De Nederlandse
GGD’s hebben besloten mensen die denken ziek te zijn van
elektromagnetische straling voortaan serieus te helpen. Hen
overtuigen dat ze voor niks bang zijn, werkt namelijk niet
volgens deze "experts".
Blijkbaar wil de GGD niet naar kritische onderzoekers die geen
banden met de sektor hebben luisteren. Het bekende verhaal
dat we al eerder zagen bij het ontkennen van
schade door BPA en roken in het verleden, er waren toen zelfs
artsen die reclame voor roken maakten. Ook duurde het 12 jaar
voordat kinderartsen hormoonverstoorders als BPA en nu BPS serieuzer
Men is blijkbaar te kortzichtig
om eens naar de onderzoeken van
de Zweedse
professor Olle Johanssen of
professor Pall te kijken die wijzen op de verstoring van
bloedhersenbarriere, calciumionkanalen en
gevolgen bij autoimmuunproblemen.
Zie je nu weer in de telecom
en GMO
sector. In Zweden is EMF gevoeligheid een erkende ziekte,
hier zijn we nog achterlijk op dit gebied. Net zoals bekend is dat
10-15% gevoelig is voor magnetische veranderingen in de kosmos. Maar
ook dat is hier onbekend.........
Onderzoek dus zelf welke rol je smartphone etc speelt bij je
klachten dan heb je al snel je antwoorden. In mijn geval speelde
WIFI een verstorende rol qua slijmvliezen en linker oog maar pas
als ik heel dichtbij een bron zit, dus waardes boven de 1000µW/m˛.
Met lagere waardes heb ik geen klachten. Idem met het radar in
Soesterberg, pas dichtbij het hek van de vliegbasis bij waardes
boven de 1000µW/m˛
krijg ik last van mijn ogen en slijmvliezen
onder de ogen.
Kijk ook eens naar de links hieronder en vorm je eigen mening
want we worden de laatste jaren gebombardeerd met industrie
propaganda en experts met banden met de telecom industrie.
Prof. Martin Pall - How WiFi & other EMFs Cause Biological
How Wireless Devices Cause Cell Harm: Voltage Gated Calcium
Joel Moskowitz, PhD- Cell Phones, Brain Cancer and Public
Dr. Moskowitz is the Director of the Center for Family and
Community Health, U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health. Dr.
Moskowtiz reveals a new perspective on the research linking cell
phones to an increased risk of brain cancer. In addition he reviews
current research linking wireless EMF to a variety of illnesses and
implications for public health. He highlights a recent movie he
co-produced called “Mobilize” along with the growing list of
international scientists who are appealing to the World Health
Organization to revise current wireless standards so they are safe
for the public.
Dr. Toril Jelter- Health Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation in
Dr. Toril Jelter is a Board Certified Pediatrician and General
Practitioner who treats children and adults with
electrohypersensitivity. She discusses her clinical experience with
autism and improved and at times dramatic behavioral changes in many
of her autistic/ADHD patients related to reducing electromagnetic
radiation in the home and environment. She has developed a 2 week
calming behavior protocol for children with autism and ADHD. It
demonstrates a no cost method of how to reduce electromagnetic
radiation (EMR) in the home that parents can try to see if this
improves their child’s sleep, behavior and/or mood.
Peter Sullivan-The Autism Puzzle: Reducing Digital Overload in
a Wireless Era
Peter Sullivan is a Silicon Valley computer scientist and founder
of Clear Light Ventures, a research and education organization which
increases awareness of the link between toxins in the environment
and autism. Recently he has focused on the adverse effects wireless
radiation as a contributor to autism, electrohypersensitivity and
other neurologic disorders. He discusses his personal family
experience with autism spectrum disorder and how he improved the
health of his family through EMF reduction.
Katie Singer- Electronics in Our Ecosystem: EMF Effects on
Wildlife, Birds and Bees
Katie Singer Author of An Electronic Silent Spring discusses the
impact of EMR-exposure on wildlife including birds and bees. This
speech was pre-recorded as part of a Wireless Technology and Public
Health conference held Oct 10, 2015 in Mountain View, California
sponsored by Santa Clara County Medical Association Alliance
The Autism Epidemic Is Caused by EMFs, Acting via Calcium
Channels and Chemicals Acting via NMDA-Rs
The work of Olle Johansson
“For me,” said Johansson, “it was immediately clear that persons
claiming skin reactions after having been exposed to computer
screens very well could be reacting in a highly specific way and
with a completely correct avoidance reaction, especially if the
provocative agent was radiation and/or chemical emissions — just as
you would do if you had been exposed to e.g. sun rays, X-rays,
radioactivity or chemical odours.”
Interview met Zweedse stralingsexpert Professor Olle Johansson
Naast onderzoek naar EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields /
elektromagnetische velden) deed professor Johansson ook veel
onderzoek naar huidziekten, kanker, geboortes, incontinentie bij
vrouwen, mondslijmvliesziekten, hersenen- en ruggenmerg morfologie,
synaptologie en chemische signaaloverdracht, perifeer
zenuwstelsel-gerelateerde onderwerpen, hartfunctie,
skeletspierfunctie en ziekten, en bindweefselrijpingfenomenen.
The autism/ASD epidemic is caused by low intensity EMFs
(acting via VGCC activation)
Speaker: Martin L Pall, PhD
The autism/ASD epidemic is caused by low intensity EMFs (acting
via VGCC activation) and chemical exposures (acting via excessive
NMDA activity) which both act via excessive [Ca2+]i to disrupt
synapse formation and function in the brain.
