Nieuwsoverzicht 19 september

Afbouw van de afvalverbrandingscapaciteit: goed of slecht idee?
Agema houdt artikel 13 overeind en snijdt in VWS
Amersfoort wil snelheid A1 omlaag
Anti-zzp-wet baart zelfstandigen zorgen
Auto’s zonder bestuurder – wie is er aansprakelijk als het misgaat?
Beschadigd darmslijmvlies verhoogt risico op Parkinson
Boek Leven zonder zorgen
Chronische stress? Dit is het effect op je brein
De EU moet dringend actie ondernemen tegen de giftige kinderproducten
De invloed van 5G straling op sommige mensen
De vrouw die zweeg – over het verdwijnen van natuurervaringen
De Wuhan Trilogie. Corona, ontsnapt uit het lab!?
Een peperdure paling
Energiebedrijf BP verkoopt al zijn Amerikaanse windturbines, fossiel levert meer op
Fastfood blijft razend populair ondanks kennis over gezond eten
Felle confrontatie met Fleur Agema (zorgminister PVV)
Gedumpt grofvuil terugkerend probleem
Geen cent meer verspillen aan gebakkenluchtbanen
Ik heb geleerd dat er meerdere waarheden zijn
Jacht op zzp’er leidt tot zorginfarct
Je glimlach kan belangrijke karaktereigenschappen niet verbergen
Kabinet belooft versimpelde aftrek vervoerskosten bij ziekte
KLM-lobby wil inbreken op rechtsgang tussen RBV en Staat
Lezing Arnout Jaspers over de energietransitie
Lichaamsbeweging als preventieve interventie bij insulineresistentie
Nieuwe docu over Matthew Perry onthult complot van corrupte artsen
Nivel haalt door media bejubelde rapport over oversterfte offline
Omstreden geo-engineering neemt hoge vlucht
Onzichtbare helden in energietransities?
Ouderenzorgorganisatie NNCZ laat ‘diploma-denken’ nu echt los
Uitstel lage-emissiezone kan Brussel tientallen miljoenen euro’s kosten
Van de emissieloze zone is de Amsterdamse ondernemer de dupe
Veranderingen die traumatische ervaringen teweegbrengen in het autonome zenuwstelsel
VN-verdrag Handicap en elektrogevoeligheid (EHS)
Waarom je buikvet nodig hebt, maar te veel gevaarlijk is voor je gezondheid
Zonnepanelen op een plat dak plaatsen kan vergunningsvrij, maar er zijn wel regels
Zoutoplossing neusdruppels verkorten verkoudheid bij kinderen met 2 dagen

Ontdek de Leefbewust webwinkel


1st molten salt nuclear reactor in 30 years gains historic permit from US Agency
3 Experts Reveal the Secrets to Optimizing Your Nutrition
3 Scary Reasons To Ditch Aluminum Foil
3 States Call on EPA to Regulate PFAS Air Emissions
3 vaccines. 10 minutes later, she couldn’t see.
65 year old Michael Browning suffered a brain injury after the AstraZeneca vaccine
A closer look at children’s blood pressure
A toxic chemical was blamed for killing thousands of Teesside crabs
Abnormal electrolyte levels in people with eating disorders may increase risk of death, poor health outcomes
After Nike Leaders Promised Climate Action, Their Corporate Jets Kept Flying — and Polluting
Antarctic Krill Can Lock away Similar Levels of Carbon as Seagrass and Mangroves
Antifungal effect of cinnamon essential oil against Penicillium oxalicum on rice noodles
Around 75% of Australians have experienced a bad reaction to a medication, but fewer than half have reported it
Arrhythmias in Pregnancy
Association between biomass exposure and COPD occurrence in Fez, Morocco
Australië heeft de meest extreme abortuswetten ter wereld, die abortus tot aan de geboorte en op verzoek toestaan.
