Nieuwsoverzicht 16 september

Als we in 2050 negen miljard mensen willen voeden, zal dat uit de zee moeten komen
Baby’s ziek door bijwerking vaccinatie rotavirus
Beter omgaan met huisdieren in langdurige thuiszorg
Beweging verbetert slaapkwaliteit
De connectie tussen diabetes en de schildklier
De Europese vaccinatiekaart komt in 2026
De Green New Deal kan elektriciteit 28 keer duurder maken
De levensgevaarlijke mening van (on)gevaccineerden
De omgekeerde wereld – een gesprek met Mark Gober
Duikers ruimen kilo’s lood op in zee bij Zoutelande
Energietransitie is zinloos
Europese vaccinatiekaart komt in 2026 en dit betekent dat voor jou
Geen maïs, maar sorghum is het graan van de toekomst
Grondeigenaren De Bilt zijn tot geen enkele prijs bereid terrein af te staan voor windmolens
Hogere zorgkosten omwonenden zware industrie
In de zorg is fraude het échte probleem
Lachwekkende vraag van D66 over rol MdH bij VWS
Leven met schimmel in huis | NPO Radio 1 Luistert naar jou
Meer duurzaam voedsel verkocht in 2023, zelfs bij gestegen prijzen
Negeer resistentie bij schimmelziekten op eigen risico, waarschuwen wetenschappers
Nieuw onderzoek focust op mediatieve therapie in verpleeghuizen
Opkomst thuisbatterij kan problemen op stroomnet verergeren
Resistentie bij schimmelziekten dreigt te escaleren
RVP wordt gewijzigd – iemand enig idee waarom?
Wanneer ben je gevaccineerd volgens CIMS?

