
The Collective Evolution III: The Shift


The Collective Evolution III is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. CE3 uses a different level of consciousness and scientific facts to bring clarity about the shift while dispelling myths about our true nature. It offers practical steps that we can implement right now to transition out of survival mode and into our more natural state of peace and co-operation . CE3 includes fascinating interviews with revolutionary speakers and people who are already opting out of the current socioeconomic system. The film examines hidden technologies and exciting alternatives for a bright limitless future. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world.

Ontvang ons gratis eboek + de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief

- Welke vetten zijn nu echt gezond
- Wat doet stress met je lichaam
- Welke e-nummers vermijd je beter
- Welke voedingsstoffen verzuren
- Waarom zijn zoveel mensen moe
- Elke week de laatste nieuwtjes
- Nuttige praktische adviezen

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