransitie
Hoe eenzaamheid politiek gedrag kan sturen
Hoe groot is het risico op een nieuwe pandemie?
Hoe herken je een psychologische operatie (Psy-op)?
Hoe veilig is gratis Chinese chatbot DeepSeek?
Hoofdeconoom ABN AMRO verkondigt links-globalistisch WEF-evangelie
Hulpverlening negeerde alle signalen bij zorg voor Vlaardings pleegmeisje
Kan AI de zorg wel verbeteren?
Kat Prins die begin deze maand op de A15 bij Rotterdam rondsnuffelde, is nog steeds op zoek naar een warm mandje
Klimaatverandering is een natuurverschijnsel, waarin grote natuurkrachten de dienst uitmaken
Kunnen virussen als ebola of mpox ontsnappen uit lab in Goma?
Laat eten beïnvloedt mogelijk het functioneren van de schildklier
Minister wil eenvoudiger stelsel voor arbeidsongeschikten, maar heeft nog geen geld voor ‘nieuwe WIA’
Niet overprikkeld, maar ónderprikkeld – dit zijn de symptomen
Nog steeds meldingen over krimpflatie supermarkt
Officiële klacht ingediend bij Universiteit Utrecht
Omstreden kliniek Fivoor in Den Dolder per direct dicht
PFAS vergiftiging veel erger dan gedacht
Plan voor windmolens Houten definitief na groen licht Raad van State
Praten over kanker met kinderen
Schadelijke uitspraken, in de volksmond haatzaaien genoemd, zijn er tegenwoordig in overvloed
Schiphol en KLM lijnrecht tegenover ministerie over krimpplannen
Uit huis geplaatste Alissa moest 10 keer verhuizen binnen de jeugdzorg
Vuile oorlog om bloedmineralen dreigt hele regio in vuur en vlam te zetten
Waarom zit de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie informeel te dineren met bestuur ECB?
Wat is er aan de hand met de mentale gezondheid van tienermeisjes?
Wat je niet doodt, maakt je positiever?
Windmolens in handen van de lokale omgeving
Woede om geplande btw-verhoging in tijden van torenhoge inflatie
Zorggroep Oosterlengte stopt met verliesgevende thuiszorg
Wil je dagelijks deze nieuwtjes per email ontvangen?
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Acerola – vitamine C
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma met zwarte peper
Levertraan met citroensmaak
Natuurlijke multivitamine
Omega 3 algenolie
Spirulina USA
Vitamine B12
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
A Psychiatrist’s Journey Through Grief and Healing
Aerosol monitoring site collects data in aftermath of urban firestorm
AI, mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and “Stargate”
Are Dietary Patterns Relevant for Reducing the Risk of Fractures and Sarcopenia?
Are we too smart for our own good?
As Coca-Cola pull thousands of ‘contaminated’ sodas from shelves in Europe – UK health chiefs launch urgent probe
Babies as young as 4 months can tell how the sounds of different languages are made – new research
Behind closed doors, the US intelligence community and COVID-19 origin
Big Pharma’s attack on RFK Jr. is just getting started
Boosting Your Fiber Intake for Better Health
Breakthrough as NASA discovers planet 6 times as big as Earth that could be habitable
Calorie labels on menus harm people with eating disorders
Canada’s healthcare system is itself sick
Chemours Chemical Plant Still Polluting West Virginia Water With Toxic PFAS After Almost 25 Years, Lawsuit Claims
China welcomes the Year of the Snake
Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults
Compound exposure of 2.8 GHz and 9.3 GHz microwave causes learning and memory impairment in rats
Could Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Help Patients Heal After Stem Cell Transplantation?
Dead Sea an ‘ecological disaster’, but no one can agree how to fix it
Discovery sheds light on Alzheimer’s disease risk across genetic types
Does your school have enough trees?
Dopamine genetic risk scores and psychiatric symptoms
Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Therapy on Pain and Physical Function in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis
Emails Expose US Govt’s Failure to Monitor Covid Vaccine Injury Reports
Environmental Activists Serve China’s Energy Agenda
EU’s red tape rollback good news for medical devices
Floating solar caused increased greenhouse gas emissions on small ponds
Former US State Department COVID investigator reveals Australian spy agencies collected intelligence related to COVID origins in China
Global Trust in Science Remains Strong
GLP-1RA initiation linked to new thyroid cancer diagnoses
Glucagon – a potential protective factor against peripheral nerve compromise in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity
Heavy cannabis use could have a lasting effect on your memory skills
How a Mayor Beat the Loggers To Turn the Amazon Green Again
How a multitasking protein keeps the body’s clock in sync
How Chemicals May Promote Stress That Leads to Obesity
How Shareholder Activism Became Toxic—and How to Fix It
How to get control of your time
Intensive BP Control Linked to Long-Term Cognitive Benefits
Is screen use really sapping our ability to focus and lowering our IQs?
Lean red meat in a balanced diet supports gut microbiota and heart health
Maintaining Telomeres Extends Lifespan in Mice
Major Study Exposes Autism Surge in Vaccinated Children
Majority of UK believe the super rich have too much influence over politics
Manchester scientists develop ‘molecular trap’ to clean pollution from water
Medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children
Microbes in Your Mouth May Impact Your Risk of Cognitive Decline
Microplastics block blood flow in mice brains
Net-zero building standards may not have a global impact
New Study Uncovers How Gliomas Disrupt Brain Function and Points to Rapid Therapeutic Reversal
No, the kids are really not all right. Honestly, can you blame them?
Ocean-surface warming four times faster now than late-1980s
On Gain of Function research and why Exiting the WHO and ending this research is critical
Parkinson’s patient ‘feels cured’ with new device
People with schizophrenia have an altered ability to visually perceive contrast
Photobiomodulation for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Remove fake food from your life by ‘reading the labels’
Researchers identify brain circuit to reduce anxiety without side effects
Researchers shed light on risk factor and diabetes development interplay
Special Delivery Nanoparticle Sidesteps the ‘Middlemen’
Study links oral microbiome to cognitive function in older adults
The CIA Finally Joins the Obvious Truth About COVID’s Origin
The great unwokening at Davos
The hidden health risks of having your hair washed
The Problem With the WHO Isn’t China
The United States exits the WHO
This Staple Food Eaten By 700 Million That Can Turn Deadly
Titanium particle-induced inflammasome in human gingival epithelial cells
Trump Executive Order Bans “Chemical And Surgical Mutilation” Of Children
Trump reinstates US soldiers who refused Covid-19 jabs
Trump Rolls Back FDA Menthol Ban
Type 2 diabetes patients are often deficient in crucial micronutrients
U.K. government knew vaccine injuries were expected
Upcoming Kennedy hearings to spotlight hotly debated public health issues
Von der Leyen builds bonfire of EU’s environmental red tape
Weather change linked to increased risk of Salmonella outbreaks
What went on during Covid?
When News Is Stressful, How Do You Balance Staying Informed With ‘Doomscrolling’?
When student stress levels are high, this UC Berkeley program turns to exercise as medicine