Injecting Aluminium

Op 9 mei is de documentaire ‘Injecting Aluminium’ oftewel ‘Het Injecteren van Aluminium’ verschenen. Een Frans initiatief ditmaal, met Engelse ondertiteling en nasynchronisatie. Aan het woord komen patiënten, artsen, wetenschappers en invloedrijke politici die hun visie geven op het verwoestende effect van aluminium in vaccins. Patiënten hebben uiteenlopende ziekteverschijnselen na te zijn gevaccineerd en worden vervolgens door artsen niet serieus genomen.

Aluminium, dat in grote hoeveelheden wordt aangetroffen in vaccins, blijkt vaak de boosdoener te zijn. Het is al heel lang bekend dat aluminium toxisch is voor de mens, maar deze wetenschap wordt genegeerd als het om vaccins gaat. Veiligheidsstudies die zouden moeten bewijzen dat aluminium veilig is zijn er niet!

Bij de ziekte Alzheimer bijvoorbeeld is het inmiddels duidelijk geworden dat aluminium een grote rol speelt. En toch wordt dit door overheidsinstanties ontkend. Big Farma maakt de dienst uit. Klokkenluiders worden aan de kant gezet. Zoals altijd regeert het Grote Geld.


Vertaling: Helen Ann Snowdon


Dr. Christopher Exley on Aluminum Toxicity

Vaccine Safety Conference Session 16 Dr. Christopher Exley

Dr. Christopher Exley is the Reader in Bioinorganic Chemistry at The Birchall Centre, Keele University in Staffordshire and Honorary Professor at the UHI Millennium Institute. Exley is a biologist (University of Stirling) with a PhD in the ecotoxicology of aluminium (University of Stirling). His research career (1984-present) has focused upon an intriguing paradox; 'how the third most abundant element of the Earth's crust (aluminium) is non-essential and largely inimical to life'. Investigating this mystery has required research in myriad fields from the basic inorganic chemistry of the reaction of aluminium and silicon to the potentially complex biological availability of aluminium in humans. Exley is also fascinated by the element silicon in relation to living things which, as the second most abundant element of the Earth's crust, is also almost devoid of biological function. One possible function of silicon is to keep aluminium out of biology (biota) and this area of study forms a large part of Exley's research.

Vaccine Research Findings - Aluminum Making These Two Genes Dirty

The more aluminum that is present in the blood or the brain, the slower the DHPR enzyme is. This can cause a decrease in neurotransmitters and cardiovascular health. Aluminum can also slow glutathione down which reduces your body's ability to eliminate other heavy metals and other harmful compounds. What’s one of the ingredients in most vaccines, aluminum.

Aluminum in Vaccines | A Pediatricians Warning To All Parents

The case against aluminum in vaccines. Suzanne Humphries, MD

Many of today's pro-vaccine elite insist that aluminum in infant and child vaccines is totally harmless. Find out the real truth, with scientific back up. Dr Suzanne Humphries, Internist and Nephrologist, has studied out the issue and shows that Paul Offit's absurd claim that aluminum 'plays an important role in the development of a healthy fetus' is completely made up. Such statements from a leading vaccine educator is flat out dangerous. This is a clip from a 5 hour seminar on Infant Immunity from last year. The focus in this clip is aluminum. In New Zealand and Europe, aluminum is spelled and pronounced aluminium.

Vaccine Safety Conference Session 18: Dr. Romain Gherardi

Dr. Romain K. Gherardi is a French specialist of neuromuscular diseases. He graduated in clinical Neurology and Pathology, and has been a Professor since 1990. He is working at the Henri Mondor hospital, the second largest hospital of Assistance Publique- Hôpitaux de Paris, located in Créteil and depending of Paris-Est University. He heads the department of Histology that includes both Neuropathologic and Clinical activities in the setting of a Neuromuscular disease reference center. He also heads an experimental research team entitled 'Cellular interactions in the Neuromuscular system" (INSERM U955-E10) at the Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB).

From 1983 to 2010, Gherardi has published 290 articles indexed in PubMed, and monitored 14 PhD and 10 MSc students on the topic of biology, pathology and clinics of the nervous and muscular system. He previously studied several immuno-inflammatory and toxic neuromuscular disorders (almitrine neuropathy, zidovudine myopathy, statin myopathy, etc).

He is currently working on innate immune reactions to myoinjury, biodistribution of nanoparticles, and pathophysiology of 'macrophagic myofasciitis" a neurologic disease linked to the long term persistence of Alum adjuvant in monocyte/macrophage lineage cells.
Gherardi is reviewer for Science, N Engl J Med, Lancet, Ann Neurol, Arthritis Rheum, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Dev, Neuromuscular Disord, Muscle Nerve, etc. On the topic of macrophagic myofasciitis, he was an invited speaker by the Centers for Disease Control, WHO Geneva, French government agencies, the French Parliament committee on Gulf War syndrome, and a variety of national and international scientific and medical societies.

The Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines on Humans

Millions Globally Could Be Suffering from Vaccine Induced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by Aluminum Poisoning

Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things. In March 2017, they met in Vancouver, Canada, for this year’s meeting, titled The 12th Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminum,which was sponsored by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMRSI).

Dr Romain Gherardi​ auteur de Toxic Story​

Romain Gherardi, chef de service du Centre Expert en Pathologie Neuromusculaire de l’hôpital Henri-Mondor de Créteil, un des spécialistes reconnus des pathologies neuromusculaires liées au virus du sida et des interactions entre les cellules souches et les autres cellules du muscle. Il a publié plus de trois cent cinquante articles scientifiques.

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration

Gulf War Syndrome is a multi-system disorder afflicting many veterans of Western armies in the 1990–1991 Gulf War. A number of those afflicted may show neurological deficits including various cognitive dysfunctions and motor neuron disease, the latter expression virtually indistinguishable from classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) except for the age of onset. This ALS “cluster” represents the second such ALS cluster described in the literature to date. Possible causes of GWS include several of the adjuvants in the anthrax vaccine and others. The most likely culprit appears to be aluminum hydroxide. The demonstration of neuropathological outcomes and behavioural deficits in aluminum hydroxide injected mice may provide some insight into the causes of not only GWS–ALS, but may open avenues of investigation into other neurological diseases.

The Toxicity of Aluminum Adjuvants

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Omega 3 algen


