Nieuwsoverzicht 17 september

200.000 liter water nodig voor blussen elektrische vrachtwagen
Commerciële dierenartsketens zetten onderzoek naar hoge rekeningen naar hun hand
Covid-19 is de meest gemelde bijwerking van Covid-vaccinaties
De Brusselse advocaat Bailleux daagt Europese Commissie voor de rechter om toelating glyfosaat aan te vechten
Definitie zwaar beroep bemoeilijkt discussie
Een goede gezondheid van het hart vroeg in de zwangerschap kan het genetische risico op complicaties compenseren
Extra bezuiniging jeugdzorg definitief geschrapt
Gaatje in de ozonlaag is dit jaar kleiner dan normaal
Hoe leren we ons brein omgaan met slecht nieuws? | VPRO Tegenlicht
Inspectie sluit risicovolle zorginstelling vol belangenverstrengeling
Is er een link tussen politieke voorkeuren en hoe je psychologisch in elkaar zit?
Kabinet schrapt de ruim 600 miljoen aan bezuinigingen op de ouderenzorg
Kankerrisico door pesticiden decennialang ‘verkeerd’ ingeschat
Kees van der Staaij (Raad van State) kritisch over inzet noodwet
Meneer Janssen kijkt bedroefd wanneer hij wordt gevonden door een medewerker van de opvang
Mensen schamen zich om naar een dierenvoedselbank te komen
Microdosing met psilocybine
Onderzoekers ontdekken bijzondere behandeling voor droge ogen
Prijs koffiebonen vliegt de pan uit
Provincie Utrecht mag wolf voorlopig nog niet vangen en zenderen
Schelpdierriffen bouwen zichzelf
Sinds 1990 is de NL stikstofuitstoot met 70% gedaald. In 2018-2023 was die daling 16%
Slechte akoestiek zorgt voor meer stress en vermoeidheid
Sterke stijging van het aantal gevallen van autisme
Twentse Zorgcentra stopt met inhuur zzp’ers
Verbouwen van vezelhennep
Vleesvervangers – een lastige vervanging
Vrijwilligers onderzoeken waterkwaliteit in en rond Dommel in Pelt
Waarom pleiten ‘vrije geesten’ toch zo graag voor censuur?
Wanhopige ouderen woest dat ze op hun oude dag nog uitgezet worden
We voeden kinderen op als shoppers, die totaal geen waarde hechten aan textiel
Wereldwijde aanval op de vrijheid van meningsuiting
Wetenschappers waarschuwen voor escalatie van resistentie bij schimmelziekten
WIA-uitkering al langer en vaker verkeerd berekend

