14.000 veehouders in de problemen door stikstof uitspraak
ACM slaat alarm en wil dat VWS leveranciers zorg-ict aanpakt
Als ouder heb je veel invloed op de angst van je kind
Anti-rimpel voeding top 10
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over geothermiebronnen en maatschappelijk prioriteringskader netcongestie
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over de Green Deal en emissies buiten de Europese Unie
BBB-minister Wiersma ruziet met Kamer over stikstof
Bill Gates en Soros drijvende kracht achter petitie tegen benoeming Kennedy
Blindengeleidehond overlijdt nadat hij schrikt van vuurwerk
Bluesky is een vluchtheuvel, de strijd is op Twitter
Coca-Cola roept 4 miljoen blikjes en flesjes frisdrank terug om chloraat
De depopulatie-agenda van het WEF volgens Larry Taunton
De grote pensioenroof
De Noordzee wordt de Moordzee
Deel patiënten kliniek Den Dolder overgeplaatst na bouwkundige inspectie
Dit zijn de gevolgen van de Greenpeace-stikstofuitspraak voor Nederland
Dr. Paul stuurt dagvaardingen naar veertien agentschappen met betrekking tot COVID-19-oorsprong en riskant gain-of-function-onderzoek
Driekwart Utrechtse jongeren kan telefoon niet wegleggen
Een psycholoog onderzocht twee veelvoorkomende relatieproblemen
Fabrikanten e-steps hekelen Nederlands beleid
Gebruik AI door werknemers kan voor stress zorgen
Haal klimaatverandering, milieuvervuiling en duurzaamheid niet door elkaar
Het mes gaat in de regelingen voor werknemers die arbeidsongeschikt worden
Het verhaal van Nederland – Amsterdam
Kabinet gaat aan de slag met nieuw arbeidsongeschiktheidsstelsel
Kamer wil belastingvoordeel Extinction Rebellion schrappen
Kans op algeheel vuurwerkverbod wordt groter
KWF wil waarschuwingslabel op alcohol
Lichaamscellen hebben geheugen
Online èn offline spelen belangrijk voor ontwikkeling kinderen
Premier Schoof heeft een oplossing bedacht voor het stikstofprobleem
Reguliere media hebben gefaald
Stikstofstrop 8750 euro per werkende Nederlander
Trump verstoort nieuwe wereldorde
Vernieuwd dashboard geeft informatie over duurzaamheid van meeste Nederlandse supermarkten
Vliegen op frituurvet – duurzaam of een misleidende claim?
Volop steun voor ex-raadslid Ruben Schilt (23) na lekken in dossier Chemours
Vragenuurtje 28 januari 2025
Waarom krijgen ministers in Nederland niks voor elkaar?
We moeten écht meer bewegen
West-Friese boerderijwinkels in gevaar door nieuwe regels
WHO raadt aan zout met minder natrium te gebruiken
Zij die Twitter verlieten voor onze vrijheid ?
Zo kan een ‘stikstofplafond’ boeren helpen om hun uitstoot te verlagen
Wil je dagelijks deze nieuwtjes per email ontvangen?
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Acerola – vitamine C
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma met zwarte peper
Levertraan met citroensmaak
Natuurlijke multivitamine
Omega 3 algenolie
Spirulina USA
Vitamine B12
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
5 Expert-Approved Ways to Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners in Your Diet
5 Frequencies to Listen to for Pain Relief
600 million Africans don’t have electricity – the green energy transition must start with them
906 Earthquakes Hit California And Nevada As We Closely Watch Seismic Activity At Yellowstone, Mt. Rainier And The San Andreas Fault
A Chinese PhD Thesis Sheds Important New Light On The Origin of the COVID-19 Coronavirus
Acupuncture mediates the “gut–testis axis” to improve asthenozoospermia
Adderall shortage may be associated with increased use of alternative ADHD medication in children
Agriculture’s Greatest Myth
AI-based tool uses speech patterns to detect moderate to severe depression
AI-driven Approach Reads Heart Cells’ Inner Electrical Signals from the Outside
Amid COVID, long nursing home stays, deaths rose after hospital stays for sepsis for all races
Aromatic plant can fight colorectal cancer, say scientists
Autoimmune skin condition linked to higher risk of heart disease
Babies start to be able to sense smells at 1 month old
Big Food’s Brain Control – Paul Saladino REVEALS The Science Of Addiction-Engineered Cravings
Biologist JJ Couey went through some of the Scottish Covid1984 Inquiry testimony.