Biologists find that hardship early in life can affect health and longevity—even for marmots
Black women have a higher risk of dying from all types of breast cancer, meta-analysis reveals
Blackcurrant supplementing mitigates postmenopausal bone loss, study finds
Bleeding risk underestimated in patients with cancer
Blood-brain barrier breakdown in dementia with Lewy bodies
Calcium Burden, Vascular Inflammation, and Plaque Vulnerability
Calls for more accurate testing to prevent antibiotic allergies in children
Can a Congo Tribe Return to Its Forest?
Can Google Street View Data Improve Public Health?
Cancer cells may be using lipids to hide from the immune system
Cedars-Sinai Helps Older Adults Overcome Fear of Falling
Central America could play troubling new role in cocaine trade
Childhood trauma linked in study to major biological, health risks
Childhood trauma linked to major biological and health risks
Children Of God, It Is Time
Chris Hedges – The Cost of Resistance
Combination Treatment Extends Survival in Advanced Bladder Cancer
Comorbidity and disease activity in multiple sclerosis
Cutting out sugar and starch is as effective for IBS as current recommendations
Did you know more fiber is associated with better lung health?
DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Shots up to 145 Times Regulatory Limit, First Independent Australian Study Shows
Do Bacteria Age?
Do repetitive head injuries really cause the degenerative brain disease CTE?
Drinking Coffee And Tea Each Day Could Be Protecting Your Heart
Effect of a plant extract of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on testosterone in blood plasma and saliva
Electric Car Values in Free Fall as Second-Hand Prices Halve in Two Years
EU Commission rebuffs car industry calls to delay CO2 targets
EU recommends outdoor ban on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco
Existing drug combination could tackle breast cancer
Exploring the effect of low sodium concentrations on brain microglial cells
Fatty Liver Disease – The Process Behind the Benefit of Weight Loss Drugs
FDA approves Apple Watch screening for sleep apnea risk
Fish powder in diet curbing malnutrition among kids
Forum Inside – Joost Niemöller, Lidewij de Vos en Johan Dessing o.a. de multipolaire wereldorde
Germany unveils solar roof tile that powers heat pumps as well as homes
Ground-breaking study will use AI to explore links between chronic inflammation, diet and long-term health conditions
Harmful Pathogens Traveling Up to Two Miles High in Atmosphere
How a Solar Revolution in Farming Is Depleting World’s Groundwater
How Dairy Can Boost Fat Loss
How social media exposure constructs social confidence
How Targeting ‘Zombie Cells’ Could Help Extend Healthspan
How this AI spin-out will transform sports performance
How whey became a nutritional ingredient
Impaired FGFR1 signaling may contribute to an early insulin resistance phase of diabetes pathogenesis
Italy Calls on EU to Pause Petrol Car Ban or Risk Industry’s ‘Collapse’
Knocking out this gene causes autism symptoms
Large-Scale Study Will Seek to Unearth Causes of Persistent Symptoms of Lyme Disease
Lipid molecule fuels cancer growth
Lowering cancer drug dose could open tumours to immunotherapy
Man died from blood clot after wrongly receiving Covid vaccine, review finds
MCG scientists secure $1.5 million grant to treat diabetic retinopathy
Meningitis advice and information
Moderate Coffee and Caffeine Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Cardiometabolic Diseases
More Data on the Association of GLP-1 Agonists with Severe Depression
mRNA Injury stories – US Air Force Cadet Avery Koonce died suddenly in her dorm
Muziek – Bjørn Lynne – Arboretum (Bjorn Lynne official)
New drug may improve memory in older adults, treat Alzheimer’s
New insights could help prevent psychosis relapses in youth and young adults
New project promotes the use of microalgae in the circular economy
New study casts doubt on loneliness as a cause of many diseases
New TAU technology may enable early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
No scenario where a complete transition is remotely feasible
NSW Health to help test for PFAS in drinking water supplies as scientists warn of ‘knowledge gaps’ in spread of the chemicals
Octopus suckers inspire sticky medical patch
