Nieuwsoverzicht 18 oktober

1 op de 4 Nederlanders heeft chronische pijn
Agema ziet ‘revolutionaire’ rol voor AI in zorg, praktijk tempert verwachting
Antwoorden op Kamervragen slachtoffers van zorgboerderij Aurora Borealis opnieuw in onveilige situatie
Begroting van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur en het Diergezondheidsfonds
Bezuiniging ouderenzorg is alleen uitgesteld, erkent kabinet
Commissiedebat over armoede- en schuldenbeleid
De koude kermis van een groene energietransitie
De mestplannen van het kabinet vallen totaal verkeerd bij de pluimveesector en de varkensboeren
De psychiatrie reflecteert slecht op de schade die zij zelf veroorzaakt
Een Covid-verhaal van een Cardiac Care Verpleegkundige
Energiegigant BP dumpt belangrijke groene energiebedrijven
EU noemt elektrische auto’s en warmtepompen ‘emissievrij’ terwijl ze juist zorgen voor veel CO2-uitstoot
Hoe het huisartsentekort ontstond | Zembla
Inreisverbod David Icke met twee jaar verlengd
Instanties negeerden jarenlang waarschuwingen van Co-Med werknemers
Kinderen die Covid-19 hadden, lopen groter risico op diabetes type 2
Kosten eigen risico grootste reden voor zorgmijding
Minister Femke Wiersma ook lastig gevallen door Laura Bromet over de achteruitgang biodiversiteit
Nieuwe wet moet warmtenet verbeteren
Onderzoekers willen nu ook gewassen gaan ‘vaccineren’
Pas in 2027 met nieuw Hoofdlijnenakkoord krijgt ouderenzorg weer geld erbij
Psychisch geweld wordt strafbaar
Rondetafelgesprek over het wetsvoorstel Wet collectieve warmte
Ryan (23) kwam uit de jeugdzorg en werd dakloos
Stekker uit biomassacentrale
Susan Smit over de (peri)menopauze
Te veel PFAS in sloten Schipluiden
Toename van luchtvervuiling komt overeen met patiënten op spoedeisende afdeling
Van Meijeren (FVD) en Van Der Plas (BBB) over SDG’s, boeren en EU in Landbouwdebat
Verzekeraar op stoel van de arts
Wat gebeurt er als je partner plots komt te overlijden?
Weermanipulatie omvangrijk toegepast?
Zorginstelling hoeft 1,2 miljoen niet terug te betalen aan gemeenten
Zorgorganisaties worstelen met controleren van werknemers

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 – algenolie
Omega 3 – visolie
Vitamine B12
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

Video – Are “onlies” lonely? Busting myths about only children, with Toni Falbo, PhD
Video – Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury with a Handheld Device
Video – Doctors asking Utah lawmakers to regulate PFAS
Video – Entropic Waste The Hidden Crisis of Electromagnetic Pollution
Video – From Inflammation to Fibrosis
Video – Healthy Foods Cause Oxalate Poisoning?
Video – I Went Into a COMA and Spoke to GOD During My Near-Death Experience
Video – Importance of cosmic rays/clouds in recent warming | Tom Nelson
Video – Lifestyle changes to beat osteoporosis | Tim Spector & Prof. Cyrus Cooper
Video – Message of Dr Vandana Shiva on World Food Day 2024
Video – Overcoming Trauma with Brainspotting – Gary Campbell and Antony Sammeroff
Video – Reclassifying Radiofrequency Radiation A Call for Action
Video – Red Light Therapy Improves Mitochondria Function, Eye Health, And Lifespan: Glen Jeffery, PhD
Video – The pros and cons of pharmacists prescribing drugs | The Big Story
Video – The role of dopamine in addiction | Anna Lembke and Peter Attia
Video – The Science of Stress & Free Will | Dr. Robert Sapolsky
Video – Top Food Hacks To Regenerate Stem Cells, Boost Brain Health & Improve Circulation | Dr. William Li
Video – What if WATER, not cholesterol, holds the key to heart disease? – Dr Stephen Hussey
Video – What’s the environmental impact of burning our rubbish?
19th Century Lions Ate Humans
2 Million Children May Die of Malnutrition
A Declaration of War Against Iatrogenic Mainstream Cancer Therapies for Profit
A molecule present in elevated levels in the uterine lining could play a key role in a person’s ability to fall pregnant
American Malaria Is on the Rise
An ultrasound-activated hydrogel for steady, sustained drug delivery
Anti-whaling activist held in Greenland appeals for political asylum in France
Aquaculture uses far more wild fish than previously estimated, study finds
Are Food Companies Intentionally Addicting Kids to Toxic Foods?
Association between self-reported napping and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality
Automated Insulin Delivery for Young People with Type 1 Diabetes and Elevated A1c
Beef Spikes Insulin More Than Pasta
Brain Imaging of Neuromelanin May be Key to Understanding Extensive Substance Use
Can a BC plant combat tuberculosis?
Can chemicals in house dust affect immunity?
Can milk, meat, and flour help stop tumors from growing?
Cancer Cell Populations Segregate to Favor Metastasis or Antitumor Inflammation
Capitalist projects in Brazil’s Amazon send suicide rates soaring among Indigenous People
Concerning levels of PFAS in fish miles away from large contamination source
Dr. Mark Trozzi proves COVID mandate ties to World Economic Forum
Early Life Stress Shapes Attention Deficits in Male (But Not Female) Mice
Electric wallpaper is being piloted in 12 tenement properties in Glasgow
End tobacco smoking quickly for longer lives, fewer early deaths, study shows
Excess deaths have taken a toll on Irish communities, leaving devastation in their wak
Exploring the Father’s Role in Determining Neonatal Birth Weight
Extinction Rebellion is planning to cause chaos in the City of London again
Extreme events in Europe have been shaped by the jet stream for 700 years
FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine
First Observational Evidence That Dust-Driven Cloud Phase Changes Cool the Surface Over Summertime Arctic Sea Ice
First study to show high potency cannabis use leaves unique signature on DNA
France plans to turn nuclear waste into forks, doorknobs and saucepans
Gazing Into Your Dog’s Eyes Can Synchronize Their Brain With Yours, Study Finds
Gut bacteria protect against PFAS-induced kidney harm
Health leaders urge chancellor to introduce levy on the tobacco industry to help smokers quit
High levels of four types of PFAS showed effects on sleep
How Smartphones and Social Media Shape Our Expectations and Happiness
Human Babies Have a 1:1 Sex Ratio, Unlike Many Animals. But Why?
Humans May Be Able to Grow New Teeth Within Just 6 Years
Increase in air pollution corresponds with more patients at the hospital emergency department
Instant cancer detection on a glass slide | La Trobe University
Is sleep perfectionism making us more exhausted? – podcast
IUD contraceptives linked to small increased risk of breast cancer
Less sodium in fast foods could cut heart disease risk for over-salted Kiwis
Long-Term Glucocorticoid Exposure and Incident Cardiovascular Diseases
New research sheds light on how people with autism visually experience faces
New test improves diagnosis of allergies
Novavax says FDA put hold on combination Covid-flu shot and influenza vaccine; shares plunge
Novel computational method could prove a game-changer in tracking down river polluters
Oat Milk – Why Wellness Influencers Have Stopped Drinking It
Olive oil heartlands battle over the industry’s future
Our drinking water is in danger, widespread contamination with TFA
Our Solar System is changing rapidly, and nobody is talking about it…
People with ‘blind imagination’ also have reduced brain activity in response to sound
Pet Food I. Is the FDA doing enough to ensure its safety?
Plastic pollution harms bees, review finds
Prostate Cancer – Over-Testing and Over-Treatment
Re-evaluation of silicon dioxide (E 551) as a food additive in foods
Researchers use AI to enhance and personalise brain tumour imaging
Scientists Develop New Method for Detecting Airborne PFAS
Scientists discover new process to drive anti-viral immunity
Scientists discover unique neuron density patterns in children with autism
Scientists identify key protein in the inflammatory pathway driving fatty liver disease
Smart insulin prevents diabetic highs — and deadly lows
Sound-based diagnostic system could deliver bedside blood test results in an hour
Spanish police intercept 13 tonnes of chemical weapons precursors bound for Russia
Standing desks may increase risk of swollen veins and blood clots
Study busts myths about cause of gout
Study explores how traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Study helps understand pain associated with viral infection
Study suggests dolphins could be exposed to potentially harmful microplastics through inhalation
Supporting disabled persons with robotics and AI
Swiss GMO moratorium to be extended by two years
Tactile massage helped young people with ADHD
Taming Weed
Tedros – Kill Free Speech to Regain Trust
Tesco and Shell to Buy Up Output of Controversial Kent Solar Farm Intended to Power 100,000 Homes
The association between ultra-processed food consumption and low-grade inflammation in childhood
The cost of industrial meat – displacement, conflict and environmental destruction
The most common hormonal disorder in women, PCOS, linked to disordered eating behaviour
The U.S.-Mexico Trade War Over Modified Corn Heats Up
Toyota’s swappable hydrogen fuel cells can extend EV range without pitstops
Ultra-deep fracking for limitless geothermal power is possible
Unique Immune Response in Lupus Paves Way for New Treatment
US peer reviewers received over $1bn in industry payments over three years
Vitamin B1’s journey in your body, and why it matters
We Just Got More Evidence That Long COVID Is a Brain Injury
When The Government Stops Food Supply- What Will You Do?
Who benefits from Senegal’s offshore oil drilling?
Why guidelines can be hard to swallow
Why I’m wary of the new schizophrenia miracle drug
Women are more likely to die when undergoing high-risk surgery