Can we predict brain health across a lifetime?
Canary in a COVID World
Cancer risk established before birth
CIA Reports COVID Likely Leaked From Lab, as Trump Prepares to Shut Down Gain-of-Function Research
Climate Skeptics Say Zuckerberg’s Vow To Stop Censoring May Be Too Little, Too Late
Coca-Cola Orders Massive Europe Recall Due To Safety Concerns Over High Chlorate Levels
Confronting the Pandemic’s Toxic Political Legacy
Court Rules Against Hospital That Fired Woman for Refusing COVID Vaccine
Dangerous temperatures could kill 50% more Europeans by 2100, study finds
Delayed REM Sleep Could Be an Early Sign of Alzheimer’s
Delayed REM sleep could be an early sign of Alzheimer’s
Depression in adolescence and the understanding of health
Diabetes Remission Increased With Dapagliflozin Plus Calorie Restriction
Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?
Discover the dark side of a technology with immense profit potential but hidden health risks.
Does Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Create Antibiotic Resistance?
Does SARS-CoV-2 Infection/Spike Protein Exposure Initiate a Chronic Fibroblast Disease?
Don’t be afraid to prescribe exercise to elderly patients, fitness experts tell doctors
Dr. Jay Couey was a key advisor behind the scenes to Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Dr. Paul Issues Subpoenas to Fourteen Agencies Regarding COVID-19 Origins and Risky Gain-of-Function Research
Drawing Connections Between Diabetes, Obesity, and Sleep
EcoHealth Alliance Orchestrated Key Scientists’ Statement on “natural origin” of SARS-CoV-2
Effect of Acupuncture on Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Electromagnetic radiation from power lines linked to increased leukemia risk in mice
Ending gambling adverts could prevent harm to millions of adults and children in the UK
Environmental Health Groups Seek FDA-Thailand’s Action to Stop Export of Cosmetics Containing Mercury
EU Has Banned Bisphenol A From Contact With Food
Exercise does increase calorie burn – but probably not as much as you might hope
Experimental depression treatment preserves cognitive function
Exploring the impact of different types of exercise on working memory in children with ADHD
Fat cells more diverse than previously thought
Fauci tried to control everybody
Flame retardants in battery enclosures may do more harm than good
Footage Shows Illegal Gold Mining Wreaking Havoc on Nigeria’s Osun River
For Osteoarthritis Patients, Radiation Can Bring Winter Weather Relief
Forever chemicals in French drinking water
Forever Chemicals in US Drinking Water Linked to Cancer
Heart disease remains leading cause of death as key health risk factors continue to rise
High prevalence of veterinary drugs in bird’s nests
High uric acid levels linked to deadly outcomes in children with severe malaria
How many times should you wake up at night? Study reveals age-specific sleep patterns
How Past Experiences Shape Our Present Reactions Billy Carson and Dr Amen
How to Make a Heat Pump Work in an Old House
Impact of COV-19 Vaccination on Tinnitus Onset/Severity
Increased Toxicity Risk Identified For Children With Autism, ADHD
Irish scientists help in study that may prevent epilepsy after sudden brain injury
Is it school reluctance or refusal?
