Nieuwsoverzicht 18 september

Afspraken maken met de overheid is lastig
Afvalbranche overweegt rechtszaak tegen kabinet om lachgasafval
AI schrijft nu de mails van artsen aan patiënten
Alles-in-één-embryotest controleert op alle mogelijke erfelijke aandoeningen
Ambtenaar relatief vaak betrapt op middelengebruik
Antwoorden op Kamervragen over kindermarketing door varkenshouderijen
Clintel komt met stappenplan tegen windturbines
De fouten in het Nivel-onderzoek
Duizenden chemische stoffen uit voedselverpakkingen komen in ons lichaam terecht
Ecologisch leven is geen opoffering, maar een verrijking
Energiearmoede treft platteland harder dan grote steden
Franstalige voorstel om de verstrenging van de lage-emissiezone met 2 jaar uit te stellen
Gemeenten met een zero-emissiezone
Hart-brein connectie, deze 5 technieken maken ‘m sterker
Jonge arts ontdekte in 1999 de oorzaak van de mysterieuze ziekte waaraan tientallen mensen overleden
Journalisten die fungeren als doorgeefluik, zijn medeplichtig
Landbouw voor iedereen
Leven met bevers, wat doet dat met de natuur en met ons?
Natuurinclusieve akkerbouw rondom natuurgebieden
Noord-Holland adviseert tegen windturbines Noorder IJ-plas
Onderzoek naar zwangerschapsgerelateerde hersenveranderingen
Oordeel Hoge Raad over beslag medisch dossiers patiënte verstervingszaak zorgcentrum Sittard
Oorzaken van conflicten liggen bijna nooit volledig aan één kant
Ouderen steeds meer gezien als een kostenpost
Passende Participatiewet voor arbeidsbeperkten ver weg
Professor Anita Baxas heeft het bloed van drie ongevaccineerde mensen geanalyseerd
Provincie betreurt uitspraak rechter over wolf
Rechter verklaart deadlines voor aansluiting op stroomnet ongeldig
Regeerprogramma Schoof is een ‘kiss of death’ voor de streekziekenhuizen
Stop nu met plaatsen van windturbines
Waarom is links tegen kernenergie?
Waarom windenergie nooit dé oplossing zal zijn
Wat kun je in de praktijk met artificiële intelligentie?
Wopke Hoekstra blijft klimaatpaus-light in Brussel

