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Kunnen onkruidbestrijders zoals glyfosaat borstkanker veroorzaken?

Wetenschappers van de Purdue University en het Institut de Cancérologie de L'Ouest (ICO) uit Frankrijk hebben ontdekt dat glyfosaat - het primaire ingrediënt in sommige veel gebruikte herbiciden (zoals Roundup) - onder bepaalde omstandigheden borstkanker kan veroorzaken. Deze ontdekking is een nieuwe stap voorwaarts in de speurtocht naar het ontstaan en voorkomen van kanker.

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Maatschappelijke en milieuorganisaties eisen dat de EPA Monsanto’s glyfosaat in de ban doet

Op 26 juni leverden milieu- en consumentenorganisaties meer dan 149559 commentaren - waarin wordt gepleit voor een verbod op glyfosaat - aan bij het Environmental Protection Agency. Glyfosaat dat vooral bekend is als Monsanto’s RoundUp wordt in verband gebracht met kanker. Tot 5 juli verzamelt de EPA de opmerkingen van het publiek met betrekking tot de hernieuwde voorlopige beoordeling van de registratie. Deze voorlopige beoordeling [3] houdt in dat glyfosaat nog 15 jaar in de Verenigde Staten mag worden toegepast.

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Monsanto en Reuters-verslaggever Kate Kelland: twee handen op één buik

Nieuwe documenten tonen een gezellige relatie tussen Monsanto en Kate Kelland, een journalist van Reuters. We wisten door eerder vrijgegeven documenten dat Reuters-verslaggever Kate Kelland een belangrijk doorgeefluik was voor Monsanto in het streven van dit bedrijf om de internationale organisatie voor onderzoek naar kanker (IARC) [2] van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) te ondermijnen en in diskrediet te brengen. IARC heeft glyfosaat in 2015 namelijk geclassificeerd als `waarschijnlijk carcinogeen`. We beschikken nu over aanvullend bewijs voor de warme band tussen Monsanto en de Reuters’ verslaggever.

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Verband tussen PCB in het bloed en vroegtijdig overlijden

Universiteit van Uppsala - Hoge niveaus van polychloorbifenylen (PCB's) [2] in het bloed zijn geassocieerd met vroegtijdige sterfte. Dit blijkt uit een multidisciplinaire studie gebaseerd op 1000 willekeurig geselecteerde 70-jarigen in Uppsala (Zweden), die onlangs werd gepubliceerd in het JAMA Open Network [3].

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EPA stelt voor Glyfosaat opnieuw goed te keuren, waarbij het risico op kanker wordt genegeerd

De Amerikaanse Environmental Protection Agency heeft voornamelijk op basis van niet openbaar onderzoek door de chemische industrie voorgesteld om glyfosaat, het actieve ingrediënt in Monsanto's Roundup, opnieuw goed te keuren.

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Giftige bijproducten Agent Orange blijven Vietnamese milieu verontreinigen

Tijdens de Vietnam oorlog besproeide de VS meer dan 20 miljoen gallons (76 miljoen liter) onkruidverdelger, dat ook met dioxine verontreinigd was, op de regenwouden, moerassen en akkers van het land.

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EPA negeerde conclusie wetenschappelijk onderzoek Monsanto’s glyfosaat oorzaak kanker

WASHINGTON - Een nieuwe analyse door het intercollegiaal wetenschappelijke Environmental Sciences Europe documenteert de verschillende tegenstrijdige benaderingen van de U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) en de World Health Organization (WHO) bij het vaststellen van het kankerrisico door blootstelling aan Monsanto’s bestrijdingsmiddel glyfosaat.

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Speelt glyfosaat een rol bij de problemen met tarwe / gluten ?

Op het podium besprak de NCGS-specialist enkele recente onderzoeken waarin bij mensen met een glutenintolerantie een verhoogd aantal antilichamen in het bloed werd gevonden. Met andere woorden: glutenintolerantie is een fysiologische, immunologische reactie en niet een trendy psychologisch probleem. De studie toonde verder aan dat wanneer het gluten-eiwit wordt geïsoleerd en gezuiverd de verhoging van die bloedmarkers bij NCGS-patiënten zich niet voordoet. Hij liet een foto van een tarwekorrel zien en speculeerde vaag dat er iets aan de buitenkant van het graan moest zitten dat deze ernstige ontsteking moet veroorzaken. Hij concludeerde dat wetenschappers wellicht ooit die aanstichter zullen ontdekken.

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Roundup bij het ontbijt?

Volgens onafhankelijke laboratoriumtests in opdracht van EWG bevatten populaire havergranen, havermout, granola en snackbars een flinke dosis van het onkruidverdelgend gif in Monsanto's Roundup. Deze nieuwe bevindingen komen kort nadat een Californische jury $ 289 miljoen heeft toegekend aan een schoolmeester die claimde dat Roundup bij hem lymfoom had veroorzaakt. EWG's testen vonden glyfosaat, het actieve ingrediënt in Roundup, in alle, behalve twee van de 45 monsters van producten gemaakt met conventioneel geteelde haver. Meer dan twee derde van de monsters had een gehalte aan glyfosaat boven wat EWG-wetenschappers, met een voldoende veiligheidsmarge, beschouwen als ongevaarlijk voor kinderen.

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De omstreden onkruidverdelger van Monsanto

Mike Papantonio en auteur Carey Gillam bespreken haar nieuw boek dat onthult hoe Monsanto alles in het werk stelde om te verdoezelen dat hun onkruidverdelger kanker kan veroorzaken. Het verhaal met Monsanto's [Roundup] begint al in de jaren tachtig toen laboratoriumtesten op glyfosaat cellulaire veranderingen op laboratoriumdieren vertoonden die als vroege signalen van een duidelijke relatie met kanker moeten worden beschouwd. In feite bepaalde de EPA in 1985 dat glyfosaat, het belangrijkste ingrediënt in Roundup, geclassificeerd moest worden als een carcinogeen van klasse C.

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Blootstelling aan glyfosaat (onkruidbestrijder) 500% gestegen in 23 jaar

De onderzoekers van de universiteit van Californië, San Diego School of Medicine, onderzochten de blootstelling aan glyfosaat, een chemische stof die algemeen voorkomt bij onkruidbestrijder, ongeveer 500 procent is toegenomen sinds de introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde gewassen.

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Geen steun overheid ten gunste groene gewasbeschermingsmiddelen

Een nieuwe motie verzoekt de regering, haar groene woorden om te zetten in groene daden en bij verdere onderhandelingen in Europees verband ten aanzien van glyfosaat derhalve te pleiten voor een afbouwstrategie ten gunste van groene gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Motie is verworpen.

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45% Europese landbouwgrond is vervuild met glyfosaat van Monsanto

Een nieuwe studie van het Gemeenschappelijk Centrum voor Onderzoek (JRC) van de Europese Commissie en twee Nederlandse laboratoria tonen aan dat 45% van de grond in Europa residuen van glyfosaat bevat, waarmee wordt aangetoond dat het model waarop de landbouw in de EU is gebaseerd te veel vertrouwt op dit schadelijke chemische onkruidverdelgingsmiddel. In tegenstelling tot wat de producenten ervan beweren (2), blijft glyfosaat in de bodem zitten, waar het niet alleen de bodemvruchtbaarheid nadelig beïnvloedt, maar ook de gezondheid van mensen en het milieu.

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Monsanto, America's Monster

Few corporations in the world are as loathed—and as sinister—as Monsanto. But the threat it poses to people and planet could be reaching new heights, as the World Health Organization has recently upgraded Monsanto's main product as carcinogenic to humans. With protests against the agrochemical giant held in over 40 countries in May, learn why the global movement against Monsanto is of critical importance to our future. In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin issues a scathing expose on the corporate polluter, chronicling it's rise to power, the collusion of its crimes by the US government, and highlighting the serious danger it puts us in today.

Monsanto's grootste vijand is een geïnformeerde consument

Ondanks dat de controlleurs van de mainstream media een van de grootste censuurcampagnes in de geschiedenis hebben gevoerd hebben de alternatieve media, activisten, en mensen in de gemeenschap geschiedenis gemaakt. Filmmaker en activist, Amel Tresnjic, maakte tijd vrij voor het maken van een korte film die het bewustzijn mbt de gevaren van genetisch gemanipuleerde voeding en de onderdrukking van journalisme wil vergroten. Help mee met het verspreiden van deze kennis en deel deze video via sociale media en email.

Meer dan een onkruidverdelger?

Het is een omstreden product. Aan de oppervlakte is het een basisproduct voor een bijzonder efficiënte onkruidverdelger, levensnoodzakelijk voor de landbouw en een zegen voor de onbezorgde amateurtuinier. Maar over glyfosaat doen ook andere verhalen de ronde. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek geeft reden te denken dat er meer aan de hand is, en dat de impact van glyfosaat verder gaat dan onkruid alleen. Vorige week stelde de Europese Commissie voor om het gebruik van glyfosaat met anderhalf jaar te verlengen. Die vergunning loopt eind deze maand af. Ondertussen zou dan verder onderzocht worden of het product inderdaad kankerverwekkend is. Maar de lidstaten geraken het voorlopig niet eens over een verlenging. En daar zijn goede redenen voor. ('Poisened Fields' - ADR, 2016) [Maria]


Wat is dit voor een land dat Round Up toelaat maar ambachtelijke rijsttaarten wil verbieden?

Deze tussenkomst van Ecolo Kamerlid Muriel Gerkens ging viraal op Facebook met meer dan 300.000 views.

Video - Lezing Dr Seneff over glyfosaat, foliumzuur en autisme

De microcefalie epidemie in Brazilië zou veroorzaakt worden door het Zika virus volgens de internationale media. Maar is het Zika virus echt de oorzaak ? Brazilië produceert namelijk veel genetisch gemanipuleerde mais, soja en katoen voor de export. Dit betekent dus veel blootstelling aan de pesticide glyfosaat (Roundup) en andere cocktails in lucht en water bovenop de andere vervuiling in voedselbronnen. Verder is vanaf 2015 het zogemaande Tdap vaccin agressief gepromoot op de markt, en dit viel wel heel toevallig samen met de uitbraak van microcefalie. Dit Tdap vaccin bevat wederom aluminium, een bekende neurotoxisch metaal. Samen met collegas heeft Dr Seneff een medisch artikel gepubliceerd dat stelt dat de combinatie van aluminium en glyfosaat samen erg giftig voor de hersenen zijn.

Vergiftigde velden - Monsanto's glyfosaat, het onderschatte risico

VVD, CDA, SGP en PVV stemden dus voor het opnieuw toelaten van de pesticide glyfosaat van Monsanto

De motie: overwegende dat de Europese Commissie hernieuwde goedkeuring voor de verkoop van glyfosaat op de Europese markt voor de maximale termijn van vijftien jaar voorstelt, ondanks een grote wetenschappelijke controverse over de kankerverwekkende eigenschappen van glyfosaat, ondanks dat glyfosaat een bedreiging vormt voor de biodiversiteit en dat het gebruik van glyfosaat de doelstellingen van de Kaderrichtlijn Water in gevaar brengt.

