1 op de 3 ouderen ervaart leeftijdsdiscriminatie
Amsterdam UMC daagt Plasterk voor rechter om patentenkwestie
Anderlechts dierenasiel ten einde raad
Appels in de supermarkt kunnen wel 10 maanden oud zijn
Bedbezetting Berlijnse ziekenhuizen tijdens Covid “laagste sinds 1989”
Bedenkelijke klimaatlobby wordt zichtbaar
Bewoners van 40 sociale woningen in Temse mogen na renovatie niet terugkeren naar hun woning
Check uw Lareb-melding
Consequenties aan macht die we big tech geven
Coronamaatregelen om de griepepidemie te bestrijden?
De grote ineenstorting van het klimaatkartel
De ingebeelde klimaat- en Covid-bedreigingen beginnen te vervagen
De Schumann Resonantie en alle draadloze technieken
De stand van zaken bij de vrije media | De Andere Tafel
Dienstverband zorgsector nog steeds onaantrekkelijk voor veel zzp’ers
Een gezonde gewoonte aanleren duurt veel langer dan drie weken
Els van Steijn over je plek vinden, adoptie, donors, (schoon)ouders en het leven vieren
Er is te weinig zicht op ontspoorde mantelzorg, stellen belangenorganisaties
Fimme Bakker over hoe het verder moet in de verslavingszorg
Gaswinningsproblematiek leidt tot onzekerheid en stress bij ondernemers in Groningen
Geen zicht op aantal arbeidsongeschikte jongeren met of zonder bijstandsuitkering
Gevaren van mRNA-vaccins – Shanahan roept op tot moratorium
GoFundMe.com – Crowdfunding DEMO – Waarom is er oversterfte?
Handhaving schijnzelfstandigheid van start, maar bij overheid is het nog een zooitje
Het orgasme ontleed
Hoe ga je om met polarisatie in liefde, familie en vriendschap?
Hoe groene bananen je gezondheid kunnen bevorderen
Honderden actievoerders protesteren tegen komst van kleigroeve in Aalbeke
Huilende wethouder claimt, ik moet daklozen wel beboeten
Innerlijke vrede in t dagelijks leven
Is alle ultrabewerkte voeding even ongezond?
Kamerbrief informatieverzoek onderzoek relatie Parkinson en glyfosaat
Kamerbrief over kwaliteit Wajong-dienstverlening
Kamerbrief over overdracht Kamervragen Brusselse lobbyschandaal
Killswitch – Het internet wordt aangevallen (met vertaling)
Kritiek op “groene lobbyisten” die te ver zouden gaan met Europees geld
Maak je kinderwens op tijd bespreekbaar
Minister heeft geen oplossing voor het medicijntekort
Onduidelijk beleid houdt duurzaam bouwen van huizen tegen
Onduidelijkheid kwaliteit Wajong blijft, meer onderzoek nodig
PowNews prikt door de zogenaamde stikstofcrisis heen
PVV en BBB, treed uit het kabinet en smeed een coalitie met bedrijven tegen de CO2-obsessie
Regionale industrie krijgt geen stroom, maar betaalt wel voor CO2-uitstoot
Risicovol spelen helpt kinderen omgaan met digitale media
Samenvatting van de Overkoepelende Rapportage Kwaliteit Beoordeling Wajong 2015
Schimmel mogelijk alternatief voor pesticiden bij bestrijding teken in Afrika
Sociale beïnvloeding, autonomie en motivatie voor duurzaam gedrag
Steeds meer mensen mijden het nieuws en vinden het vermoeiend
Stop het censuurwapen van de EU – verdedig je recht op toegang tot informatie!
Te vroeg geboren baby’s krijgen onvoldoende pijnbestrijding
Trump verrast met “CBDC-verbod” – Wat nu?
Twee dingen kunnen je kans om kanker te overleven verdubbelen
Waarom weet je niet meer wat je wil als je 30 bent?
We staan voor een periode van ongekende verandering
Winterse opwarming door oostenwind?
Winterslaap voor mensen? Dit is waarom jij dat straks ook wil
Woonbeleid voor ouderen moet onderling dienstbetoon en onbaatzuchtige hulp scheppen en stimuleren
Wil je dagelijks deze nieuwtjes per email ontvangen?
