Aanbiedingsbrief bij nota van wijziging over voorstel van wijziging Participatiewet in balans
AI gaat medewerkers vervangen
Begin het nieuwe jaar goed – volg een opleiding bodemenergie
Big Tech bedreigt de journalistiek
Burgers laten betalen per vuilniszak ?
Corruptie Europees Parlement (ook) ongekend!
De vernietiging van de mensheid door hogere 5G-frequenties
Deel Nederlanders beweegt voldoende, maar te weinig verspreid over de week
Derde oog chakra – zó leg je contact met jouw innerlijke wijsheid
Diepvriesvis van Albert Heijn wint Nederlandse prijs voor meest misleidende product
Dopamine-agonisten en gabapentinoïden bij het restless-legssyndroom
Dram66 wil minimumleeftijd van vijftien jaar voor sociale media
Elektrisch rijden nu duurder dan rijden op benzine
Europa wordt bedreigd door een epidemie, een grootscheepse hersenspoeling
Fidan Ekiz wil actie tegen vrouwenbesnijdenis
Geen zon, geen stroom
Google doet opmerkelijke uitspraak
Groeiende jeugdzorgkosten dreigen ten koste te gaan van zwembaden en bibliotheken
Het hartchakra wijzigt in trillingsveld
Het kindgebonden budget in 2025
Het menselijk brein en alle draadloze technieken
Het menselijk oog – recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Hoe werken aan gezonde schermgewoontes bij tieners?
Minder hormonen, meer regie over je lichaam
Minister jaagt links op de kast over klimaat
Nederlander slaapwandelt zich de achterstand in
Nieuw podcast-seizoen ‘Werken aan Goed Voedsel’
Op deze slimme manier weten veel zeedieren flink wat energie te besparen
Oversterfte van ruim 10.000 personen
Partij Omtzigt vreest grote pensioenramp en eist actie
Plantaardige oliën gelinkt aan alarmerende stijging aantal darmkankergevallen
Preventieve aanpak blauwtong met homeopathie veelbelovend
Rotterdamse haven stoot 3,5 keer meer CO2 uit dan heel Nederland
Schiermonnikoog biedt niet de stikstofoplossing voor Nederland
Schimmels in je neus – hoe ze achter allergieën en astma kunnen zitten
Spiegelbacteriën zijn groot risico voor mens, dier en plant
Tata Steel vecht maatregel toezichthouder aan in cruciale rechtszaak
Tekort aan zorgpersoneel stijgt nog harder dan verwacht
Ver vooroplopen in energietransitie heeft concurrentiekracht geschaad
Vernietigende onderwijsbezuinigingen raken kwetsbare leerlingen
Verzorgers hebben absoluut geen tijd voor persoonlijke aandacht voor ouderen in verpleeghuis
Waarom in je eentje wakker liggen als het ook samen kan?
We willen de structurele hooggebruikers van antibiotica verminderen
Westerschelde minder vervuild met PFAS, maar risico’s voor natuur blijven groot
Wetenschap in de greep van de politiek
Ziekenhuizen willen gesprek over zorgakkoord opschorten
Zo zorgen de koeien van natuurboer Jan voor biodiversiteit
Zorgsector hoopt dat senaat bezuinigingen tegenhoudt
Zuurdesembrood en diabetes type 2
Steun ons kenniswerk – de Leefbewust webwinkel
Natuurlijke multi
Vitamine C
Vitamine D + K2
Omega 3 algenolie
Overige produkten
Internationaal nieuws
4 simple steps to sharpen your mind and reduce dementia risk
4,000-year-old bones reveal ‘unprecedented’ violence — tongue removal, cannibalism and evisceration in Bronze Age Britain
7 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Energy Quickly Without Caffeine
A look at the short-term effects of e-cigarettes on cerebrovascular function
A Texas Town Faced Dangerous Benzene Fumes. Regulators Never Told Residents.
A world-renowned data expert has just issued a red alert after uncovering evidence that reveals excess deaths are continuing to skyrocket in children
Activists release images of foxes at Finnish fur farms to push for EU ban
Ancient Soil Reveals Shocking Microplastic Contamination | WION Podcast
As the madness of “Net Zero” accelerates, time has already run out for many of UK’s most vulnerable citizens
Black adults with long COVID report higher levels of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts ? new research
Blood test reveals hearts at risk of rejection
Bombshell Study Exposes Toxic Effects of Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’
Bone Marrow Transplant Team Provides Lifesaving Care for German Patient with Rare Brain Cancer
Brain tumors hijack circadian clock to grow
Breathing coordinates brain rhythms for memory consolidation during sleep
Can Lab-Grown Neurons Exhibit Plasticity?
Cannabidiol for Scan-Related Anxiety in Women With Advanced Breast Cancer
China’s breadbasket province hits record grain output
Chronic pain lowered by better-quality diet, regardless of body weight
Circadian Reboot – E20 Dr. Jim Phelps Discusses Dark Therapy for Mood Disorders
Colorectal Tumors are Born When Stem Cells Die
Consumers of Diet Beverages and Sugar Substitutes Have Lower Quality Diets
Could an eye test assess risk of psychosis?