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Meer dan 80.000 consumenten tekenen tegen toelating glyfosaat

Voedselwaakhond foodwatch roept staatssecretaris Van Dam van Economische Zaken op om zich te verzetten tegen de hernieuwde toelating van het omstreden landbouwgif glyfosaat. Volgende week beslist de Europese Unie over het verlengen van de toelating voor het onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel glyfosaat, dat vorig jaar door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie als waarschijnlijk kankerverwekkend werd aangeduid.

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Zembla - Glyfosaat is waarschijnlijk kankerverwekkend

Nederland is recordhouder in het gebruik van landbouwgif. Maar er zijn groeiende zorgen over de gevolgen hiervan voor mens, dier en milieu. Onder wetenschappers is ophef ontstaan over het veel gebruikte onkruidmiddel glyfosaat. Ook in Nederland wordt het in grote hoeveelheden over de akkers en tuinen gesproeid, onder meer onder de naam Roundup van producent Monsanto, die tot 2000 het patent had op het middel.

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Monsanto’s glyfosaat meest verkochte onkruidverdelger in geschiedenis

Volgens een mijlpaalrapport, gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift ‘Environmental Sciences Europe’, is Monsanto’s herbicide glyfosaat, op de markt gebracht als 'Roundup', de meest gebruikte onkruidverdelger in de geschiedenis van de chemische landbouw in zowel de VS als wereldwijd.

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Tijd voor een nieuwe MacDonald

Vertrouw glyfosaat-studies Monsanto niet

De Partij voor de Dieren wil dat de regering alle Monsanto-onderzoeken over glyfosaat laat beoordelen door onafhankelijke wetenschappers. PvdD-Kamerlid Frank Wassenberg heeft hiertoe dinsdag een motie ingediend samen met Fatma Koşer Kaya (D66). Monsanto probeert al jarenlang de grote risico’s van het bestrijdingsmiddel RoundUp te ontkennen met frauduleuze studies.

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Europese voedselautoriteit moffelt kankerrisico Roundup weg

EFSA vertrouwt ten onrechte op studies van glyfosaat-producenten zelf

In een nieuw rapport laat de Europese voedselveiligheidsautoriteit EFSA haar oren hangen naar de producenten van glyfosaat. Dit kan een eerste stap zijn in de hertoelating van de meest gebruikte gifstof in onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen ter wereld, het bekendst onder de merknaam Roundup van Monsanto. De EFSA baseert zich op niet gepubliceerde studies in opdracht van de producenten van glyfosaat en schuift belangrijk onafhankelijk bewijs over het risico op kanker bij toepassing van de stof ten onrechte terzijde.

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PvdD: geen ontwikkelingsgeld naar Monsanto

De Partij voor de Dieren wil dat er geen ontwikkelingsgeld meer naar Monsanto gaat. De regering ondersteunt de Round Table for Restonsible Soy, waar Monsanto deel van uitmaakt. Esther Ouwehand roept dinsdag tijdens het debat over de gentech-lobby op deze financiering te bevriezen.

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Monsanto schuldig bevonden aan vergiftiging Franse boer

Monsanto heeft inderdaad een afdeling trollen in dienst

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De Amerikaanse stad San Diego daagt Monsanto voor de rechter wegens verkoop chemische stoffen die gezondheid bedreigen


Video - De relatie tussen de pesticiden van Monsanto en Coeliakie

Een interview van de Amerikaanse arts Dr Mercola met MIT onderzoekster Dr Seneff over de relatie tussen Coeliakie en de pesticide Roundup van Monsanto. Dit soort informatie zul je niet in de Nederlandse media horen dus deel de post svp en geef deze kennis door.

Download ook eens deze studie over de gevolgen van Roundup:

Glyphosate, Roundup, Glyphosate-Tolerance GM Soybeans, Chemical Extracted Soybean Food Oil/Soybean Powder Cause Serious Harm to Health of American/Chinese People.


Daniel Bissonnette, at March against Monsanto, Vancouver

Daniel Bissonnette, a very articulate 9 year old, mesmerizes listeners at the March against Monsanto event in Vancouver, on May 24, 2014, asking key questions on why children, the age group most vulnerable to unhealthy food, are subjected to the worst food possible with GMO and pesticides.

GMO-industrie op de helling - Breaking News

In het Franse (en inmiddels internationale) nieuws sinds vanmiddag op radio-tv-internet (hen citerend, 'bom onder GMO-Industrie') :

Jose Bove, vice-president van de Commissie Landbouw in het Europees Parlement en bekend als fervent tegenstander van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen (GMO's), heeft dringend opgeroepen om met onmiddellijke ingang alle EU-gemodificeerde gewassen te stoppen en importvergunningen van GMO-maïs per direct terug te trekken. Dit naar aanleiding van de vandaag in het gerenomeerde Amerikaanse tijdschrift 'Food and Chemical Toxicology' gepubliceerde schokkende resultaten van de franse studie : 'Long Term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genitically modified maize'. Deze studie bewijst eindelijk en eens temeer hoezeer wij gelijk hadden en de Europese Voedselautoriteiten zullen hoogst dringend maatregelen moeten nemen om de voedselveiligheid van Europese burgers te garanderen.

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Video - Monsanto und der WWF - Der Pakt mit dem Panda

Monsanto und der WWF - Der Pakt mit dem Panda GERMAN Deutsch Dokumentation

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Government at the Service of the People…of Monsanto

THe company that is more or less directly responsible for the destruction of agriculture around the world and the promotion of genetically modified crops in places with lax controls.

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No seeds, no independent research

Companies that genetically engineer crops have a lock on what we know about their safety and benefits.

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India says Monsanto covertly, illegally conducted GM corn trials without approval

Recent reports out of India say that multinational biotechnology giant Monsanto has once against skirted the law by clandestinely planting its genetically-modified (GM) corn without receiving approval to do so.

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USDA to allow Monsanto to perform its own GMO studies

Last August, a federal judge admonished the USDA for approving genetically modified seeds without first doing the required environmental impact study. Now, the USDA has a solution--allow the biotech industry to conduct the studies itself. This means that Monsanto and other biotech companies will decide whether to approve their own products.

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Dr. Huber Explains Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO

The warnings of Dr Huber, Professor Emeritus of plant pathology,Purdue University are clear as he shares startling information.

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Intro to the Monsanto Boycott

This web site will be a host to news and information related to Monsanto, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and Organics. You will find articles, videos, commentary, and much much more in the days, weeks and months to come.

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USAID’s Assault on Haitian Agriculture

The new focus was on providing hybrid Monsanto seed to Haitian farmers to address a non-existent seed emergency. The following discussion highlights why WINNER is ill-conceived, poorly managed, and likely to hurt Haitian farmers.

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The Monsanto files - fraud in Roundup / Glyphosate testing

A reminder (if any is needed) that companies working for Monsanto have in the past delivered the results Monsanto wanted, even if the evidence pointed somewhere else....... note the wonderful remark about uterus samples being taken from male rabbits!

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Indian Voices Against Bill Gates’ Colonisation of the Country With Patents, Monopolies

India is ahead of Bill Gates’ game as his plot to profit by seeding the patents market through Africa and India (poor continent and nation) gets criticised even in the Economic Times.

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Our Pledge - Transparency

We commit to complete transparency and shall familiarise the public with scientific information regarding the product safety and the ongoing benefits. We further commit to work within science-based regulations as stated by the government concerned and stated international levels on government instances.

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Use of Monsanto’s RoundUp killing off monarch butterflies

Fields are now planted with genetically modified corn and soybeans resistant to the herbicide Roundup, allowing farmers to spray the chemical to eradicate weeds, including milkweed.

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"AP" - Monsanto shares fall on bug-resistant corn woes

Shares of farm chemical and seed maker Monsanto Co. tumbled nearly 4 percent early Monday on a published report about rootworms that are developing resistance to a natural pesticide made by the company.

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Speak Your Piece - The President and Seed

Seed Savers, is home to a trove of genetically diverse seed. It is the perfect counterpoint to the alarming extent to which ownership of this vital resource is privatized and concentrated. The top three firms, for example, account for more than 75 percent of U.S. corn seed sales.

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Monsanto and Gates Foundation Have Major Control Over Large Global Seed Bank in Norway

My first experience with the perils of large scale seed banks was the scandal that erupted over the Fort Collins collection in the mid 1980s.

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Monsanto uses food crisis to push GM corn in Mexico

Monsanto has turned the drop in international corn reserves and the havoc wreaked on Mexican corn production by an unexpected cold snap into an argument for speeding up commercial planting of its genetically modified (GM) corn in Mexico. The transnational is claiming that its modified seeds are the only solution to scarcity and rising grain prices.

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Vandana Shiva - Alternatives to Monsanto in India

Vandana Shiva explains the effect of GMOs on Indian agriculture-and how to promote home-grown alternatives.

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Organic v. Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30.

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Monsanto GM corn is losing its pest-resistance

Widely grown corn plants that Monsanto Co. genetically modified to thwart a voracious bug are falling prey to that very pest in a few Iowa fields, the first time a major Midwest scourge has developed resistance to a genetically modified crop.

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National Public Radio underwritten by Monsanto?

There was a strong reaction recently observed over public radio stations touting Monsanto and running Monsanto’s promotional ads.

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Glyphosate pollutes air, rain and rivers in US

A new study by the U.S. Geological Survey reveals the pervasive spread of the biocide, glyphosate, mostly used as a weedkiller for crops genetically engineered to resist the herbicide.

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US Sought “Talking Points” to Combat Impact of "The World According to Monsanto"

There are multiple indications in the large cache of US State Embassy cables WikiLeaks has been releasing (extended summary here) that the US State Department is willing to do just about anything to ensure the multinational agricultural biotech corporation, Monsanto, has its interests protected in countries around the world.

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Dead people astroturfing for Monsanto

Below is an extract from an interesting article in the New York Times which describes how the U.S.'s tea party movement is being manipulated to support big business issues by the likes of Andrew Langer, head of the Institute for Liberty - a conservative astroturf (fake grassroots) group that's cosied up to tea party supporters to advance causes for corporate interests.

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Monsanto patents the melon

Monsanto has been awarded a European patent on conventionally bred melons (EP 1 962 578). This type of Melon had been bred for increased resistance to certain plant viruses. Indian melons which display greater disease resistance were simply crossed with other varieties in order to transfer this characteristic. The process and outcome is now a legal invention.

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Combat Monsanto

Welcome to the new international version of Now it’s easy for you to view our articles in English, Spanish and French. Our work is going global and citizens of the world can now see the true face of Monsanto.

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How Growth Hormones In Cows Harm You In The Long Run

In any living mammal, growth hormones are naturally occurring substances which, amongst other things, aid in the growth and development of the species. Naturally occurring growth hormones in cows known as bovine somatotropin (BST) or bovine growth hormone (BGH) is secreted by the cow’s pituitary gland and along with other hormones aids in the production of milk.