Ontdek de Leefbewust webwinkel


1 in 12 Lab Rats Develop Cancer From Cell Phone Radiation
1 in 5 parents worry their elementary and middle school aged kids don’t have friends
60% of Young People with COVID Vaccine-induced Myocarditis Showed Heart Damage 6 Months Later
7 Things Your Blood Type Can Tell You About Your Health
A Fungal Disease Killing Bats Is Linked to Thousands of Infant Deaths in the US
A Political Lesson on the Power of the Food Industry
A sore throat could leave patients at risk of heart attack and stroke
A time-stratified, case–crossover study of heat exposure and perinatal mortality from 16 hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa
ADHD medications linked to psychosis risk
Americans Are Wandering in Wonderland, Writes President of AAPS
An Open Source Guide to Marine Oil Spill Detection
Anger After “Absurd” 40 Foot Phone Mast Erected in Village
Animals only see in black and white and 5 other color myths
Are Smartphones Ruining Childhood? | Jonathan Haidt | TED
Are white patches on whale shark skin cause for concern?
Arizona Cracked Down on Medicaid Fraud That Targeted Native Americans. It Left Patients Without Care.
Arsenic exposure linked to faster onset of diabetes in south Texas population
California Crews Begin Mowing Down Region’s Iconic Joshua Trees for Solar Farm
Call for Action after Study Links Biodiversity Decline to Elevated Pesticide Use and Rise in Infant Mortality
Can a president ban fracking? Fact-checking Harris, Trump’s oil and gas claims
Can This Psychedelic Help Cure Opioid Addiction?
Canadian Truckers Defeat Global Mandate Agenda
Cleaning after solar panels
CO2 turned into fuel with Japan’s electrochemical cell breakthrough
Combo COVID-19 and Flu mRNA Vaccine Falls Short of Total Flu Protection
Common diabetes medication slows growth of precancerous esophageal cells
Critically synchronized brain waves form an effective, robust and flexible basis for human memory and learning
Dads diets can impact their daughters’ heart health
Daily prunes may help reduce bone loss in young women using oral contraceptives
Decoding Nutrition Studies – What Diet is Best for Your Health?
Depression & Anxiety Official Trailer
Device mimics realistic human touch, can help people miles away hold hands
DigiD-app vraagt gebruikers om inschakelen biometrisch inloggen
Does Molnupinavir reduce the risk of long COVID?
Dogs’ Brains Sync With Ours When We Gaze Into Their Eyes, Study Finds
Drink Coffee Right When You Wake Up (why experts have been wrong)
Ecocide on Easter Island never took place, studies suggest
Effect of Spirulina Fortification on Physicochemical, Nutritional, Bioactive, Textural, and Sensory Properties of Vegan Basil Pesto
EPA Won’t Regulate Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Fertilizer Used by Farms
Exhausted? Irritable? It could be undiagnosed iron deficiency
Expanded Medicare Coverage of Antiobesity Drugs May Cost Billions Each Year
EXPOSING chemicals in Energy Drinks and Vitamins! with Dr. Joey Munoz
Exposing the Money Behind Environmental Destruction, Part II
Faecal microbiome transfer
First large-scale UK onshore salmon project at risk over ‘factory farm’ claims
Fracking Company Is Selected to Receive Federal Environmental Justice Funding
French mother whose children were damaged by antiepileptic drug to receive over £200,000
French State Regulator Hits Broadcaster with €20,000 Fine for Climate ‘Misinformation’
Good heart health early in pregnancy may offset genetic risk for complications
Greenhouse gas 80 times more potent than CO2 is rising in the atmosphere — and fast
Gut microbiome influences location of immune cells, study finds
Health advice from Florida
Helping people with amputation walk naturally
Higher soft drink consumption linked to increased risk of liver disease
How ‘brown gold’ is smuggled between Ivory Coast, Liberia and Guinea
How the west’s wellness industry is driving Ethiopia’s frankincense trees towards extinction
It doesn’t matter if Moderna is profitable, because it is funded by the US military and Gates
Long-term metastatic melanoma survival dramatically improves on immunotherapy
Making electric cars involves lots of CO2
Man Travels Beyond The Physical After Suffering Fatal Heart Attack “NDE”
Manipulating Brain Waves During Sleep With Sound
Many Americans Wary of Vaccines as Fall Flu, COVID Season Looms
Mental health and chronic diabetes complications strongly linked both ways, study finds
Michael Bryant on why the Spanish flu was neither flu nor pathogenic
MSM Climate Alarmists Stumped After ‘Boiling Oceans’ Result In Very Quiet Hurricane Season
Muziek – Teddy Swims – Bad Dreams
New meta-analysis shows that hormone therapy can significantly reduce insulin resistance
New study reveals majority of pediatric long COVID patients develop a dizziness known as orthostatic intolerance
No evidence emissions caused Greenland glacier collapse
Pakistan 4K – Scenic Relaxation Film With Inspiring Music
Peru Sees Growing Attacks on Environmental Defenders
Plastics in the environment can alter a wide range of biogeochemical cycles
Puny chocolate bars and miniature crisps, is shrinkflation the worst business practice ever?
Queen Mary University of London researchers announce ground-breaking trial results for hard-to-treat cancers
Replacing ultra-processed foods in diet reduces type 2 diabetes risk
Research Reveals Kiwi Men Letting Down Their Mates When It Comes To Health Issues
Scientists develop an affordable sensor for lead contamination
Scientists studying ‘Parkinson’s belt’ believe disease is linked to chemicals
Sleeper Issue in Politics Wireless Radiation Health Risks
Smoking bans, a crackdown on junk food, state-sanctioned fat-shaming… it’s been a miserable few weeks in Keir Starmer’s Britain
Soft drinks worsen menstrual pain
Solar Storm Coming Soon, Another Sign of the Pole Shift
Specific Inflammatory Biomarkers Linked to Mental Health Disorders
Study exposes the dangerous ‘hidden’ mental burden of cancer on patients’ spouses
The Alpha male. Influencers are trying to sell the idea of the alpha to mainly young men.
The Australian Government Reboots the Misinformation Bill
The brain aged more slowly in monkeys given a cheap diabetes drug
The Effects And Psychology Of Life-Changing Surgery
The menopause can increase your likelihood of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension
The Ocean Cleanup’s $4 Billion Plan to Clean Up the Pacific Ocean
The Surprising Truth About Diabetes Diet
This war on carbon is actually a war on humanity
Tidal Power – Unlocking the Greatest Untapped Energy Resource on the Planet
We now have two promising Alzheimer’s drugs on the market
Why are we still using so many opioids?
Why do some of us have such a poor sense of direction?
Will Trump end the EV mandate madness?