Nieuwsoverzicht 20 september

Afval als basis voor iets nieuws
AI-onderzoek naar hartritmestoornissen door bestraling
Amsterdam blijft tegen de keer in sociaal
Autofabrikanten vrezen Brusselse emissieregels 2025 en willen uitstel
Chatcontrole direct in strijd met Grondwet en rechterlijke uitspraken
Consumenten dreigen door kabinetsplannen massaal af te haken van zonne-energie
De Groenen komen steeds dichterbij hun de-industrialisatie-dystopie
De tabaksindustrie koopt voor miljarden toegang tot medische wereld
De verkoop van elektrische auto’s in Europa is compleet ingestort
De warmtepompsector constateert dat de verkoop van warmtepompen in 2024 is gehalveerd. Dus komt nu plan B, maak de alternatieven onbetaalbaar.
Demissionair minister Harbers gaat in hoger beroep tegen vonnis mbt vliegtuighinder
Eigenaren van kleine grondwaterputten hoeven zich de komende jaren geen zorgen te maken
Er is volgens BBB een probleem met de stikstofwet
Ernstige delicten van dierenactivisten blijven ongestraft en daders worden welwillend onthaald in de media
Friese ziekenhuizen starten burgerparticipatie over toekomstplannen
Gebruikt big food dezelfde tactieken als de sigarettenindustrie?
Gechloreerde suiker, een ingrediënt met bijwerkingen?
Groeiende kritiek op eiwitpropaganda
Huisuitzetting dreigt voor huurder met autisme die geen zorg afneemt
Hypnotherapie als ondersteuning bij kankerbehandeling
Kamer eist juridische stukken noodwet, Schoof is not amused
Kunnen boeren zonder glyfosaat? | Deel 1 | Zembla
Luchtvervuiling neemt af in 2023 door dalende uitstoot en gunstig weer
Mentale- en gezondheidsproblemen concentreren zich bij 20% van de bevolking
Miljardenclaim jeugdzorg voor tienduizenden mensen in de maak
Narcose tijdens zwangerschap minder schadelijk dan gedacht
Nog absurdere data uit het Nivel onderzoek
Onderzoek Geo-Engineering nu uit bij Groene Rekenkamer
Onderzoeksjournalist gaat op zoek naar Amish-kinderen met autisme en doet verbijsterende ontdekking
Ook leerlingenvervoer in Woerden in de problemen
Ruim 1 op de 8 ambtenaren durft zich niet ziek te melden tijdens vakantie
Spanje voert reisbeperkingen in, toeristen moeten waslijst gegevens aanleveren
Transparantie van de interactie van de Europese Commissie met vertegenwoordigers van de tabaksindustrie
Vlaamse ziekenhuizen werken nauwelijks efficiënter sinds invoering van ziekenhuisnetwerken
Wat onderzoekers zeggen over glyfosaat | Deel 2 | Zembla
We hebben de rest van de wereld niet nodig voor klimaatadaptatie
Wetenschappers pleiten voor voor frequenter onderzoek van placenta’s