Covid under trial
COVID-19 linked to more heart complications than flu, RSV
Daily Step Count and Depression in Adults
Danish diabetes medicine increases the risk of severely debilitating eye condition
Deadly mould strains highly likely to acquire resistance to new drugs
Duitsland – De donkere duisternis en propaganda
Effects of extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields on vital organs of adult Wistar rats and viability of mouse fibroblast cells
Employees’ LinkedIn Likes Land AstraZeneca and GSK in Hot Water
EPA allowing polluters to send waste into rivers
Exercise and social interaction are key stress relievers
Exposing “The Playbook” Big Pharma Uses To Silence Critics
Farmland under pressure
Fasting’s Fat Loss Enhanced When You Do This
Federal Court Overturns 2020 Decision, Rules GMOs Must Be Regulated
Floating drones with water-skimming teeth can capture microplastics
Foods with pesticide residues on the Danish market
Former Nursing Home Worker Has COVID-19 Vaccination Lawsuit Reinstated
Fungicides used in Brazilian coffee farming may decrease testosterone and androstenedione levels in male workers
Genetic Evidence Humans Were Created (We Did NOT Evolve) | Gregg Braden
Geothermal could meet 15% of global power demand
German MSM Also Talks About ‘Post-Vac Syndrome’
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists during pregnancy and lactation
Grok Explains The Effects Of CO2
Groundbreaking study shows dogs can use soundboards to communicate with humans
Higher PFAS Levels in Blood Linked to Neighborhood Factors
How my fentanyl addiction nearly killed me
How to address chronic inflammation naturally
Investigating the association between Candida albicans and early childhood dental caries
Is the Spike Protein Inducing a Novel, Systemic Necrotic Disease Similar to Brain Radiation Necrosis?
Ivermectin is not found in nature. It must be artificially synthesized
Jab victim turned down for damage payment by Govt took own life
Katie Hopkins – our elderly should be at the centre of our lives
Leuven researchers discover new connectivity rules in the brain’s visual network
Loudest Climate Change Preachers Are Biggest Carbon Polluters
Major study confirms covid jab harms mental health
Marine animals save energy by swimming at optimal depths
Microplastics floating in water, caught by floating drones
More than 233,000 bottles of duloxetine, an antidepressant, recalled
MSG & MfG in processed food from Food mood IQ
Naloxone can reverse opioid overdose
New RSV shots are already harming babies
New study finds marine animals save energy by swimming in a depth ‘sweet spot’
Not All Bacteria are Bad in Biofuel Production
Optical fibers monitor brain for deadly post-injury complications
People of Color Exposed to More Extremely Hot Days
People warned about dangers of countertop DIY amid rising death toll
People who walk more each day are less likely to have depression
People with allergies have different nasal fungi
Pfizer Failed to Disclose Deaths of Two Women in COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials
Pfizer failed to disclose the deaths of two women from their COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials
Plastic chemicals linked to hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide
Pre-clinical testing hub enables researchers to unlock new opportunities for brain tumour therapies
Prenatal antibiotic exposure linked to long-term health outcomes in children
Problems developed faster among gamers who started early
Promising ultrasound therapy for Alzheimer’s disease licensed to new start-up
Real Food Rebellion // Sowing Seeds of Change
Red wine headaches might stem from compound found in grape skins
Researchers Highlight the Dangers of Pathologizing Grief
Researchers investigate CBD’s effect on scan-related anxiety in breast cancer patients
Residents of Nevada Town Score Temporary Win in Battle Against Verizon 5G Towers
RFK Jr. and the Samoan Measles Outbreak
Scientists can now predict how climate change will alter plant growth cycles
Should We Unleash GMO Mosquitoes?
Stem cell transplants could save the world’s corals, say researchers
Study assesses virulence of Cryptococcus strains, laying groundwork for improved treatment
Study explains why checkpoint inhibitors so adept at fighting cancer may also leave patients vulnerable to infections
Study highlights rise in severe Shigella infections among people experiencing homelessness
Study Links Numerous Chemical Families of Pesticides to Endocrine Disrupting Effects
Study reveals how unexpected shifts in cell populations are revising our understanding of the aging process
Surgeons hesitant to adopt medical innovations for bone defects
Taoism’s Karmic Law – How to Never Live in Fear or Be Controlled
Targeting a brain enzyme to curb obesity
The approval of self-replicating mRNA vaccines
The dangers and health risks associated with black plastic
The Great RF Radiation Betrayal Exposing the WHO’s Dangerous Oversight
The Human Eye – The Latest Research | ARTE.tv Documentary
The nasal mycobiome of individuals with allergic rhinitis and asthma differs from that of healthy controls in composition, structure and function
UC Berkeley study uncovers the mafia’s role in Italy’s wildfire crisis
Understanding the myeloid cellular landscape in rheumatoid arthritis
UW researchers find previously unknown links between microbial bile acids and the risk of colon cancer
Video Games Were Blamed for Hurting Mental Health — New Research Says They Do the Opposite
What if you could cure PTSD with just one single injection?
When prescribed medications leave you feeling angry, numb, or out of control, should you trust the doctor who keeps adding more pills – or trust yourself?
Wildfire smoke exposure and dementia risk
Will the Sun produce a superflare?
Yeast as food emulsifier? Easily released protein as strong as casein