Nieuwsoverzicht 31 december

Allereerst de beste wensen voor 2025 en alle klanten bedankt voor hun steun dit jaar.


Ron Fonteine

58% van de Nederlanders vindt dat het de verkeerde kant op gaat
60 procent van Nederland is voorstander van ‘inkomensafhankelijke zorgpremie’
Als het aan de EU ligt ga je vanaf 2027 betalen voor CO2-uitstoot
Artsen zijn tegen verplichte polsbandjes bij doden
Blijf je maar eten? Misschien is je nervus vagus overprikkeld
Communiceren met het Universum en het gevaar van AI
De helende kracht van woede
De prik die alles veranderde voor Heiko Sepp
De seksuele revolutie, een bevrijding die geen bevrijding bleek?
De waarheid achter het lek in het Wuhan Lab
Deze boer heeft spijt van deelname aan de uitkoopregeling
Dit is waarom de kans op kanker afneemt op hoge leeftijd
Eerstehulparts maakt zich zorgen over oudejaarsnacht
Elektromagnetische update
Ernstige zorgen over veiligheid van RSV-prik
Frans Timmermans maakt zorgmedewerkers blij met dooie mus
Genetisch aangepaste maïs en suikerriet gedijen bij CO2-stijging
Genkenaar Tom Swinnen wordt eerste bosfluencer
Grote groepen politiemensen worden ieder jaar bekogeld met zwaar explosief vuurwerk
Is straling het ‘asbest van de toekomst’?
Joost Eerdmans (JA21) ergert zich groen en geel aan lawaaiige warmtepompe
Mensen bang voor explosies
Mordechaï Krispijn leest verboden speech van David Icke voor
Nieuw onderzoek laat zien dat je dag langer leeft als je een week stopt met roken
NieuweTijd Podcast – Digital Prison System
Omtzigt sloopt klimaatbeleid Jetten en Kaag
Oogarts Tjeerd Faber durft niet meer met de fiets naar zijn werk vanwege start verkoop vuurwerk
Op veel manieren lijkt 2025 een cruciaal jaar te worden in de geschiedenis
Overheid offert 520.000 levensjaren blijkt uit WOO verzoek van ex CBS directeur
Rendement zonnepanelen duikt 40 procent lager
Robin de Boer (1983) is de stille kracht achter de website NineForNews
Sint-Franciscusziekenhuis stelt nieuwe techniek voor liesbreukoperatie voor
Terwijl Nederlanders dakloos zijn en op straat slapen, zitten asielzoekers in hotels
Teun raakte oog kwijt door vuurwerk, nu waarschuwt hij anderen
Tijdelijk uitzetten windmolens en zonnepanelen leidde tot groot verlies
Verbeter de zorg met geld dat vrijkomt door te stoppen met koplopen op CO2-gebied
Vlaamse privacywaakhond dreigt met verbod op slimme camera’s
Vrijwillig alternatief voor gedwongen opname in psychiatrie
Waarom we de regen in Valencia niet konden tegenhouden met cloud seeding
Zwemarmoede is een steeds groter probleem

Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

40-TON whale wouldn’t let go of the diver… The reason left everyone in TEARS!
A new orientation on our understanding of midlife sexuality
Air pollution exposure is associated with gene expression in children
America is being poisoned by our food supply and here’s how to fix it
Ancestral Wisdom Meets Modern Medicine in African Mental Health
Aquatic vegetation removal has agricultural, economic, health benefits
As obesity rates skyrocket, Dietary Guidelines go from being pro-vegetable to anti-meat
Asymptomatic Spread is Still a Myth
Bacteria against cancer
Belgium will ban sales of disposable e-cigarettes in a first for the EU
Bhutan – Green Paradise in Danger
Big Pharma In PANIC As TRUMP Admin Threatens Their FUTURE!!
Big Pharma PANICS Over RFK Jr.’s Daring Plan To Ban TV Ads
Bill Gates-Linked Vaccine Delivered Through Mosquito Bite Carries Bioengineered Malaria-Causing Parasite
Bisphenol A and Its Emergent Substitutes
Blue Machine by Helen Czerski
Brain processes signals at about 10 bits per second
Breastfeeding should break down mothers’ bones — here’s why it doesn’t
Bridget Phillipson Tried to Pull the Plug on New Free Speech Law Days After Election
Broccoli Byproduct Extracts Attenuate the Expression of UVB-Induced Proinflammatory Cytokines in HaCaT Keratinocytes
Buried away inside one of the US intelligence agencies’ secret laboratories
Can Biden Right This Wrong? Steven Donziger’s Fight Against Corporate Prosecution
Can skipping meals at workplace increase your risk of heart disease?
Chevron Prosecuted Me How Corporations Took Over the Justice System
Chilean Papaya – A Native Fruit with a High Health-Promoting Functional Potential
China’s Mingyang unveils world-first 34MW pure hydrogen electricity generator
Circadian Intervention Improves Parkinson’s Disease and May Slow Disease Progression
Complete blood count and systemic inflammation indices in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
Cooking Oils Used By Millions Linked To Cancer In Second Study In A Week
Could the FDA’s Approach to Vaping Cause an Increase in Smoking?
Covid ‘Vaccines’ Have Far Exceeded Criteria for Market Withdrawal
Debunking 3 Major Climate Change Lies
Detrimental effects of cadmium on male infertility
Development agencies fund green projects when people need jobs, food and energy
Did the COVID vaccine save more people than it killed?
Do blind people ‘see’ images in their dreams?
Does acute exposure to thimerosal, an organic mercury compound, affect the mitochondrial function of an infant model?
Does your gut microbiome ever recover from antibiotics?
Dogs and cats get diabetes, too—here’s what to look out for and how to manage it
Dr. Ben Bikman focuses on insulin resistance, mitochondrial function, and the metabolic origins of disease
Drug-manufacturing bacteria can provide a more targeted approach to treat gut diseases
Euthanasia Is “Out of Control in Canada” as it is the Cause of 1 in 20 Deaths
Exploring the impact of magnetic fields related to submarine power cables on the American mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii
Fair and Sustainable Chocolate | Documentary
Fake steak – Future-proof food | DW Documentary
Feed-In Tariff Scheme Costs Taxpayers £1.86 Billion As Solar Power Declines and Payments Soar
Former State Department Official – Americans “Will Soon Learn” COVID Origins Truth
From Al Gore to the United Nations, how precious CO2 got a bad name
Get The Right Light with Brian Hoyer
Global burden of cardiovascular disease mortality attributable to secondhand smoke, 1990–2019
Great Anticancer Potential Comes in a Small Package
Green ferry emits more CO2 than old diesel ship
Have we stopped eating together?
Hospital protocols during the COVID pandemic did not provide ethical treatment to patients
How do you lose $41 Billion?
How evil is the idea of dimming the Sun?
How seed oils took over our diet and what it means for our health
How to fight ageism in the world around you — and in yourself
How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More
Humanity’s Greatest Crisis Has Started. We Can’t Ignore This Anymore.
Ignorance is destroying the republic
Incidence of Graft Rejection in Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Increasing Chemotherapy Effectiveness with Oleanolic Acid from Grapes
Inheritance Tax Hikes Threaten Farmers’ Property Rights in the UK
Investigating Associations Between the Physical Environment and Hippocampus in Adulthood and Older Age
It Is Hard To Ignore The Link Between White Rice and Type 2 Diabetes
Labour under fire over plans for 40 more ‘greenwashing’ waste incinerators
Latest Arctic Ice Data Shows 26% Larger Than 2012
Let’s Retire the Word ‘Misinformation
Look Younger Using Cooking Oils? Dr. Oz Shares the Skincare Secret! | Oz Beauty & Skincare
Maryland sues maker of Gore-Tex over pollution from toxic ‘forever chemicals’
Medical Freedom Movement Circular Firing Squad
Microplastics in tea bags are linked to health problems
mRNA Clot Shots Secretly Injected into Pigs Across America
New Alzheimer’s hope as study finds ‘key to reversing disease’
New findings expand genetic knowledge of autism underpinnings
New York times calls out big pharma
Non-pharmaceutical treatments for irritable bowel syndrome
Peter R Mac Isaac – Canadian Renaissance Man
Philippines’ House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Correlated with Experimental Vaccines
Pills for blood pressure could ease tremors for hundreds of thousands of Parkinson’s sufferers
Plastic recycling “a dead end street” say… Greenpeace?
Prenatal exposure to chemicals in food packaging, plastics may increase young children’s body fat
Processed food is DESTROYING America’s health
Radioactive Aerosol and How you might Make People Sick and Give them Cancer
Rebecca Quinnell – Canadian Former Nurse
Recent Trends in Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods
Review the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme
Rice study reveals vital link for dementia spousal caregivers
Silence of the labs – How a censorship campaign failed to kill a COVID origin theory
Single cigarette takes 20 minutes off life expectancy, study finds
Something in Earth’s Core May Be Altering The Length of Days
Specialty Board Certification Error Causes Headaches for Doctors
Study reveals single people are more depressed and ‘less satisfied’ than couples
Sunlight shapes our evolution — and may explain why some people have curly hair
Survivors of war and conflict need contextualised trauma informed perinatal care
The COVID-19 Illusion – Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia
The effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on subcutaneous adipose tissue in females with lipedema
The Facts About Vax
The Great Reset is still the plan
The influence of anti-livestock agendas on society
The Lingering Impact of Corona – Investigating the Aftermath of the Pandemic
The NFU says it is “clear that questions remain” over the use of methane suppressing supplements like Bovaer
The Spy World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak
The Sun has been Acting Strange – It’s in Complete Chaos but Totally Avoiding Earth
The Truth About Seed Oils & Saturated Fats
The Truth Behind the Wuhan Lab Leak | The Vince Coglianese Show
Top breast cancer expert reveals only diet change that guards against breast cancer
Traumatised Scots ‘gaslit’ by health bosses after horror complications from Covid vaccine
Typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism
Ultra-processed food is designed to hijack our biology, Dr. Mark Hyman on Tucker Carlson
Understanding the Patient Experience with Twice-Nightly Sodium Oxybate Therapy for Narcolepsy
Vaccine Damage Suppression & Public Control
Vaccine Injury Claims Spiked During COVID
Vaping Hidden Dangers — More Harmful Than You Think
Vegetable Oils and Their Use for Frying
Veteran New Zealand doctor René de Monchy’s career came to an abrupt halt after refusing to be vaccinated
Virologists warn about disease they say could become the next pandemic
We must help those harmed by the Covid-19 vaccine
We’re Stopping The Towers
Weekoverzicht 52 2024 – Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols
Why a city in Sweden filled these caves with almost boiling water
Why Does BioNTech Have to Pay the NIH Royalties for Licensing mRNA Bioweapon Vaccines, but Pfizer Doesn’t?
Why its so easy to get a prescription in America w/ Brigham Buhler
Widespread pesticide atrazine ages brain cells, boosts risk of neurodegenerative disease
Your Brain Flushes Out Waste Every Night… Here’s How To Help It Clean Up