Kids Online Safety Act Could Leave Homeschooled Kids Without Crucial Resources
Lead Nutritional Scientist. Alarming Truth About Eating After 9pm! Link Between Chewing & Belly Fat
Legacy Media Caught Peddling Fake News About RFK Jr. Linked to Bill Gates
Let’s Talk About Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Lipid Nanoparticles in COVID Vaccines Travel to Vital Organs, Including Heart
Loneliness and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease, axonal damage, and astrogliosis
Many So-Called Experts Will Owe RFK Jr. An Apology in 4 Years
Massive Alberta Government Task Force Report Calls for Halt to COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
Meat Industry Increases Political Spending, Lobbying
Medical Journal Article Criticises Corrupt Medical Journals
Men and women equally attracted to younger partners, UC Davis study suggests
Microplastics Found in Fetuses – Alarming Study
Microplastics look like a ‘car crash’ in mice brains
Mike Pence’s Advocacy Group Has Ties to Pfizer
Miracle of Green Hydrogen Becomes Fading Mirage
Mobile phone addiction and negative emotions
Mobile phones are potentially hazardous to public health | An Invisible Threat (full documentary)
Mood disorders drive feelings of cognitive decline in former college athletes
More transparency about So Cal’s fire-polluted air
Nerve stimulation – The brain is not always listening
New Findings Show No Decline in the Strength of the Gulf Stream Since the 1960s
Newborn screening gives babies a head start for a healthier future
NIH Interim Director Comes From Its Research Ranks but Is Known for Questioning COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
One million chickens culled
Ozempic left me with deadly bone-thinning disease, singer Avery, 30, reveals in heartbreaking confession
Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk failed to disclose more payments made to healthcare groups – watchdog
Patients with anorexia have elevated opioid neurotransmitter activity in the brain
Paul Saladino EXPOSES Big Pharma’s Control Over U.S Health Agencies
Pepsico CEO Not Worried About Being Targeted by Trump Administration’s Food Industry Critics
Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Has Hidden Almost $40 Million In Pentagon Funding And Militarized Pandemic Science
PFAS Chemicals May Weaken Kids’ Immune Systems
Pfizer Agrees to $60 Million Settlement in Kickback Scandal for Allegedly ‘Bribing’ Doctors to Promote Migraine Drug
Pole Shifts and Climate Change
Prayer Code Mysteries | Gregg Braden
Reaching Net Zero Might Fail—And It’s Not Because Renewables Are Too Expensive
Researchers uncover new approach to predict pain sensitivity
Scientists call for more research into Covid vaccine side effects after unexplained spike in heart conditions https://t
Scottish Vaccine Injury Group
Screening potential antileukemia ingredients from sweet potato
Severity and long-term mortality of COVID-19, influenza, and RSV
Significant Rise in Children Being Admitted to Acute Hospital Wards for Mental Health Issues
Smartphone use leads to hallucinations, detachment from reality, aggression in teens as young as 13
Space and time? Here’s how they interact in our brain
Study reveals biomarker for high risk of metastasis
Taibbi Hints FBI Communications With COVID Scientists Will Be Exposed
Taking blood pressure in a public or noisy settings does not affect reading
The Center to End Corporate Harm
The Cure for Vaccine Skepticism
The Future of the Lab Leak Theory
The potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy
The role of fecal microbiota transplantation in type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment
The WHO Investigation Members Were “participants in disinformation”
Triple Dose of Earth-Changes in the Pole Shift | S0 News Jan.27.2025
Trump Administration Halts NIH Grant-Making Process
Trump Withdraws EPA’s Proposed Limits on Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Industrial Wastewater
Two New Papers Reveal Startling Human Health Risks from Neonicotinoid Pesticides
UK Fire Chiefs issue STARK warning on EVs
Unless we step out of the system we are tagged and documneted like cattle, and abused all the time.
Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Vagus Nerve Hacks – How To Prevent The 4 Root Causes Of Disease & An Early Death
What drives mood swings in bipolar disorder? Study points to a second brain clock
Why China and the WHO Will Never Find a Zoonotic Origin For the COVID-19 Pandemic Virus
Why don’t you remember all your dreams?
Why is the UK still addicted to the worst kind of coffee?
Witness Statement provided by Ruth O’Rafferty on behalf of the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group
Yellow mealworm powder could soon be a part of EU supermarket offerings