Ontdek de Leefbewust webwinkel



2019 – Nicotine Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease *
22% of San Joaquin Valley Residents Breathing Chemical Pesticides, Study Finds
A humpback whale is rescued in British Columbia, Canada
A new app to ‘uncuff’ blood pressure monitoring
A new approach to treating a difficult type of breast cancer
Again and again the AMOC
Antibiotic usage can damage the protective mucus layer in the gut
Antibodies in Breast Milk Provide Protection Against Common GI Virus
Are Weight Loss Drugs Linked to Blindness?
Associations between food insecurity in high-income countries and pregnancy outcomes
Ban on junk food TV adverts before 9pm to come in next year
Cherries Are ‘Unhealthy,’ Says the Same Government That Once Pushed Low-Fat Pop-Tarts
Damage to the Gut Mucosa May Almost Double Parkinson’s Risk
Dementia risk could be reduced by tackling hearing loss
Effects of cocoa consumption on cardiometabolic risk markers
El Niño can cause extinction but not itty bitty warming?
Electrocuted Birds are Causing Wildfires
Endometriosis pain leads to missed school and work in two-thirds of women with the condition
Entangled humpback whale freed after four-day rescue operation
EU committee rejects double standards on pesticide levels allowed in food
European ‘naivety’ could trigger industrial collapse, warns new Econ Committee Chair
Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19
Exposing China’s Complicity in America’s Fentanyl Crisis
Factory Farms and Foodborne Illness
Feeding bees edible bits of hydrogel increases their odds of surviving pesticide exposure by 30 per cent
Foods with low Nutri-Scores associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases
From Lockdown to Freedom – How Growing Food Changed Our Lives
Gas stoves may soon come with a tobacco-style health warning label in California
Genome-wide association studies on periodontitis
Germany’s Green Gamble
Gut microbiome influences location of immune cells
Harnessing the power of the sea for renewable energy
Heart attack prevention through fasting? Expert insights with Dr. Robin Mesnage
High Doses of ADHD Drug Can Cause Serious Side Effects, Study Warns
High doses of some prescription stimulants tied to increased psychosis risk
Hope Accord update – Dr. John Campbell
How a California county got PFAS out of its drinking water
How is abdominal fat linked to chronic musculoskeletal pain?
How Ozempic overdose could leave you in a coma, and how much is too much
How the immune system fails as cancer arises
How the Immune System Fails as Cancer Arises
How to Boost Cancer Immunity and How Cancer ‘Thinks’ Like a Virus | Dr. Jason Fung | Trailer
How to Improve Glucose Regulation & Lower HbA1c (supplement, diet, & exercise protocols)
How to Spot Signs of Hearing and Vision Problems in Babies and Toddlers
Ignore antifungal resistance in fungal disease at your peril, warn top scientists
Immune cell injection significantly boosts healing of bone, muscle & skin
Impact of cigarette smoking on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with coronary chronic total occlusion lesions
Improving oral health in children
In our efforts to reduce emissions, are we championing a dangerous use of materials?
Indoor allergens worsen respiratory infections in children with asthma, study finds
Ireland’s Coast | Major new series
Iron deficiency in long COVID
Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken? *
Japanese documents reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada
Key enzyme identified as potential target for cancer treatment
Low levels of manganese can aggravate IBD
Major study reveals Ozempic barely results in any fat loss
Makers of sodium valproate sent ‘clear message’ after Sanofi ordered to pay €280,000 to mother whose children were harmed
Mega El Niños may have played a part in the Permian mass extinction
Millions of depressed Americans could benefit from psychedelic therapy, study finds
Modeling the Human Brain to Restore Vision
Muziek – Christopher – It Could Have Been Us (feat. Griff) [Acoustic]
Muziek – Racoon – The Ones We Seek
New research finds employees feel pressure to work while sick, which has been shown to cost companies billions
New Zealand MP Tanya Unkovich Gives Rousing Speech In Support Of COVID Vaccine Injured & Ignored
Novel immunotherapeutics suggest promise in high-grade gliomas
Nutrition expert reveals the food you should NEVER pair with a cup of tea
Old Wine in New Bottles
One of the World’s Fastest Ocean Currents Is Remarkably Stable, Study Finds
Oregon’s Largest Natural Gas Company Said It Was Going Green. It Sells as Much Fossil Fuel as Before.
Ozempic Forever? Doctors Are Pushing This Narrative?
Pacific islands submit court proposal for recognition of ecocide as a crime
Paper or Plastic? How One Market Intervention Requires Another to “Correct” the Original One
Pharma, Food, Government — Follow the Money | Stories of Us
Race To Feed 9 Billion People – Documentary Trailer
Rapid new blood diagnostic test for ALS
Remember oligodendrocytes – Uncovering their overlooked role in Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers explore algal biology for new strategies to help humans live more sustainably
Roche Obesity Pill Study – What Are the Side Effects of the Weight-Loss Drug?
Saline nose drops may shorten colds and cut transmission, trial hints
Schools are putting vape detectors in bathrooms — paid for by Juul
Should We Blame Fauci for the COVID Pandemic?
Study reveals challenges of distinguishing autism from BPD
Superspreading of SARS-CoV-2 at a choir rehearsal in Finland
Tesla truck fire took 190,000 liters of water to extinguish
The Baroness making a fortune from Net Zero
The climate scaremongers – Another £12billion down the Net Zero drain
The Future of Food is OURS to Decide
The horror of cobalt mining in DR Congo | The Listening Post
The positive impact of exercise on brain health | Peter Attia and Kellyann Niotis
The Reality of Pandemic Lockdowns and Covid-19 Information with Steve Hanke
The Sanctuary of Poseidon trailer
Thousands of Offshore Wind Turbines to Blight Britain’s Holiday Hotspots
U.S. D.O.D issued ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist
UL researcher to lead project developing prototype car cameras for enhanced road safety
Understanding what helps families with teens maintain household vaping bans
University of Surrey to lead £1.4m project exploring potential of vertical farming
US food waste bans fail to reduce landfill waste, except in Massachusetts
We need to reduce the environmental impact of plastic, but simply using other materials or relying on reusable alternatives is also problematic
Weird signal that baffled seismologists traced to mega-landslide in Greenland
What if Carbs Aren’t the Problem? w/ Dr. Randy Johns & Dr. Rob Vasquez
Why higher pay for health workers could lead to a more efficient and effective system
Wildfire smoke exposure boosts risk of mental illness in youth, study suggests
Wind Industry Is Killing Sea Life On East Coast, Fishermen Say