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Acerola – vitamine C
Chlorella Zuid Korea
Curcuma met zwarte peper
Levertraan met citroensmaak
Natuurlijke multivitamine
Omega 3 algenolie
Spirulina USA
Vitamine B12
Vitamine D
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
1 in 22 COVID survivors develop debilitating chronic syndrome
10.6% of EU population struggled to keep homes warm
A difficult experience trying a dementia simulator | Will You Get Dementia?
A discovery showing that Montana was much warmer 6,000 years ago, is evidence of dramatic warming
Acute aerobic exercise enhances associative learning in regular exercisers but not in non-regular exercisers
Alberta’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Enforcement Strategy Doesn’t Apply To Polluters
Alzheimer’s disease risk could be slashed 76 per cent by taking part in popular activity
Amid series of rapid-fire policy reversals, Trump quietly withdraws proposed limits on PFAS
An Alternative View of Cancer – featuring Thomas Seyfried (Episode 27 Part 2)
Anthony Fauci Under Fire Over Experiments on Orphan Children
Anti-Lockdown Nurse Shares SHOCKING Story Of COVID Oppression!
Are you wondering what you should do if you don’t have symptoms of “covid-19” but want to test anyway?
Association between sleep problems during pregnancy and postpartum depressive symptoms as well as condition of newborn at delivery
Bangkok air pollution forces 352 schools to close
Beyond Pesticides Calls on EPA To Ensure Comprehensive Review of “Biopesticides”
Biden and Trump commit billions to mRNA vaccine technologies
Bluesky’s science takeover
Bulgarian government tries to calm fears ?fter Black Sea oil spill
Burn Fat Naturally – Stop Missing These Key Nutrients
CAES food scientists study essential oil coatings to improve shelf life of organic produce
Can cold weather make you sick?
Cannabis Compound Discovered Inside Totally Different Plant
Cataract and cell-phone radiation
Catastrophic Coral Bleaching – Devil Humans – Strange Blobs In The Mantle – Giant Glacial Feature
Change Your Focus
Chinese Suppliers Behind Ads for Deadly Opioids Targeting Europe
CIA Director John Ratcliffe says cause of pandemic was because of a lab related incident in Wuhan
Circulating Tumor DNA as a Marker of Recurrence Risk in Stage III Colorectal Cancer
Combined Effects of Spirulina Liquid Extract and Endurance Training on Aerobic Performance and Muscle Metabolism Adaptation in Wistar Rats
Cooling green roofs seemed like an impossible dream for Brazil’s favelas. Not true!
Could the Carrington Event happen again?
Covid smell loss eased by injecting blood cells into the nose
Diabetes Risk from Sugary Drinks May Be Higher for Some People
Dietary content and eating behavior in ulcerative colitis
DIY Laundry Detergent For Sensitive Skin
Doctors’ warning over killer antibiotic taken by millions that causes organ failure
Dolphin-saving ban sparks Spanish and French fishermen outrage
Down Syndrome – How a gene fuels ear infections
Dr. Bruce Boros, Pandemic hero of the Florida Keys
Effect of optimized food-based recommendations on nutrient intakes, hemoglobin levels, and memory performance of adolescent girls in East Java
Emails reveal FDA refused to monitor select COVID-19 vaccine injuries from select vaccine manufacturers
Emails Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injuries
End the Sadistic Abuse of Farm Animals at Livestock Auctions Across the U.S.
Endometriosis linked to higher cardiovascular disease risk
Every planet will align in a rare parade next month – here’s how to see it
Experimental drug speeds up myelin repair, restoring vision in mice
Facebook “Fact Checks” Prof. Will Happer
Fighting Chemical Pollution – Water Purification using Algae
Fluoride found to lower IQ at exposure levels experienced with fluoridation
Following the Science, Trump Moves to Pardon CO2
Forever chemicals (PFAS) may weaken immune function in children
Forever chemicals in farmland sludge threaten health, EPA admits
France urges Brussels to delay EU green rules for business
French Fries & Mental Health? The Shocking Link! | WION Podcast
Gene-Air Pollution Interaction and Diversity of Genetic Sampling
Geoengineering and its use in the strategic gain of control
Girl Dies And Is Shown The Room Of Knowledge During Fascinating NDE
Grapefruit Can Mess With Your Meds, But Scientists May Have a Solution
Harnessing mushroom microbiomes for better crop development
High protein diet benefits preemies’ brains
Household Cleaners Might Be Ineffective Against Norovirus, Report Says
How One Reporter Unravelled the Mystery Behind a Field of Starving Horses in Argentina
How your vapes are killing you
I vaped equivalent of 100 cigarettes a week – I quit overnight after reading one thing
Information Suppression in the Early COVID-19 Response and the History of Cover-ups in Microbiology
Intelligence is linked to a ‘swifter death from dementia’, research indicates
Joe Biden issued a preemptive pardon for Anthony Fauci for any offense against the United States he may have committed
Lead Poisoning Is Still a Major Problem — Here’s How it Impacts Our Health
Lies, Bias and Big Pharma – Accident or Design?
