Nieuwsoverzicht 25 december

Beste lezer,

Ik wens alle lezers van Leefbewust fijne kerstdagen toe,

Ron Fonteine


2013 – Worden Wij Wakker – Marcel Messing
Bijzondere ontdekking in kankercellen opent deur naar nieuwe behandelmethoden
Bluesky lost het probleem dat het publieke debat in handen is van big tech niet op
Bètablokker propranolol vermindert stressgerelateerd trillen bij parkinson
Deze ‘handige tips’ gaven huisartsen hun collega’s tijdens de eerste prikcampagne
EU-Verordening over ontbossingsvrije producten (EUDR) uitgesteld tot 2025
Friesland mag zwerfkatten blijven afschieten
G40 wil dat kabinet besluiten energietransitie terugdraait
Geeft multiple sclerose (MS) klachten die lijken op elektrogevoeligheid (EHS)?
Glyfosaat in rivieren toch niet afkomstig van wasmiddel
Het verweer van huisarts Jan Vingerhoets
Innovatieve oogdruppels voor behandeling droge Maculaire Degeneratie (AMD)
Kinderloze ouderen zijn niet meer eenzaam dan ouderen met kinderen en kleinkinderen
Klimaatalarmisten hebben geen gehoor voor economische consequenties
Medicijn tegen trillen bij parkinson lijkt effectief
Meer open jeugdzorg, maar hoe?
Natuurorganisaties winnen rechtszaak tegen kaalkap
Tata Steel, milieu en waterstof
Tientallen ouderen met dementie ernstig verwaarloosd in verpleeghuis van Cordaan
Veel zorginstellingen lukt het niet om te stoppen met schijnzelfstandigen vanaf 1 januari
Verzoek om een menswaardige behandeling en de onmiddellijke vrijlating van Dr. Reiner Füellmich
VWS stelt invoering inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage Wmo uit
Zzp’ers haken af door Wet DBA, aantal starters daalt

Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten

Internationaal nieuws

10 supercharged solar storms that blew us away in 2024
27 injections in the first 15 months of life for every baby
3,000-Year-Old Tablet Reveals Noah’s Ark Location | WION Podcast
5-Methyltetrahydrofolate and aqueous extract of Spirulina (Arthrospira) ameliorate diabetes and associated complications in STZ-induced diabetic rats
A gold rush for ‘green finance’ risks changing our relationship to nature
A New Study Finds Doubling CO2 Leads To 0.5°C Warming At Most
A Scary Toxin Causing Brain Damage & Disease! – Signs You Have Mold In Your Home
Africa is ‘new focus’ of US biolab activities
Association of sleep duration and depressive symptoms with mortality in cancer survivors
Aussies take big pharma to court as FDA proposes pulling cold and flu meds
Avalanche of papers could erode trust in science
Baby mammoth in Russia is the ‘best-preserved’ ever found
Birth and pregnancy complications linked to risk of migraine, epilepsy and sleep problems
Can Science Tell Us the Meaning of Life?
Cancer Treatments Nullified, Eyes Wrecked by Ozempic
Catastrophic Gain-of-function via one mutation is ongoing for H5N1 avian bird flu virus
Coffee consumption and adverse cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation
Common painkiller linked with cardiovascular and ‘serious complications’ in certain people
Cooling sunscreen reflects both UV rays and solar heat
Depression, anxiety and associated factors among cancer patients in Africa
Drinking Tea or Coffee Each Day Could Reduce Mouth And Throat Cancer Risk
Effects of Tai Chi on physical performance, sleep, and quality of life in older adults with mild to moderate cognitive impairment
Environmental Groups Sue California Over Livestock Manure Policy
EPA proposes not to ban toxic dye linked to lung damage
Experts Call For Return of Lockdown-Style Social Distancing as Flu Surges
Fasting recovers age-related hypertension in the rats
Fish Oil Supplementation Cuts Measure of Prostate Cancer Progression
Food industry has infiltrated UK children’s education
Freed activist Paul Watson vows to ‘end whaling worldwide’
Higher Daily Step Count Linked to Lower Risk for Depression
Lactic Acidosis, Cardiovascular, Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes
Lungs in a box could increase vital transplants
Michigan researchers reveal the best time to sleep
Motion sickness was the surprising sign I had a deadly brain condition
Net zero is vandalising our natural environment
New MRI method may predict heart disease risk by analyzing heart fat
Optimizing Eye Health – Dr. Joseph Allen Explains the Science of Vision
Ozempic Users Receiving LIFE-CHANGING Vision Loss! – Nana Akua
Pet dogs often overlooked as spreader of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella
Pfizer’s own study shows their COVID vaccines increase your risk of serious adverse events (up to 71% higher)
Prepayment meters could cost UK households third of income in winter
Researchers identify key mechanism linking brain stress to Alzheimer’s disease
Reversible Causes of Premature Hair Graying
Scientists close to creating ‘simple pill’ that cures diabetes
Scientists use viral DNA to detect fecal contamination of water
Sleep regularity and major adverse cardiovascular events
Study explores association between Tau filaments and extracellular vesicles in Alzheimer’s disease
Study Finds That Fluoridation Is Major Economic Loss
SV40 Blood Contamination Truth hosted by Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
The association between composite dietary antioxidant index and rheumatoid arthritis
The Oceans Are Cooling Earth Far More Than We Thought
The overpopulation myth, debunked by a data scientist | Hannah Ritchie
The Pharma corrupted American Association of Immunologists (AAI) admits they are incompetent
The Progressive Authoritarian Tide Retreats
THIS warms your feet better than a fireplace, and at no cost
Unlocking the potential of Solanaceae
US can compel Mexico to accept GM corn for its tortillas
Van Gujjars community help conserve forests, but are deprived of rights
Wearable energy harvester can be attached to the skin or clothes
Why open secrets are a big problem
Wildfire smoke’s health risks can linger long-term in homes that escape burning