Ontdek de Leefbewust webwinkel


40 Million Projected To Die by 2050 Because Of Drug-Resistant Superbugs
A more adventurous approach to prosthetics research
A new form of immunotherapy to treat solid tumours shows therapeutic potential in animal models
A rise in pesticides has been linked to a surge in infant deaths
A Sympathetic Path to Treatment by burning fat
Absurd car industry demands the EU triggers crisis clause
Africans sue British oil giant for $310 million
Air Pollution and Lack of Green Spaces Increase Risk of Respiratory Hospitalizations
Air pollution exposure in infancy may limit economic mobility in adulthood
Air pollution linked to Parkinson’s, with higher levels linked to worse symptoms
Alarm as microplastics are found in human BRAINS
America’s dairy farms are disappearing, down 95% since the 1970s
Antidepressant Withdrawal Commonly Misdiagnosed as “Mental Illness”
Are Ketones the Cure Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About? with Dr. Stephen Cunnane
Artificial muscles propel a robotic leg to walk and jump
Banish colds quickly by using common kitchen cupboard ingredient
Brain releases feel-good serotonin after swallowing “good food”
Brazil has nearly rid Indigenous Yanomami territory of the thousands of miners who had been operating illegally in the region
Brown fat – how cells generate heat by burning calories
Car windows, mobile screens to charge batteries
Causal role of gut microbiota, serum metabolites, immunophenotypes in myocarditis
CDC & FDA Issue Warning Of Salmonella-contaminated Eggs
Certain Autoantibodies Linked to Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of SLE
Climate Scare Stories Keep Turning Out to be False
COGEM Releases Advice on Renewal of Import and Processing of GM Cotton MON15985
Cognitive behavioral therapy enhances brain circuits to relieve depression
Contrail avoidance not likely to damage climate
Corporate climate polluters need to pay for the fallout from deadly Storm Boris
COVID-infected psychiatric hospital roommates pose high risk of infection, especially in elderly
Did Big Tobacco Create the Processed Food Industry?
Do repetitive head injuries really cause the degenerative brain disease CTE?
Doctors discover new obesity treatment that doesn’t involve regular dieting
DPP-4 Inhibitor Improved the Cognitive Function in Diabetic Rats
Drug firms finance Europe’s patient groups with multi-million donations
Dutch government wants to reverse EU ban on electric pulse fishing
Early food insecurity linked to higher obesity risk in childhood
Evidence grows for dramatic brain remodelling during pregnancy
From Brussels to Paris, energy taxation is back on the table
Gene Therapy Shows Promise in Rare Eye Disease That Causes Early Blindness
Green Lawfare Is Destroying British Jobs
How is the hole in the ozone layer? Rescue from the UV catastrophe
How watching TV and reading could safeguard brain health, and why you need an eye exam
Immunotherapy after surgery helps people with high-risk bladder cancer live cancer-free longer
Improving Eye Tracking to Assess Brain Disorders
Indicators to Improve Multidisciplinary Care of Brain Metastases
Inside the growing popularity of green burial
Intensive diabetes treatment reduces gum disease inflammation
Labour To Delay Ban On New Petrol Cars
Leg pain while walking could be a sign of artery trouble in older adults
Long Live Free Speech
Low testosterone has been linked to mood changes like irritability, depression, and anxiety
Lower Neighborhood Opportunity May Increase Risk for Preterm Birth
Marine identity can help restore the ocean, say researchers
Medicinal cannabis use by children may have an increased risk of diarrhoea and sleepiness
Mega-vaping addict hospitalised with collapsed lungs and ‘black goo’ pouring from her mouth and nose
Mizzou researcher Maryam Salehi is developing a fabric-like filter to remove tiny plastics and lead from drinking water.
Mounting research is revealing how the microbes in your home can influence your health
New figures indicate substantially higher future need for palliative care among people living with dementia
New high-rise schools need green spaces for students to grow
New study suggests environmental chemicals can trigger early puberty in girls
New treatment extends ovarian function in older mice
NIH study links neighborhood environment to prostate cancer risk in men with West African genetic ancestry
One Nation’s Plan to Restore Australian Farming – End Net Zero Madness
Ozone update shows recovery is likely underway despite volcanic eruption
Patented ultrasound technologies improve diagnosis for cancer and other diseases
People who exercise have healthier belly fat, new study finds
Permanent Shift In Antarctic Sea Ice
Pesticide Residue Impacts Microbial Health
Poor tween sleep may be a risk factor for suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Reactions to direct penicillin challenges are infrequent
Reprogramming cancer cells to attack themselves
Research finds sex-based differences in how brains handle threats
Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans
Researchers have developed a treatment for dengue virus using mRNA and CRISPR technology
Risk of clots, stroke from incorrect blood thinner dosing reduced using online dashboard
Scientists Discover Potential Cause of an Enigmatic Vascular Disease Primarily Impacting Women
Scientists Discuss Epigenetics & Generational Trauma
Screening tool to help diagnose malnutrition in aged care homes
Signs of arthritis found in one in four psoriasis patients, new study reveals
Social Determinants of Health Associated with Diabetic Eye-Care Quality
Study reveals how COVID-19 infection can cause or worsen diabetes
Study reveals how mutant p53 protein converts other proteins into cancer drivers
Sun blasts massive X4.5-class solar flare – See spacecraft views!
Sunlight and Clouds, Not CO2, Drive Earth’s Climate, New Study Finds
Survey shows 25% of adults consider weight loss drug use without prescription
The Corruption Behind Limited Care and Skyrocketing Costs
The Food that Causes the Most Fat Accumulation (limit consumption)
The Ocean Gives Up Its Secrets
Understanding the Molecular Players in Eye Inflammation
Uptick in Drug Overdose Rates Is Widely Reported Especially Among Young Women
Using sunlight to turn two greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals
We May Have Found Where Modern Humans And Neanderthals Became One
We’re Getting Sick of Noise Pollution
What happened 252 million years ago?
Why don’t dental teams routinely discuss dentine hypersensitivity during consultations?
Why teens with autism struggle with non-verbal cues
Widespread evidence for packaging-related chemicals in humans
Will we fall for the same old PCR tricks again?
Woman found guilty of fatally infecting neighbour with COVID-19
Women living with chronic pain aren’t getting enough support at work