Mainstream Media Ignores Massive Recovery In Antarctica Sea Ice
Make vaccine manufacturers liable again
Medical Journals as Gatekeepers – A Broken System
Microgravity in space may cause cancer
mRNA Pioneer Shares Concerns About Larry Ellison’s mRNA Cancer Vaccine Announcement
Multiple Sclerosis May Worsen With Menopause Transition
Novak Djokovic – How He Faced, Fought & Overcame COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Over 1/3 of Parents Say Their Child Has Experienced Dental Problems That Reflect Oral Hygiene Habits
Over a million people could be living with undiagnosed diabetes
Pfizer Exec Confronted Over Cancer & COVID Vaxx!
Pharma bots potentially coming to a theatre near you.
Plastic Additive BBP Threatens DNA and Reproductive Health, Study Reveals
Pregnant dairy cows shipped in their thousands from Ireland to Algeria
Preterm babies receive insufficient pain management
Professor Stephen Evans just told us that NONE of opensafely’s data has been verified by its own authors
Psychiatric Drugs Afflict Tens of Millions with an Epidemic of Brain Disease
Researchers glued teeny-tiny QR codes to 30,000 bees
Restless Leg Syndrome expert’s six bedtime habits that can stop symptoms
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. HHS Confirmation Hearing | Jan. 29
Roy Taylor diabetes lecture, fatty liver & weight loss
Salvini threatens to withdraw Italy from WHO
Scientific Evidence that Nature, and Man, Were Designed — Not Random Accidents
Scientists Identify Bacteria That Can Break Down Some PFAS and Their Byproducts
Scientists Identify Vital Fat-Burning Protein That Could Aid Weight Loss
Scientists Reveal What Alcohol Is Doing to Your Sleep
Shocking New Study Reveals Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and SUDDEN PSYCHOSIS
Signs your body might start to become ‘caffeine resistant’
Space researchers build traffic light system to warn of dangerous solar storms
Studies have found that consuming certain spices can boost our natural GLP-1, but which ones are they?
Study Reveals Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Surged Since ‘Pandemic’
Taking your dog for a walk can lead to longer and healthier life
Targeting potassium channel shows promise for treating brain tumors
The Anatomy of Christ, Sacred Secretion & The 7 Seals Of Man
The Association Between Hearing Loss and Depression in a Large Electronic Health Record System
The Beginning of the End of Fluoridation in the USA
The Benefits of Quinine (Tonic Water) to Suppress Hunger and Boost GLP-1
The Biggest MHRA Failure Of Them All?
The Letter Signed By ‘Over 17000’ Doctors Denouncing RFK Jr. Is Actually Fake
The link between alcohol and cancer
The Mystery of Ice Age Shifts
The side effects of anti-depressants such as Prozac
The spread of breast cancer may be inherited
The State of Pandemic Preparedness, the WHO, and the US Withdrawal
Trump’s Stargate project has the potential to change humanity forever. Is this good or bad news?
Trump’s Executive Order Restores Women’s Sex-Based Rights
Ultra-processed food? Forever chemicals? Declining birth rates? What’s behind rising cancer in the under-50s?
Untested – the mass-produced covid vaccines that skipped clinical trials
Upgraded Parkinson’s treatment which zaps the brain to control debilitating tremors is rolled out on the NHS
Weight loss app that tracks fiber, protein content in meals
When Green Isn’t Clean… What They Don’t Tell You About Hydropower
Whistleblower challenges Gates foundation’s tax-exempt status amid allegations of for-profit vaccine activities
WHO Declares Loneliness a Global Health Threat
Why are we feeding our kids ultra-processed foods?
Why do we do this to our children?
Why Greenspace Planning is Key to Better Health
Why Novak Djokovic refused to take the COVID “vaccine”