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Farmers to Monsanto - Save our seeds

Eastern Washington farmers are increasingly worried about agricultural invasion from Monsanto's unwanted genetically modified and patent-protected seeds.

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Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto

On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against Monsanto Company challenging the chemical giant's patents on genetically modified seed. The organic plaintiffs were forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should their crops ever become contaminated by Monsanto's genetically modified seed.

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Pressure Mounts to Take Monsanto's Roundup off the Market

It's glyphosate, the key - but controversial - ingredient in Roundup herbicide and the top selling weed killer used worldwide. For more than 30 years, glyphosate has been embraced for its ability to make farming easier by wiping out weeds in corn, soybean and cotton fields, and for keeping gardens and golf courses pristine.

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Monsanto - the black stain on the biotech industry

These past traditions are coming back as people become more aware of the systems and politics surrounding the modern food industries.

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Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto over Genetic Contamination

The Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed the suit on behalf of more than 50 organizations challenging the agricultural giant's patents on its genetically modified seeds. The group is seeking a ruling that would prohibit Monsanto from suing the farmers or dealers if their organic seed becomes contaminated with Monsanto's patented biotech seed germplasm.

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Is it Time for the World’s Most Popular Herbicide’s Last Roundup?

there is mounting evidence that the Roundup-Ready miracle was always too good to be true.

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Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada

This is the first study to reveal the presence of circulating PAGMF in women with and without pregnancy, paving the way for a new field in reproductive toxicology including nutrition and utero-placental toxicities.

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Thanks Monsanto - Agent Orange Being Used to Clear Rainforrest in Brazil

Agent Orange is one of the most devastating weapons of modern warfare, a chemical which killed or injured an estimated 400,000 people during the Vietnam War -- and now it's being used against the Amazon rainforest.

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U.S. Subsidizes Brazilian Cotton to Protect Monsanto's Profits

On February 18, Republicans in the House of Representatives defeated an obscure amendment to the House Appropriations bill by a 2-to-1 margin. The Kind Amendment would have eliminated $147 million dollars that the federal government pays every year directly to Brazilian cotton farmers. In an era of nationwide belt tightening, with funding for things like education and the U.S. Farm Bill on the chopping block, defending payments to Brazilian farmers may seem curious.

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US Sought “Talking Points” to Combat Impact of French Documentary on Monsanto

There are multiple indications in the large cache of US State Embassy cables WikiLeaks has been releasing (extended summary here) that the US State Department is willing to do just about anything to ensure the multinational agricultural biotech corporation, Monsanto, has its interests protected in countries around the world.

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PDF - Glyphosate

Very aggressive public relations and marketing by its developer, Monsanto, has resulted in the widespread belief that glyphosate is ‘safe’.

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Farmers Respond To Monsanto’s Attempt To Dismiss Their Case

In mid-July, Monsanto filed a motion with the Federal court in New York to have the Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association (OSGATA), et al., case dismissed against it.

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Genetically modified food - Monsanto madness

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Good News - Evil Monsanto Finally Reaping Its Just Desserts

Monsanto, the giant biotechnology agriculture company that created genetically modified corn, soybeans and herbicides, isn't riding so high this year in the stocks department.

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What Monsanto Chemicals Are In Your Food?

Factory farmers and the chemical industry in America have been looking for ways to increase their profits as quickly as possible for decades. One of the ideas they came up with years ago was to inject cattle with hormones that would make them grow larger, fatter, and faster so that they could get more money for the same product. But as companies like Monsanto pushed this bovine growth hormone, they paid no attention and didn't seem to care what the consequences of genetically modified dairy products would be for the consumers. Joining me now to discuss some of those consequences, as well as how we got into this situation to begin with, is Chris Hunt from Sustainable Table.

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USDA Approved Monsanto GMO Seeds which will Destroy Organic Crops

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How Monsanto put this farmer in court over GMO SEEDS

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GMOs have got to go

A gene in the DNA of Monsanto's genetically modified corn produces the Bt toxin, a pesticide that kills insects. The EPA and Monsanto vowed that the toxin would be destroyed in humans during the digestive process. They were wrong.

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Monsanto Nation - Taking Down Goliath

"If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." After two decades of biotech bullying and force-feeding unlabeled and hazardous genetically engineered (GE) foods to animals and humans, it's time to move beyond defensive measures and go on the offensive. With organic farming, climate stability, and public health under the gun of the gene engineers and their partners in crime, it's time to do more than complain. With over 1/3 of U.S. cropland already contaminated with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), with mounting scientific evidence that GMOs cause cancer, birth defects, and serious food allergies and with new biotech mutants like alfalfa, lawn grass, ethanol-ready corn, 2,4 D-resistant crops, and genetically engineered trees and animals in the pipeline, time is running out.

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Millions Against Monsanto Campaign 2011

The Millions Against Monsanto campaign is taking action across the country, this Saturday, March 26 2011.

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Monsanto helped fund bill to stifle whistleblowers in Iowa

Speaking of Monsanto, it turns out they are playing a role in Iowa's proposed anti-whistleblower bill -- a bill focused primarily on agriculture. Should the bill pass, it will become illegal to produce undercover videos at various types of agricultural facilities (as well as to get a job at a facility with the express intent of producing a video). Sarah Damian of the Government Accountability Project, a "whistleblower advocacy organization," observes over at the Food Integrity Campaign's blog that Monsanto has been throwing lobbying dollars behind Iowa's effort to draw a steel curtain around food production.

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Monsanto's Government Ties

A Monsanto executive told The New York Times that the safety of genetically engineered foods was the government's problem, not the company's.

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W.Va. judge steps out of Monsanto pollution case

A West Virginia judge planning to hear a class-action lawsuit over alleged dioxin pollution from a former Monsanto Co. plant stepped aside Friday, saying he's been diagnosed with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

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Monsanto - Unser ta?glich Gift

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Monsanto Shifts ALL Liability to Farmers

Farmers like genetically modified (GM) crops because they can plant them, spray them with herbicide and then there is very little maintenance until harvest. Farmers who plant Monsanto's GM crops probably don't realize what they bargain for when they sign the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement contract. One farmer reportedly 'went crazy' when he discovered the scope of the contract because it transfers ALL liability to the farmer or grower.

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Media Literacy and Monsanto

Video discusses my research on Monsanto, and my concerns about how the company presents itself and what I feel are questionable ethics.

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Why Monsanto is paying farmers to spray its rivals’ herbicides

Monsanto has been forced into the unenviable position of having to pay farmers to spray the herbicides of rival companies.

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Monsanto's Roundup May End Bananas-And They're Merely the Canary in the Mine

Bananas are dying. They're killed by a fungus, one known to be caused by glyphosate, which is used on bananas. But the loss of bananas may be only the tip of the disaster.

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US Embassy in Sofia Backed Pro-GMO Lobby

Bulgaria's legislation on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) has been carefully followed by the US Embassy in Sofia.

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Who is Monsanto? Why should we care?

Bill Freese, Science Policy Analyst for the Center for Food Safety, gives us a short history on multi-national biotech firm Monsanto and their current activity.

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Climate Change and Agriculture Biodiverse Ecological Farming is the Answer, not Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is embedded in an industrial model of agriculture based on fossil fuels. It is falsely being offered as a magic bullet for dealing with climate change.

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Monsanto Corn Plant Losing Bug Resistance

Widely grown corn plants that Monsanto Co. genetically modified to thwart a voracious bug are falling prey to that very pest in a few Iowa fields, the first time a major Midwest scourge has developed resistance to a genetically modified crop.

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Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDS-like disease

When Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University and internationally-recognized plant pathologist, wrote a letter back in January to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, warning him about a new mystery disease showing up primarily in genetically-modified (GM) crops, the notice fell on deaf ears.

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Monsanto trying to take over world seed supply, nation by nation

He who controls the seed controls the food supply; and he who controls the food supply controls the world.

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Video - Anonymous Vs Monsanto

Monsanto rules the waves tomorrow, Unless we sink her ship. Stop burning crops for Woolworths, And let Organic rip!

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G Edward Griffen - Monsanto transfers all liability to farmers

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If You Missed the Millions Against Monsanto Webinar

We are trying to get groceries and health food stores to do the right thing and label GMO products. We believe if the consumer can easily identify foods that have likely been made with GMOs, they will stop buying them. This will lead to stores taking them off their shelves. We are, however, also going to continue to apply public pressure for mandatory labeling at the congressional and state levels.

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Monsanto wants to start testing GM wheat

Biotechnology giant Monsanto has announced plans to start testing genetically modified (GM) wheat, in spite of prior failures to gain acceptance for the technology.

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Monsanto Corn Plant Losing Bug Resistance

Widely grown corn plants that Monsanto Co. genetically modified to thwart a voracious bug are falling prey to that very pest in a few Iowa fields.

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Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture

The greatest threat to the future of food production in the world is the introduction of genetically engineered foods from the bio-tech industry.

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Organic groups, farmers file preemptive lawsuit against Monsanto to protect themselves from inevitable destruction by GMOs

In order to avoid completely losing their businesses and livelihoods to the predatory business model of Monsanto, 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations have collectively filed a preemptive lawsuit against the multinational biotechnology giant.

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Iowa corn being destroyed by a superbug that has adapted to Monsanto's genetically-modified seed

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The World According to Monsanto - Full Documentary

Documentary aired on French television - a documentary that Americans won’t ever see. This a shocking indictment of the criminal practices of the gigantic bio-tech corporation, Monsanto which is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.

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Rense & Geertson - Monsanto's GM Alfalfa Horror Unleashed

Monsanto successfully contaminated the US Alfalfa industry during a 2005 'window of opportunity'. Heroic alfalfa seed farmer, Phil Geertson, tells of the Monsanto nightmare and his newest court effort to stop them from permanently further destroying the environment with their GM alfalfa...approved for a second time for open use in America

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Monsanto's Round-Up - ernstige schade aan grond en plant

De oorzaak van aantasting van planten- en landbouwgrond! Het intensieve gebruik van Monsanto’s onkruidverdelger, het gif ‘Round-up’ blijkt nu ook schadelijk te zijn. Volgens Bob Kremer, Amerikaans wetenschappelijk overheidsmedewerker, afgelopen vrijdag, blijkt uit allerlei testen dat de schade vooral wordt toegebracht door veranderingen in de landbouwgrond. [Geert]

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Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto to Protect against Contamination

A coalition of organic farming interests have sued Monsanto in what they say is a preventive measure to stop the corporation from unfairly litigating them over the spread of patented seeds.

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Video - A Message from Michael Pollan - Help Protect Our Farmers From Assaults By Monsanto

If you saw the film "Food Inc.", you heard Michael Pollan talking about the prosecution of farmers across the country by Monsanto for patent infringement. Starting several years ago, CFS discovered that Monsanto, the worlds leading agricultural biotechnology company, has used heavy-handed investigations and ruthless prosecutions that have fundamentally changed the way many American farmers farm. The agribusiness giant has sued hundreds of farmers over GMO crops, and has been awarded more than $20 million from these farmers. The result has been nothing less than an assault on the foundations of farming practices and traditions that have endured for centuries in this country and millennia around the world, including one of the oldest the right to save and replant crop seed.