Ontdek de Leefbewust webwinkel


1 in 10 Kids May Be Breathing Pesticides in San Joaquin Valley
3 States Call on EPA to Regulate PFAS Air Emissions
A doctor involved in PACE trial has influenced a DWP work programme targeting ME/CFS and long Covid
A self-reported history of gestational hypertension is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in postmenopausal women.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association of all types of beverages high in fructose with asthma in children and adolescents
Adaptive deep brain stimulation reduces Parkinson’s disease symptoms
African states to feed the hungry with elephant meat
Agricultural plastic is small percentage of plastic consumption but the harm mulch films can do is devastating
An ancient African tree is providing a new ‘superfood’ but local harvesters are barely surviving
Antarctic krill ‘valuable’ in the oceanic carbon cycle, say researchers
Antarctica’s receding sea ice could impact seabirds’ food supply
Antidepressant Withdrawal – A Psychiatrist’s 30-Year Challenge to Conventional Wisdom
Atlantic mag admits “pandemic” FAILED to brainwash people into “unifying”
Bacterial Communication Has Evolved To Warn Colonies of Existential Threats
Blood Testing for so-called MicroRNAs Can Detect Dementia
Brain region that controls eye movements found to also play important role in higher cognitive functions
Breast and ovarian cancer newly linked to thousands of gene variants
Breathing and heartbeat influence perception
Buried penis is the condition that no one talks about
Can the MIND Diet Lower the Risk of Memory Problems Later in Life?
Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?
Consuming berries, tea and red wine may reduce the risk of dementia
Corn-shaped seed pellets to boost habitat for monarchs, bees
COVID may trigger chronic fatigue syndrome
COVID mRNA Injury – 12-Year-Old Tennessee Soccer Player Went Into Cardiac Arrest
COVID mRNA Injury – 15-Year-Old Tennessee Boy Collapsed and Died Suddenly While Jogging
Debilitating antidepressant side effects could be eight times more common than previously thought
Dental teams could detect undiagnosed diabetes in more than one million people with new care pathway
Did Big Tobacco Create the Processed Food Industry?
Disinformation from All “Great” Powers
Doctors Decry ‘Exorbitant’ Cost of Ozempic and Wegovy
Early Life Exposures May Shape Infant Immune System
EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.
Europe’s electrifiers say their time has come
Everything You Need to Know About Seed Oils and Much More… With Dr. Rowen and Prof. Peskin
Gabon – Saving Forest Elephants
Gene therapy restores vision in first-ever trial for rare, inherited blindness
Germany’s energy policies have led to the worst economic performance among major developed countries.
Hemp shows high promise as potential natural insecticide
High Insulin Worsens Arterial Plaque (STUDY)
Higher levels of leptin indicate brain protection against late-life dementia
Horse-Caring Helps Veterans With PTSD
How The FDA Was Bought Off To Push Ozempic! w/ Calley Means
How the food industry fights soda taxes
How we think about ‘obesity’ and body weight is changing. Here’s why
Human CO2 Emissions Are Supercharging Corn Yields
IBD increases type 1 diabetes risk, revealing a bidirectional link between the two conditions
Impact of COVID-19 on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness prevalence
Increasingly, the world seems on the brink of collapse. What if there are people working on a solution ?
IRRI researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice
Is Climate Change Causing the Deadly Floods in Europe?
Is It Time to Rethink Fluoride in Drinking Water?
Is Virology a Pseudoscience?
Jet fuel tax could raise £6bn a year in the UK, says thinktank
Jet-Setting Academics Branded Hypocrites For Lecturing the Rest of us About Climate Change
Kids Using Lotions Have Higher Levels of Hormone-Disrupting Toxins
Like humans, artificial minds can ‘learn by thinking’
Lithium mining in Zimbabwe – a story of loss for one community
Low dose morphine shows promise as effective treatment for chronic cough in people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Low-carbon ammonia offers green alternative for agriculture and hydrogen transport
Make America Healthy Again
MEPs urge EU to end tolerance for pesticide residues in imported food
Metal exposure can increase cardiovascular disease risk
Metals in the body from pollutants associated with progression of harmful plaque buildup in the arteries
Meth can damage brain like traumatic brain injuries, one treatment is helping with both
Most cardiovascular devices with serious safety recalls aren’t tested in patients
Muscle tissue changes could be driving sex-based injury risk
Nanoparticle technology shows promise for targeted diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis
New analysis indicates UK hunting trophies law would cause more harm than good
New data reveals how sea mud is far more important than we think
New Insight Into the Effects of Proton-Pump Inhibitors in Children
New screening tool to help stroke survivors
New study finds associations between use of skin care products and exposure to potential developmental toxicants
New Treatments Offer Promise to People with Acute Myeloid Leukemia
NIH-led studies point to potential development of a cataract drug
NUS scientists discover novel approach to rejuvenate aged egg cells
People have started catching a new Covid variant that could soon take off and become the dominant type
People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face a heightened risk of homelessness
PFAS pollution a growing problem for U.S. farmers
Pneumonia Mortality Linked to Elevated Blood Glucose on Hospital Admission
Pollen Can Seed Clouds, Fuel Rainfall, Study Finds
Polluted air, disturbed hearts
Poor indoor air quality isn’t just making us sick. It’s also polluting our cities
Popular drink you could be having every day has been linked to ‘cognitive decline’
Researchers plan to test snow high up on Everest is melting, threatening water supplies of one billion people
Scientists identify a unique combination of bacterial strains that could treat antibiotic-resistant gut infections
Sharks vs Dolphins – Marine Showdown | Great Blue Wild 106
Sickening truth about Ozempic, the weight-loss ‘wonder drug’
Six in 10 people fear loved ones will not get local nursing-home care
Sticky brain activity is linked to stronger feelings of craving
Student-led nonprofit increased access to fresh produce for South Bay residents
Students perform best with regular homework tasks of up to 15 minutes, research shows
Study Explores Social Media’s Role During Pandemic
Team develops next-generation wearable continuous glucose monitoring system for diabetes management
Team develops versatile knee exoskeletons for safer lifting
Thanks to humans, inshore waters of British Columbia and Washington State are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
The fight against exploitation of migrant workers in Italy | DW Documentary
The military’s massive fossil fuel consumption contributes to pollution, says researcher.
The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated”
The Relationship of Oral Health to Systemic Immunity and Longevity
They weren’t looking for love in their 70s, but their late-in-life romance may just have prolonged their lives
They’ve been doing this for over 100 years!
Thrombotic Events with Neisseria Meningitidis Vaccination in Patients with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Vegetables and Your Gut Health
Viral Activation Can Shape Breast Milk Composition
We need to intensify research into sepsis and coordinate it better
What does peak emissions mean for China — and the world?
When Serotonin Dims the Light
Why fish size diversity is vital for healthy oceans
Why identifying lifestyle changes and treatments that reduce dementia risk is complicated
Why new mothers get ‘baby brain’
Why you probably won’t be as lonely as you think as you get older