One in eight newborn babies has a gene variant that almost completely protects against jaundice
Over 300 Pesticides Identified in Contaminated Bee Pollen Around the World
Paralympics showcase high-tech prosthetics, but for many people with limb loss, access to prostheses looks quite different
Patterns of conversation could help identify early signs of autism in children
Paving the way for antivirals against Ebola virus and its deadly relatives
People eating beef are less likely to live near the industry’s pollution
Pollen affects cloud formation and precipitation patterns, researchers find
Poverty the leading cause of preventable illnesses in children |
Propolis from a Morocco-native plant found to improve cognitive function in male rats experiencing chronic mild stress
Proteins in meat, milk, and other foods suppress gut tumors
Psychosis Risk Linked to Higher Dosage of ADHD Medication
Reducing Smartphone Use Increases Work Satisfaction
Research assesses impact of weight loss and blood sugar control in Type 2 Diabetes
Research suggests many people already have T cells with the power to fight avian flu
Researchers identify potential new strategy to slow the development of liver fibrosis
Researchers in Brazil have found microplastics in human brain tissue
Researchers present ranges of normal glucose levels among non-diabetic adults wearing continuous glucose monitors
Safer hospitals, healthier patients
Safer without it? Should army medics wear the Red Cross?
Saudi oil giant spends well over a billion on sportswashing
Science backs traditional knowledge of Kakadu plum health benefits
Scientists have found evidence of past extreme solar storms
Scientists identify conservation areas to prevent extinction for thousands of species
Scientists urge new conservation approach to save vulnerable species from climate change impacts
Seizing happiness through adversity
Silicon-enriched meat positively improves plasma lipidaemia and lipoproteinaemia, LDLr, and insulin capability and the signalling pathway induced by an atherogenic diet in late-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus rats
Sport-related stress may affect whether college athletes eat enough calories
Study discovers new process for cells to repair DNA damage
Swedish startup uses hydroponics, AI to offer fresh, supermarket-grown vegetables
Switching table salt with a substitute containing reduced sodium and increased potassium may offer a simple achievable strategy
Test Your Carb Tolerance with a Saltine Cracker?
The cortical amygdala consolidates a socially transmitted long-term memory
The high cost of Australian reproductive health
The Neuroscience of Depression and Anxiety
The organic farm shop is a paradise for wealthy Germans. Behind the scenes, we pick and chop vegetables until we’re on the point of collapse
Thoughtful prescription of inhaled medication has the potential to reduce inhaler-related greenhouse gas emissions by 85%
Tooth decay is the most common reason for hospital admission in 5-to-9-year-olds
Toxins That Poison Your Pets Come From Big Pharma and The Pet Food Industry
Tracking organized crime’s dirty money and illicit operations in Latin America
Trust and Freedom – Challenging the Pandemic Treaty
Two common surgeries equally effective for treating blinding condition of the eyelid
UNC Researchers Take on Suicide Risk in Preteen Girls
Understanding changes in pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease
Understanding the metabolism of carbohydrates and how it affects your health
Unearthing ‘hidden’ science would help to tackle the world’s biggest problems
US Militarism Is a Leading Cause of the Climate Catastrophe
USask researcher studies severity of viruses like COVID on men vs women
Use of metformin in adults with diabetes linked to lower risk of long COVID
Very high levels of 5G radiation in Stockholm
Von der Leyen plans for five more years of furious energy, climate rule-making
Who is in fuel poverty? The government has no idea as it moves to cut winter fuel payments
Why are more women saying no to having kids?
Why body fat matters for healthy aging | Prof. Deborah Clegg & Prof. Sarah Berry
Why is it so hard to get drugs approved for use during pregnancy?
Why running slowly may be better for your heart – and protect against colds
Why the Rise of This Drug-Resistant Fungus Is Raising International Concern