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Monsanto Wins Reversal of Order to Destroy Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets

In a partial win for global biotech seed maker Monsanto Co (MON.N), a U.S. appeals court reversed a lower court's order that called for the destruction of young genetically modified sugar beet plants, according to a ruling released on Friday.

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Gentechnik im Fleisch - Dank der EU und Monsanto nun in Deutschland

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Monsanto corn develops bug resistance

Monsanto Co., the world's biggest seed company, said 100000 acres of corn in Iowa and Nebraska may harbor rootworms that developed resistance to the company's insect-killing biotechnology.

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Monsanto Uses Latest Food Crisis to Push Transgenic Corn in Mexico

At a press conference, the transnational's Latin American President José Manuel Maduro went even further by blaming restrictions on GM corn production in the country for the high level of post-NAFTA imports of the staple. "Mexico's decisión to not move forward [on transgenics] has led to the importation of 10 million tons of corn, a situation that demands a swift response."

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Big protests against GM and Monsanto in India

Please see the coverage of Southern Action on Genetic Enginering's letter to legislators and Ministers from South India. SAGE observed a GM Protest day in 21 cities across South India and Orissa. Over 10,000 citizens, farmers and environmentalists participated in these protests. Letters to over 600 legislators and 100 members of parliament from these states are being sent demanding a GM Free South India.

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Why Monsanto's GM Seeds are Undemocratic

The Obama administration's recent decision to radically expand genetically modified (GM) food - approving unrestricted production of agribusiness biotech company Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" alfalfa and sugar beets - marks a profound deepening of this centralization of food production in the hands of just a few corporations, with little but the profit motive to guide them.

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Monsanto-Spawned Superweeds Growing Three Inches Daily, Destroying Farm Equipment

The proliferation of superweeds -- weeds that have mutated to develop resistance to popular herbicides like Monsanto's Roundup formula -- continues to rise.

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Farmers to Monsanto - Save Our Seeds

Eastern Washington farmers are increasingly worried about agricultural invasion from Monsanto’s unwanted genetically modified and patent-protected seeds, which can threaten a farm’s organic status and land them in court.

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Hazards of Monsanto's New SmartStax Genetically Engineered Corn

This year, we are eating from the first harvest of Monsanto's eight-trait "SmartStax" genetically modified (GM) corn. Approved in 2009 and grown for the first time in North America last year, the new GM corn appears as processed food ingredients and feed for dairy and meat animals.

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Farmers Respond to Monsanto’s Attempt to Dismiss Their Case

In mid-July, Monsanto filed a motion with the Federal court in New York to have the Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association (OSGATA), et al., case dismissed against it.

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From GM crop developer to GM crop regulator - Dr Virgil Meier

In February this year, the USDA deregulated Monsanto/Forage Genetics' GM Roundup Ready alfalfa in the face of massive opposition and in spite of the fact that over 90% of alfalfa is grown without any herbicides at all. A few days ago we put out an article that exposes the corrupt deregulation process at the USDA.

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Monsanto-tied scientist abruptly quits key USDA research post

On a slow Friday afternoon, a surprising bit of news came down the pike - Roger Beachy, head of National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), the main research arm of the USDA, has officially resigned his post, effective May 20.

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Monsanto Chemical Shown to Cause Infertility and Super Weeds

Monsanto's herbicidal chemical glyphosate could cause infertility or cancer. It may also be speeding the growth of super weeds and causing worrying changes to plants and soil.

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Why is damning new evidence about Monsanto' s most widely used herbicide being silenced?

More about the discovery by Dr Don Huber of a pathogenic organism that appears in high concentrations in GM Roundup Ready corn and soybeans and appears to impact the health of plants, animals, and possibly humans.

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The Monsanto Story - By Andy Radford

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Monsanto's "Unlikely" New Business Partner -- A Name You Know Well...

Many have long suspected that U.S. policy on genetically modified (GM) organisms was being influenced by the multinational corporations that profit from genetic engineering and the export-oriented agribusiness. However, recently released Wikileaks cables document just how close that relationship has become.

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Are Monsanto and Pfizer in Bed Together?

It’s no secret that many prominent FDA and USDA officials are former executives of large companies in the pharmaceutical, food and biotech industries.

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Monsanto Corn Plant Losing Bug Resistance

The discovery raises concerns that the way some farmers are using biotech crops could spawn superbugs.

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Alan Watt - Monsanto's Roundup linked to dangerous new Pathogen

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Monsanto places all liability on farmers

An article for (item 1) analysing Monsanto's Technology Agreement, which farmers growing GM crops have to sign, has been doing the rounds on the internet. The article says that the contract places all liability for contamination from Monsanto's GM genes on the farmer... for ever.

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USDA regulators worked with Monsanto to deregulate GM alfalfa

The article exposes the scandalous way in which GM alfalfa was deregulated. In a string of emails between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Monsanto, federal regulators and Monsanto officials shared edits to a list of the USDA's questions about Monsanto's original petition to fully legalize the alfalfa. Later emails show a USDA regulator accepted Monsanto's help with drafting the initial environmental assessment (EA) of the alfalfa and planned to "cut and paste" parts of Monsanto's revised petition right into the government's assessment.

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11-jarige vertelt over de vergif-granen van Monsanto Corporation

Een 11-jarige jongen vertelt over de genetisch gemanipuleerde granen die onze gezondheid schaden en duidelijk met opzet bedoeld is. Deze worden wereldwijd geëxporteerd, ook naar Europa dus.

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"Monsanto, Quit India!" Day, marked across India

Across the country, the demands to the governments were mainly four-fold - no collaborative research partnerships with companies like Monsanto in the state agriculture universities and other institutions in the NARS; no commissioned projects especially for GM crop trials, by these institutions and no GM crop trials in general.

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Monsanto to be prosecuted for biopiracy

In an unprecedented, though much delayed, decision, the National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBA) has decided to initiate legal action against M/s Mahyco/Monsanto and their collaborators for accessing and using local brinjal varieties in developing Bt Brinjal without prior approval of the competent authorities.

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Exposing Monsanto's minions

The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto, What Now? has ignited a long-overdue debate on how to stop Monsanto's earth killing, market-monopolizing, climate-destabilizing rampage.

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Haitian Farmers Fighting Monsanto and Chemical-Intensive Agriculture

Mr. Chavannes and his organization led a protest of 10000 peasant farmers in 2010 during which they burned Monsanto seed that was donated and being distributed by USAID's Watershed Initiative.

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The criminal tale of Monsanto

"What counts for us is making money," said a Monsanto vice-president to a new employee at an induction session in 1998, reminding the idealistic novice that there is a simple, and crude, capitalist philosophy at the heart of the US chemical and biotechnology giant.

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Monsanto's drought-tolerant GM corn no better than conventional varieties

Monsanto's drought-tolerant GM corn does not perform better than comparable conventional varieties.

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USDA Approved Monsanto Alfalfa Despite Warnings of New Pathogen

Dr. Don Huber, a plant pathologist and retired Purdue University professor, wrote in a letter to the USDA that the pathogen is new to science and appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals and probably humans.

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Genetisch gemodificeerde rijst is een paard van Troje: misleid door Bill Gates en Monsanto

De Bill en Melinda Gates Stichting heeft een donatie van $20 million goedgekeurd, te besteden aan de ontwikkeling van "gouden rijst" -- een niet-getest, erg controversiël GM (genetische gemodificeerde) gewas dat de biodiversiteit bedreigt en mogelijk een economische en ecologische ramp betekent voor Aziaatische boerenbedrijven. Voormalig Monsanto directeur leidt het Gouden Rijstinitiatief. [Geert]

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Why Is Damning New Evidence About Monsanto's Most Widely Used Herbicide Being Silenced?

It turns out that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide might not be nearly as safe as people have thought, but the media is staying mum on the revelation.

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Percy Schmeiser - David versus Monsanto

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Monsanto's "Unlikely" New Business Partner -- A Name You Know Well...

Many have long suspected that U.S. policy on genetically modified (GM) organisms was being influenced by the multinational corporations that profit from genetic engineering and the export-oriented agribusiness.

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Gemodificeerd Monsanto katoen schadelijk voor omgeving

Op 11 augustus 2011 heeft de National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBA) een uitzonderlijk besluit genomen. Er worden juridische stappen ondernomen tegen Monsanto en samenwerkende partijen wegens het illegaal gebruik van lokale Brinjal versies om BT Brinjal verder te ontwikkelen.

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Chileans against Monsanto |

Chileans manifest their disagreement with a newly proposed legislation by Minister of Agriculture José Antonio Galilea to adopt GM organisms in the food market, a monopoly industry headed by Monsanto and their minions all over the world.

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Heat on Monsanto over eggplant piracy

American seed giant Monsanto and its Indian collaborator, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) are to be prosecuted for allegedly 'stealing' indigenous plant material for developing genetically modified brinjal variety known as Bt brinjal.

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Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet

There's a whole lot more than just GMO seeds. Let's take a quick look at some of the biotech giant's most dubious contributions to society over the past century.

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Roundup herbicide research shows plant, soil problems

The heavy use of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide appears to be causing harmful changes in soil and potentially hindering yields of the genetically modified crops that farmers are cultivating, a government scientist said on Friday.

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Den Haag gaat Monsanto's Roundup spuiten

Onvoorstelbaar maar de gemeente Den Haag gaat onkruid bestrijden met het omstreden Monsanto gifmiddel Roundup.

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Farmers Defend Right to Protect Themselves From Monsanto Seed Patents

The 83 family farmers, small and family owned seed businesses, and agricultural organizations challenging Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed filed papers in federal court today defending their right to seek legal protection from the threat of being sued by Monsanto for patent infringement should they ever become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed.

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Honey Made Near Monsanto GM Maize May Face EU Limits

Beekeepers with hives close to fields of Monsanto Co. genetically modified maize can't sell their honey in the European Union without regulatory approval, an adviser to the EU's highest court said.

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Grote juridische overwinning voor bio-boer in strijd tegen Monsanto

De oogst van biologische boer Johnson in Minnesota raakte in de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren besmet met bestrijdingsmiddelen van een naburige reguliere boer.

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Chemtrails and Monsanto’s New Aluminum Resistance Gene - Coincidence?

Why did Monsanto Develop an Aluminum Resistance Gene? let’s take a look at journalist Michael Murphy’s research into chemtrails, geo-engineering, and the fact that extremely high levels of aluminum and barium are found in water, snow and soil, in areas shown to have heavy chemtrail patterns.

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Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers

Monsanto Co. (MON), the world’s biggest vegetable seed maker, said it will begin selling genetically modified sweet corn in the U.S. this year, the first product it has developed for the consumer market.

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Monsanto fan Gerda naar Gerda Wereldvoedselorganisatie FAO

Jaja, de Nederlandse promotor van gentech zaden komt als een paard van Troje binnen bij de Wereldvoedselorganisatie FAO. Misschien kan ze een mooi GMO propaganda magazine samenstellen?

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Greenpeace takes on Monsanto over 'pesticides arms race'

*Main ingredient of Monsanto's Roundup weed killer is being linked to cancer, birth defects and Parkinson's disease and should be banned, according to campaigners behind new report

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Indian Farmers Set Fire to Monsanto's Test Plots

"We send today, a very clear message to all those who have invested in Monsanto in India and abroad; take your money out now, before we reduce it to ashes". Karnataka State Farmers Association, India

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270.000 bioboeren strijden tegen Monsanto

Positieve ontwikkelingen in de landbouw. Meer dan 270.000 biologische boeren verenigen zich tegen de agrarische reus Monsanto.

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Monsanto agrees clean-up of toxic Brofiscin quarry in Wales

Monsanto, BP and Veolia found liable by the Environment Agency of dumping thousands of tonnes of cancer-causing chemicals - including PCBs, dioxins and Agent Orange derivatives - in Welsh quarry Monsanto has agreed to help clean-up a quarry in South Wales it is accused of polluting with a cocktail of toxic substances despite consistently refusing to accept liability, the Ecologist can reveal.

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Monsanto Extinction

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Monsanto Cash Helped Fund Bill to Stifle Whistleblowers in Iowa

Speaking of Monsanto, it turns out they are playing a role in Iowa's proposed anti-whistleblower bill -- a bill focused primarily on agriculture.

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Roundup or Roundup-Ready Crops May Be Causing Animal Miscarriages and Infertility

One of the nation’s senior soil scientists alerted the federal government to a newly discovered organism that may have the potential to cause infertility and spontaneous abortion in farm animals, raising significant concerns about human health. Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University, believes the appearance and prevalence of the unnamed organism may be related to the nation’s over reliance on the weed killer known as Roundup and/or to something about the genetically engineered Roundup-Ready crops.

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Monsanto, Dow to Begin Pushing Dangerous 2,4-D Herbicide as 'Solution' to Superweeds

Year after year, GM crop farmers have to battle mutant superweeds that continue to grow stronger and more resistant to the toxic pesticides and herbicides used in GM crop cultivation. But the practice is polluting the environment, contaminating the food supply, and spurring the rampant growth of harmful superweeds.

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De wereld volgens Monsanto

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De wereld volgens Monsanto op Radio 1

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Biologische bloemen tegen ggo-maïs van Monsanto

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When Cocaine and Monsanto's Roundup Collide, War on Drugs Becomes a Genetically-Modified War on Science

At the intersection of cocaine and Roundup in rural South America, Monsanto and the U.S. government are struggling to keep up appearances.

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Monsanto Sues Milk Producer For Advertising It Sells Hormone-Free Milk

Monsanto claims the advertisements give the public the impression artificial growth hormones are not safe. And Monsanto claims that by doing this Oakhurst is directly disparaging Monsanto’s product Posilac, the only artificial growth hormone on the market.

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Monsanto's King Corn Takes Root in Hawaii

On a furrowed hillside suspended between alternate takes on paradise, with rugged, green mountains above and the placid waters of Pearl Harbor below, Hawaii's plantation legacy is constantly re-emerging.

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Rootworm larvae could be resistant to toxin in genetically modified crops

An insect that can fatally weaken the root system of corn crops is overcoming the main line of defense that farmers have against the pest, posing a threat to Minnesota's nearly $5 billion corn crop.

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Der Kampf gegen Monsanto & Co. und die Vorteile des biologischen Landbaus

Die Massen-Selbstmorde indischer Bäuerinnen und Bauern, deren Existenz durch das Saat- und Düngermonopol u.a. der US-Firma Monsanto zerstört wurde, bewegten sie zur Gründung einer Saatgut-Bank auf ihrer Versuchsfarm NAVDANYA im Norden Indiens.

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Monsanto Hired Blackwater to Spy on Animal Rights Activists?

Blackwater was hired by Monsanto a couple years ago to do such things as infiltrate and spy on animal rights activist groups.

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Slow Food USA voices support for organic farmers vs. Monsanto

Tired of living in fear of lawsuits that they claim are unjust, a group of farmers, seed savers, and farm advocates is challenging the agribusiness giant’s right to continue the practice.

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Why Gaza Doesn't Need Monsanto's Wonder Seeds

Climatewire recently ran a rather tedious article rehashing Monsanto's familiar talking points, on the occasion of a media conference put on by the GMO seed/agrichemical giant. Here's a sample - The company's pipeline is teeming with seeds aimed to protect farmers from losses due to pests, heat, drought and nutrient deficiencies. Nitrogen-efficient corn is expected in the next three to 10 years, as are high-yielding soybeans.

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Rechtszaak probeert Monsanto’s patenten op genetische manipulatie (GMO’s) ongeldig te laten verklaren

"Een nieuwe uitvinding om mensen te vergiftigen, dat is geen uitvinding waar je patent op kunt krijgen.” In de Verenigde Staten is op 29 maart 2011 een historische rechtszaak aangespannen om Monsanto’s patenten op genetisch gemodificeerde zaden ongeldig te laten verklaren, en bovendien om het deze firma te verbieden om bedrijven te vervolgen waarvan de oogsten genetisch geïnfecteerd zijn geraakt. [Geert]

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Monsanto and GMOs

As evidence of their wide-reaching influence on human health, let’s consider the Board of Directors of Monsanto Corporation.

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Don Huber on Food Chain Radio - What will the Monsanto Bug do to us?

With its roundup herbicide and roundup-ready genes, the Monsanto Corporation has made growing crops a lot easier. Some, however, say Monsanto’s technology has spawned a new pathogen that causes abortion rates of 20% to 45% in the animals that feed upon the crops.

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Acres USA Interviews Don Huber on Dangers of Monsanto's Roundup-Ready Crops

How does glyphosate differ from herbicides that were popular before it came along?

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What will the Monsanto Bug do to us?

A radio interview with Professor Emeritus Dr. Don Huber, Purdue University.

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Video - Midwest Rising Monsanto Protest

A number of speakers discuss the harmful effects of Monsanto. Topics include the quality of food, the public funding of biotechnology, the plight of global south farmers, dead zones created by industrial agriculture runoff, and the plight of all of those fighting to save seed.

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Monsanto's New "Drought-Resistant" Corn: Tell USDA, "Don't Approve Failure!"

The US Department of Agriculture's review of Monsanto's own data shows that years of investment into so-called "drought-resistant" biotech crops has been nothing more than a risky and very expensive failure.

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Monsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

The following article reveals the devastating and unprecedented impact that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide is having on the health of our soil, plants, animals, and human population.

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Ag Workers Sue Monsanto in Class Action

Sixteen migrant workers say in a federal class action that Monsanto did not pay them as promised and stuffed them into "unsafe, substandard and overcrowded" housing after persuading them to go to Indiana to work in the cornfields.

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Millions Against Monsanto

Millions Against Monsanto is a campaign to demand that genetically engineered food be clearly labeled as such. How much food are we talking about? There are 165 million acres of GMO crops in the US. More than one third of all the cropland: 91% of all soybeans, 88% of cotton, and 75% of corn.

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USDA downplays own scientist’s research on ill effects of Monsanto herbicide

What would happen if a USDA scientist discovered that one of the most commonly used pesticides on the planet with a reputation for having saved millions of tons of US soil from erosion was -- rather than a soil savior -- a soil killer?

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Mexico Doesn't Need Monsanto's Wonder Seeds, Either

Monsanto spends billions of dollars trying to develop and market climate-ready wonder seeds, these farmers have already developed sufficient genetic diversity within their farming systems that they don't need Monsanto's wonder seeds.

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Scientist warns on safety of Monsanto's Roundup

Questions about the safety of a popular herbicide made by Monsanto Co have resurfaced in a warning from a U.S. scientist that claims top-selling Roundup may contribute to plant disease and health problems for farm animals.

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GM foods not served in Monsanto cafeteria

The fight to ban genetically modified foods has won more converts -- some employees of Monsanto the company that is doing the most to promote GM products.

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Genetically modified dilemma, school energy savings

Over the years, other researchers have linked glyphosate use to “cancer, miscarriages and other health problems in people and livestock.”

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Roundup Pesticide Linked to Serious Soil Damage

Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup pesticide, is being linked to damaged soil and roots of treated plants, finds 15 years of study, according to a representative from the USDA.

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The worlds largest human experiment - GMOs, Roundup, and the Monsanto monstrosity

Informed consent is one of the most basic aspects of patient-physician relations, as well as subject-researcher relations in the case of research studies. This involves making the patient aware of and verifying that they understand the risks, benefits, facts, and the future implications of the procedure or test they are going to be subjected to.

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GMOs are a trap that Monsanto is using to take over agriculture

Most Americans have no idea just how pervasive genetically-modified organisms (GMO) have become throughout the food supply.

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Monsanto's control of seeds could yield a Frankenfuture

The World According to Monsanto, the last film in the Good Foods Market and Cafe 2011 series, is a devastating exposé that provides an in-depth look at the domination of the agricultural industry by one of the world's most powerful and controversial corporations.

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Former Managing Director of Monsanto India Blows the Whistle

India is leading the way in exposing Monsanto for what it is - corrupt to the core. The following two articles show how Monsanto regularly faked data to get its transgenic crop varieties approved in India.

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Family Farmers Amplify Legal Complaint Against Monsanto's GMOs

New threats by Monsanto have led to the filing of an amended complaint by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) in its suit on behalf of family farmers.

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Why Monsanto's GM seeds threaten democracy

Large biotech agribusinesses like Monsanto control much of the global seed market with genetically modified (GM) crops. This centralization of GM seeds threatens food safety, food security, biodiversity, and democratic ideals.

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Monsanto's GMO Crops Killing off Monarch Butterflies

As recently as a decade ago, farms in the Midwest were commonly marred - at least as a farmer would view it - by unruly patches of milkweed amid the neat rows of emerging corn or soybeans.

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The secret history of Monsanto, Agent Orange and the mutilation of innocent Vietnamese

(NaturalNews) We still find it difficult to completely forget one of the uglier and far-reaching atrocities of the Vietnam War - the dissemination of a deadly herbicide, Agent Orange. But where we only have movies like Apocalypse Now and a host of war novels to remind us of the majority of the unpalatable actions that took place in the 60s, the repercussions of Agent Orange are still rising and expanding - through the world and media.

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Cheap meat and the role of Monsanto

Cheap meat has become a way of life in much of Europe, but the full price is being paid across Latin America as vast soya plantations and their attendant chemicals lead to poisonings and violence

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The Gates Foundation Invests Millions In Monsanto

Advocates of sustainable agriculture are shocked by the recent discovery of significant financial connection between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and agribusiness titan Monsanto.

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The Monsanto Files

The company that made Agent Orange and PCBs has gone to great lengths to make sure that Americans don't know whether their food has been genetically engineered. Just what are they afraid of?

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It's Official - Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Causes Birth Defects

A new report by some top scientists has nailed it down, and Monsanto isn't going to be happy.

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Monsanto Asks Argentine Farmers to Sign Seed Contracts

Argentina is one of the world's biggest soybean exporters and production is growing, making it a huge potential market for Monsanto's new genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready 2 Yield soy variety.

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The Unholy Alliance - Monsanto, Dupont & Obama

President Obama knows that agribusiness cannot be trusted with the policy and regulatory powers of government.

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Public kept in the dark on Roundup link with birth defects

Industry and EU regulators knew as long ago as the 1980s-1990s that Roundup, the world's best selling herbicide, causes birth defects - but they failed to inform the public

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Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture

The greatest threat to the future of food production in the world is the introduction of genetically engineered foods from the bio-tech industry.

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Video - History of Monsanto

From Agent Orange to Aspartame, Monsanto has had a number of successful products that are terrible for you.

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The Seed Industry's Scary Consolidation

This chart from Phil Howard at Michigan State University shows how three chemical giants, Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta, have come to dominate the agricultural seed industry in the last 10 years.

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Monsanto Responds to Glyphosate/Birth Defects Report

Monsanto responded to our report, "Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?" in a statement on its website.

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Ambassadeur wilde handelsoorlog

De Amerikaanse ambassade in Parijs adviseerde Washington om een handelsoorlog te beginnen tegen ieder land van de Europese Unie dat zich tegen genetisch gemodificeerde gewassen keerde.

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Whole Foods Sells Out To Monsanto

After a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto's Genetically Engineered crops from contaminating the nation's organic farmland, three giants of the organic industry have decided to surrender to Monsanto. Top executives from Whole Foods Market and Organic Valley have publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass commercialization of GE crops, such as Monsanto's controversial Roundup Ready alfalfa, and are prepared to sit down and cut a deal for "coexistence" with Monsanto and US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.

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Dr. Huber Explains Science Behind New Organ

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Project Corndog sticks it to Monsanto

The Saskatchewan farmer made headlines several years ago when he was sued for patent infringement by bio-tech multinational Monsanto after the windblew their genetically modified corn seeds onto Schmeiser's field and contaminated his crops.

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Monsanto - The black stain on the biotech industry

The Monsanto company does not have a Facebook page. They are well aware that if they did, it would just become a wall of constant protest.

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Roundup or Roundup Ready crops may trigger animal miscarriages

A bombshell has been quietly dropped on the website of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. I should disclose, upfront, that the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) is founded and run by my close friend Judith McGeary. Said bombshell is an open letter written by Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University, to Tom Vilsack, presenting a finding of a correlation between either glyphosate or Roundup Ready crops and a new, previously unknown organism that may be the cause of animal miscarriages and infertility.

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Obama admin’s love affair with GMOs is selling America down the river

The freedom to grow one’s own food is a foundational pillar of civilization, and one that absolutely must persist if humanity itself is to exist. But this freedom is rapidly disintegrating in the US, as multinational corporations like Monsanto seize control of the American food supply through the widespread propagation of patented, genetically-modified (GM) seeds and crops.

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Video - Monsanto, Poison & Genes (documentary, 2008)

Monsanto invents, produces and sells genetically modified seeds. As a chemical producer of saccharin and caffeine founded in 1901, Monsanto (and Dow Chemical and Diamond Shamrock) manufactured the higly poisenous herbicide and defoliant Agent Orange for the war in Vietnam which was excessivly used. About 80 000 m³ of Agent Orange was sprayed across South Vietnam. 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to agent orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects. Agent Orange also increases the risk of various types of cancer and genetic defects. Shortly after the Vietnam War veterans reported various health complications which can be traced to exposure to Agent Orange. No Vietnamese have ever received any kind of compensation.

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Video - Top 2 Ways You Help Monsanto Every Day

Great video. Here are 3 more things we can do to STOP MONSANTO- 1) stop using artificial sweeteners in gum, sodas,etc. 2) stop buying processed/ junk food, as they are FULL of GMOs (all the big food co. buy GMO grains, soy, etc. fr Monsanto). 3) stop buying factory farmed dairy & meat products- full? of chems, artificial hormones, arsenic, etc. Yes, Monsanto is behind these too. Buy local, organic, fair trade as often as possible.Grown some of your own food.

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Haiti to Monsanto - "Take Your Seeds and Get Out!"

Why would the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere that had recently been rattled by a devastating earthquake protest the gift of seed?

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Beware of monsanto

For the First Time Ever, Monsanto Will be Marketing its Products Directly to Consumers with Sweet Corn - Serious Implications.

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Demands for action on growing Roundup

Growing demands in Danish parliament for action against Roundup pesticide - increasingly found in groundwater.

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Monsanto among the worst corporate lobbyists

Why lobby the government when you can be part of it? Former Monsanto vice-president Michael Taylor is now a senior adviser to the US Food and Drug Administration - going from a corporation that aggressively promotes its genetically modified crops to a body that advises on food safety.

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The trouble with Monsanto and GMO

“Because we aren’t certain about the effects of GMOs, we must consider one of the guiding principles in science, the precautionary principle. Under this principle, if a policy or action could harm human health or the environment, we must not proceed until we know for sure what the impact will be. And it is up to those proposing the action or policy to prove that it is not harmful.”

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Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDS-like disease

When Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University and internationally-recognized plant pathologist, wrote a letter back in January to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, warning him about a new mystery disease showing up primarily in genetically-modified (GM) crops, the notice fell on deaf ears.

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How to Bring Down Monsanto

We, in the U.S., look to the EU and other countries as examples of what "could be." GMO labeling has been the norm there for years now. Just about every GMO speaker or book speaks to the importance of labeling.

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Tell all the farmers you know Monsanto Shifts ALL Liability to THEM

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Monsanto Indian Farmer Suicide

Mauritian Farmers need to be educated about the threats posed by giants corporations who produce Genetic modified seeds. Hundreds if not thousands of farmers have committed suicide during the last couple of years due to the unethical business trade and lies. We must work and educate the farmers in Mauritius not to make such mistake. The farmers should keep using the usual seeds that is organic. From India to America, Farmers have been complaining and many have lost it all and have paid with their life.

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Monsanto - Just don't do it

Many of the so-called facts produced by Monsanto, the world's largest seed company, have been proven wrong long ago, they assert.

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Video - GMO Monsanto vs Percy Schmeiser

Percy Schmeiser has been growing canola for 40 years. He's been experimenting, developing his own varieties, using his own seed. Then Monsanto, the giant multinational agro-chemical company that is at the forefront of developing genetically modified foods, accused him of patent infringement and demanded restitution for its seeds. They stole his plants, seeds & research because of cross pollenation with GMO plants that other people had planted within pollenaton range. If GMO's touch your crops... Monsanto owns your crop and will sue you. Pollenation is not containable. "I never put those plants on my land," says Schmeiser. "The question is, where do Monsanto's rights end and mine begin?"

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50% of Rats Given this Died -- Why is it On Your Dinner Plate?

I've often said that chemical exposure in our environment is a pervasive threat, and the report of the herbicide glyphosate being detected in 60 to100 percent of air and rain samples is a perfect illustration of this sad truth.

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New threats by Monsanto against organic farmers

New threats by Monsanto have led to the filing of an amended complaint [link] by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) in its suit on behalf of family farmers, seed businesses, and organic agricultural organizations challenging Monsanto's patents on genetically modified seed.

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Pennsylvania Farmers Sued for Saving Monsanto Wheat Seeds

An Erie County wheat farmer has become the latest target of a St. Louis agricultural biotech giant’s ongoing effort to protect its patents.

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10 Zaken die Monsanto liever geheim zou houden!

De in één woord misdadige praktijken van de ‘fabrikanten’ van genetische gemanipuleerde zaden, zoals het uiterst corrupte Monsanto, lijken steeds maar weer met ambtelijke dekens te worden toegedekt. [Geert]

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Not So Whole Foods organic means Monsanto GMO

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Levy en de slag om voedsel door Monsanto

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Video - Monsanto pays, small justice for organic farms

Adam explains the victory for organic farmers against Monsanto.

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Scientist warns on safety of Monsanto's Roundup

Questions about the safety of a popular herbicide made by Monsanto Co have resurfaced in a warning from a U.S. scientist that claims top-selling Roundup may contribute to plant disease and health problems for farm animals.

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Could Monsanto Be Hiding Weakness?

Sometimes goodwill, especially when it's excessive, can foreshadow problems down the road. Could this be the case with Monsanto?

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Gates Foundation is Lobbying for Monsanto Shareholders

For Gates, solving the world’s hunger needs to be a profitable enterprise and he wants to be part of the profit-making.

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USDA Moves to Let Monsanto Perform Its Own Environmental Impact Studies on GMOs

Last August, Federal Judge Jeffrey White issued a stinging rebuke to the USDA for its process on approving new genetically modified seeds. He ruled that the agency's practice of "deregulating" novel seed varieties without first performing an environmental impact study violated the National Environmental Policy Act.

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Percy Schmeisers - battle against Monsanto (1.22 uur)

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Monsanto is Poisoning Us

Famous Scientist, Don Huber Exposes Hazards of Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide

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Video - Avoid Dangers Produce

Monsanto chemicals has produced a deadly herbacide that can make you and your family ill. Here is how to avoid it.

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Video - Skype Interview With Filmmaker Bertram Verhaag

Bertram discusses his controversial film, Scientists Under Attack, which Monsanto has repeatedly tried to get out of circulation. This film is difficult to get in the United States.

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Scientists under attack - the destruction of biodiversity

Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that now dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves prove that 95% of the research in the area of genetic engineering is paid by the industry. Only 5% of the research is independent. The big danger for freedom of science and our democracy is evident. Can the public - we all - still trust our scientists?

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USDA downplays own scientist’s research on ill effects of Monsanto herbicide

What would happen if a USDA scientist discovered that one of the most commonly used pesticides on the planet with a reputation for having saved millions of tons of US soil from erosion was - rather than a soil savior - a soil killer?

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Herbicide Tolerance and Monsanto's GM Crops

The widespread and increasingly intensive use of glyphosate in association with the use of GM (genetically modified) crops poses further risks to the environment and human health.

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Obama appoints Monsanto's vice president as senior advisor to the commisioner at the FDA

Michael Taylor was just appointed senior advisor to the commissioner of the FDA. This is the same man that was in charge of FDA policy when GMO's were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety.

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Ginkgo Biloba protects against toxicity of Monsanto Roundup

Treatment with G. biloba produced amelioration in indices of hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, lipid peroxidation, and genotoxicity relative to Group II. Each dose of G. biloba provided significant protection against glyphosate-induced toxicity, and the strongest effect was observed at a dose of 150?mg/kg of body weight. Thus, in vivo results showed that G. biloba extract is a potent protector against glyphosate-induced toxicity, and its protective role is dose-dependent.

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Agent Orange Being Used to Clear Brazil’s Rainforest

According to officials, ranchers in Brazil have begun spraying the highly toxic herbicide over patches of forest as a covert method to illegally clear foliage, more difficult to detect that chainsaws and tractors.

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Vrijwilligers gezocht om alle kruiden in het wild uit te roeien

Vrijwilligers gezocht!Dat moet niet zo moeilijk zijn. Heerlijk buiten aan het werk en verzekerd van snelle resultaten. Spuit met ‘Roundup’ in de hand en de kruiden zullen als sneeuw voor de zon verdwijnen.

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Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push GE Crops on Africa

Skimming the Agricultural Development section of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation web site is a feel-good experience - Africanfarmers smile in a bright slide show of images amid descriptions of the foundation's fight against poverty and hunger.

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Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Monsanto Man

The following 98 organizations are writing you to express our opposition to the nomination of Islam Siddiqui as Chief Agriculture Negotiator at the office of the United States Trade Representative.

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Exclusive Monsanto agrees clean-up of toxic Brofiscin quarry in Wales

Environment Agency finds Monsanto, BP and Veolia liable for clean up after thousands of tonnes of cancer-causing chemicals - including PCBs, dioxins and Agent Orange derivatives - dumped in Welsh quarry.

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Birth Defects Caused By World's Top-Selling Weedkiller Roundup, Scientists Say

The chemical at the heart of the planet's most widely used herbicide -- Roundup weedkiller, used in farms and gardens across the U.S. -- is coming under more intense scrutiny following the release of a new report calling for a heightened regulatory response around its use.

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WikiLeaks - U.S. Against Europe Over Monsanto GM Crops

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks reveal the Bush administration drew up ways to retaliate against Europe for refusing to use genetically modified seeds. In 2007, then-US ambassador to France Craig Stapleton was concerned about France's decision to ban cultivation of genetically modified corn produced by biotech giant Monsanto. He also warned that a new French environmental review standard could spread anti-biotech policy across Europe. We speak with Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology.

Monsanto patenting death

Waarheid over Monsanto

Monsanto - Silent Forest - The Growing Threat Genetically Engineered Trees

This award winning documentary film explores the growing global threat of genetically engineered trees to our environment and to human health. The film features renowned geneticist and host of PBS' The Nature of Things David Suzuki, who explores the unknown and possibly disastrous consequences of improperly tested GE methods. Many scientists and activists are interviewed in the film, which serves as an effective and succinct tool for understanding the complex issue of GE trees. The film includes the testimony of many experts on the subject and serves as a valuable tool to inform students and those interested in environmental issues. The film has been well used in public forums, government as well as college and high school classrooms.  The film includes an interview with Percy Schmeiser, who lost the rights to his own crops to Monsanto, when Monsanto seeds contaminated his fields.

Waarom Monsanto boeren betaalt om onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen te gebruiken van haar concurrent

Monsanto betaalt boeren een extra 12 dollar voor elke hectare die met nog tenminste twee andere bestrijdingsmiddelen worden bespoten. Je kunt je voorstellen dat boeren een flink extra zakcentje kunnen verdienen wanneer miljoenen hectare land in het zuiden en midwesten van de VS worden bespoten met de gifcocktails die door Monsanto worden gesubsidieerd.

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Sprookje van chemiebedrijf Monsanto uit

Het Amerikaanse concern Monsanto creëerde met behulp van genetische manipulatie nieuwe rassen soja, katoen, koolzaad en mais die een groot deel van de wereld veroverden. Echter zijn de gouden tijden voor het bedrijf nu voorbij, wanneer naar de beurskoers van het bedrijf gekeken wordt. De grootste zaadproducent ter wereld staat nu te boek als het beroerdste aandeel van 2010.

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Goed nieuws! Plagen bedreigen zaadveredelaar Monsanto

Het Amerikaanse concern Monsanto verdiende als geen ander aan het bestrijden van plagen, maar nu lijkt het zelf te worden getroffen door de zeven plagen van Egypte. Monsanto schiep met behulp van genetische manipulatie nieuwe rassen soja, katoen, koolzaad en mais die een groot deel van de wereld veroverden. Maar de gouden tijden lijken voorbij, en dat is te zien aan de beurskoers. De grootste zaadproducent ter wereld wordt nu betiteld als 'het beroerdste aandeel van 2010'.

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One Farmer's Battle with Monsanto

Percy Schmeiser has been growing canola--the yellow-blossomed oilseed once known as rapeseed--in Saskatchewan for 40 years. In 1998, Monsanto, the multinational agro-chemical seed company, found its patented genes growing in Schmeiser's fields, accused him of patent infringement and demanded restitution for its seeds. Schmeiser decided to fight, and set off a legal battle that reached the Canadian Supreme Court. Schmeiser argued that the GMOs seeds found on his farm were created when pollen from GMO canola from an adjacent field drifted over. The Supreme Court ruled that didn't matter: however the genes got into his field, they were Monsanto's intellectual property and he had to pay for them. Please join us for a talk by Percy Schmeiser, followed by a conversation with Professor Michael Pollan (Journalism) and Ignacio Chapela (Microbial Ecology) and Schmeiser.

David Versus Monsanto - 52min Documentary

Blackwater customers Monsanto and the Percy Schmeiser story

The Chemistry of Monsanto

Croatian gardeners tempted by Monsanto?

While food tree garden diversity is intact so far in Croatia vegetable diversity is shrinking because now that former communist country have supermarket chains selling seeds imported from Italy in this case. Monsanto appears linked at the faculty of agriculure in Zagreb the capital and Seminis Monsanto seed company is trading in Croatia.

Choosing mass suicide over hunger in India

In eastern India, crop failure due to a severe 2-year drought is pushing one village to take extreme measures. The inhabitants are threatening to commit mass suicide. In the village of Jarad in a remote part of eastern India, Surendra Karmali lives alongside his family, including his little grandson. While his life may look like a happy picture, the reality is quite the opposite. With no food to eat, Surendra and over 20 other farmers in the small village of about 300 families have threatened to commit mass suicide.

Monsanto GMOs making Americans fat?

Among all developed countries, Americans are the fattest people in the world. The World Health Organization found over 60% of the American population is obese or overweight. Even more disturbing, the U.S. is the only country in the developed world to label obesity a national security health risk. Top Pentagon officials have warned Americans are becoming so fat, most of those volunteering for the Army are disqualified because of their size. Child obesity is also on the rise in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control estimates 1 in every 3 American kids are either obese or overweight. Jeffrey Smith, the author of Seeds of Deception, points to the mass production and consumption of genetically modified foods in the U.S. as a possible source of the problem.

Octrooi Monsanto minder sterk na uitspraak Europees Hof

Het Amerikaans agrochemiebedrijf Monsanto heeft slecht nieuws gekregen van het Europees Hof van Justitie. Monsanto heeft in de EU een aantal DNA-sequenties onder octrooi die sojaplanten resistent maken tegen het herbicide Roundup.



Monsanto Harasses Indiana Farmers

How Monsanto put this farmer in court over GE seed

Moe Parr is a seed cleaner in Indiana, USA. In February 2007, Monsanto initiated a law suit against him. The biotech company claimed that Moe had encouraged farmers of genetically engineered soybean to save their seed. Moe is one of many farmers in North America who've faced coercion from Monsanto through legal and economic pressure. "Monsanto doesn't really care that you win the case because as soon as you win the case, they're going on to the next court," says Moe. Along with Canadian farmer Ross Murray, Moe is in Australia to speak with Australian farmers about his experiences with GE crops.

Support Australian farmers who don't want to grow GE crops by asking your government to:
* stay/go GE-free
* introduce strict liability law that puts the responsibility for contamination onto the GE seed companies.

Discussie over Monsanto gentech ellende

Na lange tijd zie je dat ook Nederlanders een beetje doorkrijgen wat voor ellende we de komende jaren kunnen gaan verwachten door gentech zaden van onze vrienden bij Monsanto. Het paard van troje dat Europa zo graag naar binnen wil halen. Ondanks dat Oostenrijk, Ierland, Luxemburg en ook de Fransen steeds meer in verzet komen tegen deze Frankenstein voeding slikt de Nederlandse overheid de GMO propaganda helaas nog altijd voor zoete koek. Met name CDA minister Verburgh was een groot voorstander van gentech soja als goedkoop varkensvoer. Maar ja, goedkoop blijkt vaak op termijn duurkoop en afhankelijkheid van een multinational.


An interview with a Haitian farmer on Monsanto seeds


Multinationals en in dit geval Monsanto, voeren oorlog tegen de mensheid. Dit klinkt misschien wat overdreven maar dat gevoel bekruipt je wel als je naar deze video kijkt. Ze gebruiken geen kogels maar zaden. Dit zul je nooit zien op onze nationale TV-zenders!

Video is in het engels

Fred de Groot

Haiti monsanto donations protest

Monsantozaden vergiftigd geschenk voor Haïti?

De gift van Monsanto wordt niet door alle boeren met open armen onthaald. "De zaden die Monsanto geeft aan het Haïtiaans ministerie van landbouw zijn genetisch gemodificeerd en daarom een vergiftigd geschenk", zegt Chavannes Jean Baptiste van de boerenorganisatie La Via Campesina. "We verbranden de zaden nog liever dan ze te gebruiken".



India verwikkeld in een bitter bestreden GM debat over Monsanto

In de katoenvelden van Vidarbha in Centraal-India, is verdriet een constante metgezel. Er zijn hartverscheurende verhalen over zelfmoorden van boeren die katoenzaad van GM hebben gekocht waarna hun gewassen en oogsten mislukken. Die verschrikkelijke statistieken hebben aanleiding gegeven tot een bitter debat, op hetzelfde moment dat de Indiase regering overweegt toestemming te geven van de eerste genetisch gemodificeerd GM voedsel productie, aubergine.

Eric van Staalduinen


Monsanto Blockade

Action group Round Up Monsanto successfully shut down the main Monsanto plant in the Netherlands, formally De Ruiter Seeds. Forty activists chained themselves to the entrance gate at the wake of day and prevented personnel from entering the office buildings and greenhouses. Thierry Boyer, head of Monsanto's European vegetable division, contacted his superiors and decided not to press charges.As a result the police will not interfere. " The company will be effectively close for the day", the police chief in charge confirmed. Clearly Monsanto is afraid of more negative publicity connecting the company to a police eviction, and prefers to close down the plant where 350 people are employed. Many employees welcomed the action and said they were not happy with the take over of De Ruiter Seeds by Monsanto in 2008. This action is part of the growing world wide resistance against Monsanto and other multinational agro-businesses. Banners on the gates and on the Monsanto logo on the premises said: "Monopoly on food and toxic agriculture - the world according to Monsanto" and "Imagine a world without poison and without GMO's - a world without Monsanto". De Ruiter Seeds is the 3d Dutch vegetable seed company that was bought up by Monsanto in recent years. With these acquisitions the company aims to monopolise the vegetable seed market. Monsanto is part of the 'Round Table of Responsible Soy' (RTRS), a greenwash initiative to label RoundupReady GM soy as 'responsible'. The label will be launched in June this year.

Farm Groups Want Action On Monsanto

A coalition of family farmers, consumers and other critics of corporate agriculture are calling on the U.S. government to crack down on what they see as unfair consolidation of the nation's food system into the hands of a few multinationals --particularly Monsanto.

Crop case: Genetically engineered corn

For the first time in US history, the supreme court will hearing a case against genetically engineered crops. The legal battle is between corporate biochemical giant Monsanto and Geertson Seeds Farms, a small farming business which contends Monsanto's roundup herbicide Alfalfa cross-contaminates into clean farms lands. The hearing comes after a 2 year ban on Monsanto's Alfalfa seeds for deregulation issues. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched an investigation into Monsanto's Alfalfa to determine whether it poses health and environmental dangers.

Gift im Angebot: Die Erfolgsstory des US-Multis Monsanto

Bedreigend monopolie, Monsanto wil nu ook afgeleide producten tot intellectueel eigendom verklaren

''De multinational probeert zo de gehele keten in de levenmiddelenproductie onder controle te krijgen. Dat was al eerder in de plantaardige sector het geval, nu doet Monsanto pogingen daartoe in de veehouderij. Boeren en consumenten zijn de dupe.''


Stem dus vooral geen CDA, het CDA heeft tot nog toe vooral de economische belangen hoog in het vaandel, dat is wat telt, schaamteloos.


Ron Slaats

India Blocks Sale of Monsanto GM Crop

India has put a halt to plans to allow genetically modified eggplant from the agri-giant Monsanto to be sold on the Indian market. On Tuesday, the Indian government reversed a decision to allow Monsanto to sell its eggplant crop, known as Bt Brinjal. It would have been Indias first genetically modified food crop and the worlds first commercially cultivated genetically modified vegetable.

Monsanto: Boeren strijden tegen de dictatuur van het agrarische syndicaat

"Hallo allemaal, mijn naam is Larry Dinner. Ik wil het hebben over macht. De macht van mensen. Wij zitten in een strijd. Werkers, boerenfamilies. Democratische rechten staan in een pitch battle tegen dictatuur en het grote kapitaal. En dat is waar we het over hebben. Het kapitaal zorgt voor dictatuur over de mensen. Wij moeten begrijpen dat dit een internationale strijd is.


Katoenrups zet Monsanto voor schut

Indiase katoenboeren zitten met een grote sof nu blijkt dat het dure genetisch gemanipuleerde katoenzaad van het Amerikaanse biotechnologiebedrijf Monsanto de vraatzuchtige katoenworm niet op afstand kan houden. Het is de tweede rel in korte tijd rond gengewassen in India.



Patents on Pigs?

This is getting out of hand. People need to be informed NOW. I want non-GMO, natural, native, unpatented, chemical-free (as much as is realistic), sustainable food available to me and my family in the future! Please help me!


Monsanto: Farmer Suicides in India

Scientists Under Attack - Genetic engineering in the magnetic field of money

In the early 90s the Agro-Chemicals-Multi Monsanto introduces genetically modified plants onto the market, which is the equivalent of an agricultural revolution for some that will solve all the worlds food problems. Others view these plants as an irrevocable destruction of bio-diversity on this planet that needs to be fiercely combated. Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that now dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves prove that 95% of the research in the area of genetic engineering is paid by the industry. Only 5% of the research is independent. The big danger for freedom of science and our democracy is evident. Can the public we all still trust our scientists?

Monsanto heeft zijn pijlen op alfalfa gericht

Genetic food giant Monsanto is at it again. Its next target: a new product that could eliminate all organic alfalfa, a key food for raising organic-fed cows and pigs without any genetic engineering. The USDA is well on its way to approving Monsanto's genetically modified alfalfa. In its own report, the USDA says that not enough consumers care enough about organic foods for the USDA to block Monsanto' modified alfalfa seeds.

Abdul Qayyum


Did FDA's Monsanto GMO seed plot include Michael R. Taylor?

For decades, the Monsanto Corporation of St. Louis has been slowly dominating the world's supply of seed for staple crops (corn, soybeans, potatoes) -- a business plan that Monsanto's critics say is nothing short of diabolical. Monsanto says it is just devilishly good business. Monsanto has spent over $30 billion in recent years buying numerous U.S. seed companies. As a result, two firms, Monsanto and Pioneer (recently purchased by DuPont), now control the U.S. seed business. Monsanto specializes in genetically modified seeds -- seeds having particular properties that Monsanto has patented. The U.S. government is very enthusiastic about these new technologies. From the viewpoint of U.S. foreign policy, genetically modified seeds offer a key advantage over traditional seeds: because genetically modified seeds are patented, it is illegal for a farmer to retain seed from this year's crop to plant next year. To use these patented seeds, farmers must buy new seeds from Monsanto every year. Thus, a farmer who adopts genetically modified seeds and fails to retain a stock of traditional seeds could become dependent upon a transnational corporation. Nations, whose farmers are dependent upon corporations for seed, might forfeit considerable political independence. The Clinton/Gore administration has been aggressively helping Monsanto promote new, untested gene-altered products, by-passing U.S. health and safety regulations. A key component of the U.S./Monsanto plan to dominate world agriculture with genetically modified seeds is the absence of labeling of genetically engineered foods. All U.S. foods must carry labels listing the ingredients: salt, sugar, water, vitamins, additives, etc. However, three separate U.S. government agencies -- the Food & Drug Administration (FDA, the. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- have ruled that genetically- modified foods deserve an exception: they can be sold without being labeled "genetically modified." This strategy has successfully prevented consumers from exercising informed choice in the marketplace, reducing the likelihood of a consumer revolt, at least in the U.S., at least for now.

Monsanto en de boeren

Interview met de Canadese boer Percy Schmeiser. Zal genetische manipulatie het hongerprobleem uit de wereld helpen? Volgens Percy Schmeiser alleszins niet, wat de zaadmultinationals ook beloven. Schmeiser is een Canadese boer die samen met zijn vrouw de strijd is aangegaan tegen Monsanto. ‘Het enige waar Monsanto op uit is, is controle te verwerven over de gigantische markt van de zaden’, aldus Schmeiser. Onlangs was hij in België om de boeren hier zijn verhaal te vertellen.



Pig patent (FullMovie)

Studie toont aan dat 3 mais varianten van Monsanto een gezondheidrisico dragen

Een studie in "the International Journal of Biological Sciences" demonstreert de giftigheid van 3 genetisch gemodificeerde maisrassen van het Amerikaanse zadenbedrijf Monsanto.


Monsanto - Gift und Gene

Monsanto Patent For A Pig - The Big Business Of Genetics

Documentary concerning the controversy surrounding the the American biotechnology firm, Monsanto, who applied for a patent for pig breeding in 160 countries. The patent is for specific parts of the genetic material of pigs which Monsanto's genetic researchers have decoded. With the grant, pig breeding would be possible with the approval of the company.  The patent applications were published in February 2005 at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva. A Greenpeace researcher who monitors patent applications, Christoph Then uncovered the fact that Monsanto is seeking patents not only on methods of breeding, but on actual breeding herds of pigs as well as the offspring that result. Farmers and breeders are naturally alarmed because these genes have long existed in the great majority of their pigs. Using DNA tests they can prove that there is no new invention in the patent applications but that, instead, granting this patent would be to allow a part of nature to fall into the hands of a single company.

ARD - Monsanto gift auf aeckern

Monsanto weer stapje dichterbij wereldoverheersing

Vandaag op "EU laat genmaïs toe". Ja lieve mensen, we hebben er weer zo’n goedgekeurd topproduct bij. Moeder Natuur maakt haar mais volgens ons verheven wezens natuurlijk niet goed genoeg, en dus passen we wat genetische manipulatie toe zodat dat falende moedertje een "handje geholpen" kan worden. Wij mensen weten tenslotte veel beter wat goed voor ons (en de rest van de flora en fauna) is dan Moeder Natuur zelf. Jeweetog.



Franse hof: Monsanto heeft gelogen over onkruidverdelger Roundup

Terwijl onze minister Verburg van landbouw braaf achter achter agro gigant Monsanto aanloopt en maar al te graag gentech voeding voor haar bioindustrie varkens ons land wil binnenhalen zijn de Fransen gelukkig niet zo goedgelovig. De Franse milieubeweging diende namelijk al in 2001 een klacht in over het produkt Roundup. Deze herbicide (onkruidverdelger) zou volgens Monsanto biologisch afbreekbaar zijn en zou de grond niet vervuilen. Het hoogste Franse gerechtshof heeft nu bepaald dat Monsanto hierover heeft gelogen. Het bedrijf staat in de VS bekend om de gewetenloze rechtszaken tegen kleine boeren die in verzet komen tegen de vervuilingen van hun gewassen door Monsanto. Kijken hoelang het duurt voordat de EU iets doet aan de mooie gentech sprookjes van deze Amerikaanse toko. Oostenrijk heeft intussen al ontdekt dat het gentech mais van de firma onze vruchtbaarheid bedreigd. Voor de Nederlandse overheid geen enkele reden om eens kritisch te kijken naar de zaak. Goedkoop voer voor de varkens is belangrijker dan onze gezondheid. Blij dat ik geen varkens eet want uiteindelijk eet je dat voer zelf ook weer op.....


Monsanto - Studien widerlegen Unbedenklichkeit von Roundup

Na wenns jetzt schon Studien darüber gibt, werden sich unsere Politiker sich das doch nochmal durch den Kopf gehen lassen, oder? Schließlich haben sie ja kein Interesse daran, dass die Bevölkerung mit Giften vollgepumpt wird...nur weils Geld bringt...!?
Weitere Informationen auf

Terzake: Alles over chemiereus Monsanto

The Monsanto Genetic Conspiracy

Monsanto in deutschen Behörden

Der Genehmigungs-Klüngel für Gentechnik-Mais in den obersten Etagen der Regierung. Monsanto hat direkten Kontakt zum Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz.

Monsanto Patent for a Pig

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

The World According to Monsanto

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Nelson VS Monsanto

Monsanto continues its lawsuit against a North Dakota family farm, despite an independent body’s ruling that it found no evidence of wrongdoing. Roger, Rodney and Greg Nelson grow soybeans, wheat and sugar beets on 8,000 acres outside of Amenia, ND, in the Red River Valley.


Monsanto: Extinction

Argentina's Food Farmers Trumped by Soy

In this episode of Latin Pulse we focus on the struggle between Argentine food farmers and transnational soy producers. The soy producers bribe landowners and buy lands inhabited by indigenous tribes such as the Toba, Mocoví and Wichí among others, and bulldoze the forest to plant Monsanto soy.

David Versus Monsanto - 52min documentary

Voorbeeld van een boer die gemangeld werd door Monsanto

Download rechtbankverslag

Praktijken van gentech-bedrijf Monsanto

Documentaire over de praktijken van gentech-bedrijf Monsanto. Over varkens die onvruchtbaar  worden na het eten van BT-Corn, boeren die boetes moeten betalen omdat hun land verontreinigd is met gepatenteerde gewassen, en over boeren die straks moeten betalen voor elk nieuw biggetje   omdat Monsanto de genetische code van het varken heeft gepatenteerd.   Video.Google Uitgezonden op Canvas Terzake.





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