There has been about a 150-fold increase in autism/ASD incidence
over the past 35 years, leading to latest U.S. incidence of 1 birth
in 68 and world incidence of 1% of births. Autism pathophysiology is
thought to be focused on the disruption of synapse formation in the
developing brain and brain synaptic function. The central puzzle of
the autism epidemic is how can such an increased incidence be caused
by one or more environmental changes over a 35 yr time period?
10 res. groups have proposed that the epidemic is caused
primarily by the ever increasing exposures to microwave frequency
EMFs. Such EMFs have been shown to act via activation of
voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), leading to excessive
intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and downstream effects produced by
[Ca2+]i [1,2]. The central argument made here, is that the autism
epidemic is caused by such EMF effects but that chemicals that also
raise [Ca2+]i have roles as well. Elevated neuronal [Ca2+]i can
disrupt synapse formation via 4 distinct mechanisms and can also
impact synapse function via known mechanisms.
Such synapse disruption by elevated [Ca2+]i during the perinatal
period and subsequently, is thought to be the primary set of
mechanisms causing the autism epidemic. However EMFs acting via
elevated [Ca2+]i, NO, peroxynitrite, free radicals and oxidative
stress also cause DNA damage in cells (genotoxicity), such that EMF
exposures may also cause mutations disrupting synapse formation;
consequently, EMF exposures to the parents, may cause de novo
mutations in ASD offspring which may contribute to the epidemic in
12-15% of autism/ASDs. It can be seen from this that exposures to
the parents before conception as well as exposures to the fetus and
young child may each contribute to the epidemic.
Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including
In summary, then, the mechanism of action of microwave EMFs, the
role of the VGCCs in the brain, the impact of non-thermal EMFs on
the brain, extensive epidemiological studies performed over the past
50 years, and five criteria testing for causality, all collectively
show that various non-thermal microwave EMF exposures produce
diverse neuropsychiatric effects.
Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated
calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects
The direct targets of extremely low and microwave frequency range
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in producing non-thermal effects have
not been clearly established. However, studies in the literature,
reviewed here, provide substantial support for such direct targets.
Twenty-three studies have shown that voltage-gated calcium channels
(VGCCs) produce these and other EMF effects, such that the L-type or
other VGCC blockers block or greatly lower diverse EMF effects.
Furthermore, the voltage-gated properties of these channels may
provide biophysically plausible mechanisms for EMF biological
Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi - "Irreversible sterility
within five generations"
Radio has not been used for 5 human generations but in most
countries only for one - or at most two - full generations.
Actually, the radio and TV exposures of our populations have
possibly left an unwanted mark on us. For instance, Dolk et al
(1997) found that there was significant decline in skin and bladder
cancer incidence among adults in England as distance from a
frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting tower increased. In the
second part of the study, these investigators reported a similar
trend for individuals who lived various distances from FM and TV
towers, but the effect was less pronounced than in the first study.
Furthermore, cancer incidence has also been associated with
proximity to television towers (Hocking et al. 1996). We have
studied the incidence of melanoma which has been increasing steadily
in many countries since 1960, but the underlying mechanism causing
this increase remains elusive. The incidence of melanoma has been
linked to the distance to frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting
towers. Using exposure--time-specific incidence extracted from
exposure and incidence data from 4 different countries, compared
with reported age-specific incidence of melanoma, we could show a
correlation between melanoma incidence and the number of locally
receivable FM transmitters (Hallberg & Johansson 2002). Of course,
further studies are needed to unfold the mechanisms and factors
behind these observations.
When it comes to the mechanisms behind EMFs and their effects on
various molecules, cells, tissue systems, organs and biological
systems, including bacteria, plants, birds, mice, rats, etc., there
is a wealth of yet completely established explanations, including
effects on ionic channels, nitric oxide pathways, hormonal gateways,
transmitter release and reuptake, apoptotic factors, calcium fluxes,
immune-regulatory pathways, growth- and differentiation-related
molecules, phosphorylation-dephosphorylation/cAMP/protein kinase
A/DARPP-32, etc., and it would be very interesting to see these put
to more scientific tests. Non-thermal effects are very common in
biology and some of their mechanistic explanations have even been
rewarded a Nobel Prize. When I and/or "ZaizaiDevlin" can explain the
corresponding molecular events for the mechanisms relating to the
current discussion about microwaves and health effects, then we may
also come to meet His Majesty the King in Stockholm.
Dr. Magda Havas: The Truth About Wired and Wireless
Dr. Havas is an associate professor of Environmental & Resource
Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on
the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Her research
deals with the health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic energy
at the extremely low frequency range associated with electricity (60
Hertz) and at the radio frequency range commonly associated with
wireless telecommunication. Dr. Havas is particularly interested in
monitoring exposure of the population in urban centres to radio
frequency radiation and power-frequency fields. She is the author of
numerous works on the subject. She received her Ph.D. from the
University of Toronto, completed Post-Doctoral research at Cornell
University, and taught at the University of Toronto before going to
Trent University in Peterborough, Canada.
Electromagnetic effects might also account for some evolutionary
changes. Further research on lunar biological effects, such as acute
myocardial infarction, could help the development of strategies to
reduce adverse effects for people sensitive to geomagnetic