Nieuwsoverzicht 14 oktober

40% van serieuze meldingen verdwijnt
Aantal gemeenten met vuurwerkverbod neemt nauwelijks toe
Bijziendheid onder jongeren is in 40 jaar tijd verdubbeld. Oorzaak het draadloos gebruik?
Boer Rik ziet na jarenlange strijd met overheid laatste koeien vertrekken
Clintel komt met stappenplan tegen windturbines
De invloed van media op jongeren… worden ze kritischer?
De kostenexplosie in de jeugdzorg komt door naïviteit en eigenbelang
De macht van de onzichtbaren (deel V) – celebrities
De mentale gezondheid verdient meer urgentie, zeker bij jongvolwassenen
Delftse klimaat-alarmistische professor over het kunstmatig wit maken van wolken
Dierenasiels zitten zo vol dat ze geen nieuwe katten meer toelaten
Een kattenfokster uit Oud-Beijerland is opnieuw de fout in gegaan
Gedeputeerde dagelijks bezig met problematiek boeren zonder vergunning
Gekwetst of getriggerd door je partner?
Het dolgedraaide klimaatsprookje
Huisarts Richard Hoofs Over De Egyptische Wijsheden | The Trueman Show #193
Kwikvervuiling gedaald
Nederlandse laadpalenfabrikant EVBox aan de rand van de afgrond
Nieuwe EU-verordening beperkt gebruik van PFAS-subgroep PFHxA
Onterecht ontslag klokkenluider van versterving in verpleeghuis
Pak na de fatbike ook ongezonde voeding aan
Pychologische manipulatie tijdens filmen BBC docu Univaccinated
Rechters pakken incassokosten door zorgverzekeraars aan
Run op flessenwater in Noord-Limburg vanwege poepbacterie
Run op warmtepomp, maar voor hoelang is onzeker
Schiphol berekent stikstofuitstoot structureel te laag met potdichte software
Servië gaat lithium winnen voor EU, inwoners vrezen ‘vuilnisbelt’ te worden
Slechte controle maakt het mogelijk dat commerciële zorgbureaus zorgverleners uitbuiten
Stan en Atje vonden mensenbotten bij voormalig pestkerkhof
Stresssysteem heeft reset nodig
Toename dwang en isolatie binnen de ggz is alarmerend
Waarom veel zorgfraudeurs de dans ontspringen
Waterschappen pleiten voor landelijk PFAS-verbod in 2026
Woke-ziekenhuisdirecteuren in GB verbieden gender-aanduiding bij de geboorte

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 – algenolie
Omega 3 – visolie
Vitamine B12
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

Video – Are GLP-1 Drugs Linked to Suicidal Thoughts?
Video – Can Fasting Save Your Life
Video – Cancer cells switch to Fermentation – Metabolic origin of Cancer
Video – Documenting a pandemic with fiction
Video – Food and The Great Awakening – A Peak Prosperity webinar
Video – How Rand Paul Exposed Dr. Fauci’s Lies | Episode 2
Video – How to Improve Metabolic Health with HIIT, Circadian-Timed Eating, & Sleep
Video – Is Saturated Fat Bad For Your Heart?
Video – This Food Can Heal Your Gut
Video – This Type of Exercise Supercharges Metabolism, Optimizes Glucose Homeostasis, & Repairs Mitochondria
Video – Toxins in Your Home? Mold, VOCs & Everyday Stuff That’s Secretly Ruining Your Health!

63% of people in England and Wales support legalising assisted dying for terminally ill adults, while concerns about potential risks remain
A new target for anxiety disorders
A potential non-invasive stool test and novel therapy for endometriosis
Almost half of young people used illegal THC vapes in the last year
Asking a person to talk about their parents in therapy can distort memories of childhood emotions
Australia can be a leader in wave energy – but the time to act is now
Benzodiazepine and gabapentinoids are contributing to Scottish drug-related deaths
Big Food Intentionally Addicting Kids to Toxic Foods
Bill Gates is funding Tampa as a “15 Minute City”?
Carbon capture doesn’t work — yet the EU is going for it
CDU en CSU bereiden zich voor op de terugkeer van kernenergie
Concerns intensify against GM products
Defective sperm doubles the risk of preeclampsia
Diabetic kidney disease – Cause and possible therapeutic approach identified
Different types of teenage friendships critical to wellbeing as we age, scientists find
Dr. Andrea Stramezzi Exposes Risks of New Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine at Tokyo Summit
Effects of exposure to alcohol in early pregnancy can be detected in the placenta
Estrogen Dominance Explained – Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
Even Severe Drought Hasn’t Stopped Us Improving Health and Transforming Lives in Zimbabwe
Evidence of vaping’s harmful effects on blood vessels and the left ventricle of heart
Fight against illegal fishing | DW Documentary
Gigantic Hoax on Danish National TV
Healthier rice variety could counter rise in diabetes, Philippine scientists say
High pollution levels linked to westward spread of European forest plants
High-fat diets cause insulin resistance despite an increase in muscle mitochondria
Hospitals that are Understaffed for Infection Prevention and Control Have Higher Rates of Infection
How Does Fat Affect Insulin Resistance and Diabetes?
How personal care products affect indoor air quality
How to Heal from Diabetes
How your skin tone could affect your meds
Inflammatory bowel diseases may be detectable at birth
Is Psychiatry a crime against humanity?
Is The Weather, Including Hurricanes, Being Manipulated For Nefarious Purposes?
It could take over 40 years for PFAs to leave groundwater
Kamala’s carbon pipeline climate scam impacts human health, destroys the environment, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars
Labour’s carbon-capture scheme will be Starmer’s white elephant – a terrible mistake costing billions
Largest study of its kind in Africa finds African men have high risk of prostate cancer, earlier
Majority reviewing for top medical journals had conflicts, and they made $1 billion in 3 years
Metabolic Psychiatry – A new paradigm in the management of Mental Health disorder?
Muziek – No Woman No Cry ft. Gilberto Gil & Stephen Marley | Playing For Change
Natural killer cells that live in the lungs can rapidly respond to a sugar rush, making them especially effective
Neuroinflammation and therapeutic carbohydrate restriction
New study shows how muscle energy production is impaired in type 2 diabetes
Next-gen generator unveiled, converts air, waves, tides into low-cost electricity
No One Wants Mercedes EVs
One in Twenty Diagnosed with Secondary Cancer One Year After CAR T-Cell Therapy
Payments by drug and medical device manufacturers to us peer reviewers of major medical journals
Plantar fasciitis – diagnosis, causes, and treatment | Courtney Conley and Peter Attia
Possible trigger of Crohn’s disease discovered
Protein blocking bone development could hold clues for future osteoporosis treatment
Sheffield’s toxic air is still killing thousands every year
Stop trashing electronic products with ordinary garbage
Study finds breastfeeding support groups provide connection and social support
Study finds mercury pollution from human activities is declining
Study finds persistent infection could explain long COVID in some people
Study on autistic children finds higher neuron density in their brain’s amygdala
Systematic Error in Global Temperatures due to Weather Station Ageing
Testosterone-crushing chemical herbicide banned in Europe gets sprayed freely on U.S. crops
The 2023 global warming spike was driven by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation
The Brave New World of Bayer & Co
Toxicologist reveals worst foods & lifestyle habits decreasing your lifespan
Understanding aging through the lense of gut microbiome
Whistleblower reveals MASSIVE weather machine at South Pole
Why carbon dioxide removal will achieve too little, too late
Why people think they’re right, even when they are wrong
World Bank’s IFC must pay reparations to Honduran farmers, US court rules
York U researchers develop new technique to measure previously